
Falling in love with my secretary

office/work place

A CEO of a big company hates having a personal assistant but finally fell in love with a determined lady who was dedicated to her work. Did he later married her or dislike her for her dedication to work?

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Chapter 1
As Allison came back from the market, she saw George who also came back from work. She ran to hug and told him that she is finally done as a university graduate. They both went to dinner together with her best friend, Nora, who was always by her side. Allison and Nora drank to stupor that they became drunk. George saw his little sister who always gave him hope to live on, she was finally through with all her exams and became a graduate in the university of Stanford, where she obtained her masters. He is working as one of the computer operators in one of the biggest company in Seoul. He backed his sister and dragged her home while he stopped a taxi for Nora to drop her home safely. The next morning, Allison woke up from the bed and remembered what happened the other day, she felt so embarrassed that her face flushed and she blushed. She went downstairs seeing her senior brother frying eggs and chips, he told her to come and take her breakfast, she was really delight that she is finally through with her university. The next morning, Allison woke up, she remembered everything that happened the other night which made her embarrassed and she blushed as she was going down the stairs. She saw George frying eggs and have already prepared chips for breakfast, he ate quickly and pecked Allison on her cheeks and wave her a goodbye. Immediately, Nora opened the door and saw Allison eating her breakfast, she joined her and they both discussed everything that happened the previous night. Nora also told her about the job her aunt gave her at Erica's Boutique, to work as the receptionist there. Allison said "I am very happy for you my dear friend, I should also apply for a job, but i don't know where. Am planning on going to L and Z Corporation but am not sure if I will be accepted." She said sadly but Nora encouraged her to try her lick, maybe it might work for her, Allison was encouraged and brought her mini laptop, sent an application letter to L and Z Company for the position of a secretary. Five minutes later, L and Z company texted her to come the following week Monday for some screening and interview. She was very delighted and glad when she saw the message. The following week, Allison was dressed in a white packet shirt and a black plain skirt showcasing the shape of her body and made her look more sexier. She packed her hair with two ribbons and wore a high heel with a light makeup. As she entered the building, all eyes were on her, people thought she was the wife of the CEO. A staff walked towards her and asked her "Good day, please are you Allison Peters" Allison said yes. The woman in her mid thirties told Allison to follow her. They walked to a hall where she saw five big chairs and a single seat opposite those chairs. Three men and a woman were already seated, then a man w in his late twenties, handsomely made and brought up, with muscles and a fitted shape that a woman can die for. He enterd the hall and sat in the center of those five chairs. His chair was the biggest and have an inscription 'Michael Walters'. He never talks to anyone and is always interested in business, he was damn cute, all the female staffs in the building had tried their luck using different sexy poses but it didn't work on him.He is also one of the richest billionaires in the country. Every year he was given award of the best company that has helped in developing the nation and also one the best business strategist. He makes billons every month and has up to 12 different companies with branches world wide. He has the power to buy a full community and use it for a project. He sat down and his face was serious, then the woman sitting close to him started "Miss Allison, please can we know more about you?"

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