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Joseph, Leo, and the others while they're flying in the sky using their brooms. Milton tries to get something out of his backpack… Milton: Everyone, here, take this. Maria: Wow, some water and rice balls, that’s nice, where did you get that? Milton: Ah, It was given to me in my village. Maria: Ah… I see… Milton: … … Everyone has taken some to eat. Joseph: And what about you? Milton? Won’t you take some? Milton: Aah, no, thanks. While he looks toward Milton 'It's a normal reaction to see from someone who has just known about losing his father, I'm sorry, MG, ah, no, I mean, Milton, I am sorry, I promise those who did this will pay, I promise.' - Joseph … Maria: Leo, Joseph, what will happen if the ruler found out about your absence? Joseph: Yeah, he’ll absolutely find out, but

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