1.17 The Action That She Loves

1606 Words

"Two fights in a day? That's interesting." Laura mumbled to herself while stretching her arms and back, eyes never leaving the sentinels inside who were already in their fighting stances. She scoffed mentally, their stances were making her laugh. On the other hand, Blake was beside her, standing cooly with his hands in his pocket, but for all she knew, he was already trembling inside and feeling scared by the cracked smile he was giving. "The commander told us not to let a lad and a lady whose names are Blake Foster and Laura Simpson, I bet those were you?" One sentinel asked seriously. his arms were folded on his chest and looking at her arrogantly, "If you do not want to get dragged out of here, you voluntarily leave and let us not create a fuss here." "Okay, sir! We will-" Blake wasn

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