
Unknown Hybrid


Ariel is not supposed to exist, she never should have been born. So in order to protect herself, keep her secret and who her father is a secret she has to hide. Hide who she is who and who her father is. But when the pack she had spent the majority of her life with is attacked, Ariel is forced to run, unable to help the people she loved. With her fathers help she is relocated to another home, one where supernaturals thrive and live in peace. But when unexpected people begin making an appearance Ariel and her father are put at risk. When secrets are revealed, and people are threatened and lives are lost, will Ariel be able to protect herself and her father? Will she be able to trust the people she has come to care for or will they prove to be the ones who betray her? With everything on the line Ariel must make a choice, and pray the world won't fall into chaos with the one she makes. ( This is a reverse harem story)

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Chapter one- Hell's Door
Running has never been a part of who I was. I was raised to fight, to stand up for myself. I never imagined I would ever be put in the position to run like a coward. But here I was. "Stop complaining." My wolf Nicole said "We're not running" I rolled my eyes "Ya, sure. That's why we are here running through the damn woods while our people are being slaughtered." "Ariel, they can't know we exist. Hell we shouldn't exist at all. You heard what father said."  I Couldn't help but laugh at her. Yes our infamous father, the one who almost never shows his face (Even if it wasn't his fault) and is MIA while his daughter is left to run and my foster parents are being killed. What am I even supposed to do? Ya, I had money. A lot of money, thanks to dear dad who thinks money can solve anything. Which I am now thankful for.  "You can go back to school somewhere. You still have to finish high school." Nicole suggested.  That actually didn't sound like a bad idea. I could find some backwoods town, find a place to rent or even buy and go to school. Go off the grid and give things a chance to cool off. I could always call my dad and he would help me disappear, but if he came to earth more than he is allowed then 'they' would reign hell down on him, no pun intended. Even if he was an absentee dad I still loved him and prefer he be alive.  "Fine, but we need to stop and tell dad what happened." I agreed. We stopped at the edge of the forest and I quickly shifted into my human form and pulled out my phone. It rang twice before he answered "Ariel how nice to hear from you." Came my fathers voice.  "Hey dad, I wanted to let you know the pack was attacked. I'm fine, I got out and as far as I know no one knows I was there so I still don't exist, but Chloe and Ed were killed." "I'm sorry to hear that. Where will you go?" He asked as emotionless as ever. "I am going to find some backwoods town and finish school. I still need to finish High School and get my diploma. I may be the daughter of Lucifer but I want a human life. At least as much of one I can get."  "Ariel, there is a town called Hell's door a few hundred miles from your pack. It is small and there is a high school and small college there. I already own a house there that you can stay in, and I can visit that town as much as I or you want me to. That town is on what people call a ley line, the Angel's can visit there just as I can but they can not interfere if I am there." "Really dad? You're already in hell, you plan to take me with you again?" I joked "But it's great to hear I'd be able to spend more time with you. I haven't seen you much since you sent me to live with the pack." My father laughed "No darlin, hell only has room for one angel. We found that out the hard way when I raised you here for ten years. You will stay on the surface. Make sure you hide your wings, If the angel's find out you exist you will either be killed or sent to their damned Angel school." I sighed "I know dad, having Lucifer for a father would not go over well there. Not to mention the fact you aren't even supposed to be able to have kids. I am an abomination that shouldn't exist." My father growled "Don't ever say that. You are no abomination, you are my daughter. Daughter to one of the original archangels and the most powerful she-wolf. You are extraordinary, a gift. Your power is unmatched. Now I must go. Like I said, I already have a home in Hell's Door. I will text you the address and where a spare key is, I have to go. I love you."  "Love you..." The phone went dead before I could finish. I huffed and rolled my eyes.  Walking into the small town I found a bus station and cringed. Really a bus? Was there no other form of transportation here? I looked around the small town, there wasn't much here to begin with, I actually wouldn't even qualify this as a town. It had a gas station, a bus station and a small diner. This was more of a pit stop for people traveling. Sighing in defeat I walked in and bought a one way ticket for Hell's Door, before sitting and waiting on the bus to arrive.  It didn't take as long as I thought it would. The bus got there an hour after I sat down and I was the only one to board, which really shouldn't have surprised me considering where I was. I wonder what Hell's Door would be like. I really hope it at least had a coffee shop, I couldn't live without coffee.  "Stop being a baby." Nicole said before curling up in the back of my mind to sleep. I snorted a laugh as I boarded the bus.  "Ya says the wolf who sleeps in my head most of the time." I replied sarcastically.  Nicole just chuckled as I took my seat and I sighed. At least No one knows about me, and I needed to keep it that way, if they knew I would be hunted to the ends of the earth. People would either be calling for my death or using me as a weapon. Thank God my father taught me to keep my emotions away. He said emotions were a weakness and most of all love was a weakness. I couldn't afford to love anyone, I could never tell them who I was anyway, it would cost mine and their lives. The only lives I could care about was mine and my dads, no one else mattered. Laying my head on the window I closed my eyes, Hell's Door, here I come. 

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