


Bullied by the Elites of the school, Calista Malvinski has gotten used to it, thinking that was all she had to face until a bad Altercation with the soulless and Cursed Logan Drummond, Prince of the Thornville Pack. She has interfered with his last attempt of taking his own life, and in the process, an angst of cruelty has stirred up in him. Since he can’t take his own life, Logan has just one thing in mind. To make the existence of people living in the pack to be unbearable, starting from the Girl who ruined his plans, Calista. ****************“You know who my father is right?” He asked, patting my head. “I’m the version you people think he is. Tell this to a soul, Calista, and you would hate your entire life.” Logan said, vanishing into thin air.**************To Calista, he was just sheer evil and a murderous being. To Logan, life has just gotten more interesting. What would become of their relationship? Would Calista finally yield to the cursed Alpha doings? Or would he push her down to her death? Or perhaps, a wind of love would graze past the two of them? Find out. NOTE: THIS STORY HAS DARK ELEMENTS, SUICIDE THEMES, SELF HARM, AND TRIGGERING ACTIONS. Thank you and ENJOY!

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18 years earlier. Sounds of various boots matched the floor, ranging from the heavy ones to the light ones. The atmosphere was grim, a mixture of happiness and sadness, the delivery of a stretched longing which now looked like an absolute disaster. The walk to the nursery room seemed much like a long one to the guards, but much more of a calculated time to the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack, whose deadbeat wife, Evelyn has just been said to be in labor. He didn’t seem happy about the news like any expectant father would be, the Devil of the Blood Moon pack only had one thing in mind, the outcome. For over 20 years of his marriage with Evelyn, it has been a fruitless affair, one that he was tired of already. He has treated his wife like s**t for that past 20 years, making her an object of ridicule in the entire pack, none that he cared about. And when she pleaded to him every night about it, wailing and begging, he has simply told her off that once she got pregnant with their child, he would stop treating her like s**t. And finally, the day was here. The day Evelyn Drummond, Luna of the Blood Moon pack would leave her shitty life and be adored like the Luna that she is. “Where’s the baby?” That was the first thing that left Chadwick’s mouth, the devil in human clothing. The maid outside the door bowed to him before opening the door, and instantly the sharp cry of a child pierced the air. The grim and hardened face of Chadwick broke into a small smile, his eyes crinkling and forming small lines as he approached the bed. He didn’t spare a glance to Evelyn, who was not expecting it already and was just weak to do anything. She laid on the bed, eyes dropping as her golden orbs which was always full of light and happiness, but now absorbed in tiredness watched her cruel husband take the child from the nurse. “He would be named Logan, just like my father. A great warrior.” Evelyn hummed from the bed, too tired to argue that his father has been a monster, and his name shouldn’t be passed onto her son, not the one she has labored over so much. “Logan…” She muttered in her mouth, slowly closing her eyes and taking her last breath. Even as the nurses rushed towards the bed, trying to wake and save Evelyn, to do something, Chadwick only stood there, staring at the black eyed boy who was staring back at him with interest, and curiosity. “You would be my greatest gift.” He said, the corners of his eyes wrinkling more as the smile on his face widened. His hand reached towards the boy’s head, wiping his stained wife’s blood away from it as the smile grew wider. From the corner of his eyes, he watched the nurses with their head bowed, staring at his wife sadly. “Is she dead?” One of them looked towards him and nodded, “Yes alpha, the lady of the house is dead.” Instead of the smile on his face vanishing, it deepened more, revealing his front white teeth. He opened his mouth to say something only to be distracted by the door opening as the Witch of the pack rushed in. “Drop that child right now! Drop him! He’s a curse to this pack! It’s a taboo!” “Leave.” The nurses in the room bowed instantly, rushing out of the room and leaving Chadwick and the head witch in the room. She rushed towards Chadwick instantly to collect the child only to be pushed away, falling to the floor with a raised brow from Chadwick, “I didn’t ask you to come and take my child from me, woman. I asked them to call you to read into his future.” The Witch with fear oozing out of her slowly stood up, hands shaking as she stretched her hand towards the alpha, “he’s a curse, your highness. He would ruin this pack, he would kill all of us, just like he killed his mother.” “My son is not a curse!” Chadwick yelled at her. The Witch shook her head slowly, “it’s a curse, your highness. He would kill everyone and anyone.” Chadwick clenched his jaw hard, glancing back between the Son and the Witch. “So what do we do about it? How do we get rid of this curse from him?” “He should never have been born. He should never. A curse. A taboo. An abomination.” Chadwick was known for his little patience, and it didn’t take him more than three quick strides towards the Witch to have his claw at the white haired woman’s head, “I won’t have my son die now. Not after he has been born. It’s either you tell me what to do or… “There’s nothing to be done, your highness. Your son can’t die now. Even if he dies, the whole pack would bear the consequences of his young death. The only thing that can be done is when he comes of age and meets his mate, only she can save us from the claws of his curse, and quietly take his life without affecting ours.” She said, scared to the bones and with enough courage. “But when that time comes, the both of them would die, because that’s the price his mate has to pay, to take both of their lives together. To spare ours.” Without hesitation, Chadwick slashed the neck of the witch with his claws, the blood splashing to both his cloth and his son’s head as the little boy’s cry pierced the air one more time. He watched the witch gawk for breath, her eyes wide open as she fell to the ground, “All of this is your fault.” He muttered. He looked back at his son with a smile, cleaning the blood on his face as he shushed the baby slowly to stop his cries, “Don’t worry. Nothing would happen to you.” He said slowly, rocking the child in his arms. But no one could interfere with a curse, no matter how cruel the person was, or how great their name was. Not one made by the moon goddess herself, blessed by the seven Gods of all realms, and even by the death of a powerful witch. And on the day Logan Drummond was born, an absolute disaster just like his birth had been born, and the number of people who were going to die had just begun, from his own mother, to the witch. And perhaps one day, Chadwick himself.

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