Story By elemenopixx


idk what to say but hi
Your Memory
Updated at Aug 27, 2022, 23:47
As the wind blows, they separated their ways as if they are not made to join a journey. Two girls who are always attracted to each other but never become together.
Jenlisa: The Womanizer Got Laid Book II
Updated at Oct 26, 2019, 09:46
This is the book II of The Womanizer Got Laid. The continuation of the story of the first book What will happen when it is time to come back? Is there also a way to come back from someone's life? Are the feelings the same after 6 years of being away? Or they just need closure to make everything okay and live in the way they are living right now without the doubts and what-ifs in their minds?
Jenlisa: The Womanizer Got Laid Book I
Updated at Oct 21, 2019, 09:09
Lisa Manoban is a womanizer, everyone is falling for her charisma. But what would it be if the day comes when she will taste her own poison. Jennie Kim is a smart ass girl with a secret hides in her beautiful face. She doesn't want to play because she hates it. But when she plays, she wants it dirty. But every face has a story ...