
Taylor's Darkness

magical world
another world

Taylor sat up in a cold sweat. Her breathing was rapid and she felt like she had just run a marathon. Taylor hadn’t dreamt about her family in so long. It felt so real this time. She got up and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She looked in the mirror and saw how pale and thin she was. The bags under her eyes were big and dark. Taylor took the hand towel and began drying her face off. She sat the towel down on the sink then went back into her bedroom. She looked at the clock and saw it was 3:00 am. Taylor sighed and laid back down. She laid in her bed staring at her ceiling. “Why would I dream about that? Why isn’t this medicine working anymore?” Taylor asked herself. “Meow,” Taylor heard her cat as she jumped up on the bed. “Some protector your are Chloe. You are suppose to keep the bad dreams away. Although, I guess that wasn’t a bad dream.” Taylor said as she scooped Chloe up. “I miss them all Chloe. I want out of here so badly.” Taylor finished saying before she drifted off to sleep again.

Taylor heard her alarm going off. She groaned and hit snooze. She got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom for her shower and to get ready for the day. She put her blue jeans on and then her tank top. Taylor sat down and pulled her socks on then her boots. She was still not sure why she dreamt of her family and Margaret. “Well, I guess dreaming about them is far better than the other dreams I have.” Taylor looked at Chloe and said, “come on, let’s get breakfast.” Chloe hopped off the bed and followed Taylor over to the tiny kitchen that was just a few steps away. She hated this place. “We will get out of here soon Chloe.” Taylor said more to herself. She placed food in Chloe’s bowl and added water to the other bowl. Taylor drank some orange juice and then grabbed her jacket off the chair. “You behave yourself Chloe and make sure you hide if anyone comes in.” Taylor said the opened the door. She walked out of her room then closed and locked the door. She turned and headed for the outside world. “Taylor, do not forget you have therapy in an hour.” Taylor turned to see Mrs. Patter at the desk. Taylor gave a half smile and walked away.

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All Just A Dream
Taylor sat up in a cold sweat. Her breathing was rapid and she felt like she had just run a marathon. Taylor hadn’t dreamt about her family in so long. It felt so real this time. She got up and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She looked in the mirror and saw how pale and thin she was. The bags under her eyes were big and dark. Taylor took the hand towel and began drying her face off. She sat the towel down on the sink then went back into her bedroom. She looked at the clock and saw it was 3:00 am. Taylor sighed and laid back down. She laid in her bed staring at her ceiling. “Why would I dream about that? Why isn’t this medicine working anymore?” Taylor asked herself. “Meow,” Taylor heard her cat as she jumped up on the bed. “Some protector your are Chloe. You are suppose to keep the bad dreams away. Although, I guess that wasn’t a bad dream.” Taylor said as she scooped Chloe up. “I miss them all Chloe. I want out of here so badly.” Taylor finished saying before she drifted off to sleep again. Taylor heard her alarm going off. She groaned and hit snooze. She got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom for her shower and to get ready for the day. She put her blue jeans on and then her tank top. Taylor sat down and pulled her socks on then her boots. She was still not sure why she dreamt of her family and Margaret. “Well, I guess dreaming about them is far better than the other dreams I have.” Taylor looked at Chloe and said, “come on, let’s get breakfast.” Chloe hopped off the bed and followed Taylor over to the tiny kitchen that was just a few steps away. She hated this place. “We will get out of here soon Chloe.” Taylor said more to herself. She placed food in Chloe’s bowl and added water to the other bowl. Taylor drank some orange juice and then grabbed her jacket off the chair. “You behave yourself Chloe and make sure you hide if anyone comes in.” Taylor said the opened the door. She walked out of her room then closed and locked the door. She turned and headed for the outside world. “Taylor, do not forget you have therapy in an hour.” Taylor turned to see Mrs. Patter at the desk. Taylor gave a half smile and walked away. A bright light flashed into her eyes, blinding her for a moment. “Hey, what’s the big idea?” Taylor asked while rubbing her eyes. “Oh, are we going to give lip already this morning Taylor?” Taylor opened her eyes to see a security guard standing in from of her. Taylor shook her head and said, “no, I was just blinded by your flashlight.” She rolled her eyes internally trying to keep her attitude in check. The security guard walked up close to her and said, “you need an attitude adjustment don’t you?” Taylor clinched her fists together and said, “no Mr. Robert. I was just explaining why I reacted the way I did when you flashed your flashlight in my eyes. I have therapy soon. If you could let me pass please.” Mr. Robert looked down at her and smirked. He leaned in and said, “you have an hour before your appointment.” He licked his lips as he stood back up. Mrs. Patter walked over and startled Mr. Robert. “What do you think you are doing Mr. Robert? Move out of her way and let the girl get to her appointment.” Mrs. Patter said to Mr. Robert. Taylor walked around Mr. Robert and headed to the therapy room. She could hear them arguing and she laughed to herself as she heard Mrs. Patter lay into the pervert Mr. Robert. Taylor breathed in and knocked on the door of the therapist’s office. “Come in Taylor,” she heard and she opened the door and gently closed it behind her. “Good morning Taylor. You are here early.” A man around 45 years old sat at a desk. He had brown hair with hazel eyes. “Good morning Dr. Trey. I decided I didn’t want to take Mr. Robert up on his exercise therapy he thinks will help me.” Taylor said dryly and unamused. Dr. Trey looked up at Taylor and shook his head. “Did he touch you?” He asked Taylor with what appeared to be concern. Taylor shook her head and said, “no, Mrs. Patter laid into him.” Dr. Trey smiled and nodded approvingly. Taylor rolled her eyes. She knew he didn’t care about her well being. She was just paying his paycheck every week. “I had a dream about my family and Margaret last night. I haven’t dreamt of them in quite awhile. Would I be able to see them soon?” Taylor asked Dr. Trey. “I do not think that is a good idea Taylor.” Dr. Trey said then stood up and walked over to Taylor. He leaned forward and smelled her hair. “I can’t have them here thinking you are better. You caused so much wreckage before you came here.” Dr. Trey said as he touched Taylor’s hair. Taylor knew if she pushed him away, then she would be drugged and put into her room where any guys would be able to enter her chambers. She was not about to have that happen. She could not mind link her mom, which killed her. She wanted badly to see her family and Margaret. “when do you think I will be able to see them? It has been a year Dr. Trey. I am of sound mind and body. At least, that is what you keep saying when you are trying to get with me.” Taylor said to Dr. Trey. Dr. Trey growled and pushed her on the couch. “You need to watch your little mouth. You are not making a very pleading case to me. How do I know you want to see your parents and friend if you are so rude?” Dr. Trey said to Taylor. There was a knock at the door and Dr. Trey went and opened it. His nurse peeked her head in and looked at Dr. Trey. "Alpha Collin and luna Sarah are here to see their daughter. They are not accepting the answer no. I am not able to disobey them.” The nurse said to Dr. Trey. He became very angry and told her to sit in the room with Taylor while he took care of her parents. He shut the door and the nurse ran over to Taylor. “Taylor, we need to get you and Chloe out of here tonight. I have a plan, but you must be ready for anything. You have to run as far away from here as you can. Do not take your night time meds. Only act like you did and then spit them out in the toilet.” The nurse said to Taylor. “Thank you Patty. I can’t be here another minute and maintain my virtue status. These people are disgusting. Do my parents know?” Taylor asked Patty. Patty went to answer, but was stopped when Dr. Trey walked back in to his office. “They are gone now. I told them next month. You may leave now Taylor. I will see you next week.” Taylor got up and walked out of the office. The nurse stayed as asked by Dr. Trey. He walked over to Patty and ran his finger down her neck and leaned forward. “My dear Patty, you managed to interrupt my special time with Taylor. I suppose you can be a willing substitute.” Dr. Trey said with a smirk. Patty cringed inside but went along with it. She knew if she did then he would leave Taylor alone for awhile. She needed him to think everything was fine so that no one would be suspicious of anything. Taylor walked into her room and closed the door. She got Chloe’s collapsible bowls and put them in her book back, along with food that would last them both for at least a few days. Taylor could survive on her own, but she was not about to leave Chloe behind. Sarah and Collin paced back and forth. “We need her out of here. This is not the therapy she was suppose to get. How in the world did this even happen?” Collin said angrily. “It’s going to be okay. The plan will work tonight. Please, just have faith. We will meet where we have said and things will be okay. We can not attack a human facility. You know we can’t.” Sarah said almost in tears. “I want her out of there too. It just has to be done like this so that we don’t start a war between our kind and humans. I’d love nothing more than to eliminate this so called doctor.” Sarah said to Collin. “How did we get here? What in goddess’ name happened that we are in this situation?” Collin asked trying to stay strong, but was having a hard time. Dr. Trey walked into the room and said, “good morning. I have written down that you are to see your daughter next month. You are unfortunately a month early.” Sarah then asked, “can we please just see her? It has been a year. I really want to see my daughter.” Collin put his arm around his mate. “We would very much like to see our daughter please Dr. Trey.” Collin said as nicely as he could. He wanted to rip this man’s head off. “Come back next month and you will be able to see her then.” Dr. Trey said and then left. “I should have never taken her to him. I should have researched better.” Sarah said clearly upset by not being allowed to see her daughter yet again. “Come on love. We will talk more later. We do not want to cause a scene.” Collin said as he helped Sarah out of the building. They got into their car and said, “he wouldn’t let us see her again. We have everything planned out.” Sarah said looking at the driver. “It’s going to be okay luna and alpha. This nightmare will be finished soon.” Sarah grabbed hold of the drivers hand and said, “thank you Margaret. You have been such a great friend to Taylor. If I could sneak a phone into her room I would, but that would probably cause her more problems.” Margaret nodded and began driving. “Do not worry, she will be out soon enough. We meeting at the spot tonight?” Margaret asked Sarah and Collin. “Yes, Patty took the opportunity to secretly tell Taylor. She will be getting her out tonight. Mrs. Patter is going to be helping as well.” Collin said to Margaret. Margaret nodded and drove towards the hotel. She was angry when they took Taylor to this treatment hospital. Taylor has never been crazy. She only had night terrors that she would remember through the day. They took her a year ago and refuse to allow them to see Taylor. Taylor sighed as she sat on her bed. She felt alone and only wanted to be out in the world again. Chloe jumped up on her lap and purred. Taylor had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and a petite frame. She only stood 5’5”. Guys had always given her attention she did not want, but they continued to either whistle at her or tried to get with her in secret. Taylor rolled her eyes and began to cry. She did not cry much as she was use to her life and being rejected by everyone around her. Taylor scoffed and thought, “even my own mother has had to hide her relationship with me so that my dad would not be angry. I do not understand why my mom stays with him.” Taylor laid down and drifted off to sleep.

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