Story By Amelia McGuire

Amelia McGuire

I\'m thinking about deleting all the books I have. I know I worked hard on them but I\'m not really proud of them. It\'s hard for me to be proud of anything I do. If you agree with me deleting my stories or if you don\'t please tell me somehow. Commenting on a story is the only way I think contacting me will work. You don\'t have to, but if you want to I\'m waiting for your opinions!
A Different Kind of Love
Updated at Dec 15, 2020, 17:09
I'm Leigh, and I have a sister and a brother. They are Crystal and Victor. And our parents, well lets just say I hate them and so does Crystal. Why you ask, well they hate the LGBTQ+ community. That means they hate me and my sister. She's asexual and I'm lesbian, my brother is well I don't know he doesn't talk much about this subject. Anyway, I'm a Junior in High School and I'm being sent to an all girl school. Why, because I was getting in with my guy friends in my other school and my parents don't know I'm a lesbian. **I hope you all like this story**
Always With Him, Not Even You Will Break That
Updated at Feb 3, 2020, 20:14
This is the second book to Who To Choose When They Fight Over You. Adrian is so sweet and he says he has a surprise for me. I trust him with my life, so here we go. After that I get a shocking secret along with meeting Adrians sister Belladonna. She's such a sweetie and now she shares my secret and I'm gonna tell Adrian. After a while something happens and I need help. When and if I get saved will our life go back to the same. What about my secret, what will happen.
He Loves Me and I Love Him
Updated at Jan 8, 2020, 15:25
I'm Merida and I have had a crush on Matt since sixth grade, but he has always been a bad boy. I'm a to nice to have someone like him says my friend Rose. I'm now 25 and Matt is now back in my life. I haven't seen him since the end of high school. He is still the same Matt I met in school, bad as always. Now it looks like he is after someone. Me he is after me. I want him but will he leave me broken hearted like all of the other girls. Please, hopefully not. I have to be on the look out.
Who to Choose When They Fight Over You
Updated at Dec 27, 2019, 16:42
I have a pretty good life, it is only me and my mom until some new students come to my school (Fantasy High). I really like these boys as friends but I find out they have a secret and somehow they convince me to tell them my secret that I haven't told anyone. I know they came for some reason for me. Will she be able to handle their secret and the reason they came here. Please enjoy and I'm sorry for the rough introduction, but I promise in this story everything will be explained. If you have questions please don't be afraid to ask.