Story By Bonney


Pen name Bonney Free time writer. Books written in British English..............................................
Mated to his Breeder
Updated at Mar 28, 2023, 14:07
"What do you mean you don't know?" the man shouts at the Mr Ravi. "I mean I don't know Sir. We don't know anything about her, some hunters brought her in a few months ago but they refused to tell us anything about her Sir" Mr Ravi replies. I don't miss the look of worry on his face, he's scared of the man. Which means I should be even more scared. Mr Ravi isn't afraid of anyone. Who can this man that is asking about me be? "Do at least know how old she is?" the man asks after a moment of silence. That's not good, he's asking more questions. "She turned 20 last month sir," Mr Ravi quickly replies.That's a lie! I want to say but I keep my mouth shut this time. I turn 18 in two weeks, but he can't tell the man that. It's illegal to sell wolves under 18. Same with catching us. It's illegal to catch a wolf under 18. I was brought here a few weeks after turning 17. "Very well, I'll take her. The prince will like her," he says glancing at me again hiding in the far corner of my cage. No, no, no this can't be happening. Not the prince. Anything but the prince! "Right away Sir," Mr Ravi says and runs behind the counter to grab the key for my cage. I watch in fear as he approaches the cage and unlocks it, " Out girl,". I shake my head in fear, " Please no, anything but the prince please, " I beg not moving from where I'm sat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sold as a Pet
Updated at Mar 2, 2023, 18:17
When one unlucky day Izzy Anton is out hunting in her wolf for fun, she gets captured by werewolf hunters. Unfortunately for her they decided that the best way to hurt and humiliate her father would be selling her a a pet.
The Devil's Angels
Updated at Jan 11, 2023, 09:04
Emma Scott never had it easy but in her first few years of life it was good, it was in no way a fairytale life but it was good. As they say though all good things come to an end... When she was eight her mum was murdered, when she was ten her dad started abusing her, when she was twelve kids at school started bullying her, when she was fifteen the sexual abuse started and the worst one for her was when on the first day of high school her only friend turned on her.
Fated to his brother
Updated at Nov 4, 2022, 14:53
Leah Black is the only daughter of Alpha Jason Black. When Leah was little her father borrowed some money from a certain Alpha, and was unable to pay him back. To not lose his land or Alpha Status he promised his daughter's hand in marriage to ond of the Alpha's twin son's. A week before her 18th birthday she meets her betrothed and his brother who she finds very fascinating. ************************************************* Standing next to my father I sigh," You better behave," he growls at me squeezing my arm as the black BMW rolls to a stop infront of us. I scowl pulling my arm from his grip. Both front doors open, and the most handsome werewolves I've ever seen step out of the car. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...
The Pirate Prince : Royal Outcasts series
Updated at Jun 23, 2022, 14:14
Eloise Karington is the eldest daughter of Lord Karington. When her father dies in a tragic carriage accident she and her family have no where to go, Eloise must leave the comfort of being a lady and find a way to help her family. What will happened to her when she finds herself aboard the Black Pearl, the boat of the fearsome Bloody Hawk. The most notorious pirate wanted in over five countries, known for his brutal and heartless killing.