
Unstoppable Force

friends to lovers
small town

Unstoppable Force is a scintillating and captivating romance novel that brings together two individuals from opposite worlds, each carrying their own burdens and secrets. Carrington Carter, a brooding and intense Navy SEAL, crosses paths with the vivacious and outrageous Oakleigh, a stunning blonde with a magnetic personality. From the moment they meet, a blazing chemistry ignites, creating undeniable electric energy that crackles between them.

But despite the undeniable attraction, both Carrington and Oakleigh are determined to resist the pull they feel toward one another. Carrington, haunted by his past and consumed by his duty, tries to push away the emotions that threaten to distract him. Oakleigh, with her own complicated past, fears the vulnerability that comes with allowing good into her life.

In "Unstoppable Force," readers will be captivated by the twists and turns but will these turns lead to love?

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Chapter 1
Oakleigh As Austin shares about her recent breakup, I can feel a twinge of frustration creeping up inside of me. It's clear to me that this guy has no idea what he's lost. How could he not see the amazing qualities that Austin possesses? To make matters worse, he's now accusing her of something as outrageous as trapping him. It's almost comical in its absurdity. Despite my mounting anger, I know that my primary focus right now needs to be on supporting Austin. I offer to pick her up from the airport and let her know that we can talk more once she gets here. I make a promise to her that I'll be there for her, no matter what happens. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse when I receive a phone call informing me that Austin has been taken to the hospital. My plans to be there for her have suddenly taken a different turn, and I'm left feeling worried and uncertain about what the future holds. As if things couldn't get any worse, Austin's predicament takes a turn for the worse when it becomes known that the illness was not simply caused by natural factors, but rather the result of external influences, specifically the actions of others. The mention of the boyfriend's brother, Carrington, and his influence on the boyfriend's perspective about Austin's intentions, only adds another layer of complication and annoyance to the situation. It is apparent that Austin believes that the issue is not entirely due to the boyfriend's actions, but also to those of Carrington. This only compounds the already convoluted array of emotions that Austin is grappling with. As I stepped into the hospital, an overwhelming sense of frustration and resentment washed over me. I made my way towards Austin's room, where I noticed a group of people congregating outside. One of them, Carrington, stood out to me as I recalled Austin's description of him. Despite my intense emotions, I managed to walk up to Carrington and confront him about his actions. However, in a moment of weakness, I impulsively punched him in the face. As I witness Carrington's stunned look and the blood trickling from his lip, a sense of justification washes over me. He had caused harm to my good friend Austin, and I had made it crystal clear that his actions were unacceptable. As I scan the faces of the spectators, I can sense the astonishment and disbelief in their eyes. As I pivot to confront Carrington, I can't help but take note of his striking appearance. He boasts a military-style haircut, piercing gray eyes, and a chiseled physique that's difficult to ignore. But I quickly remind myself that his outer shell does not excuse his harmful behavior. Carrington's mother then offers to adopt me, which is a kind gesture, but I politely decline. Carrington observes the situation from the sidelines. Suddenly, one of the brothers recognized me, causing some commotion. Finally, Austin's mother opens the door to let everyone in, and we all hope my outburst won't result in us being asked to leave. Engaging in adult entertainment can be an uncommon journey that may garner public attention. It's become customary for admirers to approach me, requesting a snapshot or signature. I've adapted to the situation and value the encouragement from my supporters. Yet, I'm conscious of the significance of keeping my personal life private and respecting my surroundings. As a result, I'm considerate of others and avoid drawing too much attention. As a professional in the adult entertainment industry, my primary focus is on my subscription-based website. Despite what some may believe, my work does not involve explicit s****l acts on camera. Rather, my platform serves as a hub for s*x education, where I share my expertise to guide others towards exploring their sexuality in a safe and healthy manner. While I may occasionally wear lingerie on camera, I am never naked or engage in s****l activity. It is important for me to maintain clear boundaries and ensure that my work aligns with my personal values and beliefs. From the moment I saw Carrington Carter, I sensed a strong, almost impenetrable presence about him. His cool detachment made connecting with him feel impossible. Despite this, there was something about him that drew me in. Whether it was his piercing gaze or the self-assured way he carried himself, I knew I had to try to get through to him. I made it my mission to break through his walls, and surprisingly, it was easier than I had anticipated. All it took was a little bit of caring, or so I thought. Following the horse auction, where I had planted a kiss on him to help him snap out of his PTSD episode, I had hoped that things would take a different turn. Though I felt drawn to him, I soon realized that his temper and propensity for rage were not worth the emotional distress they brought. As a result, I decided to forgo having dinner with the others and instead retired to my room. While it was disappointing, I knew it was the wisest decision. I couldn't risk being with someone who could potentially hurt me, and I needed some time to process the events of the evening. As I lay in my bed, enjoying some much-needed relaxation, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. And who could it be? None other than him. With an annoyed tone, I mutter to myself, "Seriously? I thought we were done here. You made it pretty clear earlier that you didn't want anything to do with me." But he persists, his voice growing more and more irritated as he speaks through the door. "Oakleigh, just open the damn door already! I talked to Austin and I know about your parents. I get it, okay? You were just trying to help." "You expect me to just welcome you back with open arms after everything you've put me through? Don't bother trying to make amends now, I've had enough of your flip-flopping attitude," I retorted, seething with frustration at his sudden reappearance. Avoidance is the answer. Avoid him at all costs. My good fortune had come to an end. For weeks, I had managed to evade any encounter with the intense and striking Navy Seal who irked me with his presence. However, fate had other plans for me, as he cornered me at a horse show, demanding my attention. Despite my efforts to depart, he persisted in engaging me in conversation. I reluctantly acquiesced, concealing my enjoyment of our discourse. I was taken aback by Carrington's sudden appearance, his imposing figure blocking my path. The air grew thick with tension as I sensed his satisfaction at having caught me. "Oakleigh, you should have known better than to think you could evade a Navy Seal indefinitely," he stated with an air of superiority. I had no choice but to acknowledge the truth in his words. However, I also knew that surrendering without resistance was not an option. "Ugh, fine. I tried, but clearly it was a waste of time. And why are you even bothering? You made it pretty damn clear that I'm not worth your attention. I gave you what you wanted, so just back off and let us both get on with our lives," I grumble, folding my arms tightly across my chest and giving Carrington a withering glare. “Hey Oaks, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened earlier. The thing is, it's not about the kiss, but more about my PTSD and how uncomfortable I feel showing it in front of others. I do have feelings for you, but I also have to admit that I'm not in the best place to be in a relationship right now. You deserve someone who doesn't have these kinds of struggles, someone better than me. Sorry again, I hope we can still be friends.” Carrington says with a smile as he playfully nudges a pebble with his foot. Wow, I was totally shocked by what Carrington just said. The tough and strong Navy Seal was actually apologizing to me and opening up about his feelings. This is a side of him that I've never seen before and it's really touching. "Carrington, I had no clue that you were feeling this way. I thought you weren't into me, but now I see things differently. You're not incapable of love, you just need to prioritize your own well-being first," I said with a newfound appreciation and understanding for him. Carrington's once smug expression had softened and I could tell he felt better for having opened up to me. He said, "You know, Oakleigh, I really appreciate you listening. It means a lot." A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. We both knew there was still more to our story, but this was a start. Maybe one day, when Carrington was ready, we could explore our feelings for each other. But for now, we were happy just being friends and supporting each other through whatever life threw our way. During the following weeks, we spent more time together, exploring different activities, such as hiking, dining out, and attending concerts. As we got to know each other better, we discovered both shared interests and differences. Although there was an undeniable attraction between us, we understood the importance of maintaining boundaries. The intensity of our chemistry was palpable, causing our hearts to race and bodies to heat up whenever we were near each other. Despite the temptation to cross the line, we both recognized the risks involved and refrained from acting on our desires. For several months, we engaged in playful banter and occasionally went out together as friends. We had deep conversations on the phone that lasted until the early hours of the morning. However, despite the intense chemistry between us, we never acted on our mutual attraction. We were aware of the risk of jeopardizing our friendship, and so we chose to keep our feelings buried.

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