Dinner and a Show

1074 Words
Loredana's POV All of us were called to dinner once the Alpha family was seated. I was placed right between Jewel and Queen Maya. The Alpha family sat on the other side of the table. Basically, we had half the long table and they had the other with a little bit of space between as a buffer. It was strange. They also had several guards behind them. Alpha Theodore cleared his throat gaining our attention. "I received a phone call that you have Cacodemon in your company. Is that true?" He looked directly at King Joe. "It is." King Joe placed his glass down, "Is that going to be a problem? He is part of our security. We have issues with Veltio so he is here as a buffer." Looked straight back into Alpha Theodore's nervous light brown eyes. "You have issues with Velito?" He raised a brow. "Yes, he wants to kill my mate." King Joe growled. "I see the old lyican curse," Alpha Theodore nodded glancing around our side of the room. "The one with the scar is Cacodemon?" He looked back at King Joe. Everyone seated on our end cracked a huge smile. "No," King Joe chuckled. His eyes never leaving Alpha Theodore. "Being on my land I would request that I know so he could be watched." irritation trickled out of his words. "Why?" King Joe tilted his head, "Not like you could stop him." He scoffed. "I have no doubt that we could." He puffed arrogance dripping from his words. Without a second thought, Hawk was up knocking guards out of the way to grab his neck, his chair flew backward crashing to the floor. "I am unstoppable, if I wanted your lives would all be mine." Hawk's voice I had heard gone, as snarling menace sounding voice had replaced it. "C... Cacodemon." Alpha Theodore gurgled under Hawk's hand. "Yes," Hawk's snarl agreed. Silence descended on the room, as everyone waited. No one wanted to move afraid that the slightest twitch would have Hawk snap the Alpha's neck. "Daddy, huunngry," little Ronan's voice yipped on Jewel's lap. I gasped as Hawk turned his head to see his brown eyes rimmed in red. Turning back to the Alpha in his hands, he lowered him back to the floor. "My son needs me," his voice a mix of the beast and him. He walked casually back to his chair. Sitting down Jewel brought him, Ronan, on his lap. Ronan squealed with delight as he saw the plate of food. "Will there be an issue with this?" King Joe raised an eyebrow. AlphaTheodore, cleared his throat nodding to a guard who picked up his chair. His hand lightly brushing his neck at he looked downward to King Joe not meeting his eye. "There will be no problems," he gulped. "Great!" King Joe smiled clapping his hands together. "Let us chat and enjoy dinner " He grinned looking at everyone. "Luna Marie," Queen Maya looked at the woman who was still stiff from fright. Her gaze wide-eyed with fear in her blue eyes, "yes my Queen?" her voice shaky. "I would love to hear of your improvements in your community through your charities, and other accomplishments." Queen Maya, I noticed moving the subject to something the Luna cared a great deal for. Luna Marie began chatting slowly at first as the nerves began to dissipate. Soon the room was engulfed in conversation as Jewel conversed with the two younger kids about video games and school. I kept my mouth shut and just listened. I could see that Maya and Jewel both had a knack for putting people at ease. Once we were done with dinner, we moved back to the sitting room we had been at before. There the men had a glass of bourbon while they chatted though I noticed Hawk and Amber stayed close before excusing themselves to their room for the night as Ronan had fallen asleep. The atmosphere became even more relaxed after. Jewel and Maya's son Hawk also left for the night to bed. I sat a distance away just watching letting everyone else interact. When I felt a tall presence near me. "Hello, pretty lady," the young Alpha gushed, "may I have a seat with you to chat?" He settled in the chair across from me without asking. I sat up, my body tensing as I watched him closely. "Sure," I shrugged given it didn't look like I had a choice. "I know you are not a wolf, are you human?" His blue eyes looking me over like I was a meal he wanted to eat. "I am not sure." I glanced back at Maya to see she was still engaged in conversation with Luna Marie. Shifting in my seat a bit, I glanced at Athens who was talking to Mortou quietly. I did not get a comfortable feeling with him. He made my skin crawl. "I would love to know more about you," he went to grab my hand as I made a fake yawn. "I can escort you to your room if you are tired," he stood holding his hand out. "I will escort her." I heard Mike's voice behind me making me jump a little. I turned to see him glaring at the young Alpha. I turned, taking Mike's arm and flinching slightly as the electric shocks raced up our arms. "Thank you Mike I am exhausted." I turned to the young Alpha, "Thank you for the offer but I was already assigned an escort by the King and Queen. I would not want to offend them." I smiled slightly giving him a light bow before letting Mike bring me to the King and Queen to say good night. Mike and I walked in silence as we wandered the halls back to my room. At the door we paused. "Thank you," I glanced at the floor as I removed my hand from his arm placing it on the doorknob. "I do not feel comfortable with that young Alpha." I turned as I figured he would say nothing. "Have a good sleep, call if you need me." He nodded. Before waiting for me to go in into the room. Once inside I leaned my back against the door and sighed. I liked him. I had always liked bears, even with the scar I found myself being drawn to him and I did not understand why.
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