Episode 5

1922 Words
/Rose POV/ Maybe my dream’s just broken, I thought after my mate waved at me at the hall, I’ve been smiling at myself ever since, I knew he would have to settle in being in the warrior college can be tiring, so…I didn’t expect to see him until probably lunch or dinner but my friends were quick to notice though. “You look eccentric, I mean compared to how we left in the morning you’re unusually cheerful, tell me…what is it?” Ruby noticed first and asked first as we returned to our quarters with the boys accompanying us but I gave a shy laugh and raised my hands to my face feeling really happy. “Let me guess” The princess who seems to be listening to our conversation stopped and so did the rest of the group stopped to listen. “You found your mate” The princess guessed right and my girls screamed in excitement hugging me and congratulating me. “I’m so happy for you” They all said and I felt incredibly overwhelmed with a great happiness. “I can’t wait for us to meet him- “He’s part of the new recruits into the collage and he seem really decent” I smiled and they giggled and chuckled. “I’m really happy for you” They all say and I felt my heart swell in pride. “But why are you heading back if you’ve found him, you should got to him- “No, not now…he just got in and I thought I would give him time to settle in and maybe later at lunch we’ll talk- “Just one thing, wait for him to come to you first” The princess smiled but her mate, Alex frowned. “And what rule is that, why does she have to wait?” Alex narrowed his face at the princess. “Girl rules- “Seriously?” Jasper scoffed after his mate backed up the princess. “I support her though” Morgan shrugged and all the girls said “Thank you” in chorus” why the boys turn to him. “I don’t think you wanna question me on that, I can see into the future” He smiled and the others rolled their eyes. “Can we please just drop you girls off, we have duties to tend to” Garnet spoke up and they all agree with him so we resumed walking. “I’m really excited to see your mate” Ruby grinned but I felt a strange sadness in my stomach for her, she can never claim her mate now…her mate as a demon and she couldn’t, I wish there was a way for her to just be together with her mate without..I don’t know. “What’s with that look?” Ruby asked after my sudden switch of emotions. “I…Nothing” I lied and just continue walking, she might not talk about it but I knew Ruby was…I know Ruby wants her mate too, to be able to hold him, to be able to have him walk her back to our quarters, I know she wanted that as well. Not everyone is so lucky…the boys turned back after seeing us go through the guard post and when we finally get inside, we all just kinda collapsed on the chair dropping our leather waist bag anywhere. Everyone started talking about their interests but Ruby just walked upstairs to her room, I followed her and by the time I entered I was jumped by her pet Orbit. I laughed and chuckled as the tiger lapped my face and engulfed my posture. “I miss you too Orbit” I smiled petting the stripped white and black tiger while Ruby watched from her bed. “You left early” I commented letting Orbit go and walking to sit next to her on the bed. “Yeah, just tired…I will like to take a short nap before lunch” She replied indifferently, her face void of any emotions. “Um, Ruby” I called, I know it wasn’t necessary to say this but I just felt I needed too. “Yes” she responded turning to me. “You know, before Hematite and Morgan got together, she had already being rejected by a mate…maybe if you truly reject Kyle, maybe…just maybe you could have a second chance mate as well” Ruby smiled, I know she understood why I was suddenly worried for her but she didn’t say anything. “I don’t know Rose, I’ll think about it” She simply said slipping into her blanket. Not knowing what else to do as well, I lay by her side and wrapped my hands around her soon we were both asleep unfortunately for me, I found myself on a large bed with golden sheets and I was covered with a transparent linen, draping from above my breast down to my upper thighs. Then Derek came, in robes…his bleached blonde hair, his tiger brown eyes, all calling to me and making me writhe on the bed I was. “Don’t move” His deep masculine voice commanded unlike how pale and sickly he was looking when we first met him, he was now looking vibrant, his hair more white and radiant, his muscles ripped and his stomach perfectly toned, he had a garment hanging dangerously down his torso, I moaned rubbing my inner thigh together wanting him to do something, his weight press down on the feather filled bed as he slowly approached me, my stomach clenching in excitement. His hands trailed down my exposed arm as he swiftly lifted it above my head while I whimpered under him like a kitten. He buried his head into the crook of my head and trail down kisses down to where the material started, then he moved it down a little exposing the top of my moderate pears, then slowly he made the linen slipped down to my stomach, I moaned feeling n*****s hardening to his lustful gazes. I tried rubbing my thigh together but he stopped me pushing my leg apart with his free hand while he had the other keeping mine wrists together. “Please, Alec” I begged him as his fingers teased my core. “Really?” Another voice completely different from his came and my eyes fell across the room where another familiar figure stood watching. “Axel” I whimpered but woke up from the shock. What…what in Aagues name is that? I wondered as my heart rise and fall in harsh panting breaths while Ruby sat on the small chair across the room looking just as confused as me. “You called out two names in your sleep? Or is are they both his names?” Ruby asked with a curious gleam on her face but I just stood and left, two mates? Two mates…I kept saying to myself, how was that even possible, it has always being different people but now two of them, I didn’t understand but I didn’t dwell on it, who could I possibly tell and would understand that I am seeing two different kind in my dreams. “Rose, you look gloomy, are you alright?” The princess noticed as we all prepared to leave for the dining. “I’m fine” I replied with a wry smile heading out of the cabin to join Amber and Pearl who were already waiting for us outside, since the boys since to be busy helping the new recruits settle in we walked to the school ground ourselves but the join us before walked into the dining, commanding attention and respect as we walked in with elegance and we have a special seat in the dining hall, we moved over to the good center to collect our rations then head to our seat, I had just seated when my eyes caught with Axel’s, he wore a broad smile which I returned. “That’s him?” The princess caught us both staring and I looked away nodding quietly. “Really? Why don’t we call him over?” The princess suggested and the others agreed nodding to her idea but I shook my head not wanting to buy the idea. “Come on- “No, I would like to talk to him first” I cut in turning back to his direction to see he was pointing towards the direction of the back then he stood. “oooh” The group cheered for me silently and I chuckled feeling excited, I stood and quietly walked outside the hall then towards the back but he wasn’t there and my smile was about to fade when I suck in a breath as his hands landed on my shoulder, there were just few warrior in training around the area we were or it would have been embarrassing because I had to bit down my lower lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. I slowly turned to him and froze when I saw his mesmerising blue eyes, which he had in common with the princess by the way. “Axel?” I called him to be sure. “No, Yerin” He corrected me and I frowned wondering what he meant but he didn’t give me a time to found out, he just hugged me and I stiffened but there was this warmth that come from being in his arms, the feeling of content and satisfaction that made me want to melt in is arms forever and wehn he pulled away, I suddenly felt lost and incomplete. “Rose…you’re a phoenix angel?” His voice, I just stood there staring at how mesmerising he looks, I can’t believe he’s my mate, he’s exceptionally gorgeous, too beautiful for a male. “Rose” He called my name again and I blinked furiously realising I was still standing in front him. “Oh, yes…yes, I am a phoenix angel” I smiled at him. “He wants to meet me” Alina, my phoenix said in head and I smiled. “She said Hi” I relayed to him and he nodded still staring at me, I wonder if all mate first meetings are always like this and the way he moved forward almost struggling to hold himself back, then I wondered from what? Until his lips was suddenly on mine, this time I couldn’t hold back my moan, I moved my hand to his chest, he really shadowed me with his height, he has a unique fragrance of fresh air breathed in from the ocean waters. “I’m sorry” I didn’t mean to do that” He immediately apologised after we pulled away from each other. “Um…it’s okay, join us, at the table” I smiled and his eyes lit, probably in surprise or excitement, I couldn’t tell, I held his hands and led him towards our table, stealing the other students attention for a while. “Hey” I greeted casually as they all exchanged knowing looks and mischievous glances while they make space for Yerin and I on the wooden benches. “This is Yerin everyone” I introduced but Ruby was suddenly looking confused, well…I am confused too. “Hello, I’m Angela…my friends call me Helen” the princess was the first to gesture her hand, followed by Alex, Jasper, Pearl, Garnet, Amber, Hematite, Morgan, then finally Ruby who was reluctant for a second. “So, tell us about you Yerin” --------
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