
Revengeful love

love after marriage
Writing Academy

I am sorry. I am really sorry. I will never slap you again. I promise I will apologize to you in front of public. ----- She beg.

Rellay. Just a one night you can spoil my entire reputation and now you are begging in front of me. No way I will teach you the real lesson. ----- He said.

The room is filled with her sound and baking.

This is the start of the revenge full love story. He marry her because he wanted to take revenge on her. But why did she marry him.

There was no love between both of them.

Read the story to know about the real fact between both of them.

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Chapter 1 ( his life saviour )
Skeleton Holdings building. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Sir , I already buy this whatever you told me. Hair this is in the box. ----- Eric assistant inform him about this. His assistant pointed to the box. Eric look at the box which is very large. His face is cover with evil smiles. He walked to the box then unlock it. Looking at the inner scene his mouth cural up with smile.  There was two women lying in the box Steel opening their eyes. Their n***d bodies are clearly visible. Eric raise out his hand and touch the n***d bodies of those two girls. After feeling the coldness of their bodies he finally raise his head and order his assistant. ------ tonight send this one to my room. And keep the other one to the dark room. I will play with her tomorrow night.  As soon as he give the order his assistant quickly no and take the two girls away from the room. He did everything polite because he know very well that once a mistake and he will be fire. Eric Jackson. The most richest billion in city B. Son of Thomas Jackson. Everyone say like a father like a son. He thought that he can buy anything for his money. Even peoples. He love to live in power. He like to dominate people and play with them. He did not care about anything. He did not have any Mercy for peoples. He is doing everything according to his own demand. He have a family business which is ruled all over the city and most of the other places. Beside a businessman he will be actor of City B. He doing acting because of face own interest and none of any director will be reject his request. His father will be the producer and after he will be the producer of the films where Main character is he. There was no director who dare to reject him. He did not care about his father opinion. He never listen him. And his father also did not have any interest Tu interfering in his son life. He hated woman very much because of his mother. This is the reason he love to play with womens and like to punish them. Everyone in his company get afraid of him because of his madness. No one dare to talk too much in the company because he did not like noise. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ In the night he entire the room. The girl who he is waiting for him. Getting to the room he order the girl. ---- Get up. The girl obediently follow his order and get up from the bed. She stop near him.  Open it. ----- He said pointed the zipper of his pant. The girl obediently unzip his pant then unbuckle the belt. Knell. ----- he order and she quickly follow this. Open your mouth. ----- he order jerking his thing. She obediently open her mouth and he put his think on it. Grabbing her hair is started in and out his thing with using so much force that she is almost choking. He continued until he did not satisfy. After that he ordered her. --- get up. Her breath cannot be stable but still she follow his order because she did not wanted to offend him. The consequence of offending him is more terrible she knows very well. Getting off from the position go to the site which he pointed. Picking up the Rope from the drawer he bound her hand behind her back. After that we find a little vibrator from the drawer. Putting it to her c*** h***  he make her lying to the doggy position. After that grabbing her as he started in and out his think on her h***. He did everything only for he pleasure and satisfaction. Whatever the girl what is does not matter for him. The little morn escape from the girls mouth make him doing this more faster. He increased the vibrator speed time to time which make the girl shout. After 15 minutes the girl finally did not control herself. She wanted to c**. But she know she did not allow to do this without his permission. But for not controlling herself she finally spoke weather polite manner. --- Sir can I .....9 Because she can finish her full sentence , he already cut her off. ----- did I told you to speak. No I am sorry sir. ----- she quickly apologized understanding her mistake.  She Remember the secretary of Eric and his boss already told her not to speak without his permission. Even not to ask permission for c**. If he really want her to c** , then he will told this by himself. There was no need for her to asking. She try our best to control herself but At last she did not hold it and c**. There was a Evil smile in Eric face. It looked like he is already waiting for this moment because he wanted to punish her. After satisfying himself he finally let go and pull out his thing from her. Then he Whisper on her ear. ----- you did to mistake to night. First is speaking in the room without my permission. Second you are c** without my permission. That mean double punishment. I am sorry sir. ----- she said with full of frighten. I did not remember that I told you to speak. Now you are done another mistake. That mean triple punishment. ----- He declare which make her mouth shut. She did not dare to say any other word. After that he pulled out the vibrator from her c**** h**. He pinch her n*****s. Then attach n****e chain to her both n*****s. This is a vibrating chain connected with the vibrating device. After that he started the device which make her shout in pain. Her shouting make in pleasure and happy. The more she cry out the more he feel satisfied. He will smile looking her crying. After that he open her hand and tight of them with the bed corner. Separating her legs he tied them to the corner of the bed. After that he put a silver metal vibrator to her p****.  There was a two connection in the metal. After connected the connection he switch on.  The moment this electric sensation going to her ***** , she cried out more loudly. Eric decrease the  pressure of the vibrator. After that he said ----- this is the punishment for your second mistake.  After placing the bottom for five or six times he finally let go her and pull out the vibrators. Unlocking her hand and leg he make herself down to the bed then he also sit down to the bed. After that he pullover her on his lap and started sparking her a*s using his hand more than 20 times. She cried but did not say a single word because this Can make her another punishment. After that he pickup a paddle and started sparking her more than 10 time. Her add is become b****y red. When he let go her she did not even sit down because of pain. But he did not let her stand up and make her sit down on her a**. After that I started f****** her again until he did not satisfy. The moment he left the room the girl is finally take a deep breath. She Finally feel relief. There was a too much for her to this night. There was no chance for her to going any other duty more than one month. But the moment his assistant give her the money her face is become lighting. She thought that there was no need for her to going any other duty at least make them six month. After putting his clothes he went out from the room. His assistant who is waiting to the outside of the room handover the jacket to him. After wearing the jacket he ask his assistant.  ------ is this any other meeting tonight. No sir. There was no business meeting tonight. But there was a appointment with the new director who wanted to make a film with you. ----- his assistant inform him. Great. Tell him to come to the nightclub. I will be there in the night. ----- He said. This hotel is belongs to him. There was a Night club in the hotel entertaining for the guest. He spent his most of the time there. There was no night which he spent without drinking alcohol.   getting to the night club he almost drink Tu full bottles but he have very strong controlling power. He did not be unconscious after drinking too much alcohol. He will never be drunk.  There was a personal sofa is only arranged for him to the corner of the nightclub. No one there to come to the corner without his permission. Today one of the director of coming here. So he will only waiting there for him. No one realise that the ceiling of the light stamp is already loosened and almost going to fail on over him. But before this is can hit his head , there was two soft hand already pull him using all her strength. Both of them sale on the corner of the sofa and the girl hit is already hit there. There was too dark in the side that no one can see each other face clearly. Hearing the noise from the site the manager of the nightclub and also Eric assistant rush over to the side. All of them only focusing on Eric. They are make him stand up then make him set down the sofa. Though everyone focus on him but only his focus on the corner of the site. The smile of the girl is tantalizing near his son.  Sir , are you Ok. ----- His assistant. I am fine. Check the girl. ----- He said pointed to the direction where both of them fall down. Their bodies are completely touch each other. Their lips are inches far away from each other. He Still remember the softness of her body. He still remember the way she cares his hair like he is any kind of child. He remembered her breathing. The assisted look at the direction and in the same time the lights are also on to the nightclub. All of them look at the direction where Eric pointed but no one find anyone even also Eric. Who saved me right now. ----- Eric ask with full of surprise after not finding her to the position. She.... she is a girl. ---- the manager of the nightclub said. Oh really. I thought that he is a snake. ----- Eric said irritatingly. The manager of the nightclub quickly lower his head and did not say anything.  I know she is a girl dammit. I asked you that what is her name and where is she going. Just now she is lying here with me. Then where did she is going. ---- Eric ask. Sir. Maybe she is one of the staff member to the hotel. ----- His assistant said.  find her. Then give her award. after all she save my. Give her as much as money she want. ---- He order. In the same second his eyes fell on the blood which visible to the corner of the sofa.   He checking his body to making sure that there was no wound. In the same time he realised that when the girl pull him , because of his heavy bodyweight she must build not stable from her foot and fail down to the sofa. Is this girl is crazy. She is wounded. Then why did not she taken advantage of this situation and demand money from him. Did she is stupid. Not only she did not demand for money but also did not show her face. The blood is must be this girl who save me. That mean she is wounded. Go and find everywhere in the hotel. Because of the wound we can find her easliey. I want the girl at any cost. Because I wanted to give her money for saving my life in my own hand. ---- He said. All the members of the club and Hotel started to searching the girl because of his order. This is the first time he shoot madly searching a woman. Is just because she saved his life and also did not appear in fond of him. He badly wanted to know the reason why she is gone without showing her face. If she deliberately save him because of money then why did not she demanded it. Could it be she have no idea who he is. Then why did she will be save a random guy. After searching more than 3 hours all the members are failed to finding the girl and finally come back and infrom Eric ----- Sir we are sorry. We did not find the girl anywhere. There was too much dark in the corner. CCTV footage are also not showing up clear image of the girl. We are only looking her back side and could not find her anywhere.  Sir , why already checked all the girls walking here. There was no girls who are wounded. Beside all the girls who are working here are wearing white uniform. But we already check the CCTV footage. It's show that the girl who save you  wearing a very simple cloth. She also did not any VIP Guest. And she also did not look like a regular customer because her dress are very simple. May be she coming here fast time. ----- one of the worker inform him. And sir we did not find any girl wearing this type of simple dress in the hotel. ----- another one inform. Enough. Useless. All of you are nothing just a useless. There was too many people working here but no one can find a simple girl who even does not have any VIP guest. Get out all of you from here and try to find out the girl. Otherwise all of you are fire. ----- after saying this we get out from the hotel. Leaving all of them with full of surprise. No one can we believe that their Boss can be behave like this only for searching a girl. May his life Saviour is most important for him.

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