Story By Simran Malik

Simran Malik

I\'m a student of engineering and loves to paint and draw, these two things are like antidepressants for me. They are my compassion. I have been facilitated with many prizes in poster and collage at university level. I also love poetry and you can see my poems at wattpad @langsambooks . There are few pieces so for: 1. langsam poems 2. pain There is also a random pieces on my thoughts about life: Life and Alive
never say never
Updated at May 31, 2020, 09:11
Anything which means to happen. HAPPENS despite what the circumstances are and how impossible it seams for two people to be together. it happens and when it happens, there is just no one who can separate them. This story is just about how two ex-lovers reunite and even marriage of one and hat-erred of other does not seem to be enough for their separation.
You never know
Updated at May 1, 2020, 06:46
It is a love story about sia and abhay. The story brings out their beautiful journey yet having many up and downs COMPLETED