A New Challenge II

287 Words
Author: Kall.Berti Editor & Translator: Shaduum His confused mind wandered back to the past, when a terrible event had happened anoucycles ago, in his ancient village Giant Trumpet, which was in the cozy part of the city of Gigantia, north of Grandal Halla, the extinct sovereign city of Baghára, the king of the planets... the greatest of them. All had been surprised by a few enemies, hitherto unknown to their race, who were also unaware of how dangerous those enemies were. And for lack of this knowledge, their people were falling, facing them, one by one from their dear village... Until their turn, which did not become a meal for those creatures, just by a simple whim of fate, they were no longer hungry and not even in the mood to play. And just as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared into the Purple Forest that surrounded their village. That diaclo his tormentors were already with full bellies. But unfortunately that wasn't the case now. He looked at the one his fellow men called the great father Krashiri and saw him tremble like the most odious of cowards. So he was angry with himself for wanting to make an alliance with such a disgusting creature. From the beginning he met Krashiri, he realized that he didn't like him at all. But by occupying a supposed position of adviser, with the emperor (although in reality he was a lackey) he thought that this could still be useful to him in his new condition as a slave on this planet. So if Gigaulos wanted to make some profit for his people in the future, he would have to fight for his life and the life of that worthless coward.
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