Chapter 2

1973 Words
“Alpha Kelvin.” Matthew called as he sauntered into my office. “Yes?” I growled while he approached my desk. “Lia has arrived. She’s here in the Pack House.” He answered with a not so intrigued look. My brows arched upwards in a frown but I was excited at the same time. Every part of my body itched to see her. “Didn’t I ask the guards to escort her home once she arrives at the Pack, why is she here?” I asked while I arose gently from my swivel. “They tried to but she insisted on saying hi to you first.” He replied sternly and I wouldn’t lie, it bothered me. The Matthew I knew was usually lively and jovial but today, he was another shade entirely. Ever since the incident at the Pack Square. “Will you at least brighten up?” I quoted while I checked myself in the full length mirror by the corner of my office. I stood tall and proud secretly admiring my image. My black hair had grown into a mess from the morning’s winds but I quickly brushed them back with my hands. Even though there were no stains on my white t-shirt, I still dusted it alongside my black jeans. “How do I look?” I asked with a bright smile anchored on my face. “Great as usual.” He replied dryly. “Hey, this attitude of yours is really killing the vibe you know. You should brighten up.” I mumbled while we both walked to the door. “You should listen to your mother more often, you know.” He replied while he opened the door for me. “So you’re supporting her too.” I hissed while we walked across the hallway leading to the stairs. “She knows what is best for the Pack and her son. I think I support her reasoning too.” He replied sternly. I watched him from the corner of my eyes, I wouldn’t deny that I felt a tiny seed of irritation sprout within me. I stopped and he did too. “You think I went too far today and that Lia is a terrible person?” He sighed. “Your actions were extreme and cruel to be honest and yes, Lia would be a terrible Luna for our Pack. But it’s not like my opinions matter, you rarely listen to your Beta.” My teeth gnashed whilst resisting the urge to growl. “This Pack is among the best in the continent, thanks to me. I don’t think you have the right to judge me. And as for Lia, I can tolerate you insulting me but not her.” I paused as I inched closer to him. My tall height towered over him but he still maintained his unfazed countenance. “She is going to be my Luna very soon, so you and my mother should better get ready to be very accepting of her.” I almost growled before resuming my pace. “And what if she isn’t your mate?” He asked behind me. I scoffed. “No one else but her deserves to be my mate.” I replied before threading down the stairs. I hadn’t arrived in the living room yet, I could already pick her Jasmine scent. A smile lifted the corner of my lips and as I arrived, there she was seated on one of the grey couches. Her blonde hair weren’t straight like I remembered, they were now curly, her honey eyes gleamed brighter and beautiful too. Our eyes locked and our smile deepened. My eyes twitched and I froze in my stance, admiring this lady. The lady I was in love with. I had always dreamed of this moment, how I had a million things to say to her when we met again but everything had vanished seeing her now. Her beauty alone had enchanted me into a world of fantasy. “Are you planning to remain like that the whole time?” She asked with a chuckle. I grinned while she walked up to me. She embraced me, her hands holding my back tight and her head in rhythm with my chest. Her warmth and scent basked all over me like a gentle wind and my eyes closed in oblivion. Yeah, this was heaven. With my racing heart, my hands curled around her too. “I missed you, you dummy.” She whined and it only made the bubbles within me pop like crazy. “I left for only a few years and you’ve grown even taller. Now I can’t ruffle your hair.” Her voice almost trailed a whispery path. “Did you even miss me at all? I’m sure you had a nice time without me.” I chuckled while I patted her back gently. “It was hellish without you Lia. Four years was like four centuries to me.” “You liar.” She whined. “I missed you so much. Not a night passed by without sleeping with your picture in my hand. I missed messing with your hair, I missed your troubles, your annoying face and that ugly smile of yours, I missed your love.” She hugged me tighter. “Don’t think those sweet words of yours, is enough to make me feel all lovey dovey.” “Really?” My left eyebrow arched upwards. “You’re definitely blushing right now.” She pulled away from me but I held her back. Lifting her face so she faced me squarely. I was right. At the same time, I couldn’t resist the urge to taste those pink lips of hers. “You jerk,” she hit my shoulder playfully. “I’m still mad at you for not visiting me in Cambridge. What kind of best fr—” I sealed her lips with a kiss. She froze at first but then she leaned further towards me. This wasn’t the first time I was stealing a kiss from her but today was different. It came with another drive of passion, her taste aroused my wolf and I that I wanted more. My hand slowly curled around her perfect waist, leaving no space between us. If only this moment could last forever but then I had to catch my breaths. Our foreheads leaned against each other while our breaths grazed against each other’s cheeks. She held my gaze so it was impossible for any of us to waver from each other. “Best friends shouldn’t know each other’s taste.” Her soft voice protruded. “I don’t think we’re best friends anymore. I want you.” I muttered. “I’ve been waiting all these years to hear those words.” She smiled and this time she took the lead, sealing my lips with hers. My mother suddenly cleared her throat and we briskly separated. There she was, at the mouth of the staircase. I didn’t even know when she had gotten here. “Mrs. Deucalion!” Lia chirped with a bright smile as she approached my mother. “Lia…” My mother feigned a smile as they both hugged. “Oh look how much you’ve grown. So beautiful and elegant.” My mother praised. This was the same woman who was against Lia. “Thank you. I can say the same for you too Mrs. Deucalion.” My mother chuckled. “I hope your journey wasn’t stressful?” “Not at all.” She remarked. “I’m glad to hear that. Have a seat, I’m sure you and Kelvin have a lot to catch up too.” My mother shared knowing glances with me and I just had to grin back. I watched as she escorted Lia to a couch. “I see Kelvin is lacking in his hospitality again.” She scorned me playfully while Lia laughed. “Alisha!” My mother called and I frowned while I sat on the opposite side of the couch. “Who’s Alisha?” I queried and my mother gasped. Before she could even say anything, a lady dressed in the orange and white maid uniform trotted down the stairs. “Mother, I think we need to reduce the number of workers in this house. I’m beginning to lose count of them.” I said without paying much attention to the lady who couldn’t even dare to look up to any of us. “Lia, what would you like to have?” My mother patted her hair gently. “Oh I’ve had my fill before coming but I guess a glass of orange juice would do.” Lia replied. “Would you like anything, Mrs. Deucalion?” Alisha asked but my mother wriggled her head. “H-how about you Alpha Kelvin?” She stammered as if she was fear stricken by my presence. I wriggled my head, slightly displeased by her sight. She briskly headed out. “So, what’s happening today? The workers seem to be extra busy all over the house.” Lia asked. “We’re hosting a dinner party for you tonight. And I’m hoping you wouldn’t say no.” I explained with a smile. Her smile deepened. “Aww, thank you Kelvin. I would be a fool to say No.” She chuckled while we laughed. “Speaking of which, isn’t it your birthday tomorrow?” My mother interjected. “I wonder what Kelvin has in store for you.” Lia hummed whilst giving me a suspicious look. I grinned at the same time I was confused at what my mother was driving at. “Yup, tomorrow is going to be so much fun and work. Now I have to go through the stress of looking for a gift.” I joked while Lia laughed. “On the bright side, it’s a full moon tomorrow. Looks like your birthday comes with a special blessing Lia. I can’t wait to meet my mate.” We stared deeply at each other. “I can’t wait too.” She answered. My mother cleared her throat once Alisha arrived with a tray containing a glass of juice. “Tomorrow is certainly going to be fun.” My mother toned while Alisha reached Lia’s side. Alisha suddenly slipped and the juice poured on Lia’s top. “My goodness, I’m—so sorry!” Alisha stammered again, shakily trying to use the hand towel. “How could you be so careless?!” Lia barked. “Look what you’ve done?!” “I’m sorry—” She tried to wipe off the stain but Lia wouldn’t let her. “Hey you.” I growled, trying to contain the anger about to explode within me. The fact that she was looking so daft and trembling irritated me to the core. “Are you crazy?! How could you be so careless to our guest?!” I barked and she whimpered. I arose fiercely and she froze, her eyes lit up as if she had seen a ghost. “Guards!!” I yelled and two hefty men sauntered inside. “Kelvin…” My mother called but I cared less. “Lock her in the dungeon till the night dawns!” I ordered. “I’m sorry Alpha Kelvin! I didn’t intend to.” She cried but I wasn’t going to listen. “Come on Kelvin, just let her go. She doesn’t have to go through all that.” “But look what she did to you?” I frowned. “It was a mistake Kelvin, just give her something else to do. She doesn’t have to be locked in the dungeons.” My mother interjected. I stared at Alisha with contempt and anger glowering in my eyes. And at that moment, it came to me what punishment a servant like her deserved!
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