Story By Renee Rose

Renee Rose

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE loves a dominant, dirty-talking alpha hero! She's sold over two million copies of steamy romance with varying levels of kink. Her books have been featured in USA Today's Happily Ever After and Popsugar. Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won Spunky and Sassy's Favorite Sci-Fi and Anthology author, The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and has hit the USA Today list eleven times with her Chicago Bratva, Bad Boy Alpha, and Wolf Ranch books, as well as various anthologies.
Fuoco Alfa
Updated at Jul 13, 2023, 02:40
Aspetto la mia compagna da mille anni. Se mi rifiuterà, manderò in cenere il mondo.Ha risvegliato il drago.Il sogno di ogni ragazza nubile è quello di venire salvata da un drago letale per mano di un bel principe. E io sono sia principe sia drago.Gli antichi rituali di corteggiamento richiedono che rapisca la mia sposa. Che la imprigioni nell’alta torre. Che le mostri i miei tesori, i miei ampi territori e il mio esercito.E io l’ho fatto, ma ancora mi rifiuta. Dice che non si vede con uno che ancora crede che Istanbul si chiami Costantinopoli.Devo corteggiarla, ma non so come. Ma sotto al cuore umano che batte, dorme un drago. E quando il drago si sveglia, nessuno può impedirgli di distruggere il mondo.Nessuno tranne lei.
Der Mittelsmann
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:25
BESESSEN VON DEM MANN, DEN ICH VERRATEN HABE.Vor acht Jahren habe ich eine Lüge ausgesprochen, die das Leben eines Mannes verändert hat.Mein Vater hat ihn aus seiner Bratwa-Zelle verbannt. Aus unserem Land.Jetzt ist er zurückgekehrt, um mein Erbe an sich zu reißen. Mein Leben. Nicht durch Mord, sondern durch Heirat.Und mein eigener Vater hat es veranlasst.Maxim glaubt, er könne mich seinem Willen unterwerfen. Er glaubt, er könne die Ansagen machen.Früher einmal habe ich ihn gewollt, aber er hat mich abgewiesen. Ich werde ihm nie wieder verfallen.Ich habe nicht vor, mich zu beugen.Nicht einmal, wenn er mich vor Verlangen erbeben lässt …
Le Directeur
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:17
PERSONNE NE PREND CE QUI M’APPARTIENTCette jolie avocate m’a caché son secret.Un bébé qu’elle porte depuis le soir de la Saint-Valentin.Le soir où le sort a décidé de nous unir.Elle ne m’a jamais contacté. Elle voulait m’empêcher d’apprendre la vérité.Elle va découvrir ce qui se passe quand on contrarie un boss de la bratva.Une punition est nécessaire. Une séquestration en attendant la naissance.Et je mettrai ce temps à profit pour la séduire.Parce que je n’ai pas seulement l’intention de garder le bébé...Je compte épouser sa mère.
Alpha Bully: Die Streberin und der böse Wolf
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:16
SIE HAT ALLES RUINIERT… DAFÜR WERDE ICH SIE BEZAHLEN LASSEN.Ihre Mom hat meinem Dad den Job weggenommen. Sein Leben zerstört.Jetzt muss ich sie jeden Tag anschauen.Das Mädchen von nebenan. Ein Mensch. Eine heiße kleine Streberin.Sie gehört nicht hierher – nicht nach Wolf Ridge,nicht auf unsere Highschool, definitiv nicht in mein Leben.Sie weiß nicht, was ich bin.Was es umso einfacher macht, mich an ihr zu rächen.Ich werde sie in die Knie zwingen. Ihr Herz durchbohren.Sie bluten lassen. Für mich.Nur für mich.HINWEIS: Dieses New Adult Buch enthält erotische Szenen mit Charakteren über dem Alter von achtzehn Jahren und ist für Leser über achtzehn Jahren bestimmt.
Le Hacker
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:16
ELLE A TRAHI MA FAMILLE ; ELLE VA ME LE PAYERNotre gentille voisine aux cheveux blond vénitien n’est pas aussi innocente que nous le croyions.Elle a ramené un flic en notre sein. Mon frère jumeau s’est pris une balle.À présent, elle va payer. Je l’ai chargée de soigner mon frère.S’il meurt, elle meurt. C’est ce que je lui ai dit, en tout cas.Bien sûr, je ne lui ferais jamais de mal.J’ai déjà notre sublime voisine dans la peau.Mais cela ne m’empêchera pas de la punir.De la toucher comme je m’étais juré de ne pas le faire.Elle a déstabilisé mon équilibre. C’est devenu une distraction inacceptable.J’ai envie de la garder sous mon contrôle...J’ai besoin de la garder hors de mon cœur.
Alpha's Versuchung
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:16
SIE GEHÖRT MIR. ICH WERDE SIE SCHÜTZEN. BESTRAFEN. MEIN.Ich bin ein einsamer Wolf, und das gefällt mir. Mein Geburtsrudel hat mich nach einem Blutbad verbannt und ich hatte nie das Bedürfnis nach einer Gefährtin.Dann treffe ich Kylie. Meine Versuchung. Wir stecken zusammen in einem Fahrstuhl fest und ihre Platzangst lässt sie fast in meinen Armen ohnmächtig werden. Sie ist stark, aber gebrochen. Und sie verheimlicht etwas.Mein Wolf will sie beanspruchen. Aber sie ist menschlich und ihr zartes Fleisch wird die Markierung eines Wolfes nicht überstehen.Ich bin zu gefährlich. Ich sollte mich fernhalten. Aber als ich herausfinde, dass sie die Hackerin ist, die fast meine Firma in den Ruin getrieben hat, verlange ich von ihr, sich ihrer Strafe zu stellen. Und das wird sie.Kylie gehört mir.Verlegerhinweis: Alphas Versuchung ist ein eigenständiger Roman in der Serie Bad Boy Alphas mit Happy End und ohne Fremdgehen. Dieses Buch beinhaltet einen heißen, fordernden Alphawolf mit einer Vorliebe dafür, sein Weibchen zu beschützen und zu dominieren. Wenn dir so etwas nicht gefällt, dann kaufe dieses Buch bitte nicht.
Der Vollstrecker
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:15
Sie ist meine Schwäche, meine Obsession. Und jetzt meine Gefangene.Ich habe zwölf lange Jahre in einem sibirischen Gefängnis gesessen.Seit meiner Entlassung hat nichts mehr mein Interesse geweckt.Nichts, außer ihr.Woche um Woche höre ich ihre Band spielen.Ich denke nur noch an sie.Als meine Vergangenheit mich einholt, wird sie zu einem Ziel.Die einzige Möglichkeit, sie zu beschützen, ist, sie wegzusperren.Sie als meine Gefangene festzuhalten, bis die Dinge sich beruhigt haben.Jetzt wird sie mir nie verzeihen, aber ich kann es ihr nicht erklären.Ich kann nicht sprechen.
Cartes sur table
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:47
« Tu m’appartiens, maintenant. »Elle a commis une grosse erreur. On ne fait pas de chantage à un Tacone.Venir me voir pour me menacer ? Inacceptable.Si elle a besoin d’argent, elle va devoir le demander gentiment.Mais une fois que je le lui aurai donné, nous savons tous les deux ce que cela signifie : Elle m’appartient.Je fais de mon mieux pour me contenir, pour lui témoigner du respect.L’ennui, c’est que je ne peux pas me retenir de la toucher.Et maintenant qu’elle est à ma disposition, je n’ai aucune intention de la laisser partir...
Joker's Wild
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:46
ER HAT MICH GEKIDNAPPT. ER HÄLT MICH GEFANGEN.Junior Tacone ist gefährlich, das wusste ich.Ich habe für ihn gearbeitet und mich um seine Mutter gekümmert.Nach dem Job dachte ich, ich wäre sicher.Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn. Außerhalb seiner Reichweite.Dann aber musste sich sein Bruder eine Kugel einfangen und Junior brauchte eine Krankenschwester.Jetzt hält er mich in seinem Haus gefangen und ich muss ihm gehorchen.Und scheinbar steht er auch noch auf mich.Was bedeutet, dass ich womöglich nie wieder hier rauskomme … 
Der Direktor
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:46
NIEMAND NIMMT SICH, WAS MIR GEHÖRT.Die hübsche Anwältin hat mir etwas verschwiegen.Ein Baby, das sie seit dem Valentinstag in sich trägt.Seit der Nacht, als wir von einem Roulette-Rad zufällig zusammengebracht wurden.Sie hat mich nie kontaktiert. Wollte mich im Dunkeln darüber lassen.Jetzt wird sie herausfinden, was passiert, wenn man einen Bratwa-Boss verärgert.Eine Bestrafung ist angebracht. Arrest bis zur Geburt.Und ich werde diese Zeit nutzen, ihre Unterwerfung zu gewinnen.Weil ich nicht nur vorhabe, das Baby zu behalten––Ich will die Mutter zu meiner Braut machen.Und es wäre für uns beide so viel besser, wenn sie gewillt wäre.
Wild Card
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:46
„DU STECKST IN GEWALTIGEN SCHWIERIGKEITEN, PUPPE.“Die kleine Haeckse hat meine Familie beklaut – es geht um hundertfünfzigtausend Dollar.Wir Tacones dulden keine Diebe.Auch keinen, der so süß daherkommt wie dieser hier.Nicht einmal, als sie mir vorführt, was für ein ausgeflippter Freak sie ist.Jetzt wird dem scharfen kleinen Geek die Hölle heiß gemacht.Und ich bin derjenige, der unser Geld eintreibt.Als sie aber wegen der Rückzahlung im Knast landet,stelle ich ihre Kaution. Denn sie gleicht einem Feuerwerk.Einer Naturgewalt, die einfach zu hell lodert, um sie auszulöschen.Und ich brauche das Geld nicht.Ich will lieber sie.
Der Buchmacher
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:45
ICH BIN EINEN HANDEL MIT DER BRATWA EINGEGANGEN –DAS LEBEN MEINES BRUDERS GEGEN MEIN EIGENESSie haben mir einen Deal angeboten: Dreißig Nächte für das Leben meines Bruders.Dreißig Nächte…mit ihm. Nikolai Novikov.Dem charmanten, aber gefährlichen Kredithai.Er ist trügerisch ruhig. Sündhaft attraktiv.Macht regelrecht süchtig.Aber das ist nur eine Illusion.Ich schwöre, dass er nicht mehr von mir bekommt, als ich versprochen habe.Und doch durchschaut er mich sofort.Wenn es um Herzensangelegenheiten geht, ist alles möglich…Und der Sieger bekommt alles.
Jack of Spades: Gefangen in der Stadt der Sünden
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:45
„JETZT BIST DU MIR AUSGELIEFERT, AMORE.“Tut mir leid, Bella. Du hast die Arschkarte gezogen.Als Zeugin eines Verbrechens bist du jetzt meine Gefangene.Ich wollte nicht, dass es so läuft.Aber dich an mein Bett zu fesseln und kreischen zu lassen,ist eine unerwartete Freude. Tatsächlich ist es mein Privileg.Und auch wenn ich dir nach dieser kleinen Kostprobe vertrauen sollte,bin ich nicht sicher, ob ich dich je wieder gehenlasse …Jack of Spades ist ein eigenständiger Roman in der Unterwelt-Serie von Las Vegas. Kein Fremdgehen, keine Cliffhanger.
Der Direktor
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:45
NIEMAND NIMMT SICH, WAS MIR GEHÖRT.Die hübsche Anwältin hat mir etwas verschwiegen.Ein Baby, das sie seit dem Valentinstag in sich trägt.Seit der Nacht, als wir von einem Roulette-Rad zufällig zusammengebracht wurden.Sie hat mich nie kontaktiert. Wollte mich im Dunkeln darüber lassen.Jetzt wird sie herausfinden, was passiert, wenn man einen Bratwa-Boss verärgert.Eine Bestrafung ist angebracht. Arrest bis zur Geburt.Und ich werde diese Zeit nutzen, ihre Unterwerfung zu gewinnen.Weil ich nicht nur vorhabe, das Baby zu behalten–– Ich will die Mutter zu meiner Braut machen.Und es wäre für uns beide so viel besser, wenn sie gewillt wäre.
Alphas Preis
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:16
MEINE GEFANGENE. MEINE GEFÄHRTIN. MEIN PREIS.Ich habe die Gefangennahme der schönen amerikanischen Wölfin nicht befohlen. Ich habe sie nicht von den Händlern gekauft. Ich hatte nicht mal vor, sie zu beanspruchen. Aber kein männlicher Wandler hätte dem Verlangen des Vollmondes und einem verschlossenen Zimmer mit Sedona standhalten können, nackt und ans Bett gefesselt.Ich verlor nicht nur die Kontrolle, sondern habe sie auch markiert und sie mit meinem Wolfswelpen geschwängert zurückgelassen. Ich werde sie nicht gefangen halten, so sehr ich es auch möchte. Ich erlaube ihr, in die Sicherheit des Rudels ihres Bruders zu entkommen. Aber einmal markiert, ist keine Wölfin wirklich mehr frei. Ich werde ihr bis ans Ende der Erde folgen, wenn ich muss. Sedona gehört zu mir.
L'Homme de Main
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:12
C’est ma faiblesse, mon obsession. Et désormais, ma prisonnière.J’ai passé douze longues années dans une prison sibérienne.Depuis que j’ai été relâché, plus rien ne m’intéresse.Sauf elle.Semaine après semaine, j’assiste aux concerts de son groupe.Elle me fascine.Lorsque mon passé me rattrape, elle devient une cible.La seule façon de la sauver, c’est de l’enfermer.De la garder prisonnière jusqu’à ce que les choses se tassent.Elle ne pourra plus jamais me pardonner, à présent, mais je ne peux pas lui donner d’explication.Je suis muet.
Le Stratège
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:12
POSSÉDÉE PAR L’HOMME QUE J’AI TRAHIIl y a six ans, j’ai raconté un mensonge qui a changé la vie d’un homme.Mon père l’a banni de sa cellule de la bratva. Du pays.À présent, il est de retour pour s’emparer de mon héritage. De ma vie. Pas via un meurtre, mais via un mariage.Et c’est mon propre père qui a organisé tout ça.Maxim croit pouvoir me soumettre à sa volonté. Il croit commander.Par le passé, je l’ai désiré, et il m’a rejetée. Je ne me laisserai plus séduire.Et je n’ai pas l’intention de céder.Même s’il me fait frémir de désir...
Valet de pique
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:12
« Tu es à ma merci maintenant, amore. »Désolée, bella. Mauvaise pioche.Témoin d’un crime, tu es ma prisonnière désormais.Je ne voulais pas que ça se passe comme ça, mais t’attacher à mon lit et te faire crier me procure un plaisir inattendu. Presque un privilège, pourrait-on dire.Et même si je te faisais confiance, maintenant que j’ai eu un avant-goût, je ne suis pas sûr de pouvoir te laisser partir...Valet de pique est une romance indépendante dans le milieu de la mafia,dans l’univers Les Nuits de Vegas. Ce roman ne se termine pas sur un suspense et n’aborde pas le thème de l’infidélité.
Le Bookmaker
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:11
J’AI FAIT UN PACTE AVEC LA BRATVA :LA VIE DE MON FRÈRE CONTRE LA MIENNEIls m’ont proposé un marché : trente nuits contre la vie de mon frère.Trente nuits... avec lui. Nikolaï Novikov.L’usurier séduisant, mais redoutable.Il est étonnamment charmant. Beau comme le diable.À rendre accro, même.Mais ce n’est qu’une illusion.Je me jure de ne rien lui donner de plus que ce que j’ai promis.Mais il lit en moi comme dans un livre ouvert.Et pour ce qui est de mon cœur, les jeux sont faits...Le gagnant raflera la mise.Son frère doit de l’argent à la bratva.Elle sera ma compensation.
Chevalier Alpha
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:11
ELLE AURA UN FAUX PETIT AMI : MOI.QUE ÇA LUI PLAISE OU NON.Cette voleuse de voitures aux jambes interminables est synonyme d’emmerdes.Mon frère a plongé à cause d’elle.Il faut que je le trouve avant la police.Et pour ça, je ne dois pas lâcher cette humaine des yeux.Où qu’elle aille, je la suis.Je me ferai passer pour son petit ami.Je dormirai dans sa chambre.Assisterai à ses cours au lycée privé.L’emmènerai au bal de promo.J’apprendrai ses secrets, découvrirai ce qu’elle mijote.Et quand j’en aurai fini avec elle, elle le regrettera.Regrettera d’avoir mis les pieds dans notre garage.Regrettera de m’avoir séduit.Regrettera de m’avoir rencontré.AVERTISSEMENT : ce roman, qui ne nécessite pas d’avoir lu le premier tome, est une romance New Adult avec des personnages de plus de dix-huit ans.
Brute Alpha
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:10
ELLE A TOUT G CHÉ... ELLE VA ME LE PAYER.Sa mère a fait perdre son travail à mon père. Elle a détruit sa vie.Et maintenant, je suis obligé de la voir tous les jours.La voisine. Une humaine. Une petite intello sexy.Elle n’a pas sa place ici ; pas à Wolf Ridge,pas dans notre lycée, et encore moins dans ma vie.Elle ignore qui je suis.Ce qui facilitera ma vengeance.Je vais la mettre à genoux. Lui transpercer le cœur.La faire saigner. Pour moi.Tout ça pour moi.AVERTISSEMENT : ce roman New Adult comporte des scènes torrides avec des personnages de plus de dix-huit ans et est destiné à des lecteurs adultes.
Le Soldat
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:12
JE DEVRAIS RENONCER À ELLE ; LA LIBÉRERL’armée russe a fait de moi un tueur, mais la bratva m’a rendu tel que je suis.Impitoyable. Létal. Irrécupérable.Et c’est pour cela que Kayla devrait garder ses distances.Cette jeune actrice innocente a un avenir radieux qui l’attend, du moment que quelqu’un ne la brise pas avant. Quelqu’un comme moi.Tous les week-ends, elle se donne pleinement à moi. Sans poser de questions. Sans hésiter.Elle est à mes ordres.En échange, je lui donne ce qu’elle désire : de la douleur et du plaisir.Mais c’est un fantasme qui ne doit pas devenir réalité.Nous jouons avec le feu,mais je semble incapable de la laisser partir...
Der Hacker
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:11
SIE HAT MEINE FAMILIE VERRATEN – UND DAFÜR WERDE ICH SIE ZAHLEN LASSENDie süße, erdbeerblonde Bewohnerin unseres Gebäudes ist nicht so unschuldig, wie wir gedacht hatten.Sie hat einen FBI-Agenten in unsere Mitte geschleust. Hat dafür gesorgt, dass mein Zwillingsbruder angeschossen wurde.Jetzt wird sie dafür bezahlen. Ich beauftrage sie damit, ihn wieder gesundzupflegen.Wenn er stirbt, stirbt auch sie. Das habe ich ihr zumindest so gesagt.Natürlich würde ich ihr niemals wirklich etwas antun.Unsere wunderschöne Nachbarin ist mir bereits unter die Haut gegangen.Aber das wird mich nicht davon abhalten, sie zu bestrafen,und sie dann auf all die Arten zu berühren, denen ich abgeschworen hatte.Sie hat meinen Frieden gestört. Wurde zu einer Ablenkung, die ich mir nicht leisten kann.Ich will sie unter Kontrolle behalten.Ich muss verhindern, dass sie mein Herz erobert.
His Queen of Clubs
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:11
Tut mir leid, Printsessa ~ deine Freiheit ist jetzt vorbei.Du gehörst jetzt mir.Du bist meine Rache.Die Tacone-Familie hat die Mafiya von Chicago ausgelöscht.Meine Bratva. Meine Familie.Also habe ich ihre kleine Schwester geschnappt.Und ich will sie nicht mehr gehen lassen.Ich will sie am liebsten für immer behalten – meine geraubte Braut.Statt Lösegeld sollen sie doch gleich eine Mitgift zahlen.So oder so, das Mädchen gehört mir, das Geld gehört mir auch.Denn ich werde ihre Kreuzdame nie mehr hergeben.
Dame de trèfle
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:11
Désolé, Printsessa, la liberté n'est pas au programme pour toi.Tu m'appartiens maintenant.Je suis venu pour me venger.La Famille Tacone a rayé de la carte la mafiya de Chicago.Ma bratva. Ma famille.Alors, j'ai capturé leur petite sœur.Maintenant que je la détiens, je n'ai aucune envie de la libérer.Je préfère la garder pour toujours... ma fiancée captive.Ils paieront une dot au lieu d'une rançon.En fin de compte, la fille et sa fortune seront à moi.Parce que je ne leur rendrai jamais leur reine de trèfle.
As de cœur
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:10
LE JOLI ROSSIGNOL EST DANS MA CAGE MAINTENANT.Elle détient l’argent de la Famille. Une vraie fortune. Et moi, je suis celui qu’on a envoyé pour faire pression sur elle. Alors, maintenant, elle joue dans mon casino. Elle se pavane sur ma scène dans son micro-short moulant. Cette fille me tue.Je lui ai promis qu’elle serait traitée avec respect, tant qu’elle fait ce qu’on lui demande. Mais je n’aurais jamais pensé qu’elle déboulerait dans mon bureau pour me tenter, pour réclamer un aperçu de mon autorité.Je n’aurais jamais pensé qu’elle s’infiltrerait dans ma peau.Et maintenant, la dernière chose que je souhaite, c’est la voir rembourser sa dette.Parce qu’alors, je devrais lui rendre sa liberté...
Der Soldat
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 03:10
ICH HÄTTE SIE AUFGEBEN SOLLEN – SIE LOSLASSEN SOLLEN.Die russische Armee hat einen Killer aus mir gemacht, aber die Bruderschaft hat den Mann aus mir gemacht, der ich binSkrupellos. Tödlich. Unverbesserlich.Weshalb Kaya mir aus dem Weg gehen sollte.Die unschuldige, junge Schauspielerin, die eine strahlende Zukunft vor sich hat,solange sie niemand vorher zerbricht. Jemand wie ich.Jedes Wochenende gibt sie sich mir vollkommen hin. Ohne Fragen. Ohne Zögern.Sie gehört mir, um über sie zu befehlen.Im Gegenzug gebe ich ihr, wonach sie sich sehnt – Schmerzen und Lust.Aber das ist eine Fantasie, die niemals Realität werden darf.Wir spielen mit Feuer,aber ich kann sie einfach nicht loslassen.
Der Vollstrecker
Updated at Apr 24, 2023, 00:16
Sie ist meine Schwäche, meine Obsession. Und jetzt meine Gefangene.Ich habe zwölf lange Jahre in einem sibirischen Gefängnis gesessen.Seit meiner Entlassung hat nichts mehr mein Interesse geweckt.Nichts, außer ihr.Woche um Woche höre ich ihre Band spielen.Ich denke nur noch an sie.Als meine Vergangenheit mich einholt, wird sie zu einem Ziel.Die einzige Möglichkeit, sie zu beschützen, ist, sie wegzusperren.Sie als meine Gefangene festzuhalten, bis die Dinge sich beruhigt haben.Jetzt wird sie mir nie verzeihen, aber ich kann es ihr nicht erklären.Ich kann nicht sprechen.
Le Sang de l’Alpha
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:56
JE L’AI ACHETÉE. ELLE M’APPARTIENT. MAIS ELLE NE SERA JAMAIS MIENNE… Un roi vampire…Dès qu’elle est montée sur scène, j’ai eu besoin de l’avoir dans mon lit. Ma soumise, à genoux et à mes pieds.Mais cette vierge captive est davantage qu’il n’y paraît…Une espionne dans mon royaume. Une arme affûtée par mon ennemi. Elle me hait. Mais la haine est une émotion dangereusement proche de l’amour… Une reine capturée…Toute ma vie, je me suis entraînée en vue d’un seul but. Un objectif ultime : tuer le roi vampire.Je m’attendais à un combat. À de la douleur. À de la torture. Je ne pensais pas le désirer. Mon corps est une arme qu’il retourne contre moi.Mais je ne peux oublier ma meute massacrée. Ma quête de vengeance. Ma mission est simple : Le séduire. Gagner sa confiance. L’éliminer.Et, par-dessus tout : ne pas tomber amoureuse.
Le Stratège
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:41
POSSÉDÉE PAR L’HOMME QUE J’AI TRAHIIl y a six ans, j’ai raconté un mensonge qui a changé la vie d’un homme.Mon père l’a banni de sa cellule de la bratva. Du pays.À présent, il est de retour pour s’emparer de mon héritage. De ma vie. Pas via un meurtre, mais via un mariage.Et c’est mon propre père qui a organisé tout ça.Maxim croit pouvoir me soumettre à sa volonté. Il croit commander.Par le passé, je l’ai désiré, et il m’a rejetée. Je ne me laisserai plus séduire.Et je n’ai pas l’intention de céder.Même s’il me fait frémir de désir...
Le Directeur
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:37
PERSONNE NE PREND CE QUI M’APPARTIENTCette jolie avocate m’a caché son secret.Un bébé qu’elle porte depuis le soir de la Saint-Valentin.Le soir où le sort a décidé de nous unir.Elle ne m’a jamais contacté. Elle voulait m’empêcher d’apprendre la vérité.Elle va découvrir ce qui se passe quand on contrarie un boss de la bratva.Une punition est nécessaire. Une séquestration en attendant la naissance.Et je mettrai ce temps à profit pour la séduire.Parce que je n’ai pas seulement l’intention de garder le bébé...Je compte épouser sa mère.
Cavaliere Alfa
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 00:40
STA PER AVERE UN FIDANZATO FINTO – ME.CHE LE PIACCIA O NO.La ladra di auto dalle gambe lunghe è finita in guai con la G maiuscola.Mio fratello si è rovinato a causa sua.Ho bisogno di trovarlo prima che lo facciano i poliziotti,il che significa che non la perderò di vista.Ovunque vada l'umana, andrò io.Mi fingerò il suo fidanzato.Dormirò nella sua camera da letto.Andrò alla sua scuola privata.La porterò al ballo.Imparerò tutti i suoi segreti, scoprirò tutti i suoi trucchi.Quando avrò finito con lei, se ne pentirà.Si pentirà di aver mai messo piede nella nostra officina.Si pentirà di avermi fatto innamorare di lei.Si pentirà di avermi mai incontrato.
Il soldato
Updated at Apr 20, 2023, 02:45
DOVREI RINUNCIARE A LEI, LASCIARLA LIBERA.L'esercito russo mi ha reso un assassino, ma la fratellanza mi ha reso quello che sono.Spietato. Mortale. Irredimibile.Ecco perché Kayla dovrebbe stare alla larga.L'innocente, giovane attrice ha un futuro luminoso davanti a sé,a patto che qualcuno non la distrugga prima. Qualcuno come me.Ogni fine settimana, si dona a me completamente.Senza discutere. Senza esitazione.Lei è sottomessa al mio comando.In cambio, io le do ciò che brama: dolore e piacere.Ma è una fantasia che non potrà mai diventare realtà.Stiamo giocando con il fuoco,ma non riesco a lasciarla andare...
Cucciolo Zandiano
Updated at Apr 20, 2023, 00:11
“IN GINOCCHIO, BESTIOLINA.”Sono sopravvissuta alla schiavitù, anche come animale domestico nell'Emporio Intergalattico di Prium. Ho sempre saputo che sarei scappata.Non sapevo che la fuga sarebbe arrivata sotto forma di un bel maschio potente della mia stessa specie. Soprattutto uno il cui trattamento rude provoca in me una febbre che non avevo mai provato prima.Ma ho intenzione di ricominciare da capo, il che significa recidere i legami con il dominatore Zandiano che una volta mi teneva con il collare e il guinzaglio. Il maschio che sa come dominarmi.No, non posso essere il suo animale domestico. Non dopo quello che ho passato.Allora perché continuo a tornare per averne di più?
Il suo Compagno e Padrone
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 23:07
«SONO IL TUO PADRONE. QUANDO TI DO UN ORDINE, TU OBBEDISCI»Non sono sfuggita al mio padrone solo per essere incatenata di nuovo. Nemmeno da un maschio sexy fatto di muscoli solidi che fa cose cattive con le dita e la lingua. Nemmeno uno della mia stessa specie che dice di conoscere mio padre, il padre che non ricordo.No, non ho intenzione di fidarmi di Tomis, il guerriero Zandiano che mi ha salvata dai Finn, soprattutto dopo che ha infuocato il mio corpo con una serie di punizioni umilianti. Ma è la stagione riproduttiva su Zandia e i cristalli attivano i miei ormoni, rendendomi disperata per la soddisfazione, anche per mano del guerriero arrogante deciso a salvare me e la sua specie.
Il risolutore
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 20:30
POSSEDUTA DA UN UOMO CHE HO TRADITOSei anni fa ho detto una bugia che ha cambiato la vita di un uomo.Mio padre l'ha bandito dal suo nucleo bratva. Dal Paese.Ora è tornato per prendere la mia eredità. La mia vita. Non con un omicidio, ma con un matrimonio.E mio padre ha organizzato tutto.Maxim pensa di potermi sottomettere alla sua volontà. Crede di avere il controllo.Un tempo lo desideravo e lui mi ha rifiutata. Non mi innamorerò di lui di nuovo.E non ho intenzione di cedere.Nemmeno quando mi fa tremare per il bisogno...
La sua Incubatrice Umana
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 19:11
MI VOGLIONO COME FATTRICE.Il mio destino è stato deciso dall'inizio. Nulla è cambiato quando il sexy dottore Zandiano mi ha acquistata dalla fattoria dei bambini e mi ha portata nel suo laboratorio analisi.Niente. E tutto.Nonostante le sue dure punizioni, penso che abbia un debole per me. Sto premendo per trarne vantaggio, ma non ho voglia di partorire ancora un altro bambino e farmelo togliere dalle braccia. Se solo riuscissi a capire come stare con il dottore dominatore alieno ma evitare la gravidanza ... 
L’addestramento della sua umana
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 02:14
«IL TUO ADDESTRAMENTO DI OBBEDIENZA INIZIA OGGI.»Non ho alcun interesse a possedere o addestrare una schiava.Nemmeno Leora, la bellissima umana che ha rapito i miei pensieri e le mie fantasie sin dal suo arrivo sulla nostra navicella spaziale. In qualità di Maestro d'Armi Zandiano, ho una guerra da pianificare e nuove truppe da addestrare. Non posso essere tentato dalla schiava umana mozzafiato, che, secondo il principe Zander, si eccita con le punizioni.Ma non posso nemmeno permettere a un altro maschio di metterla in ginocchio.Non la mia Leora.
La sua Proprietà Umana
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 01:30
LUI NON VUOLE CHE IO MI OFFRA.PREFERISCE PRENDERMI. PRETENDERE. CONQUISTARE.Volevo solo sedurre il guerriero alieno. Perché la posta in gioco era sopravvivere.Ingraziarmi al nuovo padrone.Non avrei mai pensato di innamorarmi del gigantesco guerriero con le antenne che mi ha salvata dalla schiavitù.Ma è facile fargli perdere il controllo. Tutto quello che devo fare è tentarlo e il suo bisogno di dominarmi prende il sopravvento.La sua specie combatte per riprendersi il pianeta. Il futuro di tutti noi è appeso ad un filo.Dovremmo aggrapparci mentre combattiamo per la libertà, ma ho paura.Quando scoprirà il mio segreto, potrebbe essere la fine per noi.
Il sicario
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 01:30
Lei è la mia debolezza, la mia ossessione. E adesso la mia prigioniera.Ho passato dodici lunghi anni in una prigione siberiana.Da quando sono stato rilasciato, nulla ha più catturato il mio interesse.Nulla tranne lei.Settimana dopo settimana, ho visto la sua band esibirsi.Non riesco a togliermela dalla testa.Quando il mio passato è tornato a bussare alla mia porta, lei è diventata un bersaglio.L'unico modo per salvarla è rinchiuderla.Tenerla prigioniera finché le cose non si risolverannoNon mi perdonerà mai, ma ora non posso darle spiegazioni.Non posso parlare.
Ossessione Alfa
Updated at Apr 10, 2023, 23:43
Un lupo mannaro, un gufo mutante e una scienziata entrano in un bar…SamSono nato in un laboratorio, dato in affidamento a degli umani e poi torturato in una gabbia. Il destino mi ha permesso di scappare, e non so perché.Per tenere in equilibrio la bilancia della giustizia. Risolvere le malefatte dei mietitori.Niente conta di più che eliminare l’uomo che mi ha reso ciò che sono: un mostro guidato dallo spirito di vendetta, a tutti costi.Poi incontro Layne. E lei pensa che sia un eroe.Ma non capisce: se non seguo questo lato oscuro fino alla fine, ne verrò consumato.LayneHo passato la mia vita in laboratorio, ricercando la cura per la malattia che ha ucciso mia madre. Nessuna serata fuori con gli amici, nessun ragazzo con cui uscire, decisamente nessun fidanzato.Poi Sam fa irruzione nel mio laboratorio, ruba la mia ricerca e mi rapisce. Ha dei problemi. È pazzo. E chiaramente non umano.Lui e i suoi amici sono impegnati nella missione di fermare la società che da tempo tortura i mutanti, e ora faccio parte anche io del gruppo.Sam promette di proteggermi. E quando mi tocca, mi sento rinata. Ma lui non pensa ad altro che alla vendetta. Non ha intenzione di arrendersi.Neanche per me.
Segreto Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 03:05
LEI APPARTIENE AL MIO NEMICO. NON MI FERMERÒ FINCHÉ NON SARÀ MIA.Sono il predatore estremo. Vivo secondo un codice. Cacciare o essere cacciati. Uccidere o essere uccisi.Poi incontro lei. Nell’istante in cui colgo il suo odore, capisco che è fatta per me. È nata per portare il mio marchio, e io sono nato per proteggerla.Prima che la prendessi, apparteneva al mio nemico. Ora lui la rivuole indietro. Scatenerà una guerra per riaverla, ma nessuno me la porterà via.È mia, e non intendo lasciarmela scappare.
Bullo Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 03:04
HA ROVINATO TUTTO... GLIELA FARÒ PAGARE.Sua madre ha derubato mio padre del lavoro. Gli ha distrutto la vita.Adesso devo vederla tutti i giorni.La ragazza della porta accanto. Un’umana. Una piccola bollente nerd.Non appartiene a questo posto, a Wolf Ridge,al nostro liceo, sicuramente non fa parte della mia vita.Non sa cosa sono.Il che rende più facile vendicarmi.La metterò in ginocchio. Penetrerò il suo cuore.La farò sanguinare. Per me.Tutto per me.NOTA: Questo nuovo libro per adulti contiene scene bollenti con personaggi di età superiore ai diciotto anni ed è destinato a un pubblico maggiorenne.
Tormento Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 03:03
Mi ha rovinato la vita: mi ha fatto cacciare dal branco. L’unica vendetta che bramo è lei.TreyNon avrei mai pensato di poter avere una ragazza come Sheridan. Una principessa in tutto e per tutto: bella, intelligente, una d’élite. È stata lei a scegliermi. Mi ha dato il suo cuore, la sua innocenza.Averla ferita è il mio più grosso rammarico. Ma poi lei ha tradito tutti noi.Ora è tornata: mandata a spiare il nostro branco.Vuole vendetta.Ma il mio lupo… vuole solo lei. Sheridan Mi ha spezzato il cuore e ha distrutto la mia fiducia. Io gli ho rovinato la vita.Ora dobbiamo lavorare insieme, e la cosa mi fa impazzire.Vorrei poterlo odiare. Ma ancor di più… voglio il suo marchio.
Desiderio Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:42
È l’unica ragazza che questo giocatore non può avere. Un’umana.Sto morendo dalla voglia di fare mia questa rossa che ogni sabato sera illumina il locale.Voglio portarla in magazzino e farla urlare, ma non sarebbe giusto.È troppo pura. Troppo fresca. Troppo appassionata.Troppo umana.Quando verrà a sapere il mio segreto, il mio alfa mi ordinerà di cancellarle i ricordi.Ma io non ubbidirò.E poi non sono fatto per avere una relazione: non posso marchiarla e portarla nel branco.Cosa diavolo posso fare?
Guerra Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:42
Ti ho marchiata. Mi appartieni.NashSono sopravvissuto a missioni suicide in zone di guerra. A laboratori-prigione per mutanti. Alle peggiori torture immaginabili.Ho accettato tutto. Niente mi ha messo al tappeto, fino a che non hanno fatto entrare nella mia gabbia una meravigliosa leonessa. Abbiamo passato insieme una notte, prima che i nostri aguzzini ci separassero.Ma ora sono libero e il mio leone sta diventando matto. Mi distruggerà da dentro se non troverò la mia compagna.Non so chi sia. Non so dove viva. Ma se non la trovo e non la faccio mia, morirò.Sto venendo a prenderti, Denali.DenaliMi hanno portata via da casa mia, hanno ucciso il mio branco, mi hanno messa in una gabbia e mi hanno costretta ad accoppiarmi. Mi hanno preso tutto, eppure sono sopravvissuta.Ma una notte insieme a un leone mutante mi ha distrutta. Nash mi ha portato via l’unica cosa che i miei rapitori non potevano toccare: il mio cuore.In qualche modo sono fuggita, e vivo nel terrore che Nash e tutti gli altri vengano a prendermi. La situazione sta ammazzando la mia leonessa, ma devo nascondermi. Devo proteggere l’unica cosa che mi è rimasta e che non posso perdere: il nostro cucciolo.
Missione Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:42
IL MOSTRO LA VUOLE. NON GLI SARÀ NEGATA.Sono diventato un mostro.Sento il sangue che scorre nelle vene della gente. Avverto l’odore delle loro emozioni.Voglio nutrirmi. Cacciare. Accoppiarmi…Non sono più un essere umano. La mia vita è finita. Ho abbandonato tutti coloro a cui voglio bene. Ho disertato la CIA.La mia unica speranza è la mia responsabile.Annabel Gray è sufficientemente tosta da poter affrontare il mio mostro. Se perderò il controllo, non esiterà a farmi fuori. Ma non sono l’unico predatore là fuori. C’è qualcuno che sta dando la caccia ad Annabel. La devo proteggere.Ma se non riesco a controllare il mio animale,potrei diventare la sua più grande minaccia.
Pericolo Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:41
“HAI INFRANTO LE REGOLE, PICCOLA UMANA. ORA SEI MIA.”Sono un lupo alfa, uno dei più giovani negli Stati Uniti. Posso scegliere la lupa che voglio dal branco, come compagna. E allora perché me ne sto ad annusare la sensuale avvocatessa umana della porta accanto? Nel momento in cui l’odore di Amber mi arriva alle narici, il mio lupo vuole farla sua.Ronzarle attorno è una cattiva idea, ma io non seguo le regole. Amber si comporta in maniera impeccabile, ma anche lei ha un segreto. Potrà anche non volere le sue abilità da sensitiva, ma sono un dono.Dovrei lasciarla andare, ma il modo in cui lotta me la fa desiderare ancora di più. Quando capirà cosa sono, non ci sarà via di scampo per lei. Fa parte del mio mondo, che le piaccia o no. Ho bisogno che usi il suo dono per aiutarmi a ritrovare mia sorella, che è scomparsa, e non accetterò un no come risposta.Lei ora è mia.
Sangue Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:41
L’HO COMPRATA. LA POSSIEDO. MA NON MI APPARTERRÀ MAIUn re dei vampiri…Nel momento in cui ha messo piede sul palco, ho deciso che avrei dovuto averla nel mio letto. La mia sottomessa, inginocchiata ai miei piedi.Ma questa vergine prigioniera è più di quanto sembri…Una spia nel mio regno. Un’arma forgiata dal mio nemico. Mi odia, ma l’odio è una passione pericolosamente vicina all’amore…Una regina imprigionata…Per tutta la vita sono stata addestrata per uno scopo. Un obiettivo definitivo: uccidere il re dei vampiri.Mi aspettavo una lotta. Dolore. Torture. Non mi aspettavo di desiderarlo. Il mio corpo è un’arma che lui rigira contro di me.Ma non posso dimenticare il mio branco massacrato. La mia impresa per ottenere la vendetta. La mia missione è semplice: Seducilo. Guadagnati la sua fiducia. Uccidilo.E soprattutto: non innamorarti.Questa storia di due nemici-e-poi-amanti propone un freddo e composto vampiro e una lupa inviata ad annientarlo. Se tale materiale vi offende, non acquistate questo libro.
Una sfida per l’Alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:21
Come gestire un appuntamento con un lupo mannaro:#1 Non chiamarlo mai Bravo cagnolino.Ho un problema. Un grosso problema peloso e… sensuale. Uno sgherro dei Motociclisti Mannari ha fatto irruzione in casa mia e si rifiuta di andarsene. Pensa che io conosca il segreto dei Lupi Mannari, ed è qui per fare in modo che stia zitta.#2 Durante la luna piena, preparati a darci dentro.Quando si rende conto che non sono una minaccia, è ormai troppo tardi. Il suo lupo ha deciso che devo essere la sua compagna.Peccato che non riusciamo a sopportarci…# 3 Le cattive ragazze vengono mangiate in camera da letto.... fino a che l’istinto non ha la meglio. Le cose sfuggono al controllo. Nudo sotto la luna piena, questo uomo-lupo mi fa ululare dalla voglia di averne ancora.# 4 Le rotture pssono diventare un problema spinoso.Neanche una visita da parte della magia, del mio ex violento, di quella pazza di mia madre e un viaggio in auto in un furgoncino Volkswagen da hippie sono in grado di fermarlo.#5 Attenzione al morso dell’accoppiamento.Perché non c’è via di fuga da un lupo, se ha deciso che sei la sua compagna.
Un Premio Per L'alfa
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:19
LA MIA PRIGIONIERA. LA MIA COMPAGNA. IL MIO TROFEO.Non sono stato io a ordinare la cattura della bellissima lupa americana. Non l’ho comprata io dai trafficanti. Non ho neanche programmato di farla mia. Ma nessun maschio mutante avrebbe potuto resistere alla prova di stare rinchiuso in una stanza insieme a Sedona, nuda e ammanettata al letto, durante la luna piena.Ho perso il controllo, non solo facendola mia, ma anche marchiandola, e lasciandola incinta del mio cucciolo. Non la terrò prigioniera, per quanto mi piacerebbe. Le permetterò di fuggire e di rifugiarsi nella sicurezza del branco di suo fratello.Ma una volta marchiata, nessuna lupa è mai veramente libera. La seguirò fino all’altro capo del mondo, se devo.Sedona appartiene a me.Nota dell’editore: Un premio per l’Alfa è un libro autonomo della serie Alfa Ribelli. Lieto fine garantito, niente scherzi. Questo libro parla di un lupo alfa, sexy ed esigente, con una certa propensione per proteggere e dominare la sua femmina. Se contenuti del genere ti danno fastidio, non comprare questo libro.
La sua Prigioniera Umana
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 00:19
HA RUBATO LA MIA NAVE. DOVRÀ PAGARE.La schiava umana fuggitiva ha rubato la mia nave e mi ha lasciato bloccato su un pianeta abbandonato.Ma sua sorella è la compagna del principe della mia specie, il che mi rende ancora più determinato a trovarla e punirla a fondo per i suoi crimini. Soprattutto perché so che il principe Zander la pagherà profumatamente quando avrò finito.Ma è impossibile resistere alla piccola umana. La punizione diventa un piacere delizioso mentre le insegno a sottomettersi. Se solo riuscissi a impedirle di tentare di scappare ...Divora l'entusiasmante sequel autonomo di La Sua Schiava Umana della serie Padroni Zandiani di Renee Rose, autrice bestseller di USA Today.
Tentazione Alfa
Updated at Apr 6, 2023, 22:46
MIA DA PROTEGGERE. MIA DA PUNIRE. MIA.Sono un lupo solitario, e mi va bene così. Bandito, dopo un bagno di sangue, dal branco in cui sono nato, non ho mai voluto una compagna. Poi incontro Kylie. La mia tentazione. Finiamo intrappolati insieme in un ascensore, e un attacco di panico quasi la fa svenire tra le mie braccia. È una ragazza forte, ma spezzata. E nasconde qualcosa.Il mio lupo vuole farla sua. Ma è umana, e la sua pelle delicata non sopravvivrebbe al morso di un lupo. Sono troppo pericoloso. Dovrei starmene alla larga. Ma quando scopro che lei è la hacker che ha quasi fatto crollare la mia azienda, pretendo che si sottometta al mio castigo. E lei lo fa.Kylie appartiene a me.
Ace of Hearts
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:41
DAS VÖGELCHEN SITZT JETZT IN MEINEM KÄFIG.Sie schuldet uns Geld. Eine Menge Geld. Und ich bin der Typ,der es eintreiben soll. Also tritt sie jetzt in meinem Casino auf.Mit ihren knappen Shorts stolziert sie über meine Bühneund bringt mich langsam um den Verstand.Solange sie das tut, was von ihr erwartet wird, wird ihr nichts passieren.Aber ich habe nicht erwartet, dass sie in mein Büro einfälltund mich in Versuchung führt; dass sie um einen Vorgeschmack auf meine Autorität bettelt.Ich habe nicht damit gerechnet, dass sie mir so unter die Haut geht.Am liebsten würde ich verhindern, dass sie ihre Schulden bezahlt.Denn dann müsste ich sie wieder ziehen lassen … 
Alphas Gefahr
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:41
„Du hast die Regeln gebrochen, kleiner Mensch. Jetzt gehörst du mir.“Ich bin ein Alpha-Wolf, einer der jüngsten in den Staaten. Ich kann jede Wölfin im Rudel als meine Gefährtin wählen. Warum schnüffle ich also an der sexy Anwältin von nebenan herum? Sobald ich den süßen Duft von Amber einfange, will mein Wolf sie markieren.Bei ihr rumzuhängen, ist eine schlechte Idee, aber ich spiele nicht nach den Regeln. Amber wirkt ganz etepetete, aber sie hat auch ein Geheimnis. Sie mag ihre übersinnlichen  Fähigkeiten nicht, dabei sind sie ein Geschenk.Ich sollte sie gehen lassen, aber so wie sie mich bekämpft, will ich sie nur noch mehr. Wenn sie erfährt, was ich bin, gibt es kein Entkommen für sie. Sie ist in meiner Welt. Ob sie es möchte oder nicht. Ich brauche sie, damit sie ihre Gabe zu benutzt, um meine vermisste Schwester zu finden … und ich akzeptiere kein Nein als Antwort.Sie gehört jetzt mir.
Bonne pioche
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:41
« TU AS DE GROS PROBLÈMES, POUPÉE »La petite hackeuse a volé la Famille… Cent cinquante mille dollars.Chez les Tacone, nous n’apprécions pas les voleurs.Même pas quand ils se pointent avec un emballage aussi mignon que le sien.Même pas quand elle me montre jusqu’où va son excentricité.Maintenant, ça va lui coûter cher, à ma geek sexy.Et c’est moi qui vais venir encaisser.Mais quand elle finit en prison pour la transaction que j’ai ordonné qu’elle fasse, je décide de la tirer d’affaire. Parce qu’elle ressemble à un incendie.Une force de la nature trop vive pour être éteinte.Et je n’ai pas besoin de cet argent.Je préférerais l’avoir elle.
Roi de carreau
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:41
Je l’avais prévenue.Je lui avais dit de ne plus remettre les pieds dans mon casino. Je lui avais dit de garder ses distances. Parce que si je la retrouve à proximité de ma suite, je la ferai mienne.Et une fois qu’elle sera à moi, je ne la libérerai plus jamais.Je suis le roi de la mafia de Las Vegas et je prends ce que je veux.Alors, elle a intérêt à fuir, à ne plus s’approcher de mon casino.Sinon, elle n’en partira plus jamais.Roi de carreau est une romance indépendante dans le milieu de la mafia, premier tome de la série Les Nuits de Vegas. Ce roman ne se termine pas sur un suspense et n’aborde pas le thème de l’infidélité.
Joker mortel
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 20:35
Il m’a enlevée, m’a gardée prisonnière.Je savais que Junior Tacone était dangereux.J’ai travaillé pour lui, aux soins de sa mère.Je croyais être en sécurité une fois ce travail terminé.Une fois loin de sa conscience, loin de sa portée.Mais son frère a reçu une balle et Junior m’a engagée comme infirmière.Alors, je suis sa captive, prisonnière de sa belle maison, soumise à sa loi.Et il semble nourrir des sentiments pour moi.Ce qui signifie qu’il ne me laissera peut-être jamais partir...Note : Cette romance torride est le cinquième tome de la série Les Nuits de Vegas de Renee Rose, auteure de best-sellers au classement du USA Today. Ce roman n’aborde pas le thème de l’infidélité et ne se termine pas sur un suspense.
La preda dell'Alfa
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 19:51
PIEGARLA ALLA VOLONTÀ DELL’ORSOL’umana pensa che la stia perseguitando. Forse lo sto anche facendo.Ma non sono il solo.C’è qualcosa di malvagio in questi boschi, e dà la caccia alle donne sole.Non permetterò che la scienziata sexy finisca nel suo covo.Anche se significa tenerla prigioniera nella mia baita.Trattenendola dove posso vederla di continuo.Piegandola al volere del mio orso.Solo finché la tempesta non sarà passata. Fino a che la sua ricerca non sarà finita.Poi la lascerò andare.Lo giuro.
Il sole dell’Alfa
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 19:50
COME FREQUENTARE UNA DONNA UMANA:1. Basta dire di no.Sunny Hines è la donna più esasperante che abbia mai conosciuto.Capelli lunghi, sorriso radioso e solare, graziose lentiggini, corpo sodo e in forma, tipico di chi fa yoga.Un odore delizioso.2. Resisti all’impulso di farla tua. Vattene.Il mio lupo vuole marchiarla, ma non mi innamorerò mai di un’umana, non se ne parla.Questa graziosa umana hippie mi sta facendo diventare matto.Due anni fa l’avevo sotto di me, che ululava il mio nome. Poi se n’è andata.Ora è tornata, ma non mi metterà il guinzaglio al collo.3. No... No, e basta.Ma quando la vedo con un altro uomo, non posso trattenermi dal marchiare il mio territorio e mettere le cose in chiaro:Sunny è mia.Nota dell’editore: Sole Alfa è un romanzo romantico per ultra cinquantenni, con protagonista un lupo dominante e protettivo e una donna umana dallo spirito libero, all’interno della famosa serie Alfa Ribelli. Lieto fine garantito!
Alpha's Revenge
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:13
This is insane. This human—beautiful though she may be—can’t be my mate.I learned the hard way what it's like to lose people you love.As an alpha, I vowed never to let that happen again.That means keeping my focus. Never letting my guard down.And, most of all, staying away from civilians - i.e. humans.But the feisty chocolatier has me breaking my own rules.The beautiful female tests my patience... and all my control.I should stay away. I can't protect the pack if I succumb to my desires.But what if this is more than desire?What if Fate matched me with this human, and she's my mate?If I don't claim her, I'll lose it all in the worst possible way.
Alpha's Vow
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:12
THE SWEET HUMAN IS PREGNANT WITH MY PUP.  We had one night together, and then she ghosted. Apparently, I'm not part of her 'life plan'.Whatever, angel. Plans change. She thinks I'm a player. That I won't stick around. She thinks I don't have what it takes to be a dad. That I won't drop everything and dedicate my life to our baby. To our family. To her. She's wrong. She thinks I'll walk away? She has no idea what she's in for. A wolf never walks away from his mate, and he always protects his pups. I may not have marked her yet, but I will.And if she tries to run, I'll follow. I'll hunt my beautiful female to the ends of the Earth.
Alpha's Moon
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:12
My alpha ordered me to keep away from humans. My wolf is highly unstable. Nearly feral. I can’t be trusted around civilians. Certainly not with the lovely kindergarten teacher whose scent drives me wild.But she needs a fake boyfriend for a weekend wedding trip. A big guy to intimidate her ex. How can I refuse?I won’t be directly disobeying an order, because it won’t be a real date. It will be a nice, clean mission. We’ll have separate rooms.I’ll keep my wolf on a tight leash.And no matter how much I want to, I will not mark and claim the sweet human as mine…
Alpha's Fire
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:12
I’ve waited 1000 years for my mate. If she rejects me, I’ll burn down the world.She woke the dragon.Every maiden dreams of being rescued by a handsome prince from a deadly dragon. But I am the prince and the dragon.Ancient courtship rituals demand I steal my bride away. Imprison her in my high tower. Show her my treasures, my vast lands and armies.I’ve done all that, and she still refuses me. She says she can’t see herself with a man who still thinks Istanbul is Constantinople.I must woo her, and I don’t know how. But beneath my beating human heart, a dragon sleeps. And when he wakes, no one can stop him from destroying the world.No one but her.
Alpha's Prey
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:12
BENDING HER TO THE BEAR’S WILLThe human thinks I’m stalking her. Maybe I am.But I’m not the only one.There’s something evil in these woods and it preys on single women.I’m not about to let the sexy scientist fall into its lair.Even if that means holding her prisoner in my cabin.Keeping her where I can see her at all times.Bending her to my bear’s will.Just until the storm passes. Until her research is finished.Then I’ll let her go.I swear.Publisher’s Note: Alpha’s Prey is a stand-alone book in the Bad Boy Alpha’s series. HEA guaranteed, no cheating. This book contains a grouchy, manly bear with a penchant for protecting and dominating his female. If such material offends you, do not buy this book.
Alpha's Temptation
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:10
MINE TO PROTECT. MINE TO PUNISH. MINE.I’m a lone wolf, and I like it that way. Banished from my birth pack after a bloodbath, I never wanted a mate.Then I meet Kylie. My temptation. We’re trapped in an elevator together, and her panic almost makes her pass out in my arms. She’s strong, but broken. And she’s hiding something.My wolf wants to claim her. But she’s human, and her delicate flesh won't survive a wolf's mark.I'm too dangerous. I should stay away. But when I discover she's the hacker who nearly took down my company, I demand she submit to my punishment. And she will.Kylie belongs to me.Publisher’s Note: Alpha’s Temptation is a stand-alone book in the Bad Boy Alphas series. HEA guaranteed, no cheating.
Alpha's Sun
Updated at Jul 26, 2022, 20:10
HOW TO DATE A HUMAN:1. Just say no.Sunny Hines is the most infuriating female I’ve ever met.Long hair, big sunny smile, cute little freckles, yoga-tight body.Delicious scent.2. Resist the urge to claim. Walk away.My wolf wants to mark her, but there’s no way in hell I’m falling for a human.This pretty little hippie human is driving me crazy.Two years ago, I had her beneath me, howling my name, until she left.Now she’s back, but she’s not going to put me on a leash.3. No...Just no.But when I see her with another man, I can’t stop myself fromMarking my territory and making it clear:Sunny is mine.Publisher's Note: Alpha's Sun is an over 50's romance featuring a dominant, protective wolf with a free-spirited human female set in the bestselling Bad Boy Alphas series. HEA guaranteed!
The Player
Updated at May 30, 2022, 19:29
MY BRATVA BROTHER WILL KILL HIM IF HE TOUCHES ME.Flynn Taylor, rock ‘n roll heartthrob, plays fast and loose.He’s with different girls every night. Yes, girls plural.On the brink of becoming not just a Chicago sensation, but an American icon,he’s everything I should avoid.Then again, maybe it doesn’t matter.I’m so damaged, I’m not even capable of a relationship.He might be the perfect antidote.The temptation I need to lure me back to the side of the living.He could help me get over my trauma. Attempt physical intimacy.If it goes wrong–no harm, no foul, right?If only I can keep my overprotective bratva brother from threateningto kill him if he even touches me…
The Cleaner
Updated at Apr 18, 2022, 23:14
I’VE CAPTURED THE CRIME LORD’S DAUGHTERShe will pay the price for her father’s sin.I’ll use my beautiful prisoner to get him. To make him suffer. Make him believe I'm hurting her the way he harmed my sister.And when I’m done tormenting him, I will offer a trade: her life for his.I owe him a slow, painful death. Revenge is my due.But Kateryna is strong in ways I didn’t expect.Broken before I ever got to her, she's a willing participant for my torment. She turns the tables on me, seducing me with her laughter. Her wild, crazy appetite for pain and pleasure.Now I must choose: Keep her and forgo my revenge or destroy my enemy and the woman I’ve come to love.
Two Marks Complete Boxed Set: Books 1 - 4
Updated at Mar 22, 2022, 00:44
Love shifter cowboys? Don't miss the complete boxed set of the Two Marks series!Includes:UntamedTemptedDesiredEnticedThis contemporary compilation is filled with steamy cowboys, sexy shifters set in the Wild Wild West. All four books are MFM romance where it's all about the woman.
Dead Man's Hand
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:17
„DU GEHÖRST JETZT MIR“Sie hat einen großen Fehler gemacht. Ein Tacone lässt sich nicht erpressen.Sie will mir drohen? Das geht gar nicht.Falls sie Geld braucht, soll sie mich brav darum bitten.Aber sobald ich es ihr gebe, ist uns beiden klar, was das bedeutet:Sie gehört mir.Ich halte mich so gut es geht zurück und behandle sie mit Respekt.Leider kann ich einfach nicht die Finger von ihr lassen.Und sobald ich sie unter Kontrolle habe,will ich sie nicht mehr hergeben … 
Joker's Wild
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:42
HE KIDNAPPED ME. HELD ME PRISONER.I knew Junior Tacone was dangerous.I worked for him once taking care of his mother.I thought when the job was over I’d be safe.Out of his awareness. Out of his reach.But his brother took a bullet and Junior chose me to be his nurse.So I’m his prisoner, trapped in his beautiful house, subject to his rule.And it seems he’s developed a thing for me.Which means he may never let me go...Note: This steamy stand-alone romance is the fifth in USA Today bestselling author Renee Rose's Vegas Underground series. No cheating, no cliffhangers.
His Human Possession
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:42
He doesn’t want her to offer.He prefers to take. Demand. Conquer.Leti only intended to seduce the alien warrior. Because the game was to survive.Ingratiate herself to a new master.She never thought she’d fall for the giant horned warrior who rescued her.But it’s easy to make him lose control. All she has to do is tempt him, and his need to master her takes over.Paal's species battle to take back their planet.All of their futures dangle by a thread.Leti and Paal should cling together as they fight for freedom, but her every seduction drives a wedge between them. And when he learns her secret, it just may be the end. 
His Queen of Clubs
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:42
SORRY, PRINTSESSA, FREEDOM ISN'T IN THE CARDS FOR YOU.YOU'RE MINE NOW.I came for revenge.The Tacone Family wiped out the Chicago mafiya.My bratva. My family.So I captured their little sister.Now that I have her, I don’t want to let her go.I’d rather keep her forever—my captive bride.They’ll pay a dowry instead of ransom.At the end of the day, the girl and the fortune will be mine.Because I’ll never relinquish their queen of clubs.Note: This steamy stand-alone dark romance is the sixth in USA Today best-selling author Renee Rose's Vegas Underground mafia series. HEA guaranteed--no cheating, no cliffhangers.
Zandian Pet
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:41
“ON YOUR KNEES, PET.”Taramina could survive alien servitude, even as a pet in Prium’s Intergalactic Emporium. She always knew she’d escape.She just didn’t know escape would come in the form of a powerful handsome male of her own species. Especially one whose handling incites a fever in her she hasn’t felt before.But she intends to make a fresh start, which means severing ties with the dominant Zandian who once held her collar and a leash. The male who knows just how to master her.No, she can’t be his pet. Not after what she’s been through.So why does she keep coming back for more?
Her Mate and Master
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:41
“I’m your master. When I give you an order, you obey.”Talia didn’t escape her alien masters only to be shackled again. Not even by a sexy male built of solid muscle who does wicked things with his fingers and tongue. Not even one of her own species who says he knows her father--the father she doesn’t remember.No, she isn’t about to trust Tomis, the Zandian warrior who rescues her from the Finn. But it’s breeding season on Zandia and the crystals activate her hormones, making her desperate for satisfaction, even at the hands of the arrogant warrior bent on saving both her and his species. 
Dead Man's Hand
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:41
“I OWN YOU NOW”She made a big mistake. You don’t blackmail a Tacone.Coming to me with a threat? Unacceptable.If she needs money, she’ll have to ask nicely.But once I give it to her, we both know what it means:She belongs to me.I do my best to hold back. Give her respect.Trouble is, I can’t keep my hands off her.And now that she’s under my thumb,I don’t plan to let her go…Note: This steamy stand-alone romance is the seventh in USA Today bestselling author Renee Rose's Vegas Underground series. No cheating, no cliffhangers
His Human Rebel
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:37
THE ALIEN WARRIOR THINKS I BELONG TO HIM…I don’t believe the aliens’ propaganda for one minute. The Zandians may have saved me from one death, but they plan to send me to another. They’ve conscripted me into their alien army to win their planet back. I’m biding my time, waiting for my chance to get away and find my brother, enslaved by a different species. The only thing I didn’t count on is Lundric, the tempting Zandian warrior who, for some reason, decided I’m his female.
Training His Human
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:36
Seke has no interest in owning or training a human. Not even Leora, the beautiful human who had captivated his thoughts and fantasies since her arrival on their pod. As the Zandian Master of Arms, he has a war to plan and new troops to train. He can’t be tempted by the breathtaking human, yet he can’t allow another male to train her either. Not his Leora.In all her time in the galaxy, Leora might have submitted in body, but never in mind. But the prince has given her to the huge, scarred warrior, Seke, for training and she finds he has unexpected ways of bending her to his will. Ways that leave her trembling with desire. But her new master is unwilling to take a new mate, and she fears that once he deems her training complete, he will set her aside, leaving her heart in pieces.
Alpha's Desire
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:31
She’s the one girl this player can’t have. A human.I’m dying to claim the redhead who lights up the club every Saturday night.I want to pull her into the storeroom and make her scream, but it wouldn’t be right.She’s too pure. Too fresh. Too passionate.Too human.When she learns my secret, my alpha orders me to wipe her memories.But I won’t do it.Still, I’m not mate material—I can’t mark her and bring her into the pack.What in the hell am I going to do with her?
Alpha's Prize
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:23
MY CAPTIVE. MY MATE. MY PRIZE.I didn’t order the capture of the beautiful American she-wolf.I didn’t buy her from the traffickers. I didn’t even plan to claim her. But no male shifter could have withstood the test of a full moon and a locked room with Sedona, naked and shackled to the bed. I lost control, not only claiming her, but also marking her, and leaving her pregnant with my wolfpup.I won’t keep her prisoner, as much as I’d like to. I allow her to escape to the safety of her brother’s pack. But once marked, no she-wolf is ever really free. I will follow her to the ends of the Earth, if I must. Sedona belongs to me.Publisher’s Note: Alpha’s Prize is a stand-alone book in the Bad Boy Alphas series. HEA guaranteed, no cheating. This book contains a hot, demanding alpha wolf with a penchant for protecting and dominating his female. If such material offends you, do not buy this book.
Alpha's Danger
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:23
“YOU BROKE THE RULES, LITTLE HUMAN. I OWN YOU NOW.”I am an alpha wolf, one of the youngest in the States. I can pick any she-wolf in the pack for a mate. So why am I sniffing around the sexy human attorney next door? The minute I catch Amber’s sweet scent, my wolf wants to claim her.Hanging around is a bad idea, but I don’t play by the rules. Amber acts all prim and proper, but she has a secret, too. She may not want her psychic abilities, but they’re a gift.I should let her go, but the way she fights me only makes me want her more. When she learns what I am, there’s no escape for her. She’s in my world, whether she likes it or not. I need her to use her gifts to help recover my missing sister—and I won’t take no for an answer.She’s mine now.Publisher’s Note: Alpha’s Danger is a stand-alone book in the Bad Boy Alpha’s series. HEA guaranteed, no cheating. This book contains a hot, demanding alpha wolf with a penchant for protecting and dominating his female. If such material offends you, do not buy this book.
Alpha's Challenge
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:23
How to Date a Werewolf:#1 Never call him ‘Good Doggie.’I’ve got a problem. A big, hairy problem. An enforcer from the Werewolves Motorcycle Club broke into my house. He thinks I know the Werewolves’ secret, and the pack sent him to guard me.#2 During a full moon, be ready to get freakyBy the time he decides I’m no threat, it’s too late. His wolf has claimed me for his mate.Too bad we can’t stand each other…# 3 Bad girls get eaten in the bedroom...until instincts take over. Things get wild. Naked under the full moon, this wolfman has me howling for more.# 4 Break ups are hairyNot even a visit from the mob, my abusive ex, my crazy mother and a road trip across the state in a hippie VW bus can shake him.#5 Beware the mating biteBecause there’s no running from a wolf when he decides you’re his mate.
Alpha’s Obsession
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 19:22
A werewolf, an owl shifter, and a scientist walk into a bar…SamI was born in a lab, fostered out to humans, then tortured in a cage. Fate allowed me to escape, and I know why.To balance the scales of justice. Right the misdeeds of the harvesters.Nothing matters but taking down the man who made me what I am: A monster driven by revenge, whatever the cost.Then I meet Layne. She thinks I’m a hero.But she doesn’t understand—If I don’t follow this darkness to its end, it will consume me.LayneI’ve spent my life in the lab, researching the cure for the disease that killed my mom. No late nights out, no dates, definitely no boyfriend.Then Sam breaks into my lab, steals my research, and kidnaps me. He’s damaged. Crazy. And definitely not human.He and his friends are on a mission to stop the company that’s been torturing shifters, and now I’m a part of it.Sam promises to protect me. And when he touches me, I feel reborn. But he’s hellbent on revenge. He won’t give it up.Not even for me.
Alpha Knight
Updated at Mar 16, 2022, 03:19
SHE’S GETTING A FAKE BOYFRIEND--ME.WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT.The leggy car thief is trouble with a capital T.My brother went down because of herI need to find him before the cops do,which means I’m not letting her out of my sight.Anywhere the human goes, I go.I’ll play her fake boyfriend.Sleep in her bedroom.Go to her prep school classes.Take her to the homecoming dance.I will learn all her secrets, find out all her games.By the time I’m done with her, she’ll be sorry.Sorry she ever set foot in our shop.Sorry she ever met me.Sorry she made me fall for her.
Updated at Mar 16, 2022, 03:18
TWO MARKS PACK RULE: DON’T MIX WITH RANCHERSIn Wyoming, we’re the law.We keep the pack’s secret—and our wolves—safe from our neighbors, the ranchers.Then we meet her.The one we’ve been waiting for. Our mate.Only… she’s a rancher—our pack’s nemesis. Worse, she’s the daughter of a wolf hunter.When danger encroaches on her land, we’re sent to investigate.We want to protect her. To prove to her we’re exactly what she needs.But she may be part of an illegal operation. And now she knows we’re more than two rugged cowboys bent on making her ours, which means she could destroy not just us, but the entire pack.Regardless of the truth, we must claim her. Our lives depend on it.One way or another, we’ll have her. Or die trying.
Wild Card
Updated at Mar 16, 2022, 03:08
“YOU’RE IN BIG TROUBLE, DOLL”The little hacker stole from the Family—hundred fifty grand.We Tacones don’t take kindly to thieves.Not even when they come in a package as cute as hers.Not even after she shows me how high her freak flag flies.Now there will be hell to pay for my hot geek.And I’m the one coming to collect.But when she ends up in jail for the transaction I ordered her to makeI decide to bail her out. Because she’s a wildfire.A force of nature too bright to be put out.And I don’t need the money.I’d rather have her.
Alpha's Secret
Updated at Feb 14, 2022, 02:05
SHE BELONGS TO MY ENEMY. I WON'T STOP UNTIL SHE'S MINE.Grizz:I’m the ultimate predator. I live by a code. Hunt or be hunted. Kill or be killed.Then I meet her. The second I catch her scent, I know she was meant for me. She was born to wear my mark and I was born to protect her.She belonged to my enemy until I took her. He wants her back. He’ll wage war to get her, but no one’s taking her from me.She’s mine, and I’m not letting her go.*This steamy stand-alone bad boy romance contains a grumpy grizzly shifter, a beautiful fox and a whole lot of paranormal intrigue. No cheating, happily ever after guaranteed.
Alpha's Bane
Updated at Feb 14, 2022, 02:05
She ruined my life, got me thrown out of the pack.The only revenge I crave is her.TreyI never thought I’d have a girl like Sheridan. A pack princess—beautiful, smart, one of the elite. She picked me. She gave me her heart, her innocence.Hurting her was my biggest regret. But then she betrayed us all.Now she’s back—sent to spy on our pack.She wants revenge.But my wolf...he just wants her.SheridanHe crushed my heart and broke my trust. I ruined his life.Now we have to work together, and it’s killing me.I want to hate him. But more than that...I want his mark.Alpha's Bane is a stand-alone second-chance shifter romance. No cheating or cliff-hangers.
Alpha's Mission
Updated at Feb 14, 2022, 02:04
THE MONSTER WANTS HER. HE WON’T BE DENIED.I've become a monster.I hear blood moving in people’s veins. Scent their emotions.I want to feed. To hunt. To mate...I'm no longer a human--my life is over.I've left everyone I love. I've gone rogue from the CIA.My only hope is my handler.Annabel gray is tough enough to face my monster. If I lose control, she won't hesitate to take me out. But I'm not the only predator out there. Someone's hunting Annabel.She needs my protection.But if I don’t get my animal under control,I may be her biggest threat yet.
Alpha's War
Updated at Feb 9, 2022, 23:20
I MARKED YOU. YOU BELONG TO ME.NashI've survived suicide missions in war zones. Shifter prison labs. The worst torture imaginable. Nothing knocked me off my feet... until the beautiful lioness they threw in my cage. We shared one night before our captors ripped us apart.Now I'm free, and my lion is going insane. He'll destroy me from the inside out if I don't find my mate.I don't know who she is. I don't know where she lives. All I have is a video of her. But I'll die if I don't find her, and make her mine.I'm coming for you, Denali.DenaliThey took me from my home, they killed my pride, they locked me up and forced me to breed. They took everything from me and still I survived.But one night with a lion shifter destroyed me. Nash took the one thing my captors couldn't touch--my heart.Somehow I escaped, and live in fear that they will come for me. It's killing my lioness, but I've got to hide--even from Nash. I've got to protect the one thing I have left to lose.Our cub.
Jack of Spades
Updated at Feb 7, 2022, 19:55
“YOU’RE AT MY MERCY NOW, AMORE.”Sorry, bella. You got dealt the losing hand.Witness to a crime, you’re my prisoner now.I didn’t mean for things to happen this way,But tying you to my bed and making you screamis an unexpected pleasure. A privilege, really.And even if I did trust you, now that I’ve had a taste,I’m not sure I’d let you go...Jack of Spades is a stand-alone romance in the interconnected Vegas Underground series. No cliffhangers, no cheating.
Ace of Hearts
Updated at Feb 7, 2022, 19:54
THE SWEET LITTLE SONGBIRD’S IN MY CAGE NOW.She owes the Family money. Big money. And I’m the guythey sent to put the squeeze on her. So now she’s playing at my casino.Strutting around on my stage in her tight little shorts. Killing me softly.I promised she’ll be treated with respect, so long as she does as she’s told.But I didn’t count on her barging in my office and tempting me,begging for a taste of my authority.I didn’t count on her getting under my skin.And the last thing I want is to see her debt paid.Because then I’d have to set her free…Note: This steamy stand-alone romance is the third in USA Today bestselling author Renee Rose's Vegas Underground series. No cheating, no cliffhangers.
His Human Prisoner
Updated at Jan 22, 2022, 02:21
He didn’t believe in destiny. Until he met her.When a beautiful human slave steals Rok’s ship and leaves him stranded on an abandoned planet, he’s furious. Discovering her sister is the mate to the prince of his species only makes him more determined to find her.Lily’s attraction to the huge Zandian warrior unnerves her. She’s never been moved by a male, nor interested in sex before, but Rok coaxes every bit of emotion out of her as he demands her complete surrender. But he intends to turn her over to the authorities, which will mean her certain death. She must find a way to escape the handsome alien before she loses her life--or worse--her heart.
The Bookie
Updated at Jan 15, 2022, 02:14
I BARGAINED WITH THE BRATVA--MY BROTHER’S LIFE FOR MY OWN.They offered me a deal: thirty nights for my brother's life.Thirty nights...with him. Nikolai Novikov.The charming but dangerous loanshark.He’s deceptively smooth. Sinfully handsome.Addictive, even.But it's only an illusion.I vow to give him nothing more than I promised,Yet he sees right through me.When it comes to my heart, all bets are off...And winner takes all.
The Hacker
Updated at Dec 23, 2021, 19:35
SHE BETRAYED MY FAMILY--I WILL MAKE HER PAY.The sweet redhead in our building isn’t as innocent as we thought.She brought a Fed into our circle. Got my twin brother shot.Now she will pay. I’m putting her in charge of nursing him back to health.If he dies, she dies. That’s what I told her, anyway.Of course I wouldn’t actually harm her.Our beautiful neighbor is already under my skin.But that won’t stop me from punishing herthen touching her in all the ways I vowed I wouldn’t.She’s ruined my peace. Become a distraction I can’t afford.I want to keep her under my control...I need to keep her out of my heart.
The Soldier
Updated at Dec 23, 2021, 19:35
I SHOULD GIVE HER UP—SET HER FREE.The Russian army made me a killer, but the brotherhood made me what I am.Ruthless. Deadly. Irredeemable.Which is why Kayla should stay away.The innocent young actress has a bright future ahead of her,so long as someone doesn’t break her first. Someone like me.Every weekend, she gives herself to me fully.Without question. Without hesitation.She’s mine to command. In return,I give her what she craves -- pain and pleasure.But it’s a fantasy that can’t ever become reality.We’re playing with fire, but I can’t seem to let her go…
The Enforcer
Updated at Dec 23, 2021, 19:33
She’s my weakness, my obsession. And now my prisoner.I spent twelve long years in a Siberian prison.Since my release, nothing's held my interest.Nothing except her.Week after week, I watch her band perform.I can't get her out of my mind.When my past catches up to me, she becomes a target.The only way to save her is to lock her away.Hold her prisoner until things blow over.She’ll never forgive me now, but I can’t explain.I can’t talk.
Joker’s Wild: Vegas Underground, book 5
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 05:13
HE KIDNAPPED ME. HELD ME PRISONER. I knew Junior Tacone was dangerous. I worked for him once taking care of his mother. I thought when the job was over I’d be safe. Out of his awareness. Out of his reach. But his brother took a bullet and Junior chose me to be his nurse. So I’m his prisoner, trapped in his beautiful house, subject to his rule. And it seems he’s developed a thing for me. Which means he may never let me go... Note: This steamy stand-alone romance is the fifth in USA Today bestselling author Renee Rose's Vegas Underground series. No cheating, no cliffhangers.
Alpha Knight
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 04:06
SHE’S GETTING A FAKE BOYFRIEND--ME. WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT. The leggy car thief is trouble with a capital T. My brother went down because of her I need to find him before the cops do, which means I’m not letting her out of my sight. Anywhere the human goes, I go. I’ll play her fake boyfriend. Sleep in her bedroom. Go to her prep school classes. Take her to the homecoming dance. I will learn all her secrets, find out all her games. By the time I’m done with her, she’ll be sorry. Sorry she ever set foot in our shop. Sorry she ever met me. Sorry she made me fall for her. NOTE: This book contains mild bully or teen enemies-to-lovers, academy romance themes.
Alpha Bully: An enemies-to-lovers romance
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 03:57
SHE RUINED EVERYTHING... I WILL MAKE HER PAY. Her mom robbed my dad of his job. Destroyed his life. Now I have to look at her every day. The girl next door. A human. A hot little nerd. She doesn’t belong here—not in Wolf Ridge, not at our high school, definitely not in my life. She doesn’t know what I am. Which makes it all the easier to take revenge. I will bring her to her knees. Pierce her heart. Make her bleed. For me. All for me. USA Today bestselling author Renee Rose delivers on this intense new adult shifter bully romance.
King of Diamonds: A Dark Mafia Romance
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 03:51
I WARNED YOU. I told you not to set foot in my casino again. I told you to stay away. Because if I see those hips swinging around my suite, I’ll pin you against the wall and take you hard. And once I make you mine, I’m not gonna set you free. I’m king of the Vegas underground and I take what I want. So run. Stay the hell away from my casino. Or I’ll tie you to my bed. Put you on your knees. Break you.  
The Fixer: A Dark Bratva Romance
Updated at Sep 9, 2021, 23:55
OWNED BY THE MAN I BETRAYED Six years ago I uttered a lie that changed a man’s life. My father banished him from his bratva cell. From the country. Now he’s back to take my inheritance. My life. Not through murder, but marriage. And my own father arranged it. Maxim thinks he can make me submit to his will. He thinks he gets to call all the shots. I wanted him once and he refused me. I won’t fall for him again. And I don’t plan to cave. Not even when he makes me tremble with need…
Vegas Underground Collection: Books 5-8
Updated at Aug 5, 2021, 00:11
Read the thrilling conclusion to the Vegas Underground Series. Four book set includes: JOKER'S WILD (book 5) He kidnapped me. Held me prisoner. His brother took a bullet and Junior chose me to be his nurse. So I’m his prisoner, trapped in his beautiful house, subject to his rule. And it seems he’s developed a thing for me. Which means he may never let me go.... HIS QUEEN OF CLUBS (book 6) SORRY, PRINTSESSA, FREEDOM ISN'T IN THE CARDS FOR YOU. YOU'RE MINE NOW. I came for revenge. The Tacone Family wiped out the Chicago mafiya. My bratva. My family. So I captured their little sister. DEAD MAN'S HAND (book 7) “I OWN YOU NOW” She made a big mistake. You don’t blackmail a Tacone. Coming to me with a threat? Unacceptable. If she needs money, she’ll have to ask nicely. WILD CARD (book 8) “YOU’RE IN BIG TROUBLE, DOLL” The little hacker stole from the Family—hundred fifty grand. We Tacones don’t take kindly to thieves. Not even when they come in a package as cute as hers.
Vegas Underground Collection: Books 1-4
Updated at Aug 5, 2021, 00:10
Read the first four books in the Vegas Underground Series. Set includes: KING OF DIAMONDS (Book 1) I WARNED HER. I told her not to set foot in my casino again. I told her to stay away. Because if I see her around my suite again, I’ll claim her as my own. And once I make her mine, I’m not gonna set her free. I’m king of the Vegas underground and I take what I want. MAFIA DADDY (short bonus story) SHE'S ALWAYS BEEN MINE Don G gave me an order--find his daughter. Straighten her out. Bring her home. Sure--taking the mafia princess in hand will be my pleasure. JACK OF SPADES (Book 3)  “YOU’RE AT MY MERCY NOW, AMORE.” Sorry, bella. You got dealt the losing hand. Witness to a crime, you’re my prisoner now. ACE OF HEARTS (Book 4) THE SWEET LITTLE SONGBIRD’S IN MY CAGE NOW. She owes the Family money. Big money. And I’m the guy they sent to put the squeeze on her. So now she’s playing at my casino.
The Director
Updated at Jun 22, 2021, 23:24
NO ONE TAKES WHAT’S MINE. The lovely attorney kept a secret from me. A baby she’s been carrying since Valentine’s night. The night we were thrown together by the roulette wheel. She never contacted me. Meant to keep me in the dark. She’s about to find out what happens when you cross a bratva boss. Punishment is in order. Sequestering until the birth. And I’ll use that time to win her surrender. Because I don’t just plan to keep the baby— I plan to make his mother my bride. And it would be much better for both of us if she were willing.