Story By Khadija hadi

Khadija hadi

من لا يهتم لامرك اترك امره الحب جميل لكن الكرامة اجمل ال باتشينو
Between the folds of love. بين ثنايا الحب
Updated at Jan 3, 2023, 14:08
تعذب في بعدها حد الموت و لم يكن شيئ في يده حتى يعيدها رغم جبروته و قوته فقدها و اخذوها من بين يديه صغيرته و حبيبته حينها اقسم على قبرها بانه سينتقم لها التقاها صدفة عنيدة و جميلة لطيفة مقاتلة و اميرة هي ....تجبرت عنه و تمردت فكانا كالنار و الثلج لا احد منهما قبل التنازل في ملحمة قدرها لهما كيوبيد الحب سجنته مرة اخرى بين ضلوعه و لكن قدرهما ان يتعذبا قبل ان يلتقيا فهل يكون القدر معهما و ينصرهما و لو لمرة واحدة فينتصر حبهما امام عدالته و بمحكمته He is the King of the Dragon of Time, as they call him, God, majesty, power, and goodness, all of this he possessed even before he seated on the throne of the rule of the vampire kingdom and the greatest of its kings, and this did not excuse him his loss. Beauty is the title of her face, the innocence of a deer possessed by the princess of the most beautiful kingdoms and the indulgence of her family, a sweet velvety beauty, a delicate body, an old and penetrating mind, and hands holding the sword lightly, carrying the paint feather
لعنة الحب The curse of love
Updated at Jul 22, 2021, 01:15
Love is the mirror of the heart .... These words were engraved on the edge of the necklace ... she never understood the meaning of this phrase, but there is something strange ... she touched the necklace with her finger and her eyes glistening with a strange feeling between admiration, joy, and love, so to speak. الحب هو مرآة القلب .... كانت هذه الكلمات محفورة على حافة القلادة ... لم تفهم مطلقًا معنى هذه العبارة ، ولكن هناك شيئًا غريبًا ... لمست القلادة ...بإصبعها وعيناها تتلألأ باحساس غريب بين الإعجاب والاستلطاف و الحب ، إذا جاز التعبير
(عشق بين القضبان (من سلسلة عشق متمرد
Updated at Jan 1, 2019, 12:33
التقى بها في ظروف عادية كان سيد عملها هو احب هدوئها جمالها عذوبتها و كل ما بها لم يعرف ان خلف الهدوء عواصف و خلف الابتسامة انكسارات هي اعجبت به احترامه لها تصرفاته و سلاسته لم تفكر به كرجل لطالما كان صديق هي كسرت ابواب قلبها و بنت مكانها جدران كالحصن كالنار عند الغضب و هي كانت الصقيع سلاحها البرود و عدم الاهتمام سلاحه القوة و عدم الاستسلام فمن سيربح بهذه الحرب قلبه المتأجج او عقلها المنغلق He met her in normal circumstances and was the master of her work He loved the calmness of her beauty and her sweetness and everything It was not known that behind the calm storms and behind the smile refractions She admired his respect for her actions and his mastery She did not think of him as a man as long as he was a friend She broke the doors of her heart and built walls like the fortress Like fire in anger, and she's frost Her weapon coldness and lack of interest His weapon is power and not surrender Who will win this war with his heart or its closed mind
(انثى بعثرت رجولتي(من سلسلة عشق متمرد
Updated at Dec 27, 2018, 09:29
Is the cold king owned the title of "The Werewolf" Emperor of the economy has everything he wants even if by force " "The earliest description of him" devil. She is an angel with her divine beauty, Cinderella with a charming mind Its madness and its connotation made the devil kneel for her love Everyone knows that the wolf has only one female and that if she dies, she dies with her Will our hero have the heart of her wolf?