Story By Edward Kendrick

Edward Kendrick

A Town, a Disappearance, and a Cat
Updated at Mar 26, 2024, 02:15
My name is Shaun Marlow and I write mysteries. When I inherited my grandfather's house, a couple of miles from the town of Winterdale, I packed up and moved into it. I wanted the serenity of small town life and chance to fully involve myself in my writing without the distractions of city living. Little did I know that wasn't going to happen.<br><br>Within a few days of the move I met three men, all gay but then so am I, and we became friends. I had no expectations of more because I find relationships almost impossible to maintain -- my fault, I know, but it is what it is.<br><br>I also met a stray cat. I named him Laird after he decided I was going to be his person. If it wasn't for him things might have turned out quite differently in my new life.<br><br>Then there was the disappearance, and ultimate murder, of Norma Willows, the town gossip and flirt. I became involved because she came on to me more than once. Lucky me? One of my new friends was the sheriff, Alan Quinn, who didn't really object when I stuck my nose into the case, once he decided I hadn't killed her.<br><br>Last but not least, I managed to obtain a stalker, much to my and Alan's dismay.<br><br>Yes, my new life was definitely turning out to be much more interesting than I'd expected.
Runaways Box Set
Updated at Aug 3, 2023, 03:23
Four stories of gay young men surviving on the streets. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Surviving</strong>: Brothers Terry and Kel, on the run from their abusive father, hook up with a trio of Denver street kids who teach them how to survive. Can the budding relationship between Terry and Rudy, the leader of the trio, last through the problems that ensue -- including Kel's attempted kidnapping and the loss of the squat the group has been calling home? Perhaps, with the help of a local pastor, it will.<br><br><strong>Strays in the Time of COVID:</strong> Thrown out of his home, Guy ends up on the streets as Covid ravages the country. Soon, he's adopted by a dog and a kitten. He meets three homeless teens -- Mack, Tone, and Dani, who names the kitten Ghost, and the dog Shadow. When Guy learns that, like him, Mack and Tone are gay, he hopes the attraction he and Tone begin to feel for each other can survive the life they're forced to live.<br><br><strong>The Encampment:</strong> Homeless and in danger, Davie accepts an offer to live at the Encampment, a mountain site run by Maddox, and Ran. Among the residents is Vin, who befriends Davie. Davie finds out there is more to the place than it seems when he and Vin are sent to stop slavers preying on homeless teens. Things get interesting as the two of them try to survive while dealing with their attraction for each other.<br><br><strong>The Runaway and the Enforcer:</strong> Beau is an enforcer who goes into hiding after he refuses to follow his boss's orders and harm a rival's kid. Rick, an eighteen-year-old denizen of the streets, witnesses Beau killing one of the men searching for him. Rather than kill Rick, as well, Beau befriends him -- an act he may come to regret, when Rick convinces Beau to take him along, when Beau goes on the run after taking out his boss.
The Midnight Detective
Updated at Aug 3, 2023, 03:23
What is Wyn to do when he can't find his five-year-old daughter Celyn because she and her mother Marianne have disappeared with Marianne's new boyfriend? He hires a detective.<br><br>The detective is Christoph Andreu, owner of Andreu Detection Agency. What few people know is that Christoph is a vampire, thus his definitely strange working hours. Wyn knows, however, but his need to find Celyn overrides the few concerns he might have that Christoph is more than human.<br><br>Christoph was willing to take Wyn's case. More than willing when two men attack Wyn, believing he knows where to find Marianne's new lover. Despite the fact Christoph abhors physical violence; he deals with the men to save Wyn.<br><br>Christoph finds himself drawn to Wyn, especially when he learns the man is not as straight Christoph believes, given the circumstances. In fact, Wyn is bi, which he readily admits. Bi, and drawn to the power and raw sexuality Christoph emits. As their search for Celyn intensifies, so does their immediate attraction for each other.<br><br>Can Christoph find Wyn's missing daughter? And how will the two men handle their becoming lovers in spite of the fact Christoph is a vampire and Wyn isn't?
Bone Isle
Updated at Jun 7, 2023, 02:15
Six friends:<br><br>Tyler, the oldest at 26, is a waiter, a bit of a playboy, and a cynic.<br><br>Neil, 21, is the newest and youngest member of the group. He's innocent, almost naive, a college junior, and has a crush on Tyler.<br><br>Jake is 25, the tacit leader of the group. He works at a big-box store.<br><br>Dave, Jake's life partner, is also 25, who works at his father's hardware store.<br><br>Pete, 22, is straight and a college senior studying communications.<br><br>Bart, Pete's roommate at the university, is also straight and 22. He's studying accounting.<br><br>When the six young men decide to spend spring break exploring Bone Isle, reputedly a pirate hideout in the 1800s, they have no idea what's in store for them. They soon find out it's not all fun and games.
Return to Blackmont Ridge
Updated at Jun 7, 2023, 02:15
His name is Cailean and he's a wolf shifter. However, he believes he is Tom Clayton, a popular author of mystery and paranormal books.<br><br>One night he meets Gib, a seemingly homeless man, and offers him shelter in the lobby of his condo building. Gib takes advantage of that to visit Tom and tell him its time for him to come home, his real home. Baffled, because his condo is his home, Tom angrily tells Gib to leave, which he does, suggesting he consider two things -- Cailean and Blackmont.<br><br>Then, Tom has a dream about a shifter called Cailean who is banished from his pack for being a deviant. Gib is also in the dream, only his name is Gerulf.<br><br>Gerulf, still posing as Gib, returns to talk with Tom and is able to convince him the dream is in fact a memory of his earlier life resurfacing, that his true name is indeed Cailean, and that they had been lovers before his banishment, twelve years previously. It will take more than that, however, to awaken all of Cailean's memories. First, he must return to the pack's village at Blackmont Ridge to meet his father, the Alpha of the pack.<br><br>What ensues might change Cailean and Gerulf's lives forever -- if they survive.<br><br>NOTE: Story contains talk of rape and incest.
Updated at May 29, 2023, 19:20
Mage Roland sends Lochlan, his adopted son and apprentice, to a distant city to steal a valuable item -- a relatively simple task for a thief with Lochlan's skills. On his journey, Lochlan meets two commoners will soon play an important part in his life -- Garratt and his sister, Maurenn, who Garratt is escorting to meet her betrothed.<br><br>At first, the young men dislike each other but they are thrown together again when Garratt discovers why Lochlan is in the city and convinces him that he can help if Lochlan will teach him the art of thievery.<br><br>Then, there's the problem with Hankin, Maurenn's betrothed, who intends to wed her so he can have an unpaid servant at his beck-and-call. When Garratt finds out, he and Lochlan devise a plan to sneak her out of the city, but only after they retrieve the item Roland needs -- a flask of Vampyre blood. They manage both objectives, and in the process Lochlan and Garratt begin to care for each.<br><br>There's a reason Roland wants the blood. He intends to use it a part of a plan to eliminate a coven of Vampyres who hide in caverns on Ayr Peak. As his plan comes together, he brings in friends and Lochlan to help complete it.<br><br>Will they find and eliminate the Vampyres? If they do, how will it affect Lochlan's budding relationship with Garratt, especially when the problem of a rogue werewolf needs to be addressed and Lochlan is once again called upon to help his father?
The Cabin
Updated at Mar 22, 2023, 01:00
After the murder of his fiancé Paul during an armed robbery, Jamie tries to move on with his life while grieving his loss. As a part of that, he goes to the remote cabin in the mountains he and Paul had restored to be their getaway. He plans on using it to hide away from the world -- forever, if necessary.<br><br>What he doesn't plan on is making a new friend of the canid kind. A wolf-dog he names Lycus that he thinks is either a stray or a runaway. Lycus comes and goes as the spirit moves, showing up when Jamie needs his company and then vanishing again.<br><br>Jamie also didn't plan on the three humans who come into his life. One is Glen, who says he lives in the area and often hunts in the mountain forests. The other two claim to be game wardens searching for a feral wolf -- whose description matches Lycus. Jamie doubts it's the truth, knowing how tame Lycus seems to be.<br><br>Despite the fact that he's never seen Lycus, Glen offers to help prove the men are lying. Will they be able to save Lycus from being captured while bonding in a way that might, if Jamie's ready, become more than just friendship?
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 22:05
Gale's sister Audra comes to him seeking refuge from her abusive husband Hank. With the help of Cal and Gale's other friends at The Three Bs club, they come up with a plan to keep her safe. In the process, Gale starts to realize he might be more interested in Cal than in the detective Cal had tried to push at him.<br><br>Then Hank shows up in town and confronts Gale at his apartment building. A fight ensues, ending with both men battered and bruised before Hank flees. Things might have ended there if Hank's body hadn't been discovered in an alley not far from the building.<br><br>With Gale as the obvious suspect in the murder, Cal does his best to prove otherwise, needing to help the man he's begun to care about beyond friendship. Can they find the real killer while coming to grips with their growing personal interest in each other?
The Family Martell
Updated at Feb 16, 2023, 22:05
Dorian and Cecily had been alive for several centuries, and married for well over one-hundred years. When they decided they wanted a family, they did what any sensible vampires would and adopted three human children. They waited until each was old enough to understand before revealing what they were, and then gave them the choice to be turned once they were twenty-one.<br><br>Of course, being sensible children, they each agreed they wanted to become vampires as well. Griff, the oldest, is unrepentantly gay. Margie, the middle child, is straight and involved with Wayne, a human. Brad is the youngest and definitely bi.<br><br>All three joined the family business, art thievery, which is how Griff met Nolan, his parents' human partner, and quickly fell in lust with him.<br><br>Soon after his turning, Brad meets another Fledgling vampire, Ewan, and Ewan's very possessive Sire, Alexia. This causes problems on more than one front. Problems it will take the entire Martell family to solve ... or so they hope.
The Seventh Sons
Updated at Nov 17, 2022, 02:14
On his twenty-first birthday, Andre discovers something both amazing and terrifying. As the seventh son of a seventh son, he is now a werewolf. One of the relatively few in the world. If it hadn't been for Mario, who was also a seventh son werewolf, being there for his first shift, Andre doesn't know how he could have handled it.<br><br>Now he has to tell Donal, the man he loves with all his heart, what he has become. It won't be easy, but he hopes his long-time lover will be able to accept it -- and him -- when he learns the truth.<br><br>Much against his will, Mario is left to watch over Andre until he gets a handle his new life. The only saving grace? He can spend his time at the same PI agency where Donal works. When they get a new case, Mario has no idea it will change his life forever ... if he lets it happen.
Updated at Nov 17, 2022, 02:10
Russ, a homeless young man, is in the wrong place at the wrong time and sees two men leave the scene of a murder at a homeless encampment. He runs and they give chase but fail to catch him when he escapes into the club owned by Jules Travert.<br><br>Jules and his friends, especially Marcus, take Russ under their wings, offering him a safe haven at the club. Meanwhile they try to find out who the killers are and do something to prove it.<br><br>While Russ isn't certain he trusts them, he accepts what they're offering, even knowing his being at the club could bring trouble down on their heads. When a sniper attempts to kill him, things heat up and Marcus vows to keep him safe, no matter what. Will their budding interest in each other survive what's to come, or will things end in disaster for Russ and his newfound friends?
Granville's Folly
Updated at Sep 18, 2022, 23:00
One: Granville's Folly, a ramshackle, hundred-and-fifty-year-old Victorian house high in the Rocky Mountains.<br><br>Two: Two men. Kieran, the owner of the Folly who plans to restore it, and Layne, who first saw the Folly when he was thirteen and has returned twenty years later to find out if it's still standing.<br><br>Three: Three ghosts. Granpa K, who built the Folly with his brother, Thom, and Thom's wife, Lizabeth -- with the help of freemen Granpa K released from slavery.<br><br>Mix all these elements together and what could go wrong? Nothing, if you don't count the fact that Kieran doesn't want Layne, a professional photographer, to do a story about the restoration. Or that Lizabeth is bound and determined to play matchmaker for the two humans.
Is It the Truth…or Lies?
Updated at Sep 18, 2022, 22:42
Steve Richmond's day off begins normally enough. Then, he's abducted by someone who thinks he had information they needed about one Nate Loman. Only the intervention by the man's partner keeps Steve from suffering a beating ... or worse. It seems he was not the 'Steve Richmond' they were looking for.<br><br>Thanks to his ex, Steve is put in touch with Jace Evans, a bodyguard who is willing to protect Steve from his kidnappers if they came after him again. His fee? Twenty a day and a few home-cooked meals.<br><br>From there, things get complicated. First, someone tries to get into Steve's place but Jace sends them packing. Then, Jace comes up with information about Loman and why people are looking for him. What he learns brings both Loman and his enemies out of the woodwork, putting Steve in greater danger.<br><br>Can they trust what Loman tells them becomes the ultimate question. And will they survive long enough to separate the truth from the lies while dealing with their growing attraction to each other?
The Case of a Misplaced Brother
Updated at Jul 24, 2022, 23:36
Greg Sanford hires private detective Zeke Masterson to find the brother he's misplaced, having last seen Rory when he dropped him off at Denver's Auraria campus two days earlier. As Zeke starts his search for the young man, he learns no one had seen him since he'd left a friend's birthday party at a campus bar.<br><br>When Rory's badly beaten body turns up in the river close to the campus, Zeke begins to wonder if there's a connection between his death and the murders of Greg and Rory's parents ten years ago -- especially after Greg tells him that Rory, who was eleven at the time, saw one of the killers.<br><br>Fearing Greg could be the killer's next target, Zeke acts as his bodyguard while they begin searching for clues to explain Rory's murder. In the process, the two men try to accept their growing attraction to each other. The question becomes, will it last once they find the killer -- if indeed that happens.
It Takes Two
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 20:20
Richard Blackbourne: Owner of an elite jewelry store. He assists the police, behind the scenes, when they need his considerable computer skills. Now someone wants him dead.<br><br>Kel: Small-time P.I. He also works incognito for the police, going undercover to gain information on criminals, then passing it on to one of three detectives who use his services. At the moment, he’s trying to learn the identity of the man behind a gang of B&amp;E specialists.<br><br>Their paths cross when Kel learns of, and foils, an attempt on Richard's life by two members of the gang. The question becomes, why would their unknown leader want Richard eliminated?<br><br>Can they stay alive long enough find the answer while also trying to deal with their growing, but unspoken, attraction to each other?
Dinner at 8:00, Death at 8:30
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 20:17
Attending the dinner party thrown by his father, Ed Newton, to celebrate his sister's engagement seemed like a fine idea to Mick and his lover, PI Trent Taylor. Even a snowstorm didn't dampen the spirits of everyone attending, despite the fact it soon turned into a raging blizzard.<br><br>Everything would have gone as expected -- until the power went out during dinner, trapping the guests in Ed's penthouse condo. Even that would have been surmountable if James, the father of the future groom, hadn't died suddenly, soon after dessert was served. At first glance it seemed to be a heart attack brought on by a severe case of food poisoning. Trent wasn't so certain that was the case, but with no proof otherwise, he kept quiet other than to tell Mick why he believed it could be murder.<br><br>The death, and the blizzard, definitely put a damper on the festivities. Then a second person dies, and this time the circumstances are decidedly suspicious.<br><br>Will Trent be able to prove what he believes, that someone at the party is a killer, before anyone else dies? Only time will tell.
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 20:15
Love is a fantasy. Why do I say that? Because I learned it firsthand when my husband, the man I had trusted with my heart, was murdered by his lover's wife.<br><br>My name is Sam Lane. I'm an author with several books under my belt. Since David's murder, I've sworn off any sort of personal relationships. With men, that is. After moving over a thousand miles from where I lived, I adopted a pit bull mix I named Jazz who is my constant companion.<br><br>And then ... I met Noah.
Transitory Identities
Updated at Mar 22, 2022, 00:49
As an operative for Mitchell Security, Colt has spent much of his adult life being someone else. Presently, he's undercover as a bartender at a strip club to prove that its owner is part of a sex-trafficking ring. On his way home late one night, someone tries to kill him. Only Sax Lowe's fast actions save him -- which would be well and good, if Colt and Mitchell didn't suspect the whole thing was a set-up engineered by Sax as a way to insert himself into Colt's life.<br><br>Sax is a freelance photographer who often uses his job as a cover while working for the FBI. If he hadn't been following Colt, as part of his present assignment, he wouldn't have been around to save his life. A fortuitous event as it gave him a reason to stop by the bar the Bureau suspected was the center of a sex-trafficking ring.<br><br>Things escalate when Colt has a chance to obtain the final proof he needs to bring down the club's owner and the man's cohorts. When Colt and Sax's paths collide, again, the result is a surprise to both of them. Even more surprising, once the dust clears, is Sax's suggestion they work off their tensions in bed. Things don't go quite as planned, however ... But then, that's often the case for men whose jobs require them to be someone other than themselves.
Saving Cory
Updated at Mar 22, 2022, 00:48
Cory, homeless after running from his abusive father, has survived the only way he knows how, on his knees in alleys, while trying to avoid the punks who prey on guys like him. After one attack too many, he decides to escape the city and heads to the mountains where he finds an abandoned cabin. There is only one problem; the cabin belongs to someone as he finds out when Mason appears.<br><br>Mason has taken over running the only bar in a nearby town when his father is felled by a stroke. After meeting Cory, he decides he wants to help him, first by bringing him food, then by hiring him to do chores at the bar. Ollie, an elderly local who is Mason's friend and a regular at the bar, offers to let Cory stay in the spare bedroom at his house.<br><br>Cory accepts both offers in disbelief, for the first time feeling there is hope that his life will get better. While he is accepted by the regulars at the bar, he soon has problems with the town bully who spreads rumors that he's a punk thief who will steal what he can from Ollie, Mason, and the shopkeepers.<br><br>Meanwhile, Mason and Cory are also dealing with their growing interest in each other, with Cory wondering if Mason can accept him, given what he did to survive on the streets. He prays he will, but only time will tell.
An Assassin and an Artist
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 18:59
Marin Deschamps has led an interesting life for the past one thousand years. Born a shifter, and also a healer with magical abilities, he still would have died in battle if vampire Baptiste hadn't turned him. Although his Sire didn't approve, he became an assassin, working for nobles who needed his services. As the centuries passed, he plied his trade or fought in various wars until, in the late eighteen hundreds, he settled in Denver, where he used his impressive skills to protect those who needed them. Never once in all that time has he allowed anyone into his life -- until now.<br><br>Tyler Campbell is an artist and a nascent author who is writing a book on the early history of Denver. While sketching the tunnels below the city to illustrate his book, he meets Marin, who is there for reasons of his own. Tyler is instantly drawn to the handsome, amber-eyed man. A man he has no reason to believe is anything other than another human, although humans are aware that supernaturals live among them.<br><br>Marin is appalled when his panther reveals that Tyler is his fated mate. Things get worse, in his opinion, when he needs Tyler's help to stop a vicious gang of humans bent on destroying all supernaturals.<br><br>Will they be able to stop the gang, and if so, will Marin's vampire half allow his growing interest in Tyler to become more? If he does, he will have to reveal what he is, which could destroy any hope that they might have a future together.
Updated at Dec 21, 2021, 22:29
It all began when Brock hired Pat McKenzie to become the newest employee of Moran Investigations. Neither of them expected it would be more than that until someone slipped a note under Pat's apartment door warning him to stay away from Brock. In an attempt to draw the man out, they decide to pretend they are in the beginnings of a relationship that is more than merely boss/employee. This accomplishes two things. One, the man steps up his harassment, and two, what was pretend might become the real thing the more time they spend together outside of work.<br><br>If they're going to stop the man, they have to find out who he is, and that may be more difficult than they anticipated. Can their budding relationship survive when the harassment escalates as the man attempts to force Pat out of Brock's life, even if he has to destroy him in the process?
Updated at Dec 21, 2021, 22:26
Eddie is on the run after one too many 'accidents' that could have proven deadly. He has no idea who is causing them, or why, or how his adversary finds him again and again. After two years, he ends up in Denver, and decides that with yet another new identity, it might be safe to settle down, so he rents an apartment.<br><br>That leads to his meeting Jules -- who owns a gay club and lives down the hall -- as well as his friends. He soon finds out that Jules is not choosy about who he has sex with, but that he also cares about his friends. When Eddie opens up to him about being on the run, and why, Jules wants to help him. At the same time they start what Eddie is certain will be a casual sexual relationship, at least as far as Jules is concerned.<br><br>Between them, will they be able to learn who is after Eddie, with the help of Jules' friends, and stop him? As they try, Eddie must also deal with his growing interest in Jules, who, he is certain, will never be willing to settle for having only one man in his life.
Of a Harsh Winter
Updated at Dec 21, 2021, 22:22
Qildor, a crossbreed shunned for not being fully elf or shifter, is resigned to his lonely existence high in Felhone's mountains. Then a harsh winter and the destruction of the oaks and his waterfall convince him he must warn King Cerdic that something is very wrong in the kingdom.<br><br>Pilore, a nature mage, believes him and with the help of Cerdic's husband Tony, and Alpha shifter Folen, they attempt to discover what or who is causing the problem. What Pilore learns leads him to believe that a powerful wizard is responsible, bent on bringing an end to life as they know it.<br><br>As they and others work to stop the wizard, Pilore does his best to convince Qildor to believe in himself and his worth. They form a bond based on mutual attraction, but will they be able to take it beyond that -- and will they even get the chance when they are forced to deal face-to-face with the wizard and his minions?
The Half-Elf and the Dhampir
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:42
When half-elf Gideon's elf brother Braden runs afoul of a powerful old vampire, Gideon steps in to help him, suggesting it might be a good idea to recruit a dhampir. Reluctantly, because the only one he knows enjoys flirting with his lover, the witch Delilah, Braden agrees. Thus sexy Edan joins the team, and immediately sets his sights on Gideon.<br><br>Vampire Vicario lives in New Orleans, so the team heads down there, staying at a B&amp;B owned by another witch, Maeve. She agrees to help them, and together they come up with a plan to destroy Vicario. A plan complicated by the fact Vicario's tame sorcerer can see dhampir when they're invisible, thus potentially making it impossible for Edan to take Vicario's head.<br><br>To succeed in saving Braden will require all their combined skills. At the same time, Gideon is facing a personal battle: how to deal with his growing attraction to Edan. The sex is great, but there is more to a relationship than that, as he well knows. Can the two of them move beyond the physical -- if they survive the conflict with Vicario -- or will their differences tear them apart?
Ghostly Investigations Box Set
Updated at Nov 24, 2021, 18:21
Four gay paranormal mysteries by best-selling author Edward Kendrick. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Ghostly Investigations</strong>: Jon Watts had heard stories about ghosts but never believed in them -- until he became one. Now, if he wanted to move on, he had to solve his own murder with the help of Brody, another murdered ghost; Sage, a man who can communicate with ghosts; and Mike, the detective investigating Jon's murder. Can the four of them solve both murders or will Jon and Brody be doomed to remain ghosts forever?<br><br><strong>Searching for My Killer</strong>: My name is Tonio. I'm a ghost. To move on, I need to find out who killed me. Except, I have no idea how to do so. Or I didn't, until Brody and Jon showed up. They're ghosts, too, who know Mike, a cop, and Sage, a medium. With our help, can Mike find out who murdered me at the theater where I worked? And, can I come to grips with the fact that, in death, I've lost David, the one man I ever loved?<br><br><strong>..., can they find the evidence to back Kurt's claim? And can Tonio, with Kurt's help, forget the man he loved and move on?<br><br><strong>A Haunting of Ghosts</strong>: When Van and Gene are murdered, it's up to Mike, Sage, and their ghostly team to learn who the killer was. Van and Gene had been researching two cold cases for a book. One was old, with three potential suspects. The other was recent, involving Jon, one of the ghosts. Can Mike and company find Van and Gene's killer so they can move on? More to the point, can Van and Gene help solve Jon's murder?<br><br><strong>A Long Way Down</strong>: Daw lives on the streets until he's murdered and becomes a ghost. Brody finds him, taking him home to meet the other 'Ghostie Boys'. As the ghosts work to find Daw's killer, they meet Russ, another of the killer's victims. Can the ghosts stop the killer before he strikes again? If so, with the growing attraction between Daw and Russ, will they want to move on, separating them for eternity?
A Pack Is More Than Family
Updated at Nov 23, 2021, 20:18
Rory Sullivan and his younger sister Molly are on the run, hiding from their parents' killer. When they're almost captured, shifter Deke Haggard intervenes to save them and then shelters them at his home, erroneously believing Rory is unaware he and his sister are also shifters. Deke offers to find out who killed their parents and why, calling on his ex Conall Taggart for assistance.<br><br>Conall is a shifter diplomat with extensive contacts within their world. What he discovers about why the Sullivans emigrated from Ireland may give a clue to who wanted them and their children dead. Then new information is uncovered that changes everything.<br><br>Will Conall and Deke be able to set a trap to catch the killer with Rory and Molly's help? And can they survive Molly's matchmaking in the process as she tries to make them see they still care for each other? Only time will tell.
I Hunt by Night
Updated at Nov 22, 2021, 22:50
My name is Lucas Barrett. I was human, once, and lived the normal life of a bartender in New Orleans. Then I met Justin and everything changed.<br><br>Now I'm a vampire and I detest humans. Am I jealous of them? Perhaps, but it's more than that. To me they're vermin infesting the world and I intend to do what I can to eliminate them.<br><br>Of course I need to be careful. If I'm caught, I'll be declared a rogue and every vampire will have me in their sights. I <i>am</i> careful, or so I thought, until Axel appeared. He's also a vampire, and sexy as hell. It seems he's been watching me when I go out to hunt. Luckily for me, he feels the same about the humans or I'd be dead now. Truly dead.<br><br>The attraction is there, and our shared desire to do something about the humans. Can we succeed without being caught and destroyed? Only time will tell.
Kylian and Brett
Updated at Nov 21, 2021, 22:02
Brett Wescott has a talent for creating quick sketches of people from verbal descriptions. Ones that looked exactly like the subject -- at least according to the tourists who find him either in Jackson Square or one of the bars along Bourbon Street. It helps that he is telepathic.<br><br>Kylian Dubois is a powerful elf who runs a covert agency he formed in the late seventeen-hundreds to stop paranormals from preying on and killing humans. All of his employees are elves or shifters -- each one with their own reasons for wanting to work with Kylian.<br><br>When a particularly vicious shifter killer, known as the Phantom Slayer, begins stalking New Orleans, Kylian recruits Brett to help find him -- even though Brett is <i>only</i> human.<br><br>Slowly a bond forms between Brett and Kylian. A bond that could turn into something more, providing they can deal with their differences.
New Man in Town
Updated at Nov 18, 2021, 22:06
When Wylie Lewis sells his half of the detective agency he owned to move into the house his grandfather willed him in the small town of Earlston, he expects he'll have work to do refurbishing and redecorating it. He doesn't expect that Garry Parish, the handsome restaurant owner who lives two doors down, would offer his assistance, as well as put him in contact with Carl, a handyman who could do most of the manual labor.<br><br>Wylie also doesn't expect to be the sheriff's prime suspect when Nelly, a young woman who works for Garry, disappears a week after Wylie arrives in town. As if that isn't bad enough, a second woman, Emma, vanishes a few days later.<br><br>Wylie, Garry, and Carl team up to try to locate them before the sheriff decides to arrest Wylie, but things take a deadly turn when they find Nelly's body. Will they be able to discover who the killer is in time to save Emma, while Wylie and Garry deal with their growing attraction to each other? Or will Wylie become the killer's next target, with deadly results?
Of the New World
Updated at Sep 18, 2021, 01:49
Shifter Tony and King Cerdic are back and dealing with their upcoming nuptials, with all the attendant stress. But eventually they are wed and life seems to settle down for them.<br><br>Then a new problem crops up. Highwaymen are robbing wealthy lords. Tony and his brother-in-law, the mage Leofric come up with a plan to stop them, and then manage to convince Cerdic to let them do it, despite the fact it is possible there is more to the robberies than meets the eye. There is, and Tony and Leofric must deal with Jandar, an insane mage who wants to capture Tony for reasons of his own.<br><br>In the process, Tony learns why Leofric has given up on finding someone to love. Will Tony be able to change that? It depends on whether both he and Leofric survive their confrontation with Jandar.
Of Another World
Updated at Sep 18, 2021, 01:31
A storm at sea leaves shifters Tony and his brother Daniel castaways on an unknown island. They soon discover they much farther from home than they imagined when they meet Brion, the elven mayor of the town of Rerenlion. They also learn all the island's shifters have been magically imprisoned in Stronghold for crimes against the populace. Brion tells them the only way they can return to their own world is with the help of King Cerdic, and gives them a letter of introduction, as well as one for safe passage to the capital.<br><br>The safe passage serves them well when they cross paths with elves who hate or distrust them for what they are. When they eventually meet the king, Tony and Cerdic are drawn to each despite the fact that Tony refuses to believe the island's shifters are guilty of the crimes that landed them in Stronghold. He offers to prove they were framed by having Cerdic send him to Stronghold as a spy from another world.<br><br>Will Tony be able to prove his theory and survive in the process? Will the shifter and the elf act on their mutual attraction in spite of their differences?
Kent and the Dangerous Man
Updated at Sep 18, 2021, 01:25
Their first meeting is fraught with tension when Jordan, ex-cop and self-employed bodyguard, accuses Kent of following him. He believes Kent could be going after his present client. Kent takes umbrage with that, since the only reason he's ever been in the same area as Jordan was while picking his sister Kelly up from work.<br><br>They meet again, when Jordan approaches Kent to apologize for his accusations, and they part on marginally amiable terms.<br><br>Then Kelly disappears, and Kent is certain the man she's been dating is responsible. A man he's never met. With no proof he can take to the police, he asks Jordan to find her. Because her disappearance eerily echoes that of the unsolved case which caused Jordan to quit the force, he agrees to look for her.<br><br>Now all they have to do is locate Kelly, alive, while fighting their slowly growing interest in each other.
Lies of Omission
Updated at Sep 17, 2021, 01:39
Lyle Atwood's company is hired to costume a party given by multi-millionaire Warner Radclyffe. As he and his employees begin preparations for the job, Lyle begins to feel as if someone is watching him. Then he meets Damien Sauvage, the newest tenant in the apartment building where he lives.<br><br>Damien tells Lyle that he's a waiter, and when Lyle confides in him that he thinks he's being stalked, Damien offers to help find out who it is. What he neglects to tell Lyle is he actually works for Radclyffe, who wants him to protect Lyle from a very powerful enemy.<br><br>As Damien gains Lyle's confidence, he becomes attracted to the younger man -- an attraction that Lyle reciprocates. He fights his feelings, knowing Lyle will hate him when he finds out his secret -- and even more so when he learns what Damien really is.<br><br>Radclyffe orders Damien to continue the job, as he has a secret of his own involving Lyle. A secret that cannot be revealed until the night of the party.<br><br>Can Lyle survive what is to come, or will the lies of omission be the death of him -- or worse?
The House
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 01:16
Recently divorced and retired, Neil moves to a new house that needs a great deal of work to make it truly a home. When Marshall, his neighbor, offers a helping hand, a friendship develops between them, aided by Marshall's two dogs and Neil's stray cat.<br><br>That Marshall is gay and thinks Neil is straight could keep them just friends, despite Marshall's developing interest in Neil.<br><br>Then a shocking discovery beneath a trapdoor, and Pattie, a sweet, meddling neighbor, change everything. As they try to solve the mystery of the bones, the question becomes, can Pattie convince Neil to reveal his growing feelings for Marshall? Or will he deny them and lose Marshall in the process?
A Cure for Boredom
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 01:15
Sequel to <i>Wrong Side of the Law</i><br><br>Bored with the repetitiveness of his job as an actor, Dante Hathaway comes up with what he thinks is the perfect solution. He and his lover, Kade Benton, should rob a jewelry store. After all, with his theatrical training and Kade's makeup proficiency, they ought to be able to carry it off with no problems. They do, and elated by their success, they decide to hit up a gallery next.<br><br>They are stopped in the nick of time by Dirk Steele and Maverick, who point out that they know a good deal less than they think about what it takes to pull off a successful caper. That might have been the end of their criminal careers if Dirk and Maverick hadn't decided their theatrical skills could be useful to their team of topnotch thieves.<br><br>When they're offered a place on the team, Dante and Kade accept, and soon discover that boredom might have been the least of their worries.
It Takes a Photographer
Updated at Jun 21, 2021, 01:14
Olivia is a photographer working at Rory and Lou's art gallery. While taking pictures at the party Clay and Quint throw to celebrate the adoption of their son, she captures what seems to be a murder in the building behind them.<br><br>Lou and Quint take it upon themselves to investigate -- unofficially at first -- with the help of Rory and Gideon Monahan. When they find out the presumed victim is alive and denying anything happened, they dig deeper. Things heat up as Rory goes undercover to try to learn the truth while the others delve into the backgrounds of the people involved and Olivia finds more photos relevant to the case.<br><br>Now all they have to do is find out what the photos really show, and if what looked like a murder may be even more than it seems.
The Element Case
Updated at May 9, 2021, 19:38
Clay Richardson is a well-known artist who owns his own gallery. Quint Hawk, a police detective, makes contact with Clay when he sees a portrait Clay has painted in the window of the gallery -- a portrait of a homeless young man who was murdered just days before. Unfortunately, Clay has no idea who the subject was. Several months later, Quint contacts Clay to again ask about one of Clay's paintings. The subject has been murdered, as has a third man in another of his paintings. The reclusive artist and the handsome detective are drawn to each other as they try to determine what is happening and why. They come up with a plan to catch the killer -- a plan that could end up in their deaths before they can decide if there is more to their feelings than a couple of very good nights in Clay's bed.
It Takes an Artist
Updated at May 8, 2021, 00:36
What do you do when someone attempts to frame you for the murder of your roommate? That's the problem facing kinetic artist Trev Eldridge. Although Detective Quint Hawk determines Trev is innocent, it does nothing to assuage Trev's fears. While Quint sets out to discover who's responsible for the murder, Trev is befriended by Dr. Zack Kendall. As Zack helps Trev deal with what happened, the two men begin to bond. At the same time, artist Clay Richardson takes Trev under his wing, after discovering that he is a talented artist. Evidence leads Quint to a theory about the murder and who is involved. With the help of Trev, Zack, Clay, and Officer Lou Hernandez, they come up with a plan to catch the villains. With all that is happening, can the growing attraction between Trev and Zack survive before the criminals take them out of the picture ... permanently?
It Takes a Forger
Updated at May 7, 2021, 23:20
Officer Lou Hernandez is surprised when he's asked to help Gideon Monahan catch an art forger. He's not too happy, however, when he meets the man he'll be working with. Lou thinks Rory Kinley is a supercilious pain in the ass. Rory, on the other hand, sees no reason why Lou has been brought into this. After all, he's just a cop, albeit one who is good at going undercover. The art forger they're after -- Nate Hanks -- cons collectors, saying he has an undiscovered painting by a famous artist. He's killed one of his marks already to keep from being caught. Lou and Rory will have to set aside their differences as they set up a sting to stop Hanks. When they do, they discover they may not be as incompatible as they thought. The question becomes, will their growing feelings survive what's to come -- or be destroyed in the process?
It Takes an Archaeologist
Updated at May 7, 2021, 22:55
Gideon Monahan is a man dedicated to what he does -- recovering stolen art -- to the exclusion of anything else, including a personal life. There's a reason for that, something that happened in his past that he can't forget. Cole Newell is an archaeologist with a problem. He needs to find out who looted a dig he worked the previous summer, after one of the artifacts shows up at his gallery. Cole calls on Gideon to lend his expertise, which, much against his better judgment, Gideon does. When one of the looters is murdered, they set out to find answers, with the help of Detective Quint Hawk. In the process, Cole realizes he's attracted to Gideon, even though he's certain the man is straight. After he helps Gideon open up about -- and accept -- his past, can the two men become more than friends? Both Gideon and Cole hope so, once they overcome the myriad problems facing them.
Strays in the Time of COVID
Updated at May 7, 2021, 22:54
Beaten and thrown out of his home by his father, Guy ends up on the streets. A few days later he's 'adopted' by two strays, a German shepherd mix and a gray kitten. Later that night, when he returns to a vacant house he'd found the previous day, he meets three other homeless teens -- Mack, Tone, and Dani. After a false start, because they think he's a punk looking for trouble, they become friends. Dani insists the animals need names, and she decides to call the kitten Ghost, while the dog becomes Shadow. When Mack and Guy are threatened by two real punks in the alley behind the house, Shadow defends them, with Mack's help. This leads to their decision that it isn’t safe to remain where they are. As they move on, the quartet's friendship deepens, and Guy eventually trusts them enough to tell them he's gay ... which they accept with no problem, as it turns out so are Mack and Tone. Now they have to continue dealing with life on the streets while COVID ravages the country, making being homeless a fight for their very survival.
A Secret Uncovered
Updated at Sep 15, 2020, 19:28
Theo was twenty-five when he discovered something that would change his life -- his adoption certificate, with any information about his birthmother other than her given names, Lilliana Nichole, blacked out. His father is dead and his mother away on business, so he can't ask them why they hadn't told him he was adopted ... and why the certificate had been defaced. He decides his only recourse is to hire a private detective agency to search for Lilliana. It doesn't take long for Ric Baron of Moore Investigations to determine that locating Lilliana might be impossible. But he's more than willing to give it his all for the interesting young man who asked for the agency's help. Soon after Ric begins his search, he receives a threatening email from someone who wants him to stop looking for Lilliana. From there, things escalate as Ric and Theo deal with the aftermath of the threat and their growing interest in each other. Can they learn the man's identity before he discovers Theo is Lilliana's son and goes after him? Only time will tell.
A Second Chance
Updated at Sep 15, 2020, 19:25
Ben Mercer is an ex-cop, lamed, framed, and thrown off the force for a crime his partner committed. Now homeless, he has no expectations for a better life until he's recruited by Durand, head of Vanguard Security, to join a team that deals with problems the police can't or won't touch. All Ben needs is the approval of the team leader, Zach Turner. To get it, Ben has to prove to Zach that he still retains his skills as a sniper, and that he can handle any job thrown at him, despite the still painful damage to his knee. He does, and is immediately pulled into a job with the team, rescuing a kidnap victim. Ben had one big secret, or did have until Durand drew it out of him. Before his life was drastically changed he had denied, even to himself, that he was gay. Now that he's accepted it, and learned that Zach is as well, can the two men forge a bond beyond that of being teammates and friends? It will take several more jobs before Ben gets his answer.
Ryder: Revenge and Redemption
Updated at Sep 15, 2020, 19:20
My name is John Ryder, although everyone who knows me calls me Ryder. I work for an organization that makes it its business to deal with the scum of the scum. We're not assassins. We're people who go undercover to gather information. Mark Blaine was my partner, and the only man I ever loved. We had plans for our life, until he was tortured and killed by a drug dealer and his henchmen. When that happened, I broke all ties with the organization, and did what I do best. I went deep undercover. Now, I'm out for revenge. One by one, I will do to Mark's killers what they did to him until everyone one of them is dead. I will be successful, or die in the process. There are no other alternatives.
Hawk and Wolfe
Updated at Sep 15, 2020, 19:19
Mick Hawk awakens in an alley covered with blood from a head wound, with no memories other than his first name. According to Shorty, the homeless man who found him, he was holding a battered driver's license, so they go in search of the owner with no luck. Then a man approaches them on the street. His name is Richard Wolfe, and he claims he and Mick are lovers. After Richard convinces Mick he's telling the truth, the three men set out to discover who wants Mick dead and why. A difficult task, as Mick has yet to regain his memory. One suspect is Mick's older brother, Trenton, who manages one of Mick's clubs and resents the fact their father gave them to Mick instead of him. Another is the man on the driver's license, who works for Trenton. Or ...? All they have to do is figure it out, before someone tries again to take Mick out of the picture permanently.
Hunting a Killer
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
When the police call the slaughter of his mother and brother a home invasion gone bad, Mika doesn't believe it. Because he has no way to prove otherwise, he closes down, refusing to talk about what happened. That is until Buck, a bouncer at a local bar Mika visits, convinces Mika to open up to him. When he does, Buck not only learns about the murder, but also that Mika grew up living off the grid until his father died, two years previously, at which point his family moved to the city. They begin to bond as they try to figure out the reason behind the murders, which may revolve around the family property in the mountains. All they have to do is prove it, without being killed in the process. Only if they can will they take a chance and move their growing friendship on to something more.
A Long Way Down
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
A Ghostly Investigations story Homeless, Daw has managed to survive on the streets. That is, until a killer throws him off the rooftop where he has crashed for the night and he becomes a ghost. Luckily Brody Ellis, also a ghost, finds him moments later, and takes him home to meet the rest of the “Ghostie Boys,” who have chosen to remain in this world. Because Daw doesn’t know who killed him, the six ghosts put their heads together to find his murderer so he can move on. In the process, they run into Russ, a young acquaintance of Daw's, who is another of the killer's victims, and bring him home with them. Will the ghosts, with some help from their human friends Mike and Sage, be able to stop the killer before he strikes again? More to the point, because of the growing attraction between Daw and Russ, will they want to move on, thus separating them for eternity, if the ghosts can prove who the man was who murdered them?
The Seven Days of Christmas
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Trey hates Christmas with a passion. Despite the fact he needs to deal with it because he owns a costume shop, it is an anathema to him because he broke up with his lover on Christmas Day three years ago. Marty is a bartender at the local bar Trey goes to sometimes to unwind after a hectic day. He's more than a bit interested in Trey, but doesn't know how to let him know, especially since he'd never told Trey he's gay, too. When Trey tells Marty he's suddenly shorthanded, with a week to go until Christmas, Marty jumps on the chance to get to know him better by volunteering to assist at the shop. Can Marty help Trey overcome his Christmas phobia? More to the point, can Trey accept that Marty is interested in him not only as a friend, but on a more personal level?
Unnatural Allies
Updated at Mar 12, 2020, 22:46
Vampires and werewolves are natural enemies. Therefore, Andre has no regrets about killing Raúl, the Alpha of the Wintermane pack, who plans to attack the Crimson Cathedral nightclub, revealing the presence of vampires to the human world. When Sand learns of his brother's murder, he debates seeking revenge because he hates Raúl, who backed their father when he forced Sand out of the pack for being gay. Then, he discovers that Estebe, the new Alpha, plans to continue Raúl's mission. Things come to a head when Sand, a bodyguard, escorts a client's daughter to the nightclub and the club's owner tells Andre to find out why Sand is there. Despite their differences, instant lust drives Andre into Sand's bed-but not before they agree to work together to stop Estebe. Can they successfully end Estebe's existence -- and survive? And, will their relationship stand a chance as lust turns to an attraction that defies the belief that they are supposed to be mortal enemies?
The Detective's Apprentice
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:07
Nineteen-year-old Joe has been living on the streets since escaping from a sex-trafficking ring. When a blizzard hits the city, he takes a chance, accepting Derek Clarke's offer of a place to stay for the night. It wouldn't have happened if Derek hadn't been doing a stake-out in the alley at just the right time and taken pity on Joe. The blizzard leaves the two men housebound for the next few days, and they begin to bond as Derek teaches Joe some of what being a private detective involves. Loath to let Joe return to the streets when the weather clears, Derek offers him a job as his apprentice, while allowing him to continue staying in his guestroom. Can their relationship grow from friendship to more, in spite of traumas in their pasts, or will Joe's fear of physical commitment ultimately drive them apart?
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:07
When PI Jake Marshall fails to stop the abduction and subsequent murder of a client who was being stalked, he vows to do everything in his power to identify the man responsible. He'll need all the help he can get, including Kelly, his partner in the agency, and Russ Foster, a library security guard he met at a local bar ... with whom he's becoming personally involved. Soon, it becomes even more imperative they find the stalker when a friend of Jake's also disappears and everything points to the stalker as his abductor. Can Jake and Russ stop the stalker before he kills again? And how will their search affect their budding relationship, presuming the stalker doesn't target one of them next?
The Beast Within
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:29
A cannibalistic serial killer targeting gay men is on the loose. Devin, who has become increasingly erratic in the last two months, just split up with Gary, his lover of three years. Vanni, a habitué of the gay clubs, makes extra spending money on his knees in the club johns. Is one of these men the killer? Or will one of them instead become the killer’s next target? Detective Hollis Robbins is in charge of the case. He intends to stop the killer, if he can. When the killer strikes again the four men’s lives intertwine as the search for the murderer intensifies. Will the attraction that two of them begin to feel for each other survive the hunt? Do they have the strength to continue on after tragedy strikes and teaches them that love can be bittersweet?
A Man of Many Parts
Updated at Aug 20, 2019, 23:44
"To some who know him, Jax -- under the name Jackson Martin -- is a reputable restorer of antiquarian books. To others, in various guises, he's a man who double-crosses thieves, relieving them of what wasn't theirs to begin with ... although he doesn't return the stolen goods to their original owners. That isn't his thing. When he's hired by Donovan, a book collector, to restore a damaged atlas, Jax meets the young man who runs Donovan's side interest, a no-kill animal shelter. Noel is wary of Jackson for reasons he can't explain. It doesn't stop him from finding Jax interesting ... an interest Jax returns despite knowing it will go nowhere. Then Keegan, Jax's mortal enemy, appears bent on killing him. Will Jax be able to stop him before that happens? And will what he and Noel learn about each other end their budding relationship before it can become something more?"
A Haunting of Ghosts
Updated at Aug 20, 2019, 23:44
"Sequel to Dead and Hating It When Van and Gene, partners in life as well as in their writing, are murdered in what looks like a drive-by shooting, it's up to Mike and Sage, as well as their four ghostie friends, to discover who was responsible. Van and Gene had been researching two cold cases for their newest book at the time of their deaths. One was eleven years old, with three potential suspects for a girl's murder. The other was more recent, involving the death of Jon Watts, one of their ghostie friends. Can Mike, Sage, and the ghosts learn who killed Van and Gene so they can move on? And, more to the point, can Van and Gene help the others solve Jon's murder? If they do, will Jon and his lover Brody finally move on, or will they remain with their friends, both ghost and human?"
Murder in the Condo Next Door
Updated at Aug 20, 2019, 23:44
"When the crazy woman from hell, as he thinks of her, moves in next door to Michael, he isn't happy about it. When she's murdered, he's even less ecstatic, especially when he has to deal with a detective's suspicions and a nosy reporter. Reid Hanson is a good reporter with a nose for a story. When he tries, and fails, to interview Michael, he's intrigued by the man's resistance. It takes all his persuasive powers to get Michael to open up to him about the murder ... and his past. When Michael does, the two men set out to try and learn more about the woman's murder ... and a related one a week later. In the process they begin to fall for each other. Will their attraction come to fruition or will the killer manage to eliminate Michael, the only witness to his existence, before that happens?"
Dreams, Memories, and Reality
Updated at Aug 20, 2019, 23:44
"Philip lives alone with his dog Barnabas, miles from the nearest mountain town. Late one evening, while he and Barnabas are out running, they are attacked by a very handsome male. Philip shoots him, immediately regrets it, and brings him home to deal with his wounds. Soon he realizes there is something very different about the man, beginning with the fact he is unable to speak or understand English. Adam is different. Other than recalling his name, ?d-hamh, he has no memories, including why he ended up naked in a cave high in the mountains above Philip's house. He survived on the blood of animals he kills, until the night Philip finds him and brings him home. Slowly, Philip teaches Adam about his new life. In the process, he discovers things about Adam that will change both their lives forever."
Dylan's Dilemma
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Dylan Russell unintentionally kills his ex-lover, Tommy, he knows he's in trouble. Then he meets a man named Mars Marsden who offers him a solution -- join the covert organization C21. An outfit made up of good men and women who ended up on the wrong side of the law, C21 now gives these people a chance to track and punish those criminals to whom the law doesn't seem to apply. Dylan should fit right in. After meeting Mars' handler, Dylan learns Tommy was an arms trafficker. Somewhat reluctantly, he agrees to go undercover to help bring down the rest of Tommy's gang. After this dangerous induction into his new life, Dylan is sent for training. But Dylan is a marked man. Not only are the police looking for him, but when one of Tommy's old colleagues discovers where Dylan is being trained, things get interesting. Can he and Mars survive the jobs they're sent on? And, more importantly, can their purely sexual relationship deepen into something more before the work they do tears them apart?"
Mage of Silence
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Castien, an elf mage who cannot speak except with the aid of a magical dagger, has been captured while on a mission. He is freed by his companion, the warrior elf Daeron, and returns with him to Daeron’s homeland. There they will join forces to rid the land of a Lord bent on the destruction of the elves. Theirn, a young half-elf thief, attempts to rob Castien during his stay at an inn and is caught by the mage. Much against Theirn’s will, he is enlisted into the group of rebel elves. But as Theirn's infatuation with Castien grows, he becomes more than eager to risk treachery, betrayal, and even death on dangerous missions just to be close to the man he is growing to love."
A Magical Team
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Dirk Raynell is the half-elf son of Lex, the elf who founded the magical team. But he isn’t certain he wants to become a member, even after he meets its charismatic and very gay Elven leader Tonio. The team is comprised of Felan, a wolf-shifter; Reni, a vampire witch; Mattie, a human witch; and Bay, a human warlock who is cursed to come back each time he dies at the age he was at his first death. The sixth, unofficial member is Nina, Tonio's twin sister and a healer. Then Dirk becomes embroiled in the jobs the team does, including taking down a mobster and trying to eliminate a very evil sorcerer. Along the way he falls for Bay and discovers swirling undercurrents within the team which could determine if they can successfully stop the sorcerer before he destroys them all."
A Deadly Homecoming
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Spence Harden and Jeff, his writing partner and sometime lover, move into the house once owned by Spence's murdered parents, they have no idea what awaits them. First, they discover someone is stealing items from them, but have no clue who, or why. And then the unthinkable happens. Jeff is killed and Spence is framed for his murder. Crime reporter Gregg Rowe wants to help Spence clear his name. All Spence needs to do is decide if he believes Gregg, or if the man himself is the killer. Once Gregg convinces Spence he's telling the truth, the pair set out to discover if there is a connection between Jeff's murder and that of Spence's parents ten years earlier ... while fighting their growing attraction to each other."
Sean's Predicament
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"A C21 Story Sean Miller is a professional thief. When he breaks into the home of C21 handler Jonah and is discovered, Jonah makes him an offer he can't resist -- join the covert organization and put his talents to a more legitimate use. C21 skirts the edges of the law, bringing criminals to justice that the police can’t seem to catch, and they could use someone with Sean’s talents. For his first job, Sean is teamed with Ken Ward, one of Jonah's men, to bring down a phony adoption racket. In the process, Sean fights his growing interest in Ken, certain it won't be reciprocated. Is he right? Or will the two men become more than just partners when they are teamed up again to stop a gang of jewel thieves?"
Wrong Side of the Law
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Undercover cop Dan Hudson is framed for blackmail and kicked off the NOPD force. Enraged about that, and the fact that his lover refuses to stand by him, Dan moves to Denver, where he becomes Dirk Steele. He finds a job working for the Powells, who are pawnbrokers ... and fences. When he proposes to them that he put together a team to steal on demand for the Powells’ less than legitimate clients, a deal is struck and the team is formed. The team consists of Maverick, a thief; Tripp, a street kid who shoplifts to survive; and Fey, another street kid who is an excellent pickpocket and petty thief. Now the question becomes, will the team succeed? And, equally important, will the attraction between Dirk, who has sworn off love, and Maverick -- whose credo is only down and dirty sex -- grow into something more? Or will they remain just 'friends with benefits'? Time will tell as the team takes on increasingly difficult jobs and a man from Dirk's past shows up who could possibly throw a monkey wrench into the works."
Perhaps, Someday
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Caiden McNeil is a special being, a metamorph who can become any human necessary to stop the criminals his elven boss Zander sends him after. Caiden is also a loner, unable to trust anyone on an emotional level. He has reason to feel this way: in his over eight-hundred years, he has learned that caring for someone only leads to despair. After all, how could a human accept him for what he really is, an immortal who will never seem to grow older than his apparent age of twenty-eight? Then two men come into Caiden's life -- Leander, a cougar shifter, and Theirn, a half-elf. Either may betray Caiden and his belief that their feelings for him are real. On the other hand, is one of them willing to fight to prove love is possible, if Caiden will only give it a chance?"
Hell, Look at Me
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Scene designer Charlie Cox is in a clandestine relationship with the theater's lead actor, Ricky Moore. Charlie knows it will never be more than that because Ricky is too egotistical to want to be seen in public with a man who has deep burn scars on one arm. Not that Charlie blames him, since he's certain he’s a freak in almost everyone's eyes. Jace Parish, the scene shop boss, is in love with Charlie but will never let him know. Jace thinks he’s uninteresting because he’s thirty and starting to bald, which makes him look middle-aged. He also has never admitted to anyone he works with that he’s gay. Liam Dolan owns the gym where Jace comes to work out his anger and frustration. Liam has been drawn to Jace from the beginning but believes Jace is straight, so has never revealed his feelings to Jace. Ricky Moore knows he is using Charlie for his own selfish ends. What Ricky can't figure out is why, when he can and does have anyone he wants in his bed, he keeps coming back to Charlie. These four men have preconceived ideas about themselves and each other. What will it take for them to realize love is possible, if they will only give it a chance?"
Art Theft 101
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Vampire Philip Archer and his team of successful art thieves -- black panther shifter Duff, ghost Rob, and Duff's human girlfriend Liddy -- are asked by the handsome Ian Croft, a potential client, to break with tradition and rescue a kidnapped child. When the caper turns out rather differently than expected, Philip is bitterly reminded why he has remained single for so long. Yet, surrounded as he is by loving friends, he is not desperate. This is why, when he meets the newly-made vampire Ephram, he suppresses his attraction and focuses on being a mentor to the Fledgling. Ephram was turned by Virgil Ionescu, an ancient vampire known for casting off his Children before they are ready. Living off the streets, Ephram's future is precarious until he meets Philip. Ephram is immediately attracted to Philip and only too happy to be taken under his wing and taught the skills of surviving in modern New Orleans. But Philip keeps secrets. Ephram can sense it, but he can't penetrate the thousand-year-old Philip's reserve. What will Ephram do when he discovers the big secret his new group of friends are keeping from him? Will his love for Philip trump all, or will he betray them? And, to complicate matters, Ionescu arrives unexpectedly in town, coming to check on his Child."
Lonely Vampire
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Staid vampire Armand Lyon knows what it means to be lonely. Yes, he had human acquaintances. But since he can't reveal what he is, he lives a solitary life. Tino Verona is a new and very charismatic vampire in town. When he hunts in Armand's territory, Armand is not amused. Then Tino decides to rob the wealthy of the city. Armand catches him and, when Tino claims he's only playing Robin Hood, Armand points out he isn’t giving to the poor. The result? The pair, plus a vampire police detective who's onto Tino's thefts, band together to create shelters for the homeless. As they do, the attraction between Armand and Tino grows. Has Armand finally found the one man who can make his life complete? Or will the appearance of a rogue vampire who preys on the homeless destroy any hope of happiness for the lonely vampire?"
The Hitchhiker Murders
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When married private investigators Brent and Quinn Collins are hired to find Andrew, a young man who has disappeared after heading to Idaho Springs, little do they know they will become embroiled in murder. Two other young men have gone missing under similar circumstances and their bodies found buried in the mountains outside of Denver. The Collins’ investigations soon bring to light another similarity between the murdered men: they were all slender, effeminate, and gay. After Andrew's body is discovered, Brent and Quinn think they may know who is responsible for the hitchhiker killings. But when Quinn goes undercover, he finds himself in much deeper waters than he expected. All they have to do is prove it ... without ending up dead themselves."
Nothing in Common, Except ...
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Braxton “Brax” O'Hara is a shifter, a PI ... and an art thief. He has no problem with being all three. As a matter of fact, he likes his less than legal job. Kyle Grayson is a member of an all-shifter art crimes team. He does everything within his power to catch the thieves he's after, and believes he's found his next quarry -- Brax O'Hara. Things take a turn for the worse when Russo, Brax's partner in crime, wants him to retrieve some blackmail pictures instead of a piece of art. At the same time, Kyle comes into the picture. When the two men meet, they discover they both know the blackmailer -- and they both hate him, too, for different reasons. Can they stop Russo, a powerful Alpha shifter? More to the point, can they deal with their attraction to each other when they have nothing in common except Russo?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Terry and Kel Coleman run from their abusive father, they end up in Denver. The day they arrive, they meet three street kids named Rudy, Snap, and Josie. The brothers move into the trio's squat where Rudy and the others teach Terry and Kel the ins-and-outs of survival on the streets. While that happens, Terry and Rudy are drawn to each other and begin a tentative relationship. Then Kel is almost kidnapped by a man sent by his father to bring him home. Forced to leave their squat to keep Kel safe, they turn to a local pastor for help. Thanks to the pastor, the five young people may find hope for their future -- if they can survive the present. In the process, can the budding relationship between Terry and Rudy survive, or will it be torn apart by the life they're forced to live?"
The Encampment
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Homeless and hiding from his mother's abusive boyfriend, Davie -- along with his friend Grey -- accept an offer to move to a safe haven called the Encampment. Owned by Slade, and overseen by Maddox, and Ran, it's a well-protected site in the mountains for endangered street kids. Among the present residents is the very taciturn loner, Vin. To everyone's surprise, Davie and Vin become friends of a sort. Soon after arriving, Davie discovers there is more to the Encampment than it appears at first glance when Ran, with Vin's help, begins training him in various forms of self-defense. Davie finds out why when Slade sends him and Vin on an assignment to stop a vicious gang of slavers preying on homeless teens. From there things get interesting, to say the least, as the two young men try to survive while dealing with their growing attraction for each other."
Cole and His Dog
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Kicked out of his home at eighteen, Cole ends up at The Haven, a drop-in spot for homeless teens, run by Adam Franks. Unable to spend the nights there, he ends up sleeping rough, is attacked by a pair of punks -- and rescued by a Bullmastiff he names Bull. Cole and Bull become inseparable. Cole also meets, and is attracted to, Ky, a friend of Adam's, who twice saves Cole from more attackers. After the second attack, things suddenly change in Cole's life when he finds out why someone seems to be after him. Will Ky be able to convince Cole he's told him is the truth, while dealing with his own attraction to Cole? And can Ky and his friends keep Cole safe from a man who claims to be Cole's real father?"
Lonesome Men
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Two men with nothing in common except friendship. One man is Darren Cameron, a cop who patrols the streets nightly. After his divorce -- because he revealed to his wife he was gay -- he gained full custody of his son, Jesse. Jesse is now twenty-one, living with his girlfriend, and trying to play matchmaker between his landlord, Malcom, and Darren. The other is Rob, a homeless war veteran living on the streets, who has adamantly resists all Darren's efforts to help him start his life over. When Rob is attacked, Darren finally has what he needs to help his friend get off the streets. Despite Rob's wariness, he moves into Darren’s home under the guise of protective custody ... much to Jesse's dismay. Can Darren and Rob handle what comes next, including their growing attraction for each other? Or will Rob ultimately reject Darren's help and return to his former life?"
Never Let Go of Hope
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Well-known artist Ellis Williams is in a slump and feeling all his fifty-three years. He's lost the joy which used to permeate his painting and despairs of ever regaining it. It doesn't help when he runs into a young man who comes on to him to win a bet, thus destroying more of Ellis's confidence. Then, at a party, Ellis meets Martin Lovell, a man his age whose partner died soon after they adopted their son. Will these two middle-aged men learn they should never let go of hope? Or is it too late for men their age to open themselves to the possibility of love and being loved?"
Searching for My Killer
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Sequel to Ghostly Investigations My name is Tonio, and I'm a ghost. I want to, need to, find out who killed me so I can move on. The problem is, I have no idea how to do so. Or I didn't, until Brody and Jon showed up. They're ghosts, too, and they know Mike, a police detective, and Sage, a medium who can speak with the dead. With their help, and mine, will it be possible for Mike to find out who pushed me off the lighting bridge at the theater where I worked? At the same time, can I come to grips with the fact that, in death, I've lost David, an actor at the theater and the one man I ever loved?"
His Secret Admirer
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When the first note shows up at the restaurant where he works -- when he isn't designing costumes for a local theater -- Jim Foster laughs it off. When the notes keep coming, he doesn't find the fact that he might have a secret admirer quite so amusing. Alan North, a lonely, bookish customer at the restaurant, is too shy to even think of talking to Jim -- as much as he wants to. Then the killings begin. Two of Jim's friends are murdered in what appear to be muggings. However, the detective in charge of the cases believes they're more than that, and that Jim is either the killer ... or being stalked by one. When Jim and Alan finally connect, can they help find and stop the stalker, or will Alan end up dead before their budding relationship can become more than friendship?"
In the Blink of an Eye
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Four men whose lives intertwine: Craig Hudson, the manager of a used bookstore in New Orleans. Scott Reed, Craig's boyfriend, who vanishes in the blink of an eye while celebrating his birthday with friends. Kevan Martel, a small-time private investigator, hired by Craig to find Scott. And Zoran, the one responsible for Scott's disappearance. Will Craig be able to find Scott with Kevan's help? And if they do, what will happen to the growing attraction developing between them? Meanwhile, can Scott survive what Zoran has done to him? If he does, will Zoran regret it?"
Dead and Hating It
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Sequel to Searching for My Killer Kurt Foster is a ghost, killed by the man he loved, unable to move on until he can prove he was murdered. But how can he do that? Detective Mike Harris and Sage Crewe, Mike's lover and a medium who talks to ghosts, both knew Kurt. When his death is deemed a suicide, they don't believe it. With the help of ghosts Brody and Jon, they go to Kurt's apartment, looking for anything to prove he might have been murdered. Kurt is there and he tells them what happened. Will Mike and Sage, with the help of Brody, Jon, and a third ghost named Tonio, be able to come up with the evidence to back Kurt's claim? While they try, will Tonio finally accept it's time for him to move on, or will helping Kurt make him realize there's more to life -- and death -- than losing the man he once loved?"
Love and Christmas
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Sequel to Hell, Look at Me When the theater's director decides to produce A Christmas Carol to celebrate the season, not everyone is happy. Galen, the company's newest actor, hates Christmas and all he thinks it stands for. Nonetheless, he'll be damned if he won't go after the lead role of Scrooge. It’s perfect for him. Neal, the company's brand new costume designer, takes his job in stride, and impulsively offers to help Galen learn his lines for the show. While the two men work together, Neal wonders why Galen is so against Christmas. Will he be able to learn Galen's dark secret? If he does, will it push the two men apart, or strengthen their slowly developing interest in each other?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"At sixteen Derek loses his memory -- and his family -- in an accident. He's rescued by the reclusive Michael. Then he begins the long journey to discover his past. In Denver, Derek finds a job, a place to live, and trouble when someone attempts to kidnap him. Members of the Company help him escape and later recruit him. Ending up in New Orleans, he's nineteen and working undercover when he's teamed with Brad, who teaches him the joys of sex. Heartbroken when he thinks Brad has found another man, Derek transfers to Denver. At twenty-four, Derek is still with the Company when he remembers more about the accident, leading to shocking revelations about his father. Then Brad is sent to Denver on a job. Can Derek trust Brad's love again while working with him on the assignment?"
Galen's Destiny
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"What would you do if you turned eighteen, with your whole life ahead of you, only to find out you were a dhampir, destined to spend your nights hunting vampires? Would you accept your fate, or walk away? Galen faces that decision, and makes the right choice. By the time he's twenty-five, he's an expert at what he does. Then fate intervenes when a powerful elf emerges who wants to rule the world. Will Galen, with the help of his father Rénald, a loup garou named Marc, and two elves, Ian and Ewan, be able to foil the rogue elf's plan? And, in the process, can Galen find true love ... without dying before that happens?"
Ghostly Investigations
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"I was an average man, not at all violent, until a bastard tricked my best friend into killing my lover, Mick. When that happened, with my best friend in prison for life, I took things into my own hands and killed the bastard. Not too soon after, a man contacted me. The man Mick had worked for -- as a vigilante. He convinced me to take Mick's place, once I'd been trained to do what Mick had done. I did. Now I'm a not so average man who might, just might, be falling in love with another vigilante. Coop Frost, to be exact. That is, if we can survive what comes next."
C21 Box Set
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"C21 is a covert operation comprised of good men and women who ended up on the wrong side of the law. Now they have a chance to track and punish criminals to whom the law doesn't seem to apply. In this gay erotic romance box set by best-selling author Edward Kendrick, meet three of C21's newest recruits. Contains the stories: Dylan's Dilemma: When Dylan accidentally kills his ex-lover, he knows he's in trouble. Then he meets Mars, who offers him a solution -- join C21. There he learns his ex was an arms trafficker and goes undercover to bring down the rest the gang. Things get interesting as he becomes involved with both C21 and Mars. Can their relationship grow before the work they do tears them apart? Sean's Predicament: A professional thief, Sean is caught breaking into the home of C21 handler, Jonah, who makes him an offer he can't resist. Join C21 and put his talents to better use. Teamed with Ken to destroy a phony adoption racket, Sean fights his growing interest in the man, certain it won't be reciprocated. Is he right? Or will they become more than just partners while stopping a gang of jewel thieves? Tate's Quandary: What's a C21 operative to do when his partner is kidnapped? In Tate's case, he unwillingly hooks up with Van, an FBI agent and his ex lover, to rescue Gwen from Barone, who runs a prostitution ring they are trying to shut down. Can Tate and Van put aside their past, to find Gwen and stop Barone? Or will working together only destroy the last vestiges of what they once felt for each other?"
You Can Never Walk Away
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When his lover is killed while they're on a job, Kegan goes into seclusion, vowing never to return to the Agency, the covert organization they worked for. His handler has other ideas, tricking Kegan into coming back, then partnering him with Gage to find and eliminate Ash, a rogue operative. Kegan and Gage locate Ash only to discover he's on the run because he found out that Patterson, the head of the Agency, is not what he seems. When the three men team up to bring Patterson down, will their budding personal relationship save them -- or get them killed?"
The Runaway and the Enforcer
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Beau, thirty-five, is a gangland enforcer who has gone into hiding rather than following the orders of his boss, Mercer, to harm a rival's kid. Now, all Beau wants to do is eliminate Mercer before getting out of town. When Rick, an eighteen-year-old denizen of the streets, witnesses Beau killing one of Mercer's men who has found him, Beau takes Rick under his wing instead of killing him, as well. He offers Rick a place to stay while he figures out how to put his plan to take Mercer out into action -- without ending up dead himself. Befriending Rick is an act Beau may come to regret. Rick convinces Beau to take him along when he leaves town -- thus working his way into Beau's dangerous life on the run -- and perhaps, into his heart, if Beau can come to grips with the fact that Rick is half his age. Note: This story contains scenes of graphic violence."
Not Your Average Man
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"I was an average man, not at all violent, until a bastard tricked my best friend into killing my lover, Mick. When that happened, with my best friend in prison for life, I took things into my own hands and killed the bastard. Not too soon after, a man contacted me. The man Mick had worked for -- as a vigilante. He convinced me to take Mick's place, once I'd been trained to do what Mick had done. I did. Now I'm a not so average man who might, just might, be falling in love with another vigilante. Coop Frost, to be exact. That is, if we can survive what comes next."
In the Name of Love
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Ryan is a young artist hoping to make a name for himself. When he meets a man who offers to help him advance his career, he accepts. His career takes off when Merrick arranges two shows for Ryan at a local gallery. Ryan is elated, especially when their relationship becomes more personal. What he doesn’t expect is to end up being abused, physically and emotionally, as Merrick tightens his control over the younger artist. After a vicious beating, Ryan manages to escape, naked except for a bedspread wrapped around himself. Policeman Shaun Levitt finds him cowering in an alley. Taking the battered young man under his wing, Shaun begins the slow process of helping Ryan come to grips with what happened. Will Ryan learn to trust again? Or will he forever look at any man who might be interested in him as another potential abuser ... including Shaun?"
Burke and the Vampire
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"What would you do if you awoke from a coma to discover you could sense vampires? Burke didn't believe such creatures existed until it happened to him. Horrified, but accepting what he now knew was the truth, he vowed to eliminate them, destroying any who he could tell were not benign. Vampire Reynaud has been charged by his King to find the person they've dubbed The Hunter and end his existence before he kills more of their kind. The problem is, how can he find one human in the masses living in New Orleans? It turned out to be easier than he anticipated, although he didn't know it until events transpired that revealed his new, human, friend was the also The Hunter. Will the saying opposites attract prove true, or will these two men who have begun to care for each other be torn apart by their differences?"
Someone to Love Him
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Luke Ryder has been doing whatever it takes to survive on the streets for the last three years. Then he meets Jourdain Laurent, a man who offers to help him get off the streets. Although wary of Jourdain's motives, Luke slowly accepts his help. Finn Macneil is aware of what is happening. He vows to save Luke from Jourdain's clutches, as he knows what will happen if he doesn't. After all, Finn's step-brother was destroyed by Jourdain. Will Finn be able to save Luke, and end Jourdain's existence? He prays he can, or the attraction he and Luke begin to feel for each other is doomed."
Murder Times Four Box Set
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Four gay mystery thrillers by best-selling author Edward Kendrick. Contains the stories: Murder on Rainbow Lane: My name is Adam Moore, and I am not a happy camper at the moment. Someone is killing the residents on Rainbow Lane cul-de-sac. If that wasn't bad enough, they're trying to frame me for the murders. My only hope of proving my innocence? Detective Steve Jarrett ... if I can convince him I'm not the man he's looking for. Although he may be the man I've been looking for all my life. Premonitions: When Daniel moves into the house he inherited, he gets premonitions something isn't right. Then he meets Griffin, who lives off the grid, and they become friends. Daniel's ex appears, suggesting Daniel turn the house into a restaurant, with his help. When Daniel refuses, bad things start to happen. As the attraction between Daniel and Griffin grows stronger, will they survive what Ray does next? The Elevator Murders: When Tony finds a dead man in the elevator at his apartment building, he and his friends try to solve the murder. Kirk, an admitted playboy, tries to help them, but is rebuffed until he finally explains to Tony why he's the way he is. What Tony learns about Kirk, plus a third murder, changes everything, as Tony tries to deal with his feelings for Kirk while not becoming the next murder victim. The Hitchhiker Murders: When married PIs Brent and Quinn Collins are hired to find Andrew, who disappeared while hitchhiking, little do they know they will become embroiled in murder. Two other young men have gone missing under similar circumstances, their bodies found buried in the mountains. Brent and Quinn believe they know who is responsible for the killings. Can they prove it without ending up dead themselves?"
Let Go of Loneliness
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Byron Randall -- in his mid-fifties, single and alone -- moves into a new condo complex, he meets another resident, fifty-five year old realtor Jonah Hyland -- also single since his breakup with his much younger lover. The two middle-aged men become friends, sharing common interests in gardening and hiking. As their friendship deepens, each man wonders if he has found someone he could learn to care for. Then Jonah's ex reappears in his life, much to Byron's dismay. Will this end Byron and Jonah's budding romance? Or will they discover that, together, they can let go of loneliness?"
Love Was Not an Option
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"To most people who know him, Nick Fontana is the owner of a prestigious advertising agency. To a select few, he’s known as Niko, a man who deals with very sensitive problems no one else can handle. As a result, Nick has never found a man to love -- because he won't allow it to happen. Then he meets flirtatious Greg Tyson while out running. He thinks nothing of it until Greg applies for a job at Nick's ad agency. Greg is exactly what Nick is looking for in an employee. Hiring him, however, might turn out to be the biggest mistake of Nick's life ... or the beginning of something new, if Nick is willing to open himself up and let Greg in. Doing so will require an amount of trust Nick isn’t certain he can give without endangering Greg's life -- and losing his love -- in the process."
Sins of the Fathers
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When ex-priest Mark Collins is suddenly catapulted to fame as a super-model he discovers there is more to it than he expected. With the help of Paul, his boss's assistant he manages to weather the promotional gigs. Then there is his blossoming involvement with Angelo, a police detective he met soon after arriving in the city. Everything is thrown into disarray when he finds out his boss may be trafficking with the Mafia. When he's attacked, his life soon becomes a game of who to trust. Will it be Angelo or the very appealing FBI agent who puts him into protective custody to keep him alive until he can testify?"
Protecting Max
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Twelve years ago, Max Harman survived a vicious attack by his ex-lover Tony. It severed their relationship and landed Tony in prison. When Tony’s released from jail, Max’s nephew Jack fears the man may seek revenge on his uncle. Wanting to buy a gun for protection, he visits Deacon Young's shop. Deacon convinces him to bring Max by to do the same. Despite his misgivings, Max gets a gun for security, too. When Jack’s fears prove to be correct and Tony starts to stalk Max, Deacon steps in to try to protect him. Can Max's growing interest in Deacon -- and vice versa -- survive Tony's escalating reign of terror?"
The Reunion
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Three men: Neil Stafford, a scene designer. He is still infatuated with his first lover. It's reason he wants to go to their college reunion -- to see if he can finally put his feelings for Zeke behind him, with the help of his best friend. Zeke Hale, a lawyer. He's also a married, and very closeted, gay man although he clandestinely slept with as many guys as possible while in college, including Neil. Kev Deering, a waiter. He's been in love with Neil almost since they first met two years ago. However, for reasons of his own, he hasn't told Neil he's bi, so Neil treats him as his very safe, straight best friend and nothing more. Three men. One will be dead by the end of the reunion. One will be the primary suspect in the murder. One will do all he can to try to solve the murder."
A Secret to Die For
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Brian Newell is an average young man, working in a coffee shop. That is, until he learns he’s the sole heir to his grandfather Alistair's fortune. A grandfather he didn't even know he had. There is a proviso, however. He has to live in his grandfather's house for one year, and take care of his macaw, before he can inherit anything. Conley Finnegan was close friends with Alistair, cataloguing his book collection and tending to his yard. He’s less than happy when he meets Brian, or so it seems. But that isn't quite the truth. Conley has a deep secret, and part of it requires Brian in his life -- but only as a friend. However, his wishes to the contrary, Conley falls in love with Brian, and vice versa. That small problem, as Conley thinks of it, will impact their lives in ways neither can imagine."
Murderous Twins
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Blaine Ayers and Lloyd Thomas are identical twins -- separated at birth, reunited by accident, and serial killers by choice. Two men, posing as one. Steve Cooke is a private investigator married to Gary Drake-Cooke, an interior decorator. The four men's paths cross when Blaine and Lloyd move into a house across the street from Steve and Gary. What happens next has the potential to change their lives forever -- for better or for worse. Warning: This story contains scenes of graphic violence."
Snow Cat
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Artist Wynn McGuire has a problem. An enemy wants him dead. Sheriff Mick Greene also has problems. Helping Wynn survive and finding the elusive ‘Snow Cat’ that is prowling outside his small mountain town. Wynn and Mick have another problem as well, their growing interest in each other. When Wynn disappears Mick is certain he’s either dead or has gone back to his old life. Then he discovers the truth about Wynn, just days before Wynn comes back into his life. Will this truth, plus Mick’s ex-lover and another man seeking to kill Wynn force them apart, or can they surmount the obstacles and learn that love indeed conquers all."
Tate's Quandary
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"A C21 Story What's a C21 operative to do when his partner is kidnapped by Barone, the man who runs a prostitution ring Tate and Gwen are trying to shut down? In Tate Butler's case, he unwillingly hooks up with Van Layton, an FBI agent and his ex-lover, to find Gwen, the daughter of Tate's handler. First, they need to locate where Barone has her hidden. Barone is also, according to Van, a drug dealer Van plans on putting out of business. Can Tate and Van put aside their splintered past to find Gwen and stop Barone? Or will working together only destroy the last vestiges of what they once felt for each other?"
Framed for Murder
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"My name is Charlie English. I'm thirty-eight and homeless, so when a man offered me forty bucks to deliver a message and another forty when I had, I jumped at the chance. I shouldn't have. I walked into the house -- and a murder scene -- barely getting away before the cops arrived. I needed to get out from under the frame, and knew a private detective who might be willing to help me. There’s one problem, though. He’s my ex-lover, which could make things dicey. He’s less than happy to see me when I show up at his office ... until I tell him why I’m there. That piques his interest. Now it’s a case of finding out who the dead man was, who killed him, and proving it wasn't me. Can we succeed ... while dealing with our renewed interest in each other?"
Off the Beaten Path
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Hugh Mathews decides it's time to get out from under his tyrannical father's thumb and away from the life he's been living, he does it in a big way. Packing what he'll need to survive in the wilderness, and with only his dog, Orion, for companionship, he heads into the mountains. When they find a abandoned cabin, Hugh begins the arduous task of repairing it, as well as hunting for food and everything else they'll need to stay alive. Soon after, Ansel Jeffries, a nature photographer, arrives at Hugh's cabin, seeking an abandoned mine he wants to photograph. After talking with him, Ansel sees the potential for a story in what Hugh is doing -- and why. Ansel convinces Hugh to let him tell it, meaning he'll be living at the cabin with Hugh. When he moves in, will what becomes friendship between the two men grow into more?"
Under the Radar
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Life for Lou Travis changed drastically when, as Carlo Farro, he turned state's evidence on the two mobsters he worked for. He didn't know, when he was put into the WITSEC program, that he would end up falling in love with the marshal tasked with protecting him. Walter Brooks certainly didn't expect love to come into his life in the form of a small-time drug trafficker. But it did. Now, under the name Wayne Bourke, he, his adopted daughter Rae, and Lou own a protection business -- and have for the last seventeen years. Suddenly their lives change when Regotti, one of the mobsters Lou testified against, is released from prison. The man wants Lou dead. Can Lou, Wayne, and Rae stop him from finding them and putting his deadly plan into motion?"
The City PI and the Country Cop
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"A murder in a small Colorado town closely resembles unsolved crimes committed by a serial killer almost thirty years ago. Private investigator Teague Donovan learns of the recent murder and is instantly drawn to the case, because one of the victims in the past was his best friend, and he is determined to bring the killer to justice. Hoyt Newman, the detective in charge of the most recent case, is none too happy with Teague's interfering. At least not until a second homeless boy is tortured and killed. As the two men work together, they begin to develop an interest in each other -- one that seems fated not to come to fruition since Teague is city, through and through, and Hoyt is definitely country to the core."
Murder on Rainbow Lane
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"My name is Adam Moore, and I am not a happy camper at the moment. Someone is killing the residents on Rainbow Lane cul-de-sac. If that wasn't bad enough, they're trying to frame me for the murders. My only hope of proving my innocence? Detective Steve Jarrett ... if I can convince him I'm not the man he's looking for. Although he may be the man I've been looking for all my life."
Kylian and Brett: An Urban Fantasy
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Brett Wescott has a talent for creating quick sketches of people from verbal descriptions. Ones that looked exactly like the subject -- at least according to the tourists who find him either in Jackson Square or one of the bars along Bourbon Street. It helps that he is telepathic. Kylian Dubois is a powerful elf who runs a covert agency he formed in the late seventeen-hundreds to stop paranormals from preying on and killing humans. All of his employees are elves or shifters -- each one with their own reasons for wanting to work with Kylian. When a particularly vicious shifter killer, known as the Phantom Slayer, begins stalking New Orleans, Kylian recruits Brett to help find him -- even though Brett is only human. Slowly a bond forms between Brett and Kylian. A bond that could turn into something more, providing they can deal with their differences."
The Diner
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"A mysterious man has come to Spirit Falls. Does he have something to do with the new diner, or maybe the disappearance of the town's mayor? Sheriff John Darkman needs to find out the answers to both questions. Noah Graham is also curious about the mystery man and the new diner. Then he meets the man, Arik Dalca, who offers him a job as a waiter there. When the mayor reappears and begins to sicken, John and Noah discover the real reason Arik has come to town. Shocked and horrified, they are drawn into what is happening in their town. In the process of trying to stop the horror, Noah begins to fall for Ewan, one of Arik's team members, and John is drawn to Arik himself. Can the four men -- and the town -- survive what is to come?"
The Elevator Murders
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When Tony Watkins discovers a dead man in the elevator of his apartment building, he has no idea there will be more murders. When the second body is found, he and his friends at the club he goes to put their heads together to try to figure out what's happening and who the killer might be. Kirk Logan is a man with problems. At twenty-nine, he still isn't out to his parents. On top of that, Tony thinks he's easy -- which is true -- and will have nothing to do with him, even though he wants to help Tony solve the murders. That is until he finally opens up to Tony about why he's the way he is. What Tony learns about Kirk, in addition to a third murder, changes everything. Can Tony deal with his feelings for Kirk while trying, if possible, not to become the next murder victim?"
The Agency
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"When runaway Kip Faulkner was seventeen, he witnessed two men commit a murder. Fear kept him from telling Sheriff Long the truth about what he'd seen. Guilt made him turn his life around. Eleven years later, he's the owner of a reputable private investigation agency in Denver. John Rigby looks like a typical biker, tattoos and all. But Kip discovers he’s the antithesis of that stereotype when he hires John to work for his agency. When Kip learns about a recent killing exactly like the one he witnessed and recognizes one of the killers in a blurry photo on the news, he vows to find out how the two murders are connected ... and if there have been more. With John's help, can he learn the truth behind the murders while the two men fight their mutual attraction? Or will Kip become the next victim?"
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Artist Daniel Chase moves into the house he inherited from his grandfather -- with the proviso he must live there or lose it. Soon after, he begins to get premonitions that something isn't right. Then he meets Griffin Pryce, a handsome man who lives off the grid. They become friends when Griffin agrees to become the subject for one of Daniel's paintings. Before that can happen, Daniel's ex Ray arrives, wanting to partner with Daniel to turn the house into a fancy restaurant. When Daniel says no, Ray sends a man to threaten him if he doesn't sign the contract Ray has drawn up. Daniel refuses and things go from bad to worse. With Griffin's help, can Daniel stop Ray's machinations? As the attraction between Daniel and Griffin grows stronger, will it -- and they -- survive what Ray does next?"
Everyone Has Secrets
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"My name is Brant Colton. I'm a blackmailer -- a good one -- and I make no apologies for my chosen career. One evening, at a very private club I belong to, I spotted a young man who piqued my interest. Why? Because he, Lorne Raynell, wasn't taking advantage of what the club had to offer. It took time, but I finally found out why. He was intent on finding out who murdered his brother. The rest, as they say, is history. Our history."
The Man on the Balcony
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Mark is a man on the horns of a dilemma. He's in the midst of a five-year affair with a married man and he wants out ... but isn’t sure he can give up his lover. Austin, who lives in the apartment building across the street from Mark, has his own problems. Two years earlier, the man he loved died in a horrible auto accident. Austin is still trying to come to terms with seeing it happen, and dealing with the aftermath. After watching Mark from his balcony, making up stories about what he sees, Austin decides to meet him. Will the meeting help the two come to grips with their problems? And if it does, can they move on to something more than possible friendship?"
Second Story Men
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"What do you get when you put together a security guard and an electronics salesman? You get a married couple who are professional second-story men on the side. When Amery and Myles decide to break into the home of a wealthy Denver couple, they find more than they were bargaining for -- the couple's dead bodies. Now all Amery and Myles want to do is avoid being arrested for the murders. That becomes more difficult when Fetch, a police detective and Amery's ex, shows up with questions they'd rather not answer. Will they be able to help solve the murders without Fletch discovering that they had been at the scene of the crime -- and why?"
Bill and Erik
Updated at Jun 24, 2019, 05:44
"Bill Hawkins owns a bed-and-breakfast in the small mountain town of Middleton. He loves his life, his family, and his friends. The only thing missing is someone to call his own. A man he can love who will love him in return. Erik King takes off when he catches his boyfriend in bed with another man. He's looking for somewhere away from that city. Perhaps a small town where life is less hectic and the people are friendly. What he is not looking for is a new man in his life. When a winter snowstorm lands Erik at Bill's B&B, he finds the younger man too interesting, and goes on the run, again. The question becomes, will he realize he can't run from his feelings and return in time to celebrate Thanksgiving—and admit to Bill that he cares for him -- giving them both a reason to be thankful?"