
International Love


Harmony Dreams is the most popular girl/boy band in the world. Having been together for nearly 6 years the foursome have become the best of friends. But when a love triangle comes to the surface the bands chemistry becomes destroyed. Will the band be able to make it through the triangle or will it be torn apart for good?

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Chapter 1
National Talent Search Agency NTSA is searching for 4 teens between the ages of 14 and 18, two males and two females, who can sing and dance. Auditions this Saturday at NTSA Main Office: 112 Westbury Ave Los Angeles, CA. Please register online at www.nationaltalentsearch.com. All individuals under the age of 18 must have consent signed by parent or legal guardian. “This is my shot.” I said to myself, “Now, I just need to find someone to come with me to this audition in place of my guardian.” 5 Years Later “And cut!” The director yelled, “Excellent job you four.” “Thanks Alan.” We all said in unison. I know what you’re thinking, how did we get here? Well five years ago, I, Ivy Andersen had a huge dream of becoming famous. So when the flyer advertising the search for 4 teens landed in front of me, I knew that I needed to audition. I never thought in a million years I’d be apart of one of the most popular mixed gendered bands in America let alone the WORLD. “Ivy!” I heard someone yell. “What? Sorry, I was day dreaming.” I said. “Like usual.” Lacey laughed, “Go get changed so we can get out of here. We have a movie premiere that we need to get ready for.” Harmony Dreams consisted of me, Lacey Klein, her cousin Steven Klein, and Derek Greene. None of us knew each other when we were selected to form this group except Lacey and her cousin of course. But over the last 5 years we’ve become best friends. When you spend nearly every waking moment with 3 other people they become your family. They become the people you rely on when you have nothing left. They were the people I relied on when my parents left me. You heard that right, my parents left me when I was 13 years old. They never picked me up from school one day. I always thank God that flyer landed in my possession when it did. I’d stay with with friends, but I only had so many friends. After the 3rd night of staying with them they’d get suspicious so I’d have to leave. I spent many nights in the park sleeping on a bench. I bathed in ponds and lakes when I knew I wouldn’t get caught. While I always had the dream of being famous, I also thought I’d have my family by my side during these milestones. My mom to go to events with, my dad to look on and be proud of me, and spoiling my little sister with all the things my parents could never afford to get us. I wanted to share these moments with my parents but I shared it with myself. I walked into my dressing room and ran a comb through my long brown locks and piled my hair on top of my hand. I looked at my green eyes through the mirror and finally saw a person that I can love. A person that I fought to become. I smiled to myself and removed the makeup I had on with a wipe. I changed out of the clothes I wore for the music video and pulled on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. “Knock knock.” I heard as I was sliding on my sandals. I turned to the door and saw Derek standing there, “Oh hey Derek, are you guys ready to go?” I smiled. “Yep, the car is pulling around now.” He smiled, “I’ll take your bag.” “Oh you don’t have to do that.” I answered. “Don’t be silly, Ivy.” He said, “I always take your bag.” “Thank you.” I smiled looking at the floor. Derek made me nervous. The way his dark hair was always slicked perfectly, the way his blue eyes sparkled. He was perfect. His body in perfect shape. He was much taller than me but I was short anyway so anyone is taller than me. But what stood out the most about Derek was his personality. He was protective and caring. I’ve had a small crush on him the whole time I’ve known him. Derek and Steven were extremely protective of Lacey and I. Being international pop stars made things complicated. We couldn’t go anywhere without security, paparazzi followed us everywhere, they camped outside of our houses just to get a glimpse of us, and there were fans everywhere. The only thing I enjoyed about any of those three things was the fans. I enjoyed taking pictures with fans and signing the various objects they’ve had. And yes, I’ve signed a chest before. I grabbed my purse from the dressing room couch, flipped off the lights, and walked out to where the rest of my band mates were getting in the car. When I got in the car Lacey was making googly eyes at Derek as I sat down next to him. She was twirling her shoulder length blonde hair and staring at him with her dark brown eyes. If there was one thing I knew, Lacey had liked Derek for so long. Probably since we started performing together. Lacey had a possessive personality. In fact, when I realized she had a crush on Derek she made it perfectly clear he was “hers”. All I wanted to do was perform. I was lucky enough to get 3 friends out of it. Steven resembled Lacey a lot considering they were related. His dirty blonde hair was always kept short and he shared dark brown eyes with Lacey. He was also in good shape and a bit shorter than Derek. But only by an inch or two. Steven was so much more abrasive than Derek. Steven was always a bit meaner to me than Derek but I never thought anything of it. “So Derek,” Lacey began, “Since Steven and Ivy have a charity even tomorrow and will need to go home as soon as the premiere is done, we should go to dinner after.” “Uhm. We’re all going to that event, Lacey.” Steven said, “Did you honestly forget?” “I just thought it was you guys.” She said in an irritated tone. We all laughed and continued our ride in silence. Lacey had been trying to get Derek to date her for as long as I can remember. He never wanted to mix business with pleasure though. We all knew that. “Alright, Ms. Klein we have arrived at your home.” Our driver, Ronald, said as the SUV came to a stop. I will be back at 7:30 to pick you up for the premiere.” “Thanks Ronald,” She said getting out, “Bye guys.” We all waved goodbye and pulled out of her driveway. We dropped Steven off and then we headed to Dereks house. “Thank you again for letting me stay with you Derek.” I said looking at him. “Stop thanking me. I love having you stay with me. It’s like living with my best friend all the time. Plus you make some bomb food.” He responded. I’ve been staying with Derek for just over a month now. My house caught fire and thankfully I was able to salvage it but it was going to take a few months to fix. I don’t know what I would have done without my neighbors getting the fire department there so fast. No one knew I was staying at Dereks except Ronald and our stylists since we shared the same stylists. Neither of our band mates knew we were staying together. My car stayed in his garage and Ronald always dropped them off first and picked us up first. Plus, he would make sure Dereks garage doors were shut when he dropped us off. I couldn’t even imagine how Lacey would react if she found out I was staying with him. She’d lose it. But the press would have a field day with it as well. “Alright Ms.Andersen and Mr. Greene I will pick you up at 7pm for the movie premiere.” Ronald said as we exited the car. “Thank you, Ronald.” Derek said. “Bye Ronald, see you soon.” I smiled.

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