I want to resign

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Chapter 10 "I want to resign, She says to him after a long silence, and he raises his gaze to look at her, having an amused and less surprised expression on his face. Not that he didn't see this coming anyway, but there's no way he'll allow her to resign. At least not now. He hasn't frustrated her the way he wants to, so why should he free her? "What did you say?" He asks sarcastically as if he didn't hear her the first time. He just wants her to repeat that before he shocks her with the disappointment of her life. You aren't expecting him to let her resign, right? He started all these purposely, and finishing what he started is the only thing on his mind. "I said I want to resign! I'm sure you heard me when I said that. Do I need to spell it out to you, huh? I want to resign!" She finally loses it, slamming her hands on my desk. She has been trying so hard not to let her anger take over her, but she can't do this anymore. The only thing on her mind now is to piss him off and leave him with no choice but to sack her even before she turns in her resignation letter. He's going to kill her with workloads if she decides to still stay back here. Don't make that mistake again, Eve," His voice is calm, but with so much danger surrounding it. "And talking about your resignation..." He pauses and smirks. He then continues, "I think you should talk to my dad about it. It was his idea to make you my secretary. If you would need to resign from work, then you should speak to him, and not disturb me," he turns his attention to the computer afterward, leaving her standing like a dumb asshole. "Are you kidding me right now?" She scoffs angrily. "If I look like I am kidding, don't be deceived by my expression. I'm not. Get out, now!" He orders her, and she scoffs unbelievably. Does he really think that he can scare her away? That's not possible. "Damn you, Jayden!" She snorts silently as she turns around and storms out of his office, slamming the door behind her. "Crazy girl," He mutters and smiles. "You're going to fix that door if you break it!" He yells after her. "Damn you, Jayden!" Her angry voice yells from outside, while he just chuckles softly. The feeling of anger he was having moments ago has left him, and now he feels so elated. Turns out that he made the right decision. His days won't be so boring in the company with a clown like her around him. Recalling what just happened, he shakes his head momentarily and chuckles. He has been trying to hold his laughter, but not with the drama that just happened in his office. That was crazy. The sound of his ringing phone pulls his attention and picking it up from the desk he scoffs at the caller ID after he drops the phone to ring aimlessly. He has so many appointments to meet up with, and also some deadlines. His phone rings again, and he sighs frustratingly, picking it up this time around. The man that has been calling him nonstop was his dad's business partner he had terminated his contract with. He has no business with him again, so why the hell is he still disturbing him now? "What do I owe this disturbing this early morning?" His angry voice snaps at whoever the man is, as soon as he answers the call. Here he is, trying to do some work, and he's there, disturbing him with reasons known to him. "Good morning, Mr. Jayden. Can we meet and talk about business, please?" A masculine voice sounds from the other end, and he can't help the scoff that tears through his throat. "I don't have time to spare..." "It's about the contract. We really need to see, please," the voice sounds through the phone again, and a smirk laces up his lips. He has been expecting this anyway. "I'll think about it," And without waiting for his reply, he clicks on the 'end' icon, and the call drop dead. He drops his phone on the desk afterward. He picks up the office telephone and dials a number, waiting patiently for it to be answered, and after what seems like forever Eve finally speaks up from the other end. "What is it?" She snaps at him as soon as she answers the call. Evelyn Jones I can't believe that he'll use his dad against me. How on earth will I tell Mr. Turner that I want to resign? If you must know my relationship with my former boss, I mean Jay's dad. I used to work as his secretary, and he was so nice to me. He has always put so much expectation on me, and to think that he wants to trap me with that now, how petty can that be? The sound of the office ringing phone pulls me back to reality, and I roll my eyes as I reach out to it. Of course, I know he's the one calling. "What's it?" I snap at him as soon as I pick up the call, expecting him to flare up and sack me right away, but he rather shocks me as he asks me to go get the logbook from the accountant. Letting out a frustrated sigh after I drop the call, I stand up and stride out of the office, as I make my way to my former office. I miss all my colleagues, especially Marian. I miss their noise, laughs, and everything, but turns out that I won't be having real good time henceforth in the company since the devil has decided to keep me by his side. Stepping into the office, I walk over to the accountant's desk and request the log book from her. After I collect the log book, I leave for my office afterward...
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