Chapter 2

1074 Words
Containing myself I closed my mouth looking at the girl. “Hello Esther.” I answered smiling. Placing her phone down she smiled at me again. “How have you been, Ruby King.” she asked, I sort of liked the way she called me by my whole name. Shrugging a bit I answered, “I’ve been Alive. How about you.” her smile was so so beautiful I kept staring at her. “I can definitely see that, I’ve been quiet alright.” Then there was silence again. I could feel her gaze on my body which was strange and how did she know my name. “Your name tag, isn’t it your name?” She spoke out of the blue which puzzled me, did she read minds or something. Seeing my confused faced Esther continued talking. “You said it out loud and there, you have a name tag. Volunteering?” Looking down to my shirt I noticed the name tag I forgot I was given. It explained everything how else would my crush know my name, kinda sting that she didn’t know me. My hand above my head I rubbed my neck nervously. “Oh this, Mother wants me to but as you can see, I am not.” She gave me a light smile before answering. “You’re a bad child aren’t you. But I can’t help it realize that you look familiar, Ruby King.” hope came back, at least she had seen me before. “We do go to the same college, maybe you’ve seen my around there.” She nodded clearly understanding it all, while tapping her finger against the hard wood she spoke. “That explains how you know my name, well nice to meet you. What are you taking.” Nodding my head I spoke, “I take Computer science and you.” yes I already knew what she took, sue me. “Business!” she squealed with excitement, almost jumping out of her seat. I lightly giggling at her, “Nerd..” I coughed the words out of my mouth, she fake gasped pretending to be offended I giggled even more. The sun began setting, that was now my queue to start helping out with clearing the place. Esther actually offered a hand, joining me with the work. We kept talking, it was fun like really fun spending the afternoon with her, was something I never thought would happen. Our job was to collect litter around the park as my mother was making sure everything was done right, she was so bossy. After a long hour of clean and mom monitoring us, we were all done, everything packed and cleared. I and Esther began walking to the parking lot, the only our cars available in the parking lot were just my mother’s. Couldn’t see any more cars in sight, which meant Esther had no ride home. Turning my neck I faced Esther who stood a few inches from me, a smile on my face I asked. “Want a ride?” we walked up to the car leaning against it as we waited for my mother, giving me a shy head nod she agreed. My mother came into sight just after a few minutes of waiting, I watched her walk up to us only a few feet away. A smiled pasted on her face once she spotted Esther, she wasted no time embracing Esther in a hug. Breaking off the hug my mother spoke introducing herself. “Hello dear, I’m Mrs. King Ruby’s mum. You can call me Rose.” Esther returned her smile. Never have I seen my mother so happy, she usually complained about me having less friends come over. The only friend my mother knew that was still around was Charlotte, my best friend. “Hey, I’m Esther Blair.” She introduced herself. My mother dragging Esther by the hand into the car barely acknowledged me there, at all. After a few minutes of driving straight and turning on some corners, we arrived at Esther’s house. Once we said our goodbyes, I sat there then watching her disappear into the house. Looking back to the road I placed the key in ignition then drove off, it was time to rest. While I drove my mother was busy going on and on about how sweet Esther is, how cute she is and that I should make more Friends. If I wasn’t driving I would definitely have hit my head against the wheel, she is bleeding my ears out. Pulling up into the driveway I noticed my father’s car. That only meant one thing, he must have been back from a business trip. My mother practically ran out of the car just so she could go greet her husband. She did miss him and my little sister who wasn’t back yet. Imagine she had to stay with me alone, horrifying. Entering the house, I walked up to where the couple where, I gave me dad the acknowledgement that I see him, he sees me. With that I made my way to my room, dinner wouldn’t be ready for another ten minutes or so. Opening my bedroom door the black walled room with the glowing paint of the constellations from the ceiling, embraced me closing the door I walked up to my closet. Immediately took off my clothes and got myself into more comfortable clothes. Once I had done that my body came crushing down on the soft mattress on the bed. Laying star fish style on the bed my eyes studied every detail of my artwork. Got it done after struggling with my parents and with myself, it finally came out the way I pictured it would. Ten minutes had passed with me just staring at nothing and just thinking. Got off the bed heading down the stairs to go have my dinner, I was straving. Taking my seat right besides my parents dinner start. Dinner was delicious, mother and father always made the best dinners together. After dinner my parents left to go to their room I was now left alone to doing the dirty dishes alone, as they enjoyed there beds already. I packed the last plate inside the dish washer then made my way to my room, I also wanted to enjoy my bed. Walking out the bathroom my phone buzzed on my bed. Jumping into the bed I checked who had texted, my heart did a flip when I saw it was Esther. We sent texts back and forth all night, the fun thing was she replied in an instant.
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