Dusty Bones

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    - Dad, you home? - Weylyn asked.     - Yeah? - William replied.     - I've brought a friend home...     - Wade... - he came from the living room. - ... You don't have friends. Oh my!     - No, dad. This...this is not what it seems to be. - the boy said visibly frustrated.     - Ha ha! Where are my manners? Hello, I'm Weylyn's father! But you probably know me? - he brought his arm forward towards the tall girl, awaiting a handshake.     - Um. It's my pleasure to meet you, Dad of Weylyn, I'm Cassie. - she smiled and shook his arm.     - I like her. - William whispered openly to his son.     - Did you, just...make a dad joke? - Weylyn confusedly asked.     - Dude, I know your father. He is the best cop around here. I've even met him in the hospital, but avoided to introduce myself.  - she said.     - Dad? Why does everyone know so much things, that I don't? I'm supposed to be the smart guy!?     - Oh, Wadey-boy, you're still the master of that journal of weirdness you've got. Don't worry. - he patted Weylyn's head.     -Speaking of that, I'm going to show it to her. Don't bother us. - he said, removing his dad's hand from his head.     - Woah, you've jumped over a lot of bases son. That's how you know you're my child. - he winked. Weylyn sighed, Cassie put on a perplexed smile and followed her friend to his room.     - Okay, this is it.  - he said.       - That's your paranormal journal? - Cassie looked at the book as it was some trash.     - Yes. Page 1. I hope you're ready to listen.     - Here goes nothing. Let's waste some time, I guess.     - Ha ha. Listen.  "The Skinwearers Example: I heard a weird shriek at around 2am. Not long ago I heard a cat scream in pain. On the morning I saw the corpse of a cat on the alley. It is unsettling how the carcass has been gutted. It was like a surgeon did an operation to remove certain organs..."     - Can we skip the detailed autopsy and get to the thing, please? - asked Cassie cringing.     - Yeah, sorry. "...I saw the same cat today. It was the same. Same spots on the head and body. As I could see from the dead one, there was one brownish spot over its left eye. This one had the same one. It's eyes. They weren't of an animal. It could see me and understand what am I. It knew that I heard the shriek two days ago. Two days.after Encounter.  I haven't seen the cat since the first encounter. I fear that It might've replaced something else in my surrounding. I still don't know how it functions. Four days A.E..- I woke up to howling. There was a dog on the window of my room. It scratched on it. It wanted me to follow. I did and it brought me to the forest. It clearly wanted me to stay and watch, as It went in the forest. I could see It's figure change, as if the dog stood up on It's back legs. I ran away. Five days A.E. - It came back. It was the same dog. I followed it again. It led me, again, to the same place. It grabbed my hat and threw it on top of a tree, deep into the forest. It returned it to me some seconds later. It decided to morph into It's true shape - it looked like a bipedal lizard with a human head. I offered my hand for a handshake, it understood the gesture, and so we shook. That brings on a lot of questions, but also a lot of answers. We are not alone. There is life, as intelligent as we are. Or maybe even more. It may or may not be able to read thoughts. Why did it choose me? It studied me the same way I studied it. It came to a conclusion that I will not or cannot spread It's secret. Six days A.E. - The creature came in the form of a human. It spoke to me in fluent English. Their kind is calling themselves "Tol anintavar" - Skinwearers". The thing that most surprised me, was that after I dug into internet about the language they use, I found out that it was in fact Tamil - the oldest human language. This means, that these creature are here with us for far longer than I expected. We led a conversation about a lot of things. They are successors of the dinosaurs. Reptilians, as some may say. Information: Type: Chameleo sapiens Threat level: 3 from 5 when provoked Intelligence level: 6 from 5 Abilities: - Shapeshifting into everything - Perfect imitators - Language assimilation - Longevity, may live to a few hundred years. Specimen 0 was 139 years old. - Knowing future - Stronger than average humans when not provoked, when provoked - stronger than peak human. Weakness: - If imitating animals: Their eyes give them out, they look to smart and human-like.  - If imitating humans: Ask them about personal information. They do not know their "camouflage's" history. They might know little things about you, but do not know personal things. How to escape if being pursued: - Running is not an option. - Look them in their eyes to stun them for a few seconds. - They may be more durable than humans, but need energy, oxygen and organs to survive. If needed, kill via ranged weapon. - Do not engage in hand to hand and melee combat. Subject 0 has provided indept information about their martial arts. Humans cannot perceive due to advanced techniques and speed. - Attempt communication. They do not hunt humans for food. Only for fun. Establish communication and deescalate the situation if possible. "     - Woah. That was...did this really happen to you? - Cassie asked astounded.     - Yeah. I know it's a lot of information to assimilate.     - And you're telling me, that some fuckheads can beat you up?     - I let them.     - Why?     - I take the path of less resistance.     - But that's...stupidly smart.     - Yeah. Why go against them and feed their egos even more and get beat up every time they see me, when I can just do their homework? Yeah, sometimes I do get cocky, but that's me.     - Ha, smart advice, bookworm.     - Well, you're a hothead. It doesn't apply to you. At least, from what I've seen.     - Let's just say, that I'm a walking Sun. That's how much of a hothead I am. - she smiled at Weylyn. - You know....it's been nice and all hearing your little story, but I have to go home.     - You're welcome, Kay. Come back again if you want to hear more.     - I'd think about it. By the way, I like your taste in music. - Cassie said.     - Huh?  - Weylyn raised an eyebrow.     - The poster behind your door. I saw it in the reflection of the computer monitor. Lamb of God? Exodus? Cannibal Corpse? Isn't it too hard for someone like you? -  she said and bumped his shoulder.     - Oh. Well, I listen to them from time to time. I listened to them more when I was, you know, a rebellious teen. - he smiled.     - You? Rebellious? No way! - she laughed out loud.      - Hey kiddos, I brought you food. - William flew in the room with two plates of sandwiches.     - Thanks! - Cassie stood up to help him.     - Thanks for the "convenient way to bust in the room and see what's happening" dad. - he stood up as well and smiled to his father.     - You know me, busting is the best thing I can do. - he laughed alone at his joke. - Tough crowd. Do you want a drink or something more alcoholic?     - No, thanks. - they replied in one voice.     - Correct. Whistle if you need something! - William said and got out of the room.     - He is such a sweetheart. Why are you so angry with him? - Cassie said and sat down on his bed.     - My dad is...too positive.     - And you're the opposite. Works out really well, if you ask me.     - I'm a realist. - Weylyn said and bit in the tasty turkey sandwich. - Are you not hungry?     - Nope, I'm good. That's an excuse for people to be negative. Life is s**t and being realistic about things makes them shittier. Be optimistic.     - I'll try. Are you sure about the sandwiches? He makes the best ones in the whole World!     - Yeah, I'll skip. I should really head home.     - I can drive you to there. - William flew in again.     - Daad? Please.     - What, can't I gossip about my son and his friend? See, I see her as your friend, not girlfriend! Even tho you two will be a good couple. - he winked at Cassie.     - Dad, leave.     - Yes, sir! - he saluted Weylyn. -  But I'm serious, I can take you home Cassie.     - Okay, but I think I'll go home by foot. Less emitions, you know.     - I understand. - he gave Weylyn a sign to go with her.     - Oh...do you want me to accompany you?     - I think I'm good, but be ready for tomorrow, wolf boy. - she winked at Weylyn.     - Sure do. - he smiled. Cassie got her stuff and hugged Weylyn and nodded at his father, after which she got out.     - Should I make sure she gets home safe? - asked WIlliam.     - No, she got it. - he smiled, while looking at her going down the street.
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