Story By Amy Shahid

Amy Shahid

A soft hearted toughie! Author of Five Complete Stories. - Mistakenly Taken - Mistakenly Forgotten - Saving Mr. Player - The Prince and The Charming - Taming The Mayor I have been writing for the past three years and plan on continuing to write for the next three centuries. Books are our perfect solace, I write the characters and you get lost in their world. Let\'s get together and pray for world peace and eradicate world hunger. I love writing and reading about strong female leads and if you love badass female leads also, then do give my books a read. Thank you for your love and support <3
Mistakenly Eaten
Updated at May 31, 2024, 11:01
You have probably heard about Love at first sight but have you heard about love at first bite? Meet Nicholas Santiago, a heart broken, shattered and drowned in depression billionaire, sent to a private estate island by his parents. Not in exile but in the attempt to help him get over the girl that left him at the altar. But even on the island all he does is talk about the food he had with Cheryl, particularly a pasta that they had together in Gragnano, which made him propose to Cheryl. Hoping that having that pasta once again in a different situation might help him, Nicholas's cousin Salvador, sets out to hunt for that very particular pasta and its chef. And then there is Althea Ferrara, an aspiring chef, forced by her conditions to work as a waitress at her uncle's restaurant in Gragnano, Campania, Italy. Although she is forbidden to even enter the kitchen, yet she still cooks at the restaurant in secret in the hopes that one day her food might be tasted by a recruiter from a Secret Chef Hunting Competition and she might get to live her dream of competing and becoming a sous chef. Life has beaten her up pretty badly but she had not given up her hopes on life, well mostly because she doesn't know that her third year's rejection letter from the Secret Chef Hunters' society has arrived but is hidden by her friends. When Salva lands in Gragnano, he hunts Althea down and thinking that he is a recruiter from The Secret Chefs' society, she ends up traveling with him all the way to Nicholas's private island. But keeping her at the island, would take more than just a mere lie, a mere set up and of course, an entire fake cooking competition. But above all, keeping Althea on the island, could cost Nicholas a lot - maybe, his wounded heart? ********* This is the forth book in the Mistakenly Series and could be read as a stand alone novel as well.
Resisting The Billionaire
Updated at May 31, 2024, 10:46
Diana only whimpered flimsily, as Adrian entrapped her in between his arms and pushed her back against the wall. Leaning closer, he hovered his lips only an inch or two away from hers. She immediately placed her hands over his chest, pushing him away, resisting the touch between their bodies and Adrian darted his eyes lower, moving away from her soft green eyes, down to her little hands blocking his chest. He could tell that she was trying to maintain the distance between their bodies but he was only going to put all her plans to ashes. Only a soft grin appeared on his lips, as he saw her trying her very best to resist him. "You can do whatever you like Diana, but we both know, how this ends, with you in my arms and on my bed." He whispered against her lips. Something deeply vehement evoked a jolting sensation in Diana's heart, that splashed the feeling of warmth, in the lower pits of her stomach. Her heart beat got louder and erratic, making her feel weak in her limbs and a part of her wanted to be lifted by Adrian, since she felt losing her energy and the touch of his arms did seem enticing but another voice inside her head immediately knocked her back to the reality. 'NO! He's only going to hurt you again!' As her mind reprimanded her, she immediately turned her face away and it only pumped more zeal in to Adrian's veins, who, to his own surprise felt turned on by Diana's resistance towards him. To him, she felt like a challenge to conquer and to her, he seemed like a challenge to overcome and run away from. She moved to break through his arms and get away from him but Adrian only tightened his hold around her body and threw his weight on her, making her eyes bulge out with shock. "What are you even doing?" She yelled back at him, facing him square, showcasing evident anger on her face but Adrian remained unfazed and smirked even more shamelessly. "Doing what I promised you I will. I am making you mine." Whispering those words out of his mouth, he did not let Diana speak back and immediately captured her lips with his. ----------------------------------- Adrian Sarmiento, is the most powerful man in New York, who wants nothing but to become the CEO of the Sarmiento Corporations. He has everything under his control but the only thing standing in his way of achieving his dreams is the one girl he once hated the most, Diana Finely. Diana once worshiped Adrian, kissed the ground he walked on and did everything just for the sake of his attention. But he only broke her heart and left her alone in the most miserable of her moments. So, she ran away and built walls around her, never allowing anyone inside her heart. When Adrian shows up at her doorsteps, his initial plan is to entrap her but against his better self, he begins falling in love with her but she does nothing and only resists him and does everything to escape him. And all Adrian does is run after her, to win her and make her his. And between their little chase, are many hidden truths, facades and conspiracies, that wrap around the two and make their love near to impossible.
His Little Secret
Updated at Oct 15, 2023, 16:51
"Listen and listen very closely..." Henry ran his tongue over his sweet rosy lips, glistening them with moisture that made Emilia hold her breath back. She tried her best to not to be intimated by the man, but Henry knew better and he also knew the kind of the impact he had on Emilia. Placing his hand over her back, he pulled her closer, pressing her chest tightly against his, making her heart beat louder. She gulped hard, as she felt his stingy, minty breath fanning her face. "I don't like to repeat my words but with you, I would like to do and repeat a lot of things over and over again..." leaning closer to her ear and rubbing his nose deliberately over her ear lobe, he whispered the last words more softly, making them sound steamy and suggestive. He let go off a small laughter, that fanned Emilia's neck, a spot that was ticklish which he was well aware of. Emilia squirmed away from his touch and looked him in the eye, acting strong and tough. But Henry was a man of great wits, who was able to see right through Emilia right away. "What do you want, just say it and..." "I just want to let you know Emilia, that I know what you have done but you also know who I am and what I am capable of and we don't want people to know our truths, now do we? So, let's just say you keep my secret safe and I will keep you as my little secret." ************************ Despite of studying investigation journalism and yearning to work in a newspaper, Emilia is stuck at a discerning job, working for a celebrity gossip magazine, underneath a soul crushing boss. But when an opportunity arises, to finally follow her passion, Emilia decides to take it up but little does she know, that she will be risking more than just a job on the line. A job – that would make her cross paths with her boss and crush, in a way she had never imagined. Being a suave, playboy billionaire, Henry Miller carries a façade as the CEO of a gossip magazine, pretending to be careless but deep down, he carries a secret; a secret that if revealed, would cost him more than just a company and a rank. Dive in to the mysteriously fun world of Emilia and Henry, together as they form one hell of an uncanny bond, that would make you wanting for more.
Mistakenly Taken
Updated at May 2, 2023, 16:46
Alejandro stepped closer, moving his hand around Rachel's waist, reaching for her wrists, grabbing and pulling them over her head. “Don’t lie to me Dr. Rachel.” Enclosing the gap between them, he indulged his body right into hers. Alejandro liked the way her body felt, timid yet bold, subtle yet responsive. His mind was running lose as his eyes fell upon her lips. Smooth and plum, like heaven calling him to taste the forbidden fruit. Rachel loved this new sensation, sparkles erupting within her entire body, her soul set up on an intimidating fire, yearning for her to be cooled by Alejandro's touch. “Don’t lie to me…” he said in a notoriously husky voice. He stayed still, feeling the pleasure inside him devoured by Rachel’s closeness. He had been with so many women and no one flattered his heart like Rachel. _____________________ Rachel is a successful nutritionist who hates violence so much that she wouldn't even date a wrestler because of his violent actions and a severe case of mistaken identity lands her on the private Island of Alejandro Santiago who is a ruthless, suave billionaire and above all, The Lord of world's biggest money laundering Mafia. When he finally sees Rachel as an opportunity to cure his father's long term illness, he turns a case of mistaken identity crisis into an opportunity. To keep Rachel around he minutely fabricates the truth and tells her that he is indeed a clean slate businessman. But keeping Rachel around is going to cost him more than just one lie... Ice will collide with fire and sparks of romance will ignite from core of such explosions. A perfect blend of crime, passion, war and comedy. The story of a Mistaken identity that leads into an adventure of life time.
Mistakenly Forgotten
Updated at May 2, 2023, 16:46
"Arya, do you trust me?" "No!" "Okay, Now you are just being rude!" With that, Lucas grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, crashing their bodies together, grabbing a fistful of her hair, he connected their lips. The sound of flying bullets, crashing bombs and blazing sirens, all seemed to dissolve into erupting fireworks, as their lips danced in harmony and their tongues melted, tasting each other's mouth. "I hate the thought of blood smudged over my Brioni suit, but we have to jump or we'll be dinner to some very angry Hungarians. So hold your panties on." He screamed with excitement while she screamed in fear as they jumped down from the building. --------------------------- Lucas Santiago - The notorious Lord of world's biggest money laundering mafia loves his life full of guns, wars, designer clothing and women. When his armory deal in New York is raided, he orders his men to kidnap the commissioner's daughter, a day before her wedding. However a confusion leads to the Bride's cousin getting abducted, instead. Arya Scott is a witty brown head, with excellent combat skills but amnesia ridden brain. But to Lucas, she is the perfect opportunity. So he tricks her into believing that he runs a Secret Spy Agency and she works for him, against her uncle, the commissioner. Making her, his human war machine, together they fight gangs and lead on expeditions where she picks back pieces of her memory. He is not your regular cup of Mr. Goody shoes / the hero who saves the day and she is no plain Jane / damsel in distress. So how will they blend together? Buckle up for a sexy ride of action, thrill-suspense, comedy and a unique form of romance!
Mistakenly Fallen
Updated at Oct 25, 2022, 17:32
Being born in a mafia family is actually not as scary as it may look like! Well, at least it didn’t for Camila, who had gotten used to seeing guns, fights and loads of money, floating around her life. She was asked to stay put and protected and she never rebelled against any of her father's orders. It was just a way of life for her. But she was never the one to take pride in her family’s status and wealth. In fact, while her brothers enjoyed the attention they received, she lived under their shadow. She never had a true friend, never got asked out by a guy and was always pushed around. She was quite simple for her life. All of her good deeds finally pay off when she gets in to the college and sorority of her dreams. But things just don’t always go as planned, do they? One cursed night, blinded by her emotions, she ends up drinking herself to oblivion and one drunken mistake changes her entire life. She never meant for any of that to happen but being drunk and intoxicated, she ends up in the back of a stranger’s car, doing things that she had never done before. But that intoxication soon turns in to heart break when she finds out that the man she had mistakenly fallen for is a playboy and she was just one of his many toys. As if she wasn’t regretful enough, things get even worse for her, when she finds out that the man, she slept with is no one but her new professor. Will Camila be able to survive the curse of a drunken mistake or will her family’s past intervene with her future? Follow the whirlwind of sweet seductive romance, that clouds hearts and flutters in to excitement, following many turning points of a love story. ***** Book 3 in the Mistakenly Taken Series - Could be read as a stand alone.
The Prince and His Involuntary Bride
Updated at May 30, 2022, 06:00
"I hate it that I have to spend each and every second of my day, having your presence around me." Charlie grunted his anger out on Celeste who stood looking straight at Charlie, her face void of any expressions. She simply rose one eyebrow at him and put up a faux smile and Charlie could tell that she was about to hit him back with her strongest weapon - Sarcasm. "You know, I don't enjoy seeing your face either. You are not a luck charm for me and I don't win a lottery or hit a jackpot every time I see your face. If it makes you feel any better, even I cannot wait for all of this to be over and get out this jail that you have locked me up in!" *** Celeste is a small time waitress who aspires to be the hostess of the club she waitresses at and open her own club one day. Her dreams are about to become a reality when she gets an opportunity to serve as a replacement hostess for a secret event at the club. But things go down hill for her when the secret event turns out to be the bachelor party of the Crown Prince and when one of the guest tries to create a scene with Celeste and her team, the groom's brother Charlie steps in and saves Celeste. But soon Charlie finds out that Celeste is not just some common girl and instead has a past which questions Charlie's responsibility as a prince and now he has to look after Celeste and keep her under his surveillance, that also without anyone getting suspicious about the two. But how would he do that without anyone doubting him and his intentions? Well you guessed it right, he forces her to marry him by trapping her in a cunning situation where she can not say not to him. And what would Celeste do in a situation that she doesn't want to be a part of? She would not only just fight Charlie but also rebel against each and every decision he would make, making it difficult for him to survive their marriage as well. But how would love and romance brew in such a situation where hate and loath are housed? This is a sequel to The Prince and The Charming. Could be read as a stand alone!
Love Made Me Do It
Updated at Oct 31, 2021, 04:34
"I get to have you every night, anyway I want... Isn't it ironic? Don't you think it's wrong?" He whispered softly, still hovering above her, an indefinite image of his silhouette was visible to her eyes through the darkness. A small smile playing over his lips became evident as his chiseled jawline sparkled against the light he flickered to burn his cigarette. "No! You get to have my body, not me." she answered in her usual stern manner. His jaw clenched. One thing he didn't like was her stubbornness that never dissolved. He held her wrists tightly above her head, "So be it!" _____________ "I'm tired to this, I need a name... I can't do this anymore." She cried in protest, studying his tall figure, that stood facing the mirror. He paused for a moment, his gaze going on the girl's reflection in the mirror. Turning around he grabbed her, pulling her close. "You come to me for a good time.... You know exactly what this is, don't demand names from me." _____________ Secret meetings, illicit deals, whispers in bedroom, gasps against steamed walls, indecent proposals, screams of horrors, acceptance of faith, conflict of desire, cries and whimpers of defeat, struggles of vengeance, defending name, protecting family, a struggle to survive, fight for love and a run to find life and purpose. Everyone has a dark secret and everyone does something to protect themselves or the ones they love. The Mayhew Twins, know nothing but power and rule. Trained to command, fight and defeat; they have everything at their feet and everyone to their mercy. But love doesn't come perfect for everyone and so doesn't a lover. A sequel to Taming The Mayor!
Saving Mr. Player
Updated at Jun 29, 2021, 09:06
Lieutenant Amy Danvers of Spanish Intelligence Forces is ambitious and strong headed and had been hunting the faceless, Italian Mafia kingpin, Carmen Roman for the past four years. Every operation she ran against him failed. But when one of the football players is assassinated by Carmen's gambler son during an international football game, Amy finds out that the original target was the Team Captain, the entitled king of soccer - Alessandro Ricci or infamously known as Ricci - 6. Amy had been pushed around her entire life for being a woman in men's world. She always had to prove herself by working ten times harder than her male colleagues and when she finally got the golden chance of luring Carmen into her trap by using Alessandro, the only thing standing in her way is Alessandro himself. Alessandro is a man of humble background but having long forgotten his roots, he earned success through his talents becoming world's best football player and now loves his life filled with sinful pride, arrogance and billions of dollars. A strong headed woman collides against an egoistic arrogant billionaire, who smokes on his success and stays high on his pride. She needs to keep him under protection to save him but he refuses to hide behind a woman. A woman who is already fighting to earn respect collides against a man who is stoked with chauvinistic believes and sees women as nothing but playthings for timely pleasure. Arrogant and incompetent clashes with humble and ambitious. "I don't need to hide behind a woman to survive, Alessandro Ricci is not that weak... I don't need your protection..." "I will protect you... even if you don't want to be protected." A perfect blend of - Action, Thriller, Mafia, Billionaire Romance and Sports.
The Prince and The Charming
Updated at Sep 19, 2019, 05:24
Eight years are enough to get over a heart break and this is exactly what Isabella thought as well. But when destiny brought her back home, her mind and body now more different than ever… She was stuck between her childhood love for Prince Harold, who played ruthless games to have her and the scheming Prince Charlie, who connived and pinned to have her in his bed. Trying to fight her way out of the situation, will Isabella win this time or completely lose herself?
Taming The Mayor!
Updated at Nov 28, 2018, 09:43
"Brandon..... You're hurting me.", I hissed at him as he tightened his hold around my arm. "I don't give a f**k!", He hissed back digging holes inside me through his gaze. The person who stood in front of me, wasn't even a smallest, single fraction of the Brandon I loved... the Brandon who loved me. His closeness still had an effect on my heartbeat that raced manically but little did it effect Brandon who stood digging holes into my entire body through his death glare. "I'm warning you for the last time... Don't test my patience. Try and act smart again and I'll show you how I can ruin you, your entire family and that little business of yours and the families of hundreds of your employees. Trust me, if killing you was an option I wouldn't have waited for a single second to get rid of you... So don't get on my nerves before I decide to change my mind.", He said out loud glaring directly into my eyes. There wasn't a small hint of sadness or sorrow but pure hatred and annoyance in his eyes. I stood still, frozen at the thought of how can he hate me so much? My heart still flattered at his touch and here he was... He hated me to death! For six years Amy stayed away from home, her family and friends. She ran away leaving behind everything and everyone. Even the guy she loved with all her heart. She built herself strong enough to fight the world and now she's finally back home... only to be married to ruthless, Mayor -- Brandon Mayhew, who hates her with all his might for breaking his heart. Will she be able to tame his hatred? Or completely loose herself all over again?