2.9 Meeting the Merits

1657 Words

Warren sat on the couch like a little boy, his hands properly placed on top of his thighs, his sitting posture was upright like he was in some sort of military service where slouching was not permitted and there was always a commander lurking around to correct him. He didn't know why he was like that at first until he heard again the commander like, or much he preferred to call, armalite voice of Senior Merit's wife. "I told you to call me when someone will come here especially from your work. You don't even know how to clean, your things were all over the house, look at the house, it was a mess. The plates I have been asking you to wash were still there for like a week now, but you still dare to invite someone here in the house? Rethink your life choices, Theodore!" "Hon, you know I'm a

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