
Loveland Vol.2

small town
weak to strong

The follow up to Loveland. We catch up with Logan and Autumn and the rest of the gang as they survive life, love, and nightmares from the past. Logan struggles with mental illness and comes to the brink of losing his mind. Can Autumn help bring him back to the light? Find out if their love can survive even the worst trauma.

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Chapter 1
REM's Daysleeper plays in the background as a memory fades into existence. The wind blows as slush left over from a snow storm covers the streets. A 14 year old logan is walking home from basketball practice with Ray. Their both smiling and laughing. As Ray bounces the ball they approach main street, this is where the boys part ways to go home. Ray has a short walk being only 3 blocks from his house. Logan however has about 7. Normally this walk is no big deal but on this cold February afternoon Logan has an uneasy feeling. He decides to shrug it off and tells Ray, "I'm not feeling good. I'm gonna hurry and get home. I'll see you tomorrow?" Ray smiles and shoots him a thumbs up before he takes off.   As logan starts his 7 block walk his uneasy feeling starts to get worse. For some reason he's always been able to tell when something really bad is about to happen. He's always hated that. As he rounds the corner he's only 3 blocks from home. He can hear someone playing music in the distance. Probably from a car stereo.There's a vacant lot on the left that has severe overgrowth of kudzu. He sees a group of older boys playing around inside the fence. The tries to keep his head down and go un noticed, but to his disappointment, one of the boys spotted him. Calling out to him, Logan noticed he had a horrible screechy voice. Like nails on a chalk board. His plan was to ignore them and run home but the boy jumped out in front of him, blocking his way. When logan looked up he noticed the sky was beginning to darken. It was very cold. "What are you doing here boy? You watching us?" The ugly kid spat out. His freckled face was dirty, his red hair was greasy and hung in his eyes. He needed a bath. "I'm just trying to go home guys. Can you move? Please?" Logan tried to remain polite while being straight to the point. He wanted to leave immediately. "I just need to get home. Home." He thought.   Suddenly his skin began to warm. It was a familiar comfortable warm, that seemed to drag him away. He didn't want to resist it so he allowed it to pull him in.   His eyes started to flutter open. Bringing him back into reality. A warm soft hand traveled up his torso and onto his chest, soft wet kisses trailing behind. "wake up sleepy head. Your dreaming." Her voice was like warm honey. She must have been an angel, he thought to himself. When he opened his eyes she was there. Her hair was a wild mess her amber eyes fixed on his seemed to warm the cold air around them. He sat up and leaned his head against the bed frame. She wrapped herself around him like ivy, her arm over his chest, and her long tan leg thrown over his. "Are you alright honey? You were moaning and groaning in your sleep." Autumn was the most caring woman he'd ever known. Even first thing in the morning she was nurturing. "I'm fine babe. I must have been dreaming about something. I'm alright." He said rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and a hand through his hair. He needed a hair cut, he thought to himself. But she liked to run her fingers through it. And when she did that, it always set him on fire. "What was you dream about?" She asked tearing him away from him labyrinth of thoughts. Why did his brain always do this in the mornings? Her head was on his chest, her fingers drumming on his tummy. Patiently waiting for him to answer. He then realized he couldn't remember what he was dreaming about. "ya know babe, I have no idea haha. Must have not been important. I need coffee, that IS important." He said giving Autumns rear end a good slap.   Up woman! We shall shower, have the s*x and drink the coffee!" He said snapping hai fingers and clicking his heels in a mocking way. She let out a giggle that made him melt. He loved making her laugh. "Oh is that right? First the shower, then the s*x? Haha I love it when your so assertive honey." She let out a hollar as logan scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to the bathroom.

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