Story By Shreya Chakraborty

Shreya Chakraborty

Hello Dreamers, I am a feminist author from India. I have a short story published with Hash tag Queer which is a book. I won the first competition in the Vampire category which was done by Ficfun.. Hope you all love reading my books and keep on encouraging me to write more for you
Senator's Dirty Queen
Updated at Jun 19, 2024, 07:38
"Professor Herding told us all about you. And not to mention your father-in-law, Alexander, the Governor," said the Senator, as he brought the drink and gave it to Vignette. "He told us that you were one of his very best political science students. He praised your virtues, telling us about your grades, your research, how hard you studied and how much you loved politics." The Senator's wife, joined in, "Herding told us that you were fine looking, but he neglected to add just how fine looking. And sexy," Maria once again put her hand under Vignette's skirt and against her cunt. Vignette blushed again. The Senator looked at Vignette. His face radiated a grave sincerity. "Loyalty is what this is all about," he said. Vignette, still on her knees, looked up at the Senator. Oh, she wanted his cum to splash into her mouth. "We need to know that you are completely loyal to us, that you will do what we say without question." Vignette again nodded her head yes. The Senator, Roderick, smiled at Vignette. "Yes, I do think you understand what we mean when we talk about loyalty. He stuck his prick back into her mouth, and, as she sucked mightily, shot his wad into the back of her throat. Vignette knew that she was going to have them eating out of her hand in no time...
Mommy knows best
Updated at Sep 23, 2023, 13:08
I studied her body, especially her full breasts. I could see her shifting against the thin cotton of her blouse, and again my trousers tightened involuntarily. She must have seen me staring, and she eased the blouse down another couple of inches, baring more of her breasts and the deep valley between them. I looked up, and our eyes met, and I let my fingers stroke hers lightly. 'I know what you mean about being frustrated. I've just broken up with my girlfriend.' Her eyes widened in surprise. 'Why? What was wrong?' I shrugged. 'Oh, I don't know. She was so -- immature, I suppose. Very giggly, self-conscious, almost prudish. I prefer older women, more experienced, who know what they're doing, and what they want.' She swung her legs sideways from under the table, and crossed them. I glanced down, and dropped my hand to her thigh -- she stared at me for a moment, and tugged her skirt up several inches, so that my hand rested on her bare leg. 'And I prefer younger men -- who want to do things to me ...'
The Dragons' Mermaid
Updated at Jul 29, 2023, 11:58
The necklace had a different feeling when it came in contact with her skin. Andrea had a feeling that she had come to wear it earlier, but when she did not remember. “This is something very precious Ember…I cannot possibly accept this gift,” said Andrea as she looked at the twin brothers. “There is nothing which can be ever any more precious than you Andy…from the day you have accepted the both of us we have waited for this day to give you this. This is a family heirloom and you are the one who deserves it,” said Blaze, his eyes filled with love and concern. “It is your destiny darling, come here…let me put this on you,” said Ember as he took the necklace from her hands and then placed it on her neck. Andrea felt the cool glint of the metal on her neck as the light of the sun reflected from it. And suddenly she could hear some music which she had never encountered before. There was a strange longing in her heart as she felt the music vibrating through the crevices of her very soul. “Can you hear that?” asked Andrea in a husky voice. “No darling…only you can hear the Call of the Ocean, is your destiny….we have waited a long time to be with you Andrea…but now you have to discover who you are,” said Ember as Blaze smiled at her. “I don’t follow…” said Andrea in a confused state. There was a different kind of beating going inside her body. “Why don’t you take a swim sweetheart? And all will be clear to you,” said Blaze as Andrea jumped in the waves without any question.
By moonlight's shadow
Updated at May 31, 2023, 14:46
She is an enigma...who has never existed but all the tales speak about her coming. She is branded a monster, shunned by all, except the chosen ones... She has a destiny.. But when she comes to know her past and future, will she be able to fulfill it knowing that she was the root of it all?? Will love be able to save her from her impending doom?
The Devil's Smile
Updated at May 30, 2023, 11:46
She placed her left hand on my heart and whispered into my ear, "Your heart is racing. You want me don't you?" As she said this her soft brown hair caressed my cheek. I shuddered to even hear the words, but my manhood could not be denied in her arms. "Of course I want you, I've always wanted you." I began to ask her of her intentions but before I could open my mouth she began to blow in my ear at first, and then gently nibbling. It felt gentle at first, but it began to get harder and I could see the blood trickling down my shirt. "More?", was the only word she used during the entire period. After we had three, I was completely numb to the world. She then sat in my lap and stared at me lovingly. I felt no pain anymore, just a feeling that no one had ever appeased before. "I've been watching you…watching me", she whispered lightly in my ear. "I know what you want, I know your desire." "You do?" I asked as only a drunk could. "Yes, and I'm willing to grant you what you want, for it is my wish to give myself to you." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but being drunk, I certainly wasn't going to question her erotic disposition.
Cared by Twin daddies
Updated at May 2, 2023, 16:47
Comet is back home to her Uncle and Daddy where she finally belongs. But the nightmares won’t stop and neither the thought that she might be taken away again. The look of a scared deer in her eyes is making bother her daddies think that there must be some way to stop this. That there must be someway to bring back the girl that she really was. And as time progressed they started teaching her what it was like to take control and make sure that no one hurt her ever again. Comet quickly understood that she wanted revenge. She wanted them to pay for what they had done to her. She recalled the faces and now it was payback time. Larry and Lester knew that they had to allow her to do what she wanted in order to get rid of all her fear and apprehensions. And they also find someone else, another family who becomes a part of their family. Another mother and daughter and now all of them just need to fight their past and get over it to know that the love that is between them is strong and will always be the same. Comet is back with her daddies and now there are new people as well…to love and make love and things will get hotter some more…
The Devil's Mistress
Updated at Mar 31, 2023, 12:55
Calysta--- was an unspoken prayer. But she herself did not know that. Haunted by the death of her mother the greatest musician of the century returns back home to be swept up in something dark and sinister which she had no idea about. But who is she to underestimate the destiny which had been decided before her birth? She is the one who is fated to be the Mistress of the Devil... And not only that...what she does not know is she is the one who is going to be the key to Lucifer returning to heaven...she is going to be the mother of his child nonetheless which makes her even more precious than she is. The star of Bethlehem has been born in a human body to face the trials of her life..but will she gain the love of Devil in the process or succumb like all others???
Dangerous Illusions
Updated at Mar 31, 2023, 12:05
The thing cocked an eyebrow and tilted its head to one side like a curious dog. In a deep and grating voice, it said, "Why do you laugh at me, Leila?" "Because I was so fucking scared," she said, giggling, "but it's just a nightmare." "Do you often have lucid nightmares, Leila?" "More often than not. So what's your story, big guy? Here to steal my soul?" It then did something Leila thought rather unbecoming of a demon. It rolled its eyes and sighed. "Lucid dreamers," it said, "are as gods in their own dreams. If this is a dream, Leila, why don't you fly away? Or wish me out of existence? Go on, try. I will wait." Leila often—usually—flew in her dreams, and controlling them was a skill she'd practiced since childhood. She closed her eyes and willed herself to rise from the bed. Nothing happened. The creature's predatory grin returned, and it said, "I do not want your soul, Leila. I am more interested in your body." Panicking, Leila drew herself up to a sitting position and racked her brain for a way to fight off the creature. The creature did not move. Rather, it shook its head and muttered, "Every time. Every single time."
Hansel & Gretel-The Twin Demon Hunters
Updated at Mar 30, 2023, 17:23
Hansel and Gretel are not the usual mortal children. They are twins born to a demon mother making them powerful and immortal. But they dedicate their entire lives to annihilate demons who have destroyed their family and prey on the mortal world. Welcome to a new world of horror where they encounter creatures and situations like never before, and travel in all the ages and times to save humanity from the demonic clutches of ghosts and other creatures of hell.
Loved by Mr. Night
Updated at Feb 28, 2023, 13:14
His victims are young, beautiful and coldly mutilated. He calls himself the Ripper Prince. Adriel Pascal, the Head of Scotland Yard’s Crime Squad must stop him. Crime reporter Aria Carrey returns from hiding in Bosnia to the news of the brutal murders caused by the Ripper Prince. All the killings are the signature of a mad man who thinks that he is an artist but why choose such beautiful victims? What is the reason behind all these murders? And why was this serial killer born. Aria Carrey with Adriel Pascal start finding and hunting for the Ripper Prince but a witness has gone missing. And Aria is not without some gruesome secrets of her own. The heat quotient between Arai and Adriel is gradually rising while the death of Adriel’s wife still haunts him to this day. But what if they find that Aria’s secrets are going to come back to haunt them now? Digging deeper they find out that the killer has his past and present buried in the Scotland Yard itself and the trail leads all the way to the top. But can she discover the truth and save herself from the knife of the Ripper Prince or she will fall silent like all his victims? Will Adriel realize that she is the only one who can bring him into light and be able to save her and nab the Ripper Prince??
Roses and Flames
Updated at Feb 20, 2023, 13:36
I knocked on the door and Anastasia unexpectedly opened it. She looked stunned and I just … acted. I threw my arms around her and kissed her with a deep kiss as I pulled her tight. I had been worrying about how to tell her of my love and this just seemed the right way. At first I think she was too surprised to do anything. She suddenly seemed cognizant of what we were doing and she started pushing at my chest, like she wanted to say something. I realized with a thrill that she wanted to tell me of her love. I kissed her with even more passion and she kept pressing on my chest and tried to turn her head. Exceeding my wildest hopes and dreams she relaxed, almost went limp and started returning my kiss with the same passion I was feeling. Of a sudden she jerked back and stared at me, her face a blazing red. "Love, oh, sweeheart! We can't … we just can't do this. It's… oh, it's just all wrong!" I felt like a fool all at once. I was making mad love to her just inside the front door and anyone could walk in at any minute. I knew how shy she was and she would be mortified from embarrassment. I laughed, and gave her a big smile, "I'm sorry, Anastasia, I just had to show you how much I love you."
One Deadly Bite
Updated at Dec 31, 2022, 10:57
One night of a rogue werewolf attack in a human family changed everything for Rossetta. Orphaned she is brought to the pack of Shannon's Ridge, the largest werewolf pack in the world under the protection of Callum, the Alpha. Despite several problems, Rossetta grows up in the pack until one night a rescued boy is brought back into the pack. Without knowing she feels a strange connection with the boy named Ink and wants to be near him. Her best friend, Macbeth has her back. And when she is thrown out of the pack for not listening to the Alpha's commands, her adoptive mother, and Macbeth leave along with her. To the Fallon lands where she will find the reason that destiny had brought her there. A sixteen year old human girl, with the soul of a wolf will finally come face to face with her destiny in the form of the rogue wolf she had been dreading for the past twelve years. But she is not alone this time. She has all her mates....and all it takes is one deadly bite.
Mated to the Dragon
Updated at Nov 10, 2022, 14:18
She screamed as the dragon grabbed the pole and took her with it. She lost consciousness but when she woke up she was on the floor of a large cave. She looked up and saw the dragon staring at her. "Go ahead and eat me." She sobbed. "Get it over with." "I'm not going to eat you." The dragon said, it's voice deep and rumbling. She looked up at the dragon in confusion. The dragon picked her up in it's claw and sniffed between her legs. Fiona shrieked and tried to move away, but the dragons thumb pinned her in it's palm. He stuck his tongue out and licked her small, undefiled pussy. She shuddered, both in revulsion and pleasure. The dragon had little barbs on it's tongue that tugged at her pussy in a pleasing way. The tongue pushed it's tip into her and she screamed, arching her back as the barbs tugged on her. The tongue went in farther, the barbs helping it go in deeper. She screamed again as her cherry was popped, blood tingling on the dragon’s taste buds. The dragon pulled out. He spat, he didn't like the blood. He looked at her. She lay gasping on his paw. When he knew that she would not move again he shifted back in his human form. Fiona looked at him in shock. “Who on earth might you be? Where is the dragon?” asked Fiona in shock. Her body was still screaming with pain. “I am Zadris Saman, the Dragon King, and you Princess are my Queen. You are mated to me forever,” said the handsome man covered in soot at certain parts of his body. Hearing this Fiona lost all consciousness.
The Lost Dragon Princess
Updated at Jun 30, 2022, 14:43
A child born of a forbidden relationship between an Elf Prince and a Dragon Prince is left on earth so that she can be safe from all those who want her dead as an abomination. And she was safe until she was seventeen, when Sigrune started discovering her heritage by mistake and starts doing things and seeing things which should have been impossible for a normal teenager to see or to do. However when she starts using her powers Sigrune comes in danger for people from other realms learn of her existence and so do her parents because they are the King and Queen of their respective realms. But when an arrogant dragon prince comes with the sole purpose of protecting her how will she manage her life on earth and as the Princess of two realms whose powers are unmatched to anyone or anything encountered before? Will Sigrune find love, protection and learn to use all her powers before she is killed by her enemies? And take what is rightfully hers?
Rise of Tempest Merlin
Updated at May 31, 2022, 09:58
There is threat looming over the human world and the humans are thoroughly unaware of that. The veil between the magical world and the human world is thinning and a war is going to happen soon if the things are not brought under control. And the only person who can do that is a quadriplegic girl who has been given her death sentence by her caregivers. But there is another way. A hard one, one that has been made to make her realize her own worth and her capability. A nameless orphan dies helpless in her bed pressing the button of a fantasy mythological game Grecian Quests and her soul gets sucked into the game where she lands in the only one Avatar which could not be chosen by any other player. The one made for her. Tempest Merlin. The child of Chaos and the child of Spirit. Within whom Darkness and Light are balanced so equally that she can single handedly bring everything to heels. But will she be able to rise up to all the challenges inside the game where she will come face to face with not only her worst nightmares but also creatures which should have never existed in the first place. With a rag tag team of gamers in their Avatars who have her back Tempest Merlin is on a quest to search her name, her identity and her destiny…. For with great power comes great responsibility.
Twin Daddies for my Twin Babies
Updated at Jan 4, 2022, 08:04
I couldn't believe their ease with one another in such a sexual situation. They touched and admired my body as easily and freely as if each was alone with me. Their obvious bond created a kind of safe place for me, a place where I was purely sexual for them and for myself. This feeling was powerful and unique, something I'd never experienced before except in fantasy. The feeling became like a lens which focused and magnified my excitement. I could feel heat rushing to my middle, and I was almost embarrassed by my ragged breathing. The truth was, I was so excited I could barely think at all. "Let's take some of these clothes off," Jordan said. As Jimminy pulled me back against him, Jordan began sliding off my pants and caressing my bare legs and hips. "You're gorgeous!" he said slowly. Now although I'm easy enough to look at, I'm not gorgeous; but I'll tell you, lying between two friendly, sensual men with hard-ons while they complimented me on my body sure made me feel gorgeous! Jimminy pulled off my sweater and caressed my hair as it fell back on to my shoulders. As I took my bra off, I was conscious of Jordan watching me. I lay back on the bed and while Jordan began kissing me all over in an unhurried way, Jimminy started to slide his hard cock over the skin of my face. Finally, it was I who guided it into my mouth. Kissing my belly, Jordan made a sound of enthusiastic approval. They had been clear that they were entirely straight, but it was obvious that the sight of my mouth moving on Jimminy's shaft was one Jordan had been waiting to see.
The Grim Reaper's Mate
Updated at Dec 11, 2021, 07:06
"Touch me." She raised up her trembling arms and wrapped them about him. His flesh was icy cold and as hard as iron. Still trembling, she brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist. He was so cold, and so strong, and his touch felt profoundly alien. She whispered, "You're so cold." "You can warm me." He slid one of his great arms beneath her and cradled her. The whole of her body was trembling, her breath ragged. Erebus whispered, "You have nothing to fear. I will not hurt you." Tentatively fighting down her fear, she whispered, "I want it." She felt the head of his member press against her, the cold of its touch exciting, stimulating. She longed to press forward and accept him, but her fear rooted her. The mixture of lust and fear was exhilarating. She felt the head of his member enter her, and slowly, inch by inch, its length. The girth of it filled and stretched her. She moaned and shuddered as she took him in; with each successive inch, she feared it would fill her completely before she'd taken all of him, but when their hips met she found he fit her perfectly. The cold made her acutely, pleasurably aware of every inch. "So big," she gasped. The Reaper smiled. "Do you like it?" She moaned.
Billionaire's Scandalous Twins
Updated at Aug 8, 2021, 13:06
When billionaire shipping and cruise line magnate Nicholas Falconari, finds out that the woman he threw away from his ship a year ago, Isobel Baker is back and this time as the mother of his twins he is shocked to the core. He doesn’t believe her and the timing could not be any worse. It was the maiden cruise of his cruise Falcon’s Pride and also his engagement party. He was getting engaged to his long time partner’s and mentor’s daughter Barbara Lestraude. But seeing Isobel all the feelings that he had been trying to forget since the past year came haunting back. And she informs him that she was the mother of twin sons. But before they could talk any further Isobel has an accident. And this time when she wakes up after falling down from the deck of the ship she finds herself in a Victorian castle. A woman who calls herself her maid tells her that she has gained her sense after ten days once she heard both her parents had died in a carriage accident. Isobel could not believe what she was hearing. Somehow she had woken up in 1451 in a country house where she was now a Duchess and still unmarried. However she remembered all about her sons back in the world that she had somehow left. This time she found Nicholas again, only his name was Abe Lynwood and he had a daughter. A daughter which was hers and her parents had hidden it from her. He was Lord Lynwood and was searching for a mother for his daughter. And who was better than the one who had actually given birth to her? In 15th century and 21st, sparks fly galore between them… A daughter in one world and two sons in another. But with the same man. However Isobel knew that she was sent back because her story was unfinished. And this time she was going to make the person pay who had snatched away her happily ever after from her… Will Abe or Nicholas understand that she is the one who is going to complete him? Will they get their happily ever after???
Billionaire for Valentine
Updated at Apr 21, 2021, 11:24
What do you do when you cannot tell anyone that you are a lesbian? And what happens when a hot handsome hunk falls in love with you just because you are such a great human and you agree to marry him when he proposes. It is all roses and candles and diamonds. But what happens when you tell him the truth? What happens when you are the youngest billionaire in Chicago City and he is the one who is your arm candy? Do they fall in love? This is the story of Pandora and Jake....of how they come they understand and what happens with this unique they fall in love? Do they get their happily ever after? Or it unravels with one pull.....
Claimed by the Hunk
Updated at Feb 25, 2021, 09:03
The light and shadow played a havoc on my mind and seemed as if Aphrodite was lying on the bed smiling at me, blushing from head to toe and glancing at me with demure eyes. As I undressed she looked at me with appreciation. When I finally got rid of all my clothes, she said,” You are beautiful.” I smiled and replied,” Nothing compared to you. Cassandra I desperately want to make love to you, do you want that too?” “Isn’t that a foolish question to ask?” and she pulled me close over her and kissed me as if she was taking her breathe of life back from me. I touched her and caressed her body and felt her hot and wet for me. As I nudged she parted her legs urging me to be one with her. I slowly pushed my thickness inside her, urging more and more inside and then finally struck her core and she cried out and moaned. Her moans urged me further into a raw animalistic rhythm which was primal in nature. The room filled up with my groans, sounds of thrusts, her passionate yearnings, cries and the room filling with heated smells of sex. She whispered my name as if in a caress and I felt her close to peak. I said,” Look into my eyes.” As she opened her eyes, I said skimming her jaw with kisses,” Yes baby, that’s it. Come for me, only for me.” Her body was as if waiting for my signal only and drenched with her juices and kept on shuddering. I found my own release inside her.
Her Tortured Bear
Updated at Jan 31, 2021, 15:00
Pressing the cool toy against my pussy lips made me shiver, I turned on the vibrator starting with the lowest intensity. Soon the feeling of the vibrations started to make me ache more than before. While my vibrator was quiet, I was not, soon I had to grab a pillow as my moans and grunts became loud. I savagely moved the toy across my clit pushing myself closer and closer to release. I could feel my nipples tingle and become hard. My skin was prickling with electricity. I could feel my back arching off the bed, my release was close, just a few more seconds... My door burst open, startling me so bad that I twisted on the bed and fell off, tangled in my sheets. Before I knew it, a big man was towering above me. I went to scream only to realize it was Salem standing there, in only his boxer briefs looking frantic. "Oh wow, are you alright." It seemed to take Salem to comprehend the situation I was in as he went to pick me up off the floor. "Oh, you're naked." I stared at him my mouth gaping. "What are you doing barging in here?" I yelled. "I heard grunting and a lot of noise and thought someone had broken in." "It was just me ok," I stated, beginning to get up off the ground. “Don’t you think you should try with the real thing rather than just with a toy?” he asked me his frantic expression turning into a lustful one causing his eyes to darken. I looked up at his face as his arms came around me. "This is wrong," I whispered. Without missing a beat, he whispered back "I know" and then he kissed me.
Becoming my Step-brother's Mistress
Updated at Oct 31, 2020, 11:46
What happens when you fall in love with someone who does not respect you? What happens when your crush is desperately destroyed by your own mistakes? How do you manage to pay for all your mistakes then? Autumn falls in lust with her step-brother who should have been out of bounds to her but things seldom happens in the way of what we want. But she never thought that the lust would turn to love and she would become pregnant with his child. However Autumn loses the child and then goes ahead with her own life only to be trapped again by Merlin, her step-brother who is now a billionaire in his own right to become his mistress. It was her teenage all over again. But none of them counted on falling in love with each other. And neither did Autumn think that she would become pregnant again with Merlin’s babies, and she did not want to burden him with this for she did not believe he loved her and fled the country. But Merlin pursues her till the end until they are married and they are with their twin babies…. This is their story of lust, rejection, betrayal, and finally love….
Tale of a Naughty Nun
Updated at Oct 25, 2020, 08:49
"I'm going to fuck your ass Sister Chastity. You're going to get me in your ass so deep." With that he slammed into her ass time and time again. She gripped him tight. "Oh yes harder, punish me, I'm a sinner, fuck me!" As he fucked Father Black watch the old nuns tits swing around and her attempts at masturbation. Once hard Father Black went and laid next to her. First he kissed her passionately. Then he moved to suck her nipples as his room-mate abused her ass. Rearranging Black finally slipped his cock into her mouth as Father Adams sent a second orgasm into the depraved nun’s ass. "God I'm spent Black, but her ass if so fine." "Roll over Sister.", Father Black instructed. The nun complied. Father Black put a cushion under her hips to raise her ass then he lay on top. "Help me Sister, hold your ass wide apart." Sister Chastity obediently complied. She reached around and parted her ass. The entrance was well used now and opened easily. Father Black mounted her and assaulted her cum soaked ass. Again she moaned and cursed. "Fuck me hard Father, I'm a dirty sinner!" she screamed. She wondered how many times she had cum. She couldn't recall. She only knew that her pussy was satisfied for the moment. Eventually she walked over to the athletic young priest, straddling him, and waving her tits in his face she asked if they could do this again tomorrow, and did he have any other friends who might be in need of relief. Father Adams took hold of a breast, and placing the nipple in his mouth sucked for a while. His other hand squeezing her ass. "Yes we might be able to find another friend." he said with a smile.
Updated at Aug 24, 2020, 09:18
When no one understands Eloa Atwood or the reasons behind her violence, she is shipped off to a college in Switzerland to come to terms with how to deal with the violent tendency in herself. But suddenly she is thrown in a world where magic happens every minute. Eloa comes to know is not a juvenile delinquent but a confused teenager who does not know how to deal with her burgeoning power. Everything is happening fast and in the mean time she has to deal with the villains of the class and also save her friends from enemies. A creature which has never been seen before, with the power of four elements in her blood and added fifth one of the Spirit, it seems that the Universe has conspired for a long time to make Eloa, the unique Druid that she is. Unlikely friendships bloom and along with that love also blooms in a very unusual manner but will she be able to save everything that she loves from darkness or will she herself succumb to darkness and lose everything that she holds precious to herself..
Seduced by a SEAL
Updated at Jul 31, 2020, 11:29
There is one thing that Dr. Cassandra Night cannot tolerate in men and that is him being a SEAL. After all her father is one, but she is not the type who looks for her father in every man she wants to find. So she is suddenly swept off the floor by the mystery man she meets one day at the beach and then finds the same man again at the bar where she is drinking alone. And he is good at what he does….showing her the mind-numbing pleasure of sex. What will happen when she comes to know that he is a SEAL? And nonetheless, her father’s protégé. Nathaniel Lane is red hot with desire when it comes to the fiery woman who is too independent for her own good. The three nights of pleasure and the days along with that have imprinted her so much in his mind that he seems to cannot get her off it. Now what happens when he finds out that she is his superior’s daughter? And she hates SEALs!! And it does not help since he is the son of the Retd. Rear Admiral and with too much money for his own good. But when Cassandra is kidnapped in demand of creation of a weapon which will cause psychological warfare Nathaniel is the only man for the job, in order to rescue the hostage. That is his specialty after all… Will fate be able to finally bring them together like they are supposed to be?
The Heart of the Sphinx
Updated at Jun 30, 2020, 11:12
Her eyes were burning like he had never seen anything burn. She was wearing an armour which chinked as she moved with the grace of a lioness and she limped with the arrow stuck in one of her foot. She was in immense pain he knew that and the only way to relieve was to either kill her or to give her back her heart when he had realized why she had been cursed to be the sphinx. “Medusaaaaaa……I have your heart….” Said Hugh in the language which only Medusa would understand and no one else. The sphinx turned her gaze back at him and gave him a look of disdain as she finished killing the rest of the men alive. “So you say!!! And you speak my tongue….impressive…,” said the most fierce and intelligent creatures in the history of time and mankind. “I know everything about you Medusa,” said Hugh in a soft voice knowing that she would hear him. “Then you might also know that what it entails along with that curse….and as far as I know….no one is going to fucking love an animal and that too something coming up from the pages of mythology…so I am good with my curse if you give me back what is mine and I can promise you that I shall cause no more carnage,” said Medusa as she bit down her wince from the pain radiating from her broken left wing. “But I cannot do that dear,” said Hugh in a sad voice… A long forgotten creature of myth has come back to take back what is hers and now only thing that can save her from the curse is the man who can love her in her hideous form…would he be able to love her?
Loved by Twin Daddies
Updated at May 25, 2020, 01:00
(18+content)My name is Comet and I am 18. I can say for sure that I am the luckiest girl in the world because I don't have only one Daddy to take care of me but also another who both love me more than anything in the world. We were so happy together, taking care of each other and loving... I was the happiest when they loved me.. But now these men have taken me, I don't know if they will be able to find me again or not. I don't remember what happens with me every morning but I am trying hard to not forget Daddy and Uncle. I just hope they find me soon before I forget them....
The Obsidian Princess
Updated at Apr 19, 2020, 08:37
When she finished singing the song she could see that Mephistopheles was sitting besides her perching on the broken marble railing. “You have been there since the night of my coming of age haven’t you?” asked Eloa as she looked at the raven with red eyes and Siren, her gray cat snuggled near her feet. She did not have to wait long for the portal to open…the three signs of her ancestry…one for her mother who had died in protecting for the father who had sold her soul to the Devil and one for herself…the only one of her kind. “Welcome Princess…you have been expected for quite a long time,” said Azazel as he stood behind the door. He was still in his human form but Eloa could see the demon lurking behind. But before she could step inside she heard his voice breaking the spell. “Noooo Eloa….please don’t go….they will never let you come back again…they are lying…” said Azrael, the one who had betrayed her trust and the one man that she had loved. Eloa, the daughter of the Dark Phoenix and a Banshee…a sorceress of death and the Bringer of Death is torn between two worlds…the human world which has given her nothing but scorn and hatred and the Hell, which held the promises of best in her life yet to come… So what was she going to choose? Would she choose to stay in this world? Or would she be the salvation of the Devil?
Daddy's Twin Miracles
Updated at Mar 1, 2020, 08:28
Daddy,” said both the twins in unison. Klaus looked up at them and smiled. It was their eighteenth birthday after all. “Yes baby girls,” he smiled up at them thinking how much they looked like their mother. “It is our birthday today but we would like to give you a present,” said Lyla as she smiled at her father. Klaus looked at her in surprise. They looked at each other, giggled once more and opened their robes to reveal two magnificent naked bodies, toned and tanned, stunning in their beauty and perfection. Klaus was dumbfounded and knew he shouldn't look but he could not turn his head away. The twins dropped their robes and moved toward their dad who was powerless to move and let them descend upon his already reacting body. Two years of celibacy had finally caught up with him, he thought at the back of his mind as Lyla pushed one of her nipples to his mouth and he readily took it. Instinctively drew the rubbery nub in his mouth savouring the taste while the younger twin Shyla rubbed up his cock over his boxers making his cock jump and twitch at her ministrations. "Thanks dad, we have wanted this for a long time but we were quite unsure how you would deal with it,” said Shyla. This was going to be one hell of an eighteenth birthday celebration.
Slave to my Billionaire Boss
Updated at Jan 31, 2020, 11:32
She stood there naked, shivering, with her hands shackled up to the bar hanging from above. There was a blindfold of black silk pulled over her eyes. Her ears were left open so that she could hear the commands of her master. Zenith could feel the breath of the man standing before her on the hollow of her throat. He ran one finger down her throat where she was wearing the collar which he had gifted her tonight and then he drew it down softly coming down in the valley of her breasts. A soft combination of moan and whimper escaped her throat. The man shushed her like a child. “You know that you are not supposed to make any noise unless I allow you to, don’t you know that Zenith?” asked the man, in a voice which had a quality like old whiskey. It was smooth and husky at the same time but still it could burn down. “Yes Master,” answered Zenith softly as she was supposed to. The choker was the sign of her progress as a submissive. It was the sign of his dominance on her, body, mind and soul. She had proved her worth and Orlando Rothschild was not a man who would waste time on worthless things. “That’s like a good little girl…you are mine..never forget that Zenith…I own you,’ whispered Orlando in her ears as he rolled her nipples in between his fore-finger and thumb.
Daddy's naughty Princess
Updated at Dec 10, 2019, 00:22
Slowly I bent over, letting my shirt ride up over my ass. I pretended to search the fridge, knowing he had a perfect view of my ass and dripping pussy. Well, as perfect as he could have in the moonlight. I felt him move closer and put his hand on my pussy, sort of cupping it. "God, you're so hot." he whispered. I kept my face in the fridge and maintained my position. He fingered my wet lips for a moment and then I felt him slide a finger into my cunt and I gasped. "So fucking tight too, are you a virgin?" "Yes," I breathed. My heart was in my throat. I kept thinking that if my mother came in now she would kill us both, but if he stopped fingering my pussy I would die. "You have a dildo, though?" "Yes. A small one." "Still, good practice. You have a beautiful pussy. I've been thinking about it all day." he said, wiggling his finger inside me, then removing it and running his fingers lightly over the lips. "My back is starting to hurt," I heard myself say. I hadn't even realized it until I said it. I had stood bent over for too long with no support. I suddenly became aware of my breasts hanging free and slightly swaying with my movement. "Just another minute. I don't have time to fuck you tonight but I want a preview of what I get to have tomorrow."
Not Playing by the rules
Updated at Sep 29, 2019, 07:40
Their destiny had been set in stone by their parents in the correct path. But Leon broke his promise and fled only to find his fiancee eleven years later who had only one thing in her mind. To create a new life for herself and take revenge on the man who destroyed her hopes, dreams and family. But will she be able to take revenge? Or destiny have another plans for both of them? This is the story of broken promises, and the woman who never played by rules....
Poison Orchid
Updated at Apr 18, 2018, 08:30
She is the last Necromancer alive on Earth. He is the Crown Prince of Vampires. They both are sworn enemies, her mother being murdered by his father. Her blood is poison to everyone but only she can make him the most powerful creature on Earth, A Phoenix. Fate has planned something different from what they want. Read Gabriel and Isis or rather Laelia embrace their destinies.... Continue to read on the Sequel 'Her Alexandrite Twin' just by clicking here: