Ch 10

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Aarini/Aries’ Point Of View Later that day… After Tommy and Maxim spent the day with Dianna, it was time to leave. Saying I am annoyed is an understatement. They spent the entire evening trying to get her to see that I was the better choice. Despite me staying outside of the room so I didn’t throw them off the building, I could hear them saying that maybe I was the better choice. They were trying to get her to admit that she has feelings for me. Dianna was busy stumbling over her words just to answer that one question but I already knew the answer to that. She found me very attractive. Her parents knew that and her friends, except Claire. If I ignored every conversation she has ever had, the ones where my name is mentioned weren’t one of them. Whenever anyone calls my name, I have to listen. Despite me telling myself that I would keep my feelings for Dianna a secret, people around us still seem to notice except her. She is so oblivious and I am stuck between finding it attractive or not. Her mom and her brother saw it. Carlyssa sees it as well, but clearly to Dianna, I don’t. I waited by the door of her office with Max and Tommy talking to each other. The light in her office turned off and then she walked out with a smile. “I am ready to go now,” She said to me. “Do you have everything?” I asked her. She nodded and shrugged her shoulders. “I mean I think so,” She muttered. “You should know and not think. You won’t be coming to work tomorrow morning, so make sure,” I stated. She sighed and walked back into her office, turning the lights on. “So, are you thinking of asking her out?” Tommy asked me. “No, I am not. I am keeping this professional,” I told him. “You know a woman never forgets a man that did good for her right? You, taking the time out of your life to be there for her when she needs someone. Aries, you are helping her get over her ex and she will appreciate you doing that for her, but do you really think that she is not going to fall for you in the process?” Maxim asked me. “We won’t find out because it’s not happening,” I stated as Dianna walked out of her office again. Of course, she forgot something, I knew it. “I am ready now. I need to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow,” She said to me. Unfortunately, Maxim and Tommy had to get a ride with us because they didn’t take their rental. I took Dianna up to her apartment and did the usual routine checks before walking back out. She smiled at me and I gave her a nod to let her know that it is clear. “Have a good night,” I said to her on my way out. “You have some amazing friends, Aries,” She said to me. I smiled briefly. “Only a stranger would say that but I will let them know you think that,” I said. She laughed and shrugged. “So um… Are you okay with me talking to them?” She asked “Yes. I have no problem with that as long as they have really sane conversations. They can go a little overboard when they get comfortable,” I told her. She smiled and nodded. “Okay, well I will see you tomorrow. Pick me up at 6:45 pm so that we can be there by 8,” She said to me “Where is the event being held?” I asked, confused. We never had to go that far out before. “The Parker's Country Club. Lora believes that it is mandatory for her to host it there, so I didn’t complain about it,” She told me. I nodded. Lora Parker is a b***h. I am not talking about the kind who flexes with expensive bags or what their husband got for them last week in Dubai. She is the type of b***h that will sit and giggle about your boyfriend cheating on you with the model you created. The one you befriended. The one who had nothing before you guys met but now has a lot. Dianna is still coming to terms with the breakup with her ex-boyfriend and the wound is still fresh. Sometimes I would find her sitting around and staring into space. I knew she was thinking about him because then you'd see her wiping her tears discreetly or laughing it off as if it was nothing. I remember one time Lora was flirting with me when she came to one of their many events. She asked me why I'd chosen such a profession. She wanted to pay me to be her permanent booty call. Told me that she would pay me fifty-thousand dollars per month and I would be all her. The sick thought she had was funnier than anything. I make seventy-thousand dollars a month being Dianna's bodyguard and head of security. The money didn't matter to me at all, especially since I am wealthy. I had more money than her husband could but I didn't flex my wealth and throw it in other people's faces. That is not who I am at all. After we said our goodbyes for the night, I went back to the car where Maxim and Tommy were. When I got in, my plan was to ignore them until I got back to my house but of course that wouldn’t work. Especially since they are going to remind me how stupid I am being. “Our future queen seems nice,” Maxim said the moment I drove off. “I am aware of that. I don’t need either of you to tell me that,” I muttered, keeping my eyes on the road. “Aarini, let us be real. You are better off with her in your life and she is quite understanding. What will you do when the time comes for her to know the truth?” He asked me. “Let me worry about that Max. Have you even found your mate?” I asked him. That made him go quiet. “Well I can talk because I have found mine. Dianna mentioned that you guys are going to a ball tomorrow and she invited you as her date. Are you excited?” Tommy asked from the back seat. “Yes, I am excited because I will be there to make sure she doesn’t crumble when her ex-boyfriend walks in with the girl he cheated on her with. Spending time with her is not that bad and I would kill to see her in that gown she bought,” I said, smirking. “Hmm, well you have to dress to impress. She said the host is a b***h who wants to sleep with you so I hope you plan to stick by your mate the entire night. Dance with her like you danced with Irina on prom night,” Maxim said, chuckling. I scoffed as I made a left turn. “Sometimes I wonder how we are even friends. You are so f*****g annoying,” I said but that only made them laugh more. The car was quiet for a little while until I spoke up. “How is my brother doing?” I asked, hesitantly. “He misses you, a lot. He is angry at you for sure but you have no idea how much he misses you. There is still that life size portrait of you both in his house and he looks at it every day. Occasionally cried when he thinks we are not around,” Max told me. “Yeah, and that one time he was crying and I caught him. He tried to play it off as something being in his eyes,” Tommy said, cracking up in the back seat. “I really miss him too. I just wish he trusted me enough to know that I wouldn’t do something like that,” I muttered. “That is understandable. He will come around. You guys can never fight without making up and he asked a few times if you reached out. At the time we hadn’t tracked you down yet,” Max said. I nodded slowly. “This is not forever. I will call him one of these days and talk to him. I don’t know about what exactly, but I will talk to him,” I promised, and I meant every word.
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