Chapter 4: A New Start? .... Maybe?

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Lexi's POV: As we made our way up to the school, Cole went to grab my hand to hold it. I pulled my hand back away from his and you could see the hurt radiating off his body, from me pulling away. " I said not till you come back Cole, please. I do not want to be killed by our Pack when you are gone I still have 3 more weeks here." I stated in a very harsh tone. To harsh to come out of my mouth. I did not know where my new found confidence was coming from. Maybe from the Moon Goddess coming to me in my dream, or maybe she was right it everything happened for a reason to make me this strong. I only fear what the future has in store is everything had to be this f****d up for to be this strong minded. What hell of a future do I face? Oh well it is my destiny and I will face it head on and be brave. Like normal. Show no emotions, and push forward. Tomorrow is a new day. And this day is just getting started. But with one hell of a morning. The best morning ever in my book. My last best morning ever was when I was 14 and it was my birthday and my parents and my brother woke me up to breakfast in bed. French toast with powdered sugar on top and a splash of maple syrup. And crispy bacon. Gifts on my bed and everything was perfect a nice surprise. but enough of my past. We got to the office and Ms. Gloffe Heard the door close and looked up at me and smiled then to Cole next to me and had a look of harsh criticism on her face. "Ms. Gloffe I am so sorry we are late. See I happened to miss the bus this morning and started walking the 20 plus miles to school. Cole just happened to be running a bit late too it seems...." I started when Cole cut me off. " Then I saw my classmate walking to school, and still so far away. So I offered her a ride that way; she would not be even more late then she would have been with walking and I am so sorry we are both late. " He said so smooth almost trying to flirt his way out of being late... " That's no problem Ms. Miller, but Mr. Jacobs you are out of warnings.You get detention this afternoon. I'll write you both passes now and you can head off to your morning classes." She smiled then turned to start writing our passes. Cole shifted in place and with one arm he rubbed the back of his neck and the other he ran it up and down my arm once giving me goosebumps and a few sparks. " As long as this beautiful lady made it safe to school, that is all I care about Ms. Gloffe and I am and fine with whatever punishment you give me for being late, it was worth it. " He said with a huge smile on his face me and giving me a nudge and a wink almost knocking me over in the process. " Have a nice day you both, and get to yours class... Oh and no more being late Mr. Jacobs, only 5 days left this year. " She huffed that last part at him while handing him his detention slip and our late passes sent us out of the office and down the hall. Walking down the hallway with Cole was weird, he was so close. I wanted him to be closer but yet at the same time wanted to push him far away from me. We got to the stairwell and he stopped handed me my late slip. Then he grabbed my right hand and pulled me underneath the stairs. Then Cole pushed me against the wall under the stair and my back pack fell to the ground. He pinned me to the wall with his arms and legs and looked me in my eyes and said in his most seductive voice. " I love you Lexi Michelle Miller and I can not wait to spend our lives together, thank you for this, second chance with you! Lexi you will not regret it and I will show you how much I love you and how hard I will work to make myself stronger to be the Alpha you and this Pack deserve and need!" With that he kissed me so passionately I thought I was gonna pass out. I was seeing stars it was so amazing. His lips so full and sinfully lustful, inviting me into his mouth more. With in seconds it turns into a deep make-out session. Not that I have ever had one. But wow. After that heated passionate kiss/make-out session, he released me from the wall. I almost fell over from being breathless and still seeing stars. Cole was my first kiss and my first true make-out. How amazingly wonderful. I leaned hard on the wall behind me and regained my self a bit before speaking. " We already have a deal Cole. Though that kiss was beyond breathtakingly wonderful, I need to get to my first class everyone is here and we will be lucky if not one heard that, with "our" hearing.... And give me some time and I will fall for you again. My heart just hurts so much right now. " I tried not to be too harsh with my words but it's the truth.... He deeply hurt me only time can tell if I can forgive him and move on... I know I can eventually, but it will be very hard. Seeing him keep going back to hook up/be with my Ex best friend over and over hurts the most. More then getting punched and kicked. And spat on..... More then anything.... He promised forever.... Then my world shattered that afternoon when my mother died in front of me.... Then he pushed me away with out any reason. That broke the rest of my shattered heart even more. After that day I had no one.... Till I finally made some new friends outside the Pack. Two human twin sisters. Rachel the oldest by 2 mins then May her younger identical twin sister. Sweetest human I have ever met. They transferred here last year. And we became close friends shortly after.... .......... " Fine, Lexi I will give you time and a bit of space as much as I can bare but no one will harm you again, I swear it." Cole whispered to me. He backed up a bit ... I could tell I hurt him with my words but he turned around with that and headed out of the stair well and off to his class with out a glace back or another word to me. And I grabbed my back pack and headed up the stairs to get to my classroom on the second floor. Later on that day.... Cole POV: I was in the lunch room trying not to look at Lexi. Even though it was hard for me not to look I couldn't help it because I am drawn to her, she is my Mate. She was sitting at her lunch table with her few school friends. Not from the Pack, actual human friends. I am so glad she has friends. She was smiling and laughing. Her friends we're going on and on about how they want her to visit them before she leaves for college and how excited they are and how much fun she will have and how she will finally meet a boy she likes. Blah, blah, blah..... I didn't want her to leave but I know she has to go college to train to be a Great Witch and I have to go to this summer camp so I can become stronger. We both have to do things to become stronger and better for our Pack. Summer has been all over me today. It's like she could smell Lexi on me. I know she could and it pissed her off. But I haven't given her a chance to slip away from my sight and bully Lexi for it. Flashback to earlier this morning: When she came up to me in the hallway I knew she could smell Lexi's scent on me I didn't try to hide it I wanted this Summer b***h to know Lexi is MINE and I am hers! When she was right next to me... " Babe, what is that nasty smell on you. It smells like..... Like.... Old nasty fish?" Summer said adding a gag out of her mouth trying to act super grossed out at the end of what she said. " I had left over fish after my work out this morning. You know I am trying to bulk up more." I say backing up from her a bit. " We have to talk soon too. I will make time when I come back, just for you Summer." I winked at her and walked away and just made it into my next class right before the bell rang. I had to walk away so I wouldn't gag on her scent it was horrendous compared to Lexi, now Lexi smells like a fresh sweet juicy peach. Where Summer smelt like burning trash. I can not believe I didn't notice it before. Disgusting. And Lexi tastes like she smells. So delicious and mouth watering to me. Ben agrees with me he is howling in my head. He can not wait to taste her for him self. Mmm Humm.. The Moon Goddess. Blessed me. Hopefully I did not f**k up my chance with Lexi. I think to my self, as I sit down in my seat in my second hour class End of flash Back: I watched her twirl her Raven black hair, as she laughed with her friend's. Her laugh, is so musical and enchanting. How did I ever not notice before? Liam and Beth are walking up now, she is laughing at some dumb thing that happened earlier. " What is so funny?" Summer asked Beth as soon as, Liam and her sat down and place their food on the table. " Oh, Liam just told me he is going to have some fun torturing his sister after school.'' She started giggling trying not to bust up fully laughing, like it was somehow funny to hurt my Mate. Wow after what I did with her I can't stop thinking about her and I can not shake that feeling of having to protect my Mate. It's so overwhelming. " Apparently she was late today and needs to be taught to lesson. I heard her one friend talking about it to her other friend outside of my third hour class and I had to tell Liam about it. " She huffed. At this point my anger and Ben's was about to boil over.... But Ben relaxed a bit and started to reassure me that one's training is complete, no one will hurt our Mate ever again. I looked over at Lexi my beautiful Mate and I knew I couldn't let this conversation continue without any objections from me. So I mind-linked my father real quick and had a chat, basically telling him I'm going to call a Pack meeting tonight and I'll talk with him right when I get home to let him know what's been going on and that I found my Mate and that I have badly I f****d things up and how I'm going to fix everything. He agreed knowing that it was not like me to at all! To admit that I ever messed anything up and then want to willingly fix it doesn't happen ever. Once I ended the mind like I wanted to address my so-called friends.... Using my Alpha tone, but not speaking loud enough so any human ears could understand us. " Attention members of The Red River Moon Pack, there will be a mandatory meeting for all Pack members tonight at 7 p.m. sharp be there or be put in the dungeon your choice." As I said that I sent out the same message in a mind-link to all of the other high ranking Pack members who where not in this school. I know every Wolf in this school heard me. I made sure of that. Everyone at my table answered in unison " Yes Alpha Cole. " I have never used my Alpha tone before. Ben had never let me. Because he locked me out of my self I couldn't access my Alpha tone. It was powerful. I loved it. Lexi mind- link me. " Why, Cole? Your not telling them are you? " She asked panic evident in her voice. " No, I promised I would wait... Out of concern for your safety, I would never put you in harms way ever again. " I answered her back growling now annoyed I am blocking everyone else out right at this moment and getting a massive headache from it too, just so I can have more alone time with her. '' Then why the Pack meeting? " She said still panic in her tone. " Because bullying will no longer be allowed not that it was beforehand but anyone caught will be tossed in the dungeons! And have to answer to me!" I coldly said. " I am done with them hurting you. It is not okay. I was never okay with it. I hated it and it ends now!" I added " Yes, Alpha. " Was all I got before she ended the mind-link. Then all of the others started in. Ben blocked them all. And then Ben boldly stated "I will explain tonight at 7, make sure every single Pack member is there!" Then I was back to normal... And my headache was starting to fade. The rest of lunch was quiet and pleasant. I couldn't look at Lexi now because of what I said. Not that I could before but didn't make it any easier to sneak a peek. That was for sure. The rest of school was a breeze and so was detention. Summer stayed after so she could try to speak to me after .... I saw her waiting outside of detention against a locker, I didn't even acknowledge her other than a quick glance. She followed me out of the school watch me get into my car and then drive back to our territory. Summer was right behind me the whole time in her car.... ...... Later on right before the Cole's Pack meeting: Summer's Pov: I am in my room breaking s**t. Throwing things against my walls and on the floor. I am enraged how did this happen? Why did he smell like Lexi! I hate her why does she get everything!. As I picked up a picture of Cole and I I hugged it tightly... Then threw it against my full length wall mirror and the mirror broke into pieces. I glanced at my clock... 5 minutes till his Pack meeting and all I want to do is kill Lexi. She will never have what is mine. I liked him first and she knew that! He is Mine! I don't want my Mate the Moon Goddess gave me! She mad a mistake Cole is my Mate! Not that Omega! I need to contact my uncle again. And this time they better not f**k up on killing Lexi this time! I grabbed my phone to text him... ...... Cole POV: When I got home I found my father in his office. After I closed the door I turned around to face my father and tell him everything... After.... " Thank you for understanding father. I know I messed up real bad but I will make it up to her. " I said " Cole, just hope she forgives you and I am glad we decided to send you to training camp. It worked out for the best. I guess you had to learn the hard way. I am sorry I didn't set a better example for you." My father said with such a great sadness in his eyes. " May the Moon Goddess forgive you as well, you better hope she didn't give her a second chance Mate just incase you did mess up." He added We talked for a few hours I bounced ideas off of him and I know I have got a solid plan now. Once I get back from camp and prove my worth in a one -on- one fight with my father, if I win! I can be given the official title as Alpha of The Red River Moon Pack. " Let's go! I will let you address this issue on your own to the Pack, you have a Mate to win back. " He nudged me. Then we walked out to the Pack field where we have meetings and Train at. Lexi POV: It is time for the pack meeting it is 6:55. We just got done setting everything up for dinner at the Pack house after the meeting. I head out to the field. I find a place in the back. The Luna is already here. I see Beth and Summer together right up front. I can't see Liam as more Pack members come all around. Soon the field is over following with Pack members. Cole walks out with Alpha Bert. Everyone bows in respect. As they make their way up to the stage for the meeting. I am so nervous. I hope he doesn't use me as an example.... They get to the stage... All of the "head'' Pack members join them. Liam my brother Cole's Beta and The current Luna his mother. His father was already up their. The current Delta. All of them. As Cole cleared his throat everyone was ready.....
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