Story By Scarlett Rossi

Scarlett Rossi

Submitting to My Best Friend's Dad
Updated at Oct 24, 2024, 00:50
“Do you want to know how this works?” he whispered. “Yes!” I gasped in response to his tug on my hair. “I want to know.” “Yes, what?” he asked, causing my mind to swirl with the realization of what he was into. “Yes, sir. I can be a good girl.” **** For Becca, going to Miami brought up old childhood memories with her best friend, Tally. She needed the break after a rough year attending Yale and a break-up with her boyfriend, Chad. She didn’t expect for her summer of fun to include sleeping with James, the Italian Stallion–Tally’s father. Knowing it’s wrong, she allows James to pull her into a vortex of pleasure that has her breaching the surface of reality and grasping for survival. Can Becca endure this pleasure without Tally finding out? Or will her secrets cause her world to crash around her? Submitting to My Best Friend’s Dad is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy
Updated at Aug 10, 2024, 20:21
“Look, Michael! It’s a dolphin!” I couldn’t believe my eyes as the beautiful sea creature leapt from the water. Both of us laughed, but when I locked eyes with him, the only thing I could think about was how badly I wanted him to kiss me. If only he wasn’t my best friend’s dad…. Shelby goes on the vacation of a lifetime aboard her friend Lauren’s yacht, but when she gets there, she discovers Lauren is engaged—to her ex-boyfriend. He had been cheating on Shelby with Lauren for months. On top of that, Lauren’s snooty friends bully Shelby and make her feel bad for being poor. The only good thing about the trip is Michael. He’s so kind, considerate, and handsome. And Shelby thinks he might be interested in her, too. But… he just happens to be Lauren’s dad. Will Shelby and Michael let their true feelings be known, or will she always be longing for her billionaire beach daddy? Longing for the Beach Billionaire Daddy is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.
Owned by the Billionaire Mafia King
Updated at Jul 30, 2024, 19:32
I felt his hot breath on my neck and moaned as his fingers expertly caressed my sensitive areas. Gasping for breath, I pulled him closer, and he reached up to meet my lips, our tongues dancing in bliss as he pulled me over and positioned me to straddle him. “Jaxon,” I breathed when we came up for air, but he hushed me and moved his finger over my lips. “You’re mine,” he growled. “Let me show you what you really need.” *** I knew my dad was in debt to the mafia since I worked three jobs trying to pay off what he owed. But I didn’t expect it when he told me, “Sara, I’ve sold you,”–to the king of the underworld! The worst part is that the mafia king just happens to be my dad’s gorgeous best friend, Jaxon, who I’ve been lusting over for a long time. And now that he owns me, I’m feeling like this is so much deeper than lust, and I don’t know if this will break me…. Owned by the Billionaire Mafia King is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Enamorándome del Sr. Cary
Updated at Apr 22, 2024, 01:10
"Señor Cary, no entiendo..." Su mano acarició el lado de mi cara mientras me miraba, "¿qué hay que entender?" "Usted es el mejor amigo de mi padre..." ****** Della acababa de cumplir veinte años cuando su mundo comenzó a desmoronarse lentamente. Su novio de toda la vida no era el hombre que ella creía y su padre estaba constantemente ausente, dejándola sola para defenderse por sí misma. Mientras todos los demás disfrutaban de sus vidas amorosas, ella esperaba nunca encontrar la suya. Eso es hasta que el mejor amigo de su padre, el señor Cary, demuestra ser el amante cariñoso, dulce e increíblemente sexy que siempre había querido. El único problema es que tiene el doble de su edad y con la sociedad desaprobando tales cosas, ella tiene que decidir si vale la pena. ¿Continuará amando al señor Cary de la manera que desea? ¿O sucumbirá a las vistas de la sociedad y correrá a las colinas para salvar su propia imagen? «Enamorándome del Sr. Cary» es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
El lago del amor
Updated at Apr 22, 2024, 01:10
"No entiendo... ¿siempre has sentido esto?". La confusión que me invadía ante otra confesión de lujuria o amor era abrumadora. Lo último que esperaba al volver a la casa del lago era estar rodeada por tres hombres intentando ganar mi atención, y sin embargo, aquí estaba. Atrapada en una neblina de lujuria impulsada por sexo y placer de la que no quería escapar. *** A Juliet le encantaba pasar tiempo en la casa de sus abuelos durante su crecimiento, así que cuando fallecieron justo después de su graduación, no pudo permitir que alguien más se ocupara de los asuntos de sus abuelos. En su lugar, se dirigió de regreso a una vida de la que no había formado parte en tantos años. Rodeada de hombres que buscaban devorarla. Uno amigo, uno contratista y uno un chico malo que hacía que se le erizaran los dedos de los pies solo con hablar. ¿Podrá Juliet mantenerse firme para organizar su vida, o sucumbirá a los deseos sexuales que cada hombre despierta en ella? «El lago del amor» es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Las noches en Montana
Updated at Apr 22, 2024, 01:10
"¿En qué diablos me he metido?" Tres hombres, no podía conseguir que un hombre me complaciera de la manera correcta. ¿Y ahora tengo tres?! ***** Mila nunca deseó una vida complicada. Cuando sus padres murieron decidió mudarse a Montana para vivir más cerca de su hermana distanciada. Asumiendo un trabajo como técnica veterinaria local, y simplemente tratando de mantener la cabeza baja. Sin embargo, cuando Olver, Ethan y Lucas entran caminando en su vida, tiene que aprender a luchar si quiere sobrevivir. Porque estos tres hombres, aunque muy diferentes, tienen algo en común. Hacer que Mila se deshaga de las maneras más pecaminosas. ¿Encontrará la manera de sobrevivir? ¿O se dejará llevar para encontrar placer en tres hombres que quieren compartirla entre ellos? «Las noches en Montana» es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Tenías que ser tú…
Updated at Apr 22, 2024, 01:10
"Tienes que estar bromeando..." Rodando los ojos, él se burló: "Solo di que sí. Sé que necesitas el dinero." No estaba equivocado , pero tenía la sensación de que me iba a arrepentir de esto. ********* Deidra quería tener una experiencia universitaria normal como todos los demás, pero lo último que había anticipado era que su acosador de cuarto grado volviera corriendo a su vida pidiéndole ayuda. ¿Cláusulas de herencia, testamentos de última hora y un boleto gratis para que sus años de pregrado se pagaran por completo? ¿Qué más había que decir, excepto que Wes no era alguien fácil de trabajar? Era más probable que fuera a ser más problema que lo que el dinero vale. «Tenías que ser tú…» es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Buscada por el cartel
Updated at Apr 20, 2024, 18:03
"""¿¡Por qué me trajiste aquí!?"" grité frustrada mirando a los ojos de lo que parecía ser el mismo diablo. ""Tu padre nos debe algo... no actúes como si no fueras a disfrutar estando aquí, Cariño. He visto cómo nos miras a mis hermanos y a mí. Quizás... Quizás podamos hacerte sentir cosas que solo has soñado."" *** Honey Whitlock, la hija del político David Whitlock, finalmente mordió más de lo que podía masticar. Sus días de chica fiestera, sobre los que sus padres siempre la advirtieron, la han metido en más problemas de los que jamás pensó que podría manejar. Cuando su padre enfada a los hermanos Lazano, ella se convierte en la palanca que necesitan para hacer que su padre coopere. Con la violencia a menudo puede venir el placer, y a medida que Honey es lanzada a un mundo de caos, debe aprender a sobrevivir o nunca encontrará el camino a casa. «Buscada por el cartel» es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing."
Vendida al príncipe de Dubai
Updated at Mar 21, 2024, 19:52
"—No creo que te des cuenta, pero no soy ese tipo de chica. Se creía mi dueño, pero de ninguna manera iba a dejar que me viera quebrarme. —Te compré... ¿recuerdas? —respondió, con una mueca en la comisura de los labios. —No, tú compraste mi virginidad. La risa estalló cuando su siniestra mirada recorrió mi cuerpo. —¿No es lo mismo? *** Lyla, una estudiante universitaria, cae en apuros económicos al volver a estudiar. En un arrebato de desesperación -y borrachera- se inscribe en un sitio de Sugar babies con la esperanza de vender su virginidad al mejor postor. El único problema es que cuando Lyla vuelve en sí, se da cuenta de que no sólo se vendió a un hombre cualquiera, sino al Príncipe de Dubai. Un príncipe con secretos y sed de cosas oscuras y peligrosas. ¿Será capaz de resistirse a sus oscuras insinuaciones? ""Vendida al príncipe de Dubai"" es una obra de Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing."
Los billonarios del atardecer
Updated at Feb 26, 2024, 23:05
"—¿Quieren decir... que no les importa compartirme? ¿Los tres? —No, Simone, cariño. Si eso significa que podemos estar contigo, a los tres nos parece bien —dijo Nick. Apenas puedo creer lo que oigo. ¿Cómo he tenido tanta suerte? ¿Una estrella del baloncesto, un actor famoso y un gurú de la tecnología? Simone, ¡estás viviendo la mejor vida! Simone es nueva en el bufete Owens y tiene que demostrar su valía vendiendo casas en Sunset Strip, Hollywood. Pero cuando la chica desagradable de la oficina, Crystal, empieza a rumorear que Simone se acuesta con todos sus clientes, bueno, tiene razón... ¡en cierto modo! Michael, Nick y Christian quieren comprarle casas a Simone, pero también quieren más. La quieren a ella, y ya que todos son felices compartiéndola, ¿por qué debería elegir a uno? Pero su trabajo es importante para ella. ¿Será capaz de salvar su reputación y conservar a todos sus hombres? ""Los billonarios del atardecer"" es una obra de Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing."
Atrapada entre los hermanos de la mafia
Updated at Dec 25, 2023, 19:10
—Relájate, Eden. Abre la caja, entrega el contenido, y todo el mundo estará bien. Incluso con la máscara puesta, puedo decir que este ladrón no es el típico criminal. Hay algo en él que hace que mi cuerpo responda... que hace que quiera que me lleve en su lugar. *** La vida normal de Eden Smith como cajera de un banco se ve interrumpida el día que los hermanos Golden entran en escena. Dante y Ryder han estado vigilando el banco, y a Eden, durante semanas. Eden es tomada como rehén. Cuando tiene la oportunidad de escapar, descubre que está cansada de su novio maltratador y de su vida normal. Con los hermanos Golden, todo eso podría cambiar. Basta una mirada de los hermanos para que Eden se encuentre haciendo cosas que nunca hubiera imaginado. ¿Se irá Eden o la reclamarán los hermanos? Eden tendrá que decidir si vuelve a ser cajero o se sumerge en el lujoso y tórrido, pero peligroso, estilo de vida de los hermanos Golden. "Atrapada entre los hermanos" de la mafia es obra de Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Salvada por el amor de un multimillonario
Updated at Dec 24, 2023, 23:00
Cuando la vida de Cat Walker se viene abajo, su trabajo es lo único que la mantiene unida. Lo que ella no sabe es que el hombre deslumbrante que la conoció en un bar y le ofreció su ayuda es la última persona con la que debería involucrarse: su jefe, Luke. A medida que Cat trabaja codo con codo con Luke, los límites entre el trabajo y las emociones empiezan a difuminarse. Por una vez, alguien cree en ella y en sus habilidades. Después de tantas decepciones, por fin alguien se preocupa por ella. Pero junto con Luke llega su familia, un grupo poderoso y de clase alta al que Cat no le cae nada bien. No sólo es una cuña entre Luke y la otra mujer de la alta sociedad con la que quieren que se case, sino que además hay... una historia entre ella y el nuevo miembro de la familia: su ex novio, que ahora está prometido con la hermana embarazada de Luke. "Salvada por el amor de un multimillonario" ha sido creada por Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
No sólo otra chica nueva
Updated at Nov 14, 2023, 18:50
Callan me besó a fondo, avivando las llamas entre nosotros antes de mordisquearme el labio. Deseosa de más, abrí la boca como una dulce invitación. Pasó su lengua por la mía y profundizó el beso. Me aferré a los lados de su camisa, balanceándome contra él. Las manos de Callan bajaron hasta agarrarme las nalgas y tirar de mí contra él. Sentía su dureza contra mi muslo. —Callan... Susurré mientras sus labios recorrían mi cuello. —¿Mhm? —Callan murmuró contra mi piel. —Hazme el amor. * Tras una ruptura que supuso la pérdida de su negocio, Isla tiene una política de no tener citas con sus compañeros de trabajo. Es una mujer con algo que demostrar, y ningún hombre se lo va a quitar esta vez. Excepto, quizá, el director general Callan. Después de una noche de vapor, Callan está decidido a derribar los muros de hielo de Isa. ¿Podrá Isa dejar atrás el pasado y arriesgarlo todo por Callan? "No sólo otra chica nueva" es una creación de Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Atrayendo a la clandestinidad
Updated at Oct 23, 2023, 19:35
—Puedo cuidarme sola —solté con frustración. Sus ojos oscuros me miraron divertidos mientras me agarraba del cuello. —Apuesto a que puedes. Sabes... esa actitud fogosa tuya es encantadora. ******** Heredar un bar era una aventura a la que Raven no podía resistirse. El único problema que no esperaba era heredar la deuda que venía con él. Luchando por sobrevivir, encuentra una oportunidad financiera en Adriano, el líder de la mafia local, y cae en una espiral de seducción y violencia para conseguir lo que más desea. Detrás de cada puerta cerrada se abre otra, y el salvaje viaje de ira, posesión y romance erótico la lleva a lugares con los que sólo podía soñar. ¿Sobrevivirá al peligro que acecha en las sombras o caerá presa de él? "ADVERTENCIA DE CONTENIDO (CW): Esta historia puede incluir escenas o representaciones de violencia y placer sexual intenso. Sólo para adultos. "Atrayendo a la clandestinidad" ha sido creada por Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Sometiéndome al encanto prohibido del papá de mi mejor amiga
Updated at Sep 22, 2023, 19:40
—¿Quieres saber cómo funciona esto? —susurró. —¡Sí! —jadeé en respuesta, luego de que me estirara el pelo—: Quiero saber. —¿Sí, qué? —preguntó, haciendo que mi mente se retorciera al darme cuenta de sus fetiches. —Sí, señor. Seré una buena chica. Para Becca, ir a Miami despertó viejos recuerdos de la infancia con su mejor amiga, Tally. Necesitaba un descanso después de un año difícil en Yale y la ruptura con su novio, Chad. No esperaba que su verano de diversión incluyera acostarse con James, el Semental Italiano y el padre de Tally. Sabía que estaba mal, pero permitió que James la arrastrara hacia un torbellino de placer que la hacía sobrepasar la superficie de la realidad y aferrarse a la supervivencia. ¿Será Becca capaz soportar este placer a espaldas de Tally? ¿O sus secretos terminarán haciendo que su mundo se desmorone? «Sometiéndome al encanto prohibido del papá de mi mejor amiga» fue creado por Scarlett Rossi, una autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Enamorándome del padre multimillonario de al lado
Updated at Sep 22, 2023, 19:40
Oliver gimió en mi oído, su mano apretando un poco más alrededor de mi cintura. —Estás increíble —dijo con voz ronca y desgarrada. No podía articular palabra; mi mente se dispersaba en un millón de direcciones mientras cada nervio de mi cuerpo se encendía. Gemí mientras sentía la cabeza mareada, ebria de éxtasis. *** Pensé que sería un verano fácil cuidando la casa de mi profesora de universidad... hasta que vi al guapísimo multimillonario de al lado. "Enamorándome del padre multimillonario de al lado" es una obra de Scarlett Rossi, autora de eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Billionaire Daddy's Little Artist
Updated at Sep 4, 2023, 00:12
“You’re mine, Lily. I don’t care about your age or your past. You belong to me now.” William looked deep into my eyes with that smoldering stare, and I melted into his arms as his lips pressed down on my neck. It no longer mattered that he was old enough to be my father, or that he was my friend’s dad. All that mattered was that he was about to consume me. And I would let him. *** In the world of art and love, Lily and William's passionate journey unfolds. As Lily's paintings captivate the globe, their love is tested by a vengeful ex-wife and a dangerous art thief. Together, they navigate fame, deception, and the power of their shared dreams. A gripping tale of resilience and the bond between two hearts, will their love survive the shadows threatening to consume them? Billionaire Daddy’s Little Artist is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.
Claimed by the Soroity Daddy
Updated at Aug 30, 2023, 18:55
“Secrets? What secrets?” He stared down at me, a twinkle of amusement in his eye as a smile crossed his lips. “Oh, baby girl. You know exactly what secrets I’m talking about.” The way his voice wrapped around me made my thighs clench together, a dull ache between them that begged for the pleasure only he could give me. *** Chloe thought her senior year in college was going to be a breeze. Last minute classes, and parties with her Sorority sisters. What more could a girl ask for, right? Her life however goes from fluffy kitties and parties to mysterious notes, and hidden agendas when Alexander Cross walks into her life. Her best friend's father has a new target in mind, and the moment he gets his fingers on Chloe she finds herself in a situation that has her begging for me. Claimed by the Soroity Daddy is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Montana Nights
Updated at Aug 11, 2023, 02:10
“What the heck have I gotten myself into?” Three men, I couldn't get one man to please me the right way. And now I have three of them?! ***** Mila never wished for a complicated life. When her parents died she decided to move to Montant to live closer to her estranged sister. Taking on a job as a local vet tech, and simply trying to keep her head down. However, when Olver, Ethan and Lucas come walking into her life she has to learn to fight if she wants to survive. Because all three of these men, though very different, have one thing in common. To make Mila come undone in the most sinful of ways. Will she find a way to survive it? Or will she let herself go to find pleasure in three men who want to share her amongst themselves? Montana Nights is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Loving Mr. Cary
Updated at Aug 9, 2023, 20:41
“Mr. Cary, I don't understand...” His hand brushed down the side of my face as he stared at me, “what’s to understand?” “You're my fathers best friend...” ****** Della just turned twenty when her world slowly started to fall apart. Her long-time boyfriend wasn't the man she thought he was and her father was constantly gone leaving her alone to fend for herself. With everyone else enjoying their love lifes she expected to never find hers. That is until her fathers best friend Mr. Cary proves to be the caring, sweet, and incredible sexy lover she had always wanted. The only problem is he is twice her age and with society frowning upon such things she has to decide if it is worth it. Will she carry on and love Mr. Cary the way she wants too? Or will she succumb to society’s views and head for the hills to save her own image? Loving Mr. Cary is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Love on the Lake
Updated at Jul 16, 2023, 20:40
“I don't understand... you always felt this way?” The confusion rolling through me at yet another confession of lust or love was overwhelming. The last thing I had expected when I came back to the lake house was to be surrounded by three men all trying to win my attention, yet here I was. Caught in a lust driven haze of sex and pleasure I didn't want to escape from. *** Juliet loved spending time at her grandparents’ home growing up, so when they passed away right after graduation she couldn’t bring herself to let someone else handle her grandparents affairs. Instead she set off back to a life she had not been part of in so many years. Surrounded by men who looked to devour her. One a friend, One a Contractor, and one a bad boy that made her toes curl just by speaking. Will Juliet be able to stand her ground to get her life together, or will she succumb to the sexual desires each man awakens in her? Love on the Lake is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.
Claimed by the Cartel
Updated at Jul 16, 2023, 20:40
“Why did you bring me here?!” I yelled in frustration staring into the eyes of sex and evil. “Your dad owes us something... don’t act like you won’t enjoy being here Honey. I've seen the way you look at my brothers and I. Perhaps... Perhaps we can make you feel things you have only ever dreamed of.” *** Honey Whitlock, the daughter of politician David Whitlock, finally bit off more than she could chew. Her party girl days her parents always warned her about have gotten her into more trouble than she ever thought she could handle. When her father upsets the Lazano brothers, she becomes the leverage they need to get her father to cooperate. With violence can often come pleasure, and as Honey is thrown into a world of chaos she must learn to survive or she will never find her way home. Claimed by the Cartel is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
It Had to Be You
Updated at Jul 13, 2023, 02:25
“You've got to be kidding me...” Rolling his eyes he scoffed “just say yes. I know you need the money.” He wasn't wrong there, but I had a feeling I was going to regret this. ********* Deidra wanted to have a normal college experience just like everyone else, but the last thing she had anticipated was her fourth grade bully to come running back into her life asking her for help. Inheritance clauses, last-minute wills, and a free ticket for her undergrad years to be paid in full? What more was there to say, except that Wes wasn’t someone easy to work with. He was more likely going to be more trouble than the money is worth. It Had To Be You is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Trapped Between the Mafia Brothers
Updated at Jun 30, 2023, 18:54
“Relax, Eden. Open the box, hand over the contents, and everyone will be fine.” Even with a mask on, I can tell this robber isn’t your typical criminal. There’s something about him that makes my body respond… that makes me want him to take me instead. *** Eden Smith’s normal life as a bank teller is interrupted the day the Golden brothers walk. Dante and Ryder have been watching the bank, and Eden, for weeks. Eden is taken a hostage. When she has a chance to escape, finds she is tired of her abusive boyfriend and normal life. With the Golden brothers, that could all change. All it takes is one look from the brothers for her to find herself doing things she never would’ve dreamed imaginable! Will Eden leave or will the brothers claim her? Eden must decide if she will go back to bank telling or dive into the Golden brothers’ lifestyle luxurious, steamy—but dangerous—lifestyle. Trapped Between the Mafia Brothers is created by Scarlett Rossi, an EGlobal Creative Publishing author.
Sold to the Prince of Dubai
Updated at May 9, 2023, 20:01
“I don’t think you realize it, but I’m not that kind of girl.” He thought he owned me, but there was no way I would let him see me break. “I bought you… remember?” He replied, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk. “No, you bought my virginity.” Laughter erupted as his sinister gaze swept over my body. “Isn’t that the same thing?” *** Lyla, a university student, falls into financial troubles when returning back to school. In a rush of desperation–and a drunken haze– she signs up to a Sugar babies site in hopes to sell her virginity to the highest bidder. The only problem is when Lyla returns to her senses, she realizes not only was she sold to just any man, she was sold to the Prince of Dubai. A prince with secrets and a hunger for all things dark and dangerous. Will she be able to resist his dark advances? Sold to the Prince of Dubai is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Saved by the Billionaire's Love
Updated at Jan 10, 2023, 22:40
When Cat Walker’s life comes crashing down, her job is the only thing holding her together. What she doesn’t know is that the ravishing man who met her at a bar and offered a helping hand is the last person she should be getting involved with: her boss, Luke. As Cat works closely with Luke, the lines between work and emotions begin to blur. For once, someone believes in her and her abilities. After so many disappointments, someone finally cares about her. But along with Luke comes his family, a high-class, powerful group who don’t like Cat at all. Not only is she a wedge between Luke and the other socialite they want him to marry, but there’s… history between her and the newest addition to the family: her exboyfriend who is now engaged to Luke’s pregnant sister. Saved by the Billionaire’s Love is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Not Just Another New Girl
Updated at Nov 15, 2022, 19:20
Callan kissed me thoroughly, fanning the flames between us before nibbling my lip. Craving more, I opened my mouth in sweet invitation. He ran his tongue along mine, and then deepened the kiss. I clung to the sides of his shirt, swaying into him. Callan’s hands drifted down to grab my bottom and pull me fully against him. I could feel his hardness against my thigh. “Callan…” I whispered as his lips trailed down my neck. “Mhm?” Callan murmured against my skin. “Make love to me.” *** After a breakup hat led to the loss of her business, Isla has a no-dating policy when it comes to coworkers. She’s a woman with something to prove, and no man is going to take it from her this time. Except, perhaps, CEO Callan. After a steamy night, Callan is determined to break down Isa’s icy walls. Can Isa let go of the past and risk it all forCallan? Or will she be just another new girl? Not Just Another New Girl is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Luring the Underground
Updated at Nov 15, 2022, 19:19
“I can take care of myself.” I snapped in frustration. His dark eyes gleamed back at me with amusement as his hand gripped my throat. “I bet you can. You know... this fiery attitude of yours is enchanting.” ******** Inheriting a bar was an adventure Raven couldn’t resist. The only problem she didn’t expect was to inherit the debt that came with it. Struggling to survive, she finds financial opportunity in Adriano, the local mafia leader, and falls into a spiraling life of seduction and violence to gain what she wants most. Behind every closed door they say another one opens, and the wild ride of anger, possession, and erotic romance takes her to places she could only dream of. Will she survive the danger that lurks in the shadows, or will she fall prey to it? “CONTENT WARNING (CW): This story may include scenes or depictions of violence and intense sexual pleasure. Mature Guidance Only. Luring the Underground is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Her Sunset Billionaires
Updated at Nov 15, 2022, 19:19
“You mean… you don’t mind sharing me? All three of you?” “No, Simone, baby. If it means we get to be with you, all three of us are just fine with this arrangement,” Nick says. I can hardly believe my ears! How did I get so lucky? A basketball star, a famous actor, and a hot tech guru? Simone, you are living the life! Simone is new to the Owens Firm and has to prove herself by selling houses on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood. But when the nasty girl in the office, Crystal, starts rumors that Simone is sleeping with all of her clients—well, she’s right—sort of! Michael, Nick, and Christian all want to buy houses from Simone, but they also want more. They want her, and since they’re all happy sharing her, why should she choose? But her job is important to her. Can she find a way to spare her reputation and keep all of her men? Her Sunset Billionaires is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Pacarku Ayah Sahabatku Sendiri
Updated at Nov 7, 2022, 17:37
“Apa kamu ingin tahu bagaimana caranya?" Dia berbisik. “Ya!” Aku melenguh ketika dia menarik rambutku. “Aku ingin tahu.” “Hanya 'ya'?” dia bertanya, membuatku terkesiap sebelum sadar dengan apa yang dia inginkan. “Ya, tuan. Aku bisa jadi gadis yang baik.” **** Bagi Bella, pergi ke Semarang membawanya mengenang memori masa kecil dengan sahabatnya, Tania. Becca butuh liburan setelah putus dari pacarnya, Chakra, dan kerasnya tahun-tahun perkuliahan di Jakarta. Bella tidak pernah menyangka tidur dengan Janu, si dewa erotis–Ayah Tania, termasuk ke dalam hal paling menyenangkan selama musim panas. Meskipun Bella tahu ini salah namun Bella mengizinkan Janu untuk menariknya ke pusaran kegairahan yang membuat Bella lupa pada kenyataan. Bisakah Bella mempertahankan hubungan ini tanpa sepengetahuan Tania? Akankah rahasia Bella menjadi penyebab dunianya hancur? Pacarku Ayah Sahabatku Sendiri ditulis oleh Scarlett Rossi, penulis eGlobal Creative Publishing.
Falling for the Billionaire Dad Next Door
Updated at Sep 22, 2022, 19:31
Oliver groaned at my ear, his hand tightening a little more around my waist. “You feel amazing,” he said in a husky, ragged voice. I couldn’t form words; my mind was scattered in a million directions as every nerve in my body lit up. I moaned as my head felt dizzy, drunk on ecstasy. *** I thought it would be an easy summer house-sitting for my college professor… until I caught a glimpse of the gorgeous billionaire next door. My initial intrigue quickly grew into a desire I’d never had before once I experienced his… unconventional style in the bedroom. Now, I’m obsessed with the passion we share… but will it last, and will I be able to keep up with the insatiable dad next door? Falling for the Billionaire Dad Next Door is created by Scarlett Rossi, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.