Episode 6

1900 Words
/Angelique’s POV/ “I cannot believe you would risk blowing everything up lie that” Karl started raving the moment we walked into our room. “I do not see anything wrong in spending some time with my son” I rolled my eyes and throw my hands in the air. “Stop making me feel like I’m the bad one here, you know clearly what you did was very wrong unique, you shouldn’t have done that you would risk letting him know, are you really ready to face the consequences of your actions when it happen” He worried, his brows creased and narrowed. “I just want to protect them- “According to your dream, you said you saw all of us in the throne room dying, the three of us, doesn’t that tell you something? You put them in bigger danger in they are discovered” His words hit me on the right spot, he was right, their exposure would put them in more danger, I didn’t think of it that way. Karl noticing my sudden change in mood walked closer o me and planted a kiss on my forehead to soothe me. “Princess” He called softly and I looked up into his eyes, then he cupped my cheeks and gave me a sot kiss on the lips. “As long as they are happy, we should be happy” He said and I nodded reluctantly before a knock landed on our wooden door. “That should be on of the guards sent to call me, after the war…it’s hard clearing the demons who littered the human realm, it’s taking more time and warriors and we lost 17 warriors last month just doing that, I think they are want me to get back to the training ground” He smiled, I’m really glad the city now accepts him as a legal Angel in the realm because before the war, he was treated with disdain, with contempt but now…he looks happy to be accepted and respected. “Yes you should get back” I smiled at him patting him by the shoulder while I watched him leave but by the time he reached the door and talked to the guard, he turned back to me. “It’s for you…the queen requests to see you” He relayed and I recalled I was supposed to see mother today, and also…there’s a family dinner every two weeks which is now three days, though it only comes once in two weeks, I still feel it’s tiring, every royal family member who are have their own quarters have to come together in the great dining hall which is so huge. “Oh, I haven’t see her in two days…I should probably go see her now” I decided walking out our room, down the hallway, to our private dining lounge and hall and eventually out of our quarters. “Mother” I called out to her softly as I approached her in her study while she sang lullaby to my little sister in her cradle, I gave her a name myself, I refuse to call her by the name of my mother’s phoenix spirit. “Little Angelina causing any trouble lately?” I asked staring at the metallic gray eyes of the child, her powers are still unknown but I feel with her eye colour she’s probably a Metallo, which is a great thing but I’m sure mother will prefer for her to be a Rhos. “Not really, I haven’t been seeing you around” My mother walked towards me then sat across me on the carved wooden chair across the room. “Yes, I’ve been lazying around- “Why don’t you return to the college, the new warriors could use your knowledge” My mother’s offer was a good idea, that way I can keep an eye on Axel but…but getting close to him could also be dangerous. “That way you can also keep an eye on your son” My head snapped up immediately to meet her eyes. “Did you seriously think I didn’t know about him now?” Yeah, she know about him not them, I sighed and moved over to sit in the opposite chair. “I don’t know the real reason you decided to let him leave the normal simple life even though he’s royalty but from what I’ve seen he’s not an hybrid, which is a rare thing, if you miss him that much, just tell him- “You don’t understand mother, it’s way more complicated than that and about me returning to the warrior’s college, I’ll give it a thought” I concluded. “Also, I heard you’ve been visiting the demon realm quite frequently to ensure the treaty goes well- “If you think I’m doing this because Karl asked me to or because I wanted to because of Karl, you’re wrong” My mother chuckled softly at my defense. “Of course I know he didn’t put you up to it, because he’s always upset once he learnt you were gone, I don’t know why though” I don’t know what my mother was getting at but I know I won’t like it. “You seem well informed mother?” I quirked a brow at her and she smirks. “I’m always well informed about my children- “Mother I am more than 250years old, I’m not a child..you needn’t worry yourself about me” I sharply cut in and she sighed. “Well, I call you here because I want you to handle the family dinner this time, you’re the first born of the family and a heir to the throne- “I haven’t even fully accept that responsibility of the crown yet, I don’t think our kin will accept a princess mated to an hybrid to take the throne- “You didn’t have an hybrid for a child Angelique, you have nothing to worry about, you already have an heir…Angelique, I have hold unto the throne for a very long time and I think- “Mother, don’t you even think of giving up the throne for me, one I don’t want it, I’m not ready and also, you’re a great queen, just what the people needs so please mother don’t even think about it, I’ll handle the family dinner, so please excuse me?” I immediately stood and left, in a normal situation I would have kicked against, I don’t even know how to organise a normal dinner that’s just me and my husband, no to talk of the entire Royale family, but the moment she opted to talking about the throne, I just wanted to leave the place instantly, I doubt she will still see me as a worthy candidate for the throe by the time she realised I have a demon son. I groaned inwardly walking the courtyard, I just can’t deal with this right now. I thought letting out my wings and leaping into the sky, maybe a brief flight will clear my mind. I thought thinking of flying to the warrior’s college to see Axel but I changed my mind and landed on my brother’s turf instead, Sapphire seems to be there with Opal, he was probably there in te training grounds to supervise. ”Sister” They called out excitedly on seeing me while I walked up to them wondering what they were up to. “How it going?” I asked Opal who shook his head. “To be honest sister, not quite great…20 angels died again while battling the demons in the human realm, Vera left quite a disaster for us to deal with” Opal sighed, he was the overall commander of all the troops now, while Karl was just a single troop commander. “This is what we are born for, they died a great death” I replied and they both narrowed their eyes at me probably wondering why I have to be so nonchalant about it. “What?” I faked cluelessness and they both sighed. “You know it’ll be great if you give the warrior angels a little more respect” Oppal gave me a hard look. “If I was the one also declared dead while doing my duty to the city, I’ll be fulfilled” I smiled at them before pushing Saph aside to see Karl on the training ground with few of his troop members training. “I’m quite happy for the both of you” Sapphire speak softly as he walked closer to me on the stone office built several feet above the ground while the training ground was bellow. “I know you are, how is Sia and the kids doing?” I asked and he smiled. “They are all doing well sister, Pyere made it to the academy last week” HE relayed proudly and I smiled. “That is nice to hear, I would congratulate him on the next family dinner mother want me to organise” I hinted and he frowned. “Mother want you to organise the upcoming family dinner, that is…shocking, it’s not surprising that mother asked you to organise it though, after all you are the Royale’s first born but I’m surprised you agreed to it, you are…you know, stubborn” I chuckled at the way my brother put it, and then he stilled as we hear two heavy flapping of wings behind us. “You even came to watch me work, do you miss me that much?” Karl’s voice sounded behind us before we turn. “You flatter yourself my dear husband and beside I came here to visit my siblings and inquire about how Sapphire managed the black angels, after the war…they just disappeared, we never saw them again after that” I finally recalled one of the matters I was going to discuss with Sapphire. “As long as they are not causing us any trouble, we don’t have problem with them” Sapphire shrugged his shoulders and I sighed. “They are becoming quite co-ordinated these days- “I think they finally established their own territory, I heard an higher angel rules them though, a white angel with powers” Opal walked up to us and I frowned. ”The only trouble they are causing is the fact that they establish that an higher angels mated to demons or black angels have a place with them” Opal rolled her eyes then sigh. “They are trying to make a name for themselves, with that they could successfully build a territory but they have no idea what they are brewing, if Angels and demons started mating more hybrids come into existence, that can be troublesome in the future” I worried. “But mate are destined, it’s not a matter of choice” Karl stood up and I sighed turning to him immediately. ”Karl” I spoke softly going into his arms. “You saw how my sister turn out, giving chance for Angel-demon hybrids is dangerous- “What about me, I’m an hybrid…I didn’t turn out like your sister, also I still think if your sister had grown up with a proper love and family, she wouldn’t have turned out that way” I know Karlmeant well, but he was wrong about that. -------
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