Story By Val Di Santa

Val Di Santa

I dream a lot. I dream while I am asleep of things I thought of while awake, and I dream while am awake of things that dumbfound me while I am awake. I dream of the multiple lives I would have lived and the various decisions I would have taken and paths I would have followed if I had lived in different times and different worlds. In summary, I don\'t think like other people do but when I do so it\'s with much more passion.
The Wolf-prince's stolen bride
Updated at Jul 21, 2024, 04:18
In a world where both humans and werewolves exist and remain aware of each other, two kingdoms with different histories are constantly at war because of the key difference in their way of life. The kingdom of Mari to the south believes that werewolves should be hunted down and killed till they are totally wiped out and made extinct. The kingdom of Belfaire to the North has werewolves and humans living together as equals and is ruled by a Prince who was born to a werewolf father and a human mother and as such keeps up with his duties as ruler while being the leader of the entire pack of wolves in the kingdom. The royal families ruling the kingdoms have hated and fought against each other for centuries but one of them seeks for peace and tries to end all the years of wars. The king of Mari has agreed to marry his only child ‘Princess Raya’ to the ruthless ‘Prince Tristane’ who rules over the rival kingdom. Prince Tristane has no desire for peace but might consider taking the beautiful Princess to his bed; she was rumored to be the most beautiful woman. He had no intentions of marrying her or making peace with people he hated, but he planned to take the Princess for himself even if just for a night. He had his desires and he always got what he wanted through sheer force and aggression, he had no idea the woman he was about to meet would have the power to touch his very soul and form a bond. A bond built on deceit, betrayal, vengeance, hate, a white hot smoldering passion and an undeniable attraction between enemies. This is the story of a fiery, wild and free-spirited young human Princess, ‘Raya of Mari’ and her dark and twisted relationship with the ruthless and cunning werewolf Prince, ‘Tristane of Belfaire’, the alpha of Belfaire and the most despicable man on the planet. [WARNING: contains depictions of violence, abuse & sex to varying extents]
Her heartless billionaire
Updated at Nov 20, 2022, 03:22
‘Sarah Winston’ is a smart, determined young lady with a wealthy father who decided to carve her own path without his help and chose journalism to be her way of doing so. Moving to New York was a big step and created the distance from her father she needed to finally see life on her own and make those life altering decisions for herself. She had her own plans for life and so much she plans to do but everything changes one fateful night on her first assignment as a journalist when she is assigned to a party in one of New York’s biggest clubs on a cold December night. She runs into the famous, mysterious and yet feared Italian-American billionaire ‘Max Malevolo’ by a stroke of destiny and on that fateful night both their lives would change forever.
Triplet Queens' mysterious Guard
Updated at Jun 30, 2022, 01:29
A faraway world different from the world we know today and different from the places, times and people remembered by history. ...... Triplet sisters pretending to be a single person and ruling a powerful kingdom while navigating the politics involved with other powerful kingdoms. The triplets Princess Bella, Princess Isabel & and Princess Elle have a big secret and now have to share that big secret with a mysterious man who has found out what is really going on. They have decided that the only way to make sure he never reveals the truth is to keep him close, he would have to chose between being their prisoner in perpetuity or being a part of their royal guard. There was only one good option for the mysterious man who simply introduced himself as 'Jon'. The fun, mystery and thrill was only going to get better from there.
Celestial Clans: The vampire prince's origin
Updated at Feb 28, 2022, 04:38
The 2nd installment of the Celestial Clans series. The story of how Prince Valentine got to the normal earthly realm and grew up there before returning to Havana to reclaim his birthright as the next leader of the Vampire clan and take the title of Vlad Dracula Valentine. This installment shows how he trained with the hunters guild and climbed up the ranks at a young age as well as his relationship with a younger Alex and Vanessa. It shows him growing up under the guardianship of his adopted father and what made him grow up to be the strong and just king he would eventually become. How did he meet Catherine? How did he meet Christian? How did he meet Cheryl? How were those relationships formed? All this questions and many more mysteries from the first book in the series (Celestial Clans: The vampire prince's secret) will be answered as you get to see Valentine years before Camille was born and even get to see him living as a normal human man. Thrill, romance, humor and adrenaline pumping action are certain.
Celestial Clans: The Vampire Prince's Secret
Updated at Sep 22, 2021, 12:53
Vlad Dracul Valentine, the heir to the Marcellus family wealth, the bloodhaven castle, the crimson castle and the next king of the vampire clan stared into her eyes from across the table. He had to tell her this third and most important secret so that there would only be honesty between them from now on. “I think a part of Catherine’s soul reincarnated in you. No one else knows this but I think a part of me knew it the very first day I saw your eyes.” Valentine said almost nonchalantly, he knew it would be no big deal to her but this time he was wrong. The smile on her face faded and she stood up now with her hand slamming the table.  Valentine had not expected the third secret to be the worst one for her. Her eyes were tightly shut for some minutes now. “So you mean to say I have been moved all around the world multiple times in a few weeks, attacked by a wizard. Had my parents fight werewolves and get kidnapped by men from the hunter’s Guild simply because I have someone’s soul linked to mine unwillingly and without any idea that it had happened?” she asked with cold anger that left Valentine surprised for a second. He had never heard her sound this angry before, she sounded incensed.