1.18 Principal's Written Evidence

1601 Words

"Laura my friend, meet me at our club room." Laura read with a straight, blank face the letter written on the small piece of paper that was sneaked into her bag when she walked by the soccer team earlier after her class. She looked at the mastermind of these all who was resting on the chair with his hands on the back of his head, feet on the table, and a ball resting on his stomach in their club room, completely unbothered at Laura's small fuss over the term he called her. She snickered, "Really? Laura my friend?" "Uhh, yes? Aren't we?" He hopefully asked, wiggling his eyebrows with a toothy grin plastered on his face. "You're gonna have a lawyer friend and I'm gonna have an agent friend. Isn't that sound nice to you?" Laura once again let out a degrading sneer, she crossed her arms,

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