
Rejected but then Regretted


Ava Knight was the young daughter of Alpha Tom Knight of the Moonlight pack, however after one fateful event Ava loses her memory before the age of 7. Ava is turned into the pack slave by Alpha

Toms Killer, her true identity hidden from everyone, including herself. All Ava has to remember her family and past is a ring that she protects with her life, knowing that one day it will be the key to revealing all- including who and what she really is.

Matthew Kaede is the future alpha of the Sunlight pack, his father rules with an iron fist after defeating Alpha Tom and turning his enemies’ daughter into the pack slave. However, he seeks her ring and tries everything to find it. Matthew finds out that Ava is his mate and promptly rejects her

for his girlfriend as he sees Ava as undeserving of the Luna title.

Matthew grows to regret his rejection when he realizes that there is more to Ava than first meets the eye. Will Matt successfully get Ava back? Can Ava accept her past and move forward?

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Chapter 1- Rejection
Matt POV “I, Future Alpha Matthew Kaede of the Sunlight pack, hereby reject you Ava Knight as my mate and future Luna” I look at Ava as she just stands there, what is wrong with this girl? I think to myself “YOU i***t! WHY ARE YOU REJECTING OUR MATE?!” My wolf Ben shouts at me. But I ignore him. Like I am going to have the pack slave as my mate, I already have my Luna who is watching from the other side of the room laughing. “I, Ava Knight hereby accept your rejection future alpha Matthew Kaede, thank goddess” Ava looks me right in the eye as she says those words, as soon as they leave her beautiful lips I fall to the floor as a crippling feeling floods through my whole body. How is she still standing? I am an Alpha and even this pain has brought me to my knees, but I watch astonished as Ava simply looks at me with disgust and then walks away as if nothing happened. “Mate is a lot stronger than you think, you will regret this decision” Ben says to me before he puts up his block. Regina runs to me crying, trying to console me as the pain continues to rip through me. After what seems like hours I can finally stand again, but as soon as I do I get a mind link- I, Ava Maxwell, hereby reject all ties and the Luna position of the Sunlight Pack! Ava has left, she has left the pack and me…. Yet we did not feel our pack link break, why? This thought was quickly overshadowed by Ben howling in pain and rejection as he realizes that his mate has left completely. A few months later Ava was 7 years old when I first met her, she was outgoing and beautiful but my father had a personal vendetta against her for some reason, he turned her into the pack slave and abused her for years. Ava had hung around in the hopes of finding her mate, but once I rejected her she was free to leave. Her friends found out I was her ex-mate and they have hated me ever since, well their hatred grew as they have always hated me for how I treated her. The last I heard was that Ava was probably still alive although it did not look good for her, though her friends could be lying. Either way I don’t care. I cannot believe it took Ava running away for me to realize that the way we treated her was horrible….. At least that is what I’ve told the pack but honestly? I don’t care. The b***h got what she deserved, as far as I care she can go die in a ditch somewhere. I am just glad that she left, though my wolf is not as he barely talks to me and only shifts when the pack is in danger. Ben is soppy and still in love with Ava but I have my Regina by my side so why would I want the pathetic slave? Ben keeps trying to make me take back my rejection and accept her, but I keep refusing. Ava was weak and not fit to be Luna, although I get the feeling that Ben is not telling me something and that is annoying me but he keeps playing ignorant every time I broach the subject. My father has tightened security around the pack so no one can leave, that is because when Ava left two thirds of the pack tried to leave the following few days for some unknown reason. Ever since then my father has alpha ordered them to remain but still amped up security. I feel like there is something going on that is being kept from me, and I don’t like it. For now, all I need to do is keep training and finally I will become alpha of the pack. Then, if Ava ever does come back I will banish her and kill her. HA! Take that b***h!

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