Leaving the Pack

1134 Words
Loredana's POV This morning I was packing the last bits I needed for the next six months of the tour with the Royal family. I had been training for two days now. They had me working with Jewel, who has been helping me learn basic lessons to get started. Alpha Thaddeus had said no more about my training. A knock hit my door, "come in," I responded finishing up the last bit of packing. Mortou stood in the open door, "you ready kiddo?" He grinned. "Yes," I slung the last two bags on my shoulder. Heading toward him, he slipped them off as if it was nothing. "I got these," Slinging them over his shoulder made them look like a purse. Making me smirk as I started down the stairs. At the bottom were Luna and my adoptive brothers. Her hair was mixed with grey, while her hazel eyes glistened with unsaid tears. My brother's face very similar to hers but noted they seemed to not want to cry. "I am gonna miss you, sweety," she cooed as she hugged me. "I am gonna miss you guys too," my voice stalling out just a bit. I went down the row hugging each of them Mortou I noticed said not a word. Once we said goodbye, I walked down to the main floor leaving them upstairs. Outside I saw Alpha Thaddeus and his Beta standing next to King Joe. "Alpha, Beta" I acknowledged turning to King Joe, "Thank you for letting me say goodbye." I curtsied to him. "Welcome," he nodded looking to Mortou they exchanged a look and Mortou took my elbow guiding me to a car near the front. I settled in the car looking back at Alpha Thaddeus and his Beta. They stood near the King when Hawk came up and mentioned something to them. The color drained from their faces, their eyes widened and fear danced in their eyes. He must have told them his other name. Why though? Maybe they would tell me later. Hearing the engines turn on I knew it was time to leave. We had a four-hour drive to the next pack. This upcoming pack was one of the oldest. Tracing to some of the oldest werewolf lines. They had old money and seemed to have ties with every supernatural I knew of in Europe. *********** Four hours later we pulled up to a massive old castle-style abode. Its stone masonry work and plants gave it a warm feel that screamed of money. On the steps were several well-dressed blondes all tall and leggy. When the cars stopped, a bunch of footmen came out to gather bags and open doors. As I stepped out of the vehicle, I was ushered quickly To the rest of the group as they placed me right between Maya and Joe. Athens on Maya's side and Mike next to Joe. "Good afternoon Alpha Theodore, Luna Marie." I started introductions. "I am the liaison for King Joe and Queen Maya. I stepped to the side both Athens and Mike standing near me, while Joe and Maya stepped forward to shake hands and introduce everyone. I met the Beta couple and as I went further the next Alpha to be. " Hello, gorgeous," the young Alpha heir purred as he raised my hand to his lips to kiss. A monstrous growl emerged from behind me. My body automatically, stiffening as I glanced back to see Mike's face contorted into a wicked-looking snarl. I gulped not wanting to try to push the issue I smiled slightly as I continued down the line. We were given rooms, which allowed us time to settle and get ready for dinner that night. A knock sounded at my door, drawing my attention. "Come in." My head going back to one final look before dinner. Heard the door open but nothing after. Turning I looked back to see Mike standing against the door frame a slight tip-up of his lips. "I am to escort you to dinner this evening," Mike stood up to his full six-foot five-inch height. My heart fluttered, I was surprised they gave me a guard. "I didn't know I would have an escort," I mentioned as I started toward him. "The young Alpha to be has been noted for being a bit too forward with the ladies," Mike's dark brown eyes looked from my head to my toes stopping ever so slightly at my lips for a second. "The King and Queen thought it best to look out for you given his forwardness at the greeting today." His words smooth and calculated. He offered me his arm. I placed my hand on it noticing how tiny it was compared to his. Electric shocks made us both suck in a gasp as I touched him. He went slightly ridged a moment before we headed down the hallway. As we entered the sitting room, I noticed grand portraits, antiques, and Persian rugs gracing the light wood-colored room. It was warm welcoming. Amber, Maya, and Jewel turned to smile with Jewel coming up to us. "I can take it from here Mikey," she stuck her tongue out at him wrinkling her face too. I glanced up to see him slightly mimic her back. I was a bit surprised to see a guard do that. Then he turned to stand near Mortou who stood along the back wall. "Are all the guards like that?" I asked as we walked to the group. The Alpha, Luna, and family had yet to show. "They are but most see them as big scary bears." Jewel grinned looking over at Mortou she made face and he made one right back. His emotionless mask back in seconds. "I did not know bears had a softer side," I murmured. "Oh, they do. Do you play video games?" Jewel asked. "A little bit," gave her a weak smile. "Ooo. I must teach you!" She squealed, looping her arm in mine. I noticed this the whole time Her brother Hawk kept to himself always reading or looking at things around. "Dinner will be served in the main hall, the Alpha and family will meet you all there." A servant spoke from the door. "Mike I think you scared the crap outta them." Athens piped up, with a snicker. I saw Mike's shoulders lift and fall in a big over exaggerated shrug. "The Alpha received a call saying you had Cacodemon with you. They are collecting themselves." the servant turned on his heel leaving, the room. Everyone in the room started bursting out in laughter. Except for Hawk, he had a grin, but nodded to me and rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but grin too. I had never met a more inclusive bunch of people in my life.
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