
The Alpha King's Assassin Queen

crown prince

**Book Four of the Children of Fury Series***

Ever since the death of her mother Sofia Hex has trained hard to be both a powerful witch and a assassin for hire. She is bent on revenge against the one who robbed her of her mother. Sofia becomes the master of disguise and becomes known as the feared Chameleon Killer. Biding her time Sofia plans to get close to the son of her main target...the next King of the Werewolves.

Malcolm Fury is the Crown Prince of Lycanis, the Kingdom of the Werewolves. He was trained and schooled from the time he was five to be the next king. But Malcolm doesn't feel in his heart that he is meant to be king. So at eighteen he decides to travel far away from home in order to clear his head and make the final decision about who he wants to become. While traveling Malcolm catches glimpses of his fated mate whom he suspects is responsible for the deaths many alphas and other supernaturals. His wolf Xerxes is desperate for his mate but Malcolm knows she'll never be accepted. So what happens when one day Sofia shows up repentant and ready to be his mate? Will Malcolm finally accept Sofia?

When tragedy strikes the Fury family, serious accusations are made and Malcolm must make a heart wrenching decision. Will he have to reject his fated mate and queen? Or will love triumph over all?

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Chameleon Killer
Sofia I watch the people walking by me. They are unaware of my presence, and I need to keep it that way. I like my invisibility in a fully visible world. They nearly bump into me while staring at their electronic devices. I huff when coffee is spilled on my cloak. It wavers and almost becomes visible. ‘Stupid humans,’ I grumble as I wipe the coffee off. This cloak is a rare material made from the fibers of the Stygian plant. With the right spell, it causes one to become completely invisible, but certain substances like coffee apparently will reverse the effects. I turn my attention to the humans rushing by, waiting for my target. Over the years, I have become a powerful witch, but I am also a feared assassin known as the Chameleon Killer and so named for the disguises I use to conceal my true identity. I never appear the same to anyone except my family. A tall, thin man wearing a pale suit walks toward me, completely engrossed in his phone. He is the CEO of a corporation that owns half the planet. The wealthiest man on earth walks through a park full of the ordinary. He blends in, and most do not notice who he is. He rushes past me, and I quickly move to get behind him, but he does not see me because of my cloak. None of them see me. “I told you to sell all of the shares, Maxwell,” He yells into his phone. “I don’t have time for this,” He snarls into his phone. I keep pace with the man as we exit the park. I palm a vial full of a potion I barely learned to perfect. My grandmother worked hard to teach me the formula, and I am just now able to use it. Should I pull off this kill, I will be rewarded handsomely. I do not care about the money. I do it for the rush. I give the money to my grandmother, who stashes it away where I do not know, for we live humbly in a swamp. The man stops and looks around. “I have to go now, Maxwell,” He speaks into the phone before hanging up. We are right in front of a modest bistro. The man slinks inside and sits at a table in the back. I go around to the back of the restaurant and find a waitress in a black and white uniform smoking against the wall. She doesn’t see me as I rush up to her and break her neck. I drag her body behind the dumpster and take off my cloak. I quickly recite a spell, morphing into an exact clone of the woman I just killed. I brush my uniform, pocket the vial, and walk back into the restaurant. “Madison!” A large man wearing all black barks at me. “You have tables waiting.” “Yes, sir,” I nod vaguely and walk onto the restaurant's main floor. I see my target sitting at a booth when a woman wearing casual clothes joins him. “Can you believe it?” A young blonde woman slinks up to me. “Believe what?” I mumble and look at her name tag, “Tina.” Tina snorts and flips her hair. “You are acting weird, Mads,” She snorts again. “Anyways,” She points at my target. “Shane Weston is, here again, meeting with another woman. And she isn’t even that pretty,” She scoffs. “Madison, Tina!” The same man barks at us. “Quit yammering and get to work.” “Sorry, Todd,” Tina scowls, pulls a notebad from her apron, and walks away. I do the same and walk up to a table. I am not here to serve hungry people. I have one job and one job alone. I fake my way around the restaurant, taking orders while keeping an eye on Shane. Shane angered the wrong wizard, and I was hired to kill him and make it look like an accident. I see my opportunity when his soup course is sitting at the window. I slink up and look around. I pull the vial out of my pocket, pour the scentless contents into the soup, and drop the bottle in the trash. I pick up the soup and deliver it to my target. “Enjoy, sir,” I smile sweetly at him. “Thank you,” Shane nods as I walk away. I watch as Shane begins to eat his soup, ignoring people trying to flag me down. I watch as Shane begins to turn red, and his companion screams when blood starts flowing out of Shane’s mouth. “Madison, what the f**k are you doing?” Todd barks just as chaos erupts. “Nothing,” I respond and walk away while the screaming intensifies. I walk out of the restaurant, recite my spell, and don my cloak. I am again invisible to the world as I walk across the street to watch my handiwork. I should be horrified. I should be sickened. But I can only smile with satisfaction. People pour out of the restaurant as an ambulance arrives. Minutes pass before a stretcher is brought out with a sheet covering the body. I run across the street and pull down the sheet unseen to confirm that he is dead. The unseeing eyes of Shane Weston, CEO of Weston Industries, stare up at me. “Bingo,” I laugh. The paramedics, unable to see me, looked around for who had tried to take off the sheet. I amble away and open a portal and step through, arriving back home. The smell of the swamp fills my sense as I take off my disguise and walk up onto the porch. Grandma is rocking in her old chair while knitting and singing. “Were you successful?” “I was,” I respond. “The potion?” “Worked like a charm, Grandma,” I reply. “That’s my girl,” She smiles. “Dinner is on the stove.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. “I will call Olaf first.” I walk into the house and hang my cloak in the closet. I run-up to my room and find my cellphone. I call Olaf's number. A gruff and heavily accented voice answered. “What you want?” “The job is complete,” I say in a monotone. “p*****t is due.” “Do not order me around, girl,” Olaf grumbles. “You will receive your p*****t-“ A large briefcase suddenly appears on my bed. “Now.” “Pleasure doing business with you,” I replied and hung up the phone. I open the briefcase, and it is filled with thousands of dollars. I pick it up and walk back downstairs. I enter the large kitchen, and my Aunt Alicia is standing at the stove serving herself some food. “Did you do it?” She asks while licking the serving spoon covered in mashed potatoes. I hate how much she resembles my mother. I know they were twins, but I hate that my mother is gone, and Alicia stares at me with the same eyes. “I did it,” I respond and set the briefcase on the counter and grab a plate. I am starving, and grandma-baked chicken is making my mouth water. I pile food onto the plate and sit at the table beside my aunt. “No one suspected a thing.” “That’s the whole point, Sofia,” Aunt Alicia rolls her eyes. “So, when are you going to go look for Malcolm? We need you to assassinate Jemma Fury soon.” “Grandma says I have a few more jobs to complete first,” I say between bites of chicken and potatoes. “Well, I wish Mother would hurry up,” my aunt rolls her eyes. “What was that, Alicia Theodora?” Grandma suddenly says from behind us. “Did you say I should hurry?” “No, Mama,” Alicia shakes her head. “Don’t lie to me,” Grandma glares at my aunt, and her hand glows. Alicia makes a choking noise and grabs her throat. “Mama,” Aunt Alicia chokes out. “Mama, I’m sorry.” Grandma cackles and releases the chokehold. “Don’t you dare try to rush me, Alicia? His Liege has a very specific timeline for the completion of the mission. Rushing things will only anger him, and he is not one to anger. You will not rush things, is that understood?” Aunt Alicia is rubbing her neck and grumbling. “Yes,” She mumbles. “Excuse me?” Grandma snarls. “Yes, Mama. I understand,” Aunt Alicia replies. Grandma pats her shoulder. “That’s what I thought you said,” Grandma looks at me. “How is the chicken?” “Excellent as always, Grandma,” I smile. “And I ain’t lying.” Grandma sits at the table. “That’s good to hear, Sofia. But don’t say ain’t. It’s unseemly.” I nod. “Sorry,” I mumble. I finish my dinner and help my aunt clean up the kitchen. “Get plenty of rest, Sofia, dear,” Grandma says as I head out of the kitchen. “You have a big day tomorrow.” “What am I doing?” I ask. “Killing another alpha,” Grandma shrugs like it’s nothing. “I’ll have the instructions ready.” I nod, “Yes, Grandma.” I respond and head up to my room. I take a shower and then lay in my plush bed and stare at a picture of my mother. She is holding newborn me. Supposedly my biological father took the picture. I try not to think about him. He wasn’t much of a father. He only used me. My mother treasured me, so she said. Mom was tough on me, but she wanted me to be the best witch I could be. We had lofty goals of being on the demons' side when they finally rose. My father had been a werewolf at one time, but he died, and Mom brought him back from hell. He lost his wolf but gained a demon. It was like I had two fathers, my human father and the demon whose powers I now possess. I am faster and stronger than most people. The demon blood has enhanced my senses, making me ideal to be an assassin. “I miss you, Mom,” I stroke the picture. “I can’t wait to avenge you. Jemma Fury will pay for what she did to you. You didn’t deserve to die that way,” I talk to the picture. “Felicia should have shielded herself during the battle,” Aunt Alicia pokes her head into my room. I glare at her. “She was holding like three other spells,” I argue. “I know, but Felicia was capable of doing more,” Aunt Alicia snorts. “But she was too busy betraying us to pay attention.” “Nick promised her safety,” I sigh. “And look where that got her,” My aunt sneers. “Another man made her a promise, and well,” She trails off. I set the picture down, “What do you want?” “I want you to go ahead to find your werewolf mate,” Aunt Alicia says to me. “No, I will go when Grandma says I can,” I argue. “Get out of my room.” My aunt snorts, “You are a brat.” “You are a b***h,” I respond as she walks out of my room. I pick up my mother’s picture and lay on my side. “What does your sister have planned, Mom?” I hold the picture and fall asleep to my mother’s image. The following day I rise from bed and get dressed. I don my favorite black outfit and braid my long black hair. Satisfied with my look, I run downstairs, and Grandma is plating breakfast. “Hurry up and eat,” She greets me. “I have a lot to tell you and only so much time to say it.” I glance at the TV on the counter, and the news is on. They are talking about the death of Shane Weston. I smile with self-satisfaction as the humans believe it was a medical event and not a murder. “You should be proud,” Grandma says to me. I quickly eat my breakfast and then follow Grandma into her office. She sits me down and places a folder in front of me. “You are to kill Alpha Ralph Finster of the Flower Hills Pack first and then hit the Opal Mine Pack and kill Alpha Timothy Shade,” Grandma explains. “The spells and potions to be used are written down. Follow the instructions to the letter, Sofia. Understood?” I nod. “Yes, Grandma.” I leave the office and go up to my room to prepare for my next task. I grab the potions I need, put on my cloak, and open a portal to my next destination.

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