Story By Chelly Jo Welch

Chelly Jo Welch

Name is Chelly Jo. I write and read romance stories. I have been writing ever since I can remember, and consider storytelling to be my true passion.
His Unidentified & Untouchable Mate
Updated at May 31, 2024, 12:00
Jacob is the fifth-born son of the most powerful alpha in the Americas - but he is destined to never taste true power. Zahraa is shrouded with mystery - every little thing about her seems to bring about more questions, with no answers in sight. When Jacob goes to kiss his mate, he’s in for a painful surprise - Zahraa can’t touch men. That, combined with a bracelet she can’t remove, strange markings on her body, and an inexplicable, incurable aversion to mirrors leaves Jacob with a mate his family is staunchly against him pursuing. But Jacob is set on solving this mystery - and who knows? Maybe the raw, magic power lurking in Zahraa’s veins can land Jacob the position he’s always coveted - High Alpha.
The Rogue that Rejected the Alpha
Updated at Feb 14, 2024, 15:00
Ambrosia can't leave her mountain cottage, which suits her just fine. She has lived in solitude for years, undiscovered, even though she lives within miles of the Jade Moon Pack. Trouble starts when newly appointed Alpha Elijah starts encroaching on her territory with the intention of expanding pack lands. Elijah is elated to have found his mate in Ambrosia- but she is determined not to burden him with her baggage. Elijah's frequent migraines are becoming a source of concern for those around him- and the ghost of the wood is becoming problematic for their plans of expansion. Is Ambrosia the solution he's been looking for? Or is pursuing her, as she says, bound to bring him nothing but misfortune?
Freeing the Warrior's Deceived Mate
Updated at Sep 23, 2023, 15:26
Amelia Gold isn't allowed to leave her pack's boundaries, but that's to be expected. She's a special wolf, with the ability to locate lost items. It's an ability that's earned her pack a lot of money, so it makes sense that they wouldn't want to risk her safety- even if the life she lives can be rather constrictive. Even if the pack itself is dirt poor, and has to move about when stronger packs catch wind of their presence. She spends her days enraptured in stories of romance and adventure, and dreaming of the day she'll find her Prince Charming. When the day comes and she finally meets Tiberius, the community that has loved and supported her since childhood rises against him- and he, against them. Amelia is caught in the middle and learning things she never knew... from sources she's not entirely sure she can trust. Will she and her fated mate make it? Or will their packs successfully split them apart?
The Trials of The Alpha and His Mutt
Updated at Jul 19, 2023, 09:51
Miya is living proof that just having a loving family isn't enough. Half human, half abomination, she has had to run from the supernatural community since she learned how to shift. Now, for her last year of high school, her family has lost their absolute minds, deciding Miya needs one regular year at a regular high school. Except, they've chosen the absolute worst place for it. Crescent Ridge High School is nestled in the scenic Colorado mountains. It's remote location and difficult terrain have made it a prime location for a vampire coven and a werewolf pack. Hiding from both of them was bound to be difficult enough, but matters turn from 'difficult' to 'dangerous' when she meets her goddess-chosen mate. Miya finds herself walking a dangerous tightrope. She'll need to hide who she is to survive, but what kind of life can she live when she has to hide from all the people she loves? And what if there was a way to have everything she'd ever wanted?