
Fierce Boss! Honey, get married!


After a night of arousal, she succeeded in climbing into the bed of Andrea, the nationally famous boss. She took revenge, and he always remembered her overnight. Three years later, when he met her in the elevator, he said: "If you sleep with me for one night, the role of xxx will belong to you."

"Sleep with me for two nights, and I'll help you deal with that scum."


"Sleep with me."


"Andrea. Are you done?"

Andrea narrowed her long narrow eyes, a pair of standard phoenix eyes, not to mention also combined with a high straight nose and thin lips, beautiful but also very indifferent. His face always falters; no matter who he looks at or observes, he always takes a cold, emotionless expression.

Ariel raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, have you fallen in love with me just one night? Don't tell me you'll leave your fiancé, stay with me, Mr. Andrea; since when did we have such deep feelings?" Andrea gripped Ariel's wrist even tighter, so tight that her arm was about to break. "You crawled into my bed just to avenge the Shulmans?" Ariel slightly raised her eyebrows, moved closer, and said: "I went to bed with you just because you are Tiana Shulman's man. Didn't you already know this? What's with that innocent look?"

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Chapter 1:
When the police arrived at the front door of the hotel room, Soya Jones had just stepped out of Matt Murdock's bed. The atmosphere in the room was still full of s*x, clothes scattered on the ground, possibly seeing how intense last night's "battle" was.  "Dang, Doang" Dozens of urgent knocks sounded, but Soya Jones still slowly showered, dressed, and put on makeup as if this was her room.  Who are you, Soya Jones, with a cruel heart, a top-notch fox spirit, so she must always be beautiful, perfect, always radiate an aura that attracts all eyes.  At this time, Matt Murdock had just awakened, his naked body still showing a few red, slightly excessive kiss marks created by Soya Jones; he lit a cigarette and said: "If you ask me, I will reduce your prison sentence by two years."  Soya Jones walked over to take the cigarette from his mouth and took a breath; the smoke spread across the room, then she returned the cigarette to its original position.  Soya Jones's gentle hand patted his face, and she used the tone of a prostitute: "Mr. Murdock, next time you find a woman, remember to be more careful, Don't think that if you have a lot of money, everyone can play."  That's right, this man she just slept with is her biological aunt's fiancé, the dream lover of all the girls in Hopeawish, the only heir of the Murdock family - Matt Murdock.  How brilliant Matt Murdock is, only those who have met him know.  How much money he has, perhaps he does not know.  But Soya Jones didn't suddenly go to bed with him.  "Battle" last night, Soya Jones himself also found himself a bit rough, but not everyone has this bravery.  His quality is first-rate... By any measure, Matt Murdock has his arrogance.  The police shouted: "If you don't open it, we will have to break the door and get in."  Soya Jones found herself in no way inadequate; turned to open the door, Matt Murdock suddenly grabbed her wrist: "Soya Jones, this is your last chance; you don't want to?  Matt Murdock narrowed his long narrow eyes, a pair of standard phoenix eyes also combined with a high straight nose and thin, beautiful but also very silver lips. His face always falters; no matter who he looks at or observes, he always has a cold, emotionless expression.  Soya Jones raised her eyebrows and said: "Why, have you fallen in love with me just one night? Don't tell me you'll leave your fiancée to stay with me, Mr; since when did we have such deep feelings?"  Matt Murdock gripped Soya Jones's wrist even tighter, so tight that her arm was about to break.  "You crawled into my bed just to get revenge on the Joneses?"  Soya Jones raised her eyebrows, moved closer, and said: "I went to bed with you just because you are Rose Jones' man. Didn't you already know that? What's with that innocent look?"  From the first time she met Matt Murdock, she knew he was a cold-blooded, cold-blooded man; no one could make him pay attention, not even her aunt.  After hearing her words, Matt Murdock blackened his face, gritted his teeth, and said: "You're such a despicable thing."  Soya Jones slightly raised his lips: "Yes, if it's not mean, how can you crawl on top of me?" With a "bang" sound, the door of the room was broken by the police; a bunch of policemen, reporters, and the entire Jones family also burst in.  Rose Jones - Soya Jones' aunt quickly rushed to her and gave her a resounding slap: "Soya Jones, you scoundrel, do you know that this is my fiancé, your uncle, and yet you too seducing, are you not ashamed?"  Rose Jones's face was full of tears, crying until she choked, making everyone feel sorry.  Soya Jones lightly licked her tired red pair, felt the sweet taste of blood in her mouth, glanced at the excited reporters, then smiled sarcastically, and suddenly turned to kiss Matt Murdock's arrogant neck, making the pulse The light exploded, the camera's "click, split" sound kept ringing.  Matt Murdock was stunned for a moment before realizing Soya Jones's intentions. He should have pushed this vile woman away at that time, giving her a memorable slap. But no, at that time, he was possessed by the devil… and coordinated to hug her waist.  Her waist is so tiny as if there are no bones; his mind and body both remember her charm or goblin-like look when she climaxed.  After a hot kiss, Soya Jones let go of Matt Murdock and turned his head to look at Rose Jones provocatively: "That's right, I'm just shameless. I was intentionally going to bed with my aunt's fiancé. It's me; what can you do to me?"  Everyone there was sweating profusely. Damn, it! Shouldn't being caught cheating in bed be running away, not having a face to meet people? This girl is so arrogant in front of her aunt she dares to kiss her fiancé. Indeed, they have never seen anyone so convenient!  Rose Jones forgot to cry and pointed directly at Soya Jones' face, shaking non-stop.  Finally, the police saw how pitiful Rose Jones was and stepped up and said: "Soya Jones, you are suspected of embezzling public funds and assaulting others; we have the warrant to arrest you, hope you cooperate." Soya Jones cooperatively reached out, cold handcuffs cuffed to her petite wrist, unexpectedly exuding a strange or strange beauty.  The police led Soya Jones away; when she came before Rose Jones, she stopped momentarily and whispered in Rose Jones' ear: "You dare to play with me; I immediately slept with your man. I want to see whoever plays die first." Rose Jones's face turned white. Last night, she trapped Soya Jones, gave her an aphrodisiac, just waited until she couldn't stand it, then let the thugs come to rape her, then informed the reporter about taking pictures; as long as it is successful, this life Soya Jones is considered finished.  However, only heaven knows why Soya Jones escaped and crawled into her fiancé's bed.  She harmed Soya Jones, and Soya Jones immediately returned it to her double; Rose Jones hated it so much that her teeth wanted to hurt.  Out the door, Soya Jones immediately saw her father - John Jones, with her stepmother and half-brother. They watched silently as she was arrested; each couldn't hide the joy and gloating when she encountered something; what a family, Soya Jones taunted.  Embezzlement of public funds and assaulting others, these two crimes are all "helping" by her family members. Soya Jones' eyes blinked and turned evil, and she said to John Jones: "Dad, don't forget to visit me. I have what you want; if you don't come, I will throw it away arbitrarily. If anyone finds it, I will not be responsible at that time." John Jones revealed a cruel look: "You let me down so much, didn't think you would go this way, thought you'd go to a training company after graduation, but you're greedy and honest; how dare you embezzle public funds who taught you like that? Things have come to this; you don't even know how to repent; how can the Jones family have descendants like you?"  Soya Jones sneered: "What a disappointment; I haven't even shown you despair yet."  The policeman behind her gave a push: "Don't be lazy, hurry up..."  Finally, Soya Jones said a meaningful sentence: "Dad, remember my words, time is not much...".  Matt Murdock coldly watched the police lead Soya Jones away, forced into such a situation, but she showed no fear and tended to defy everything.  She is a demon.  Soya Jones is arrested! Soya Jones was caught cheating at the bed! Soya Jones is about to go to jail!  Lady of the Jones family - Soya Jones finally "played" to the end!  The reporters that Rose Jones called yesterday were crazily excited!  The second daughter of the Jones family was caught cheating in bed with her biological aunt's fiancé. Most importantly, the name "spoof" is Matt Murdock.  Who is Matt Murdock, no man of this Hopeawish land can compare to him in handsomeness and wealth.  Today's news that comes out 0.01 seconds later will be on the front page of all newspapers, a hot topic always interesting to many readers.  However, they were only happy briefly when Matt Murdock's bodyguards invited them in. Just like that, this hot news was suppressed. All cameras, recording pens, and bodyguards smashed cameras, and the reporters' faces were no different.  In Hopeawish, who wants to report on the Murdock Crown Prince's scandal unless they don't want to live anymore?  Matt Murdock put on the clothes that his assistant had just brought, and Rose Jones was crying non-stop in front of him: "Matt Murdock, you know, Soya Jones must have lured me in; it's true, it's her mother is third-wheel person, it is also she is a third-wheel person, no different from its vile mother, born a vile! Specializing in seducing other people's men, my brother shouldn't have brought her back then, leaving her to die outside."  "I'm so nice to her, but she... she repays me like this; I'm blind; I didn't think she could be so vile and vile......" Rose Jones growled, five years older than Soya Jones; the two grew up to have some similarities.  Matt Murdock looked at the woman who was gnashing her teeth, scolding and cursing Soya Jones, and he just felt a headache; she was so disgusting.  At first, he felt that she had some ability and obeyed, so he didn't pay attention when she spread rumors that he was her fiancé. Unexpectedly, this brought many problems.  Now that he looks back, he's foolish as a pig but also pretends to be intelligent; the more he looks at it, the dirty his eyes get.  Matt Murdock grabbed Rose Jones' chin and said: "I'm not in the habit of hitting women, don't act smart in front of me; you're still very poor compared to your grandchildren!"  Rose Jones was taken aback: "Matt Murdock, you……"  "Get out."  Rose Jones was unwilling but did not dare to disobey Matt Murdock. With so much effort, it's not easy to be Matt Murdock's 'fiancee'; getting to this step is tough; she can't let Soya Jones ruin it all. Rose Jones nodded: "So take a break; I'll come to you tomorrow."  Out the door, there was a flash of hatred in Rose Jones' eyes, fists clenched, fingers digging into flesh.  "Soya Jones..... I won't let you have the opportunity to flirt with men again."  Matt Murdock's assistant Hanni Shulman just came over; Rose Jones immediately changed her face, smiled, and greeted: "Assistant Shulman...."  Hanni Shulman directly passed her, knocked on the door, and entered the room. Rose Jones' face was as black as ink.  ..........  Hanni Shulman asked in a low voice after entering the room, "Young Master, is the Soya Jones matter to be taken care of?"  Matt Murdock sneered: "Handle? Is she begging you?"  “This……no……”  "She has that kind of aura; if I interfere, she might think I'm infatuated with her to death."  Hanni Shulman lowered his head and guessed the young master wanted Soya Jones personally to beg, but with Soya Jones' crazy personality, would she take the initiative to pray?  Matt Murdock glanced at the mess on the bed, red blood on the pure white sheet. Contrasting colors catch the eye of the observer.  ..........  Soya Jones was arrested, and all relatives, neighbors, neighbors, and friends breathed a sigh of relief. Because in their eyes, Soya Jones is an evil woman, so bad that heaven and earth are angry, and everyone wants to kill her. Who told her to grow up with the face of a passionate fox and always dressed up and groomed to show her beautiful appearance, looking at what she already knew was not a good class.  Her mother is a homewrecker, and she is also a homewrecker, even more skilled, stealing her sister's boyfriend, going to bed with her aunt's fiancé, and even stealing her best friend's boyfriend; it's true to make a demon. So, after hearing that the police caught Soya Jones, they all cruelly snorted: "It's worth it."  Many people were talking about this and soon guessed the fox Soya Jones would have today but Sure enough, the god with eyes had attracted this goblin, making people happy, family happy.  Soya Jones stayed at the detention center until the fourth day, finally waiting for the person she needed - her father, John Jones. Clearly, the father and son share the same blood, but now they are like sworn enemies.  John Jones lowered his voice and hissed, "Soya Jones, what do you want?"  Soya Jones shrugged: "Want something? With my current appearance, what else do I want?"  She was wearing a prisoner's uniform from the detention camp, her hair was arbitrarily tied with an elastic band at the nape of her neck, her face was not full of makeup, and her lips were also pale and dry, but she still looked like she was. But hers can still be so beautiful than people.  There is a type of woman in this world, and whether she is wearing gorgeous clothes or just casually wearing a mop, she still exudes enchanting beauty.  She may not be the prettiest, but no one has a taste as addictive as hers. This type of woman can't be touched, but there is no way out once involved.  John Jones stared into Soya Jones' eyes, she was smiling, but her eyes were cold to the bone; John Jones looked at it for a moment but felt utterly overwhelmed and had to look away: "Your crime is not light; there is clear evidence that cannot be escaped."  Soya Jones sneered: "The evidence is clear? Has your head been fed to the dogs? No words, two days; if I'm still here after two days, I'll let you come in and play with me."  Clear evidence? The Jones family, daring to quietly "play" her, created her criminal evidence.  Abuse of public funds, isn't it the autograph that her precious father arranged for her? 

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