
A Luna's True Mate


He was practically drooling, and I found it funny, but then again, it had been a long time since we were affected by the bond like this.

“You mean when someone wasn't expected to compliment me?” she asked.

I nodded. “I mean a serious and genuine compliment.”

“I can’t remember,” she told me.

“That long?”

She nodded and looked a bit embarrassed, and I moved closer to her, seeing a small smile spread on her lips.

“You look incredible,” I complimented.

The energy between us shifted as we stood close together. It was thick with tension, and I noticed her gaze briefly flick to my lips before returning to my eyes and then darting away. Perhaps she’d been taught not to linger too long or match her mate’s intensity with her own gaze.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “You look very handsome too.”

“I appreciate it,” I responded, then turned and gestured for her to follow.

“So, where are we headed?” she inquired.

“That’s a surprise.”

I led her over to where my bike was parked, and she seemed surprised as I handed her a helmet.

“A motorcycle?” she remarked.

I nodded.

“My daughter isn’t the only one who can ride one,” I remarked.

Lauren smiled excitedly as she took the helmet, and I donned one as well. After helping her onto the bike, she wrapped her arms around me without hesitation, and my heart quickened.

We swiftly rode out of there and into the city, where I parked in front of a bar. As we dismounted and removed our helmets, I allowed Lauren to take in the surroundings.

“A bar?” she remarked, smiling at me.

I nodded.

“I thought you might prefer some greasy food, beers, and a game of pool, but if I was mistaken—”

“I already told you that you weren’t. This is perfect!” she exclaimed enthusiastically.

Hearing a luna describe it as perfect surprised me, even though I had suggested it. I didn’t recall Victoria being particularly interested in such places, but Lauren was different in so many ways. I thought I had her figured out, but I was clearly mistaken.

“Shall we?” I held out my hand, and she took it.


Lauren is finally free of Connor, but when she awakens from the torment she endured after their connection was severed, she discovers that the Goddess is not yet finished with her. She learns that Logan, Lara's father, is her true mate. However, Lauren is uncertain about her feelings. She has a lot to figure out, not only about Logan but also about who will lead her pack now.

Logan hasn't been fortunate when it comes to mates. Victoria, his first true mate, abandoned him. Camilla, the mate he chose, died. Now, he discovers that Lauren, previously mated to the unstable Connor, is his mate. Can he really make it work with her, or will his bad luck affect her as well?

*Book Fourteen*

Recommended to first read: A Bite From An Alpha King, A Beta's Undying Love, A Second Chance Mate, A Luna's Broken Heart, An Alpha's Choice, An Alpha's Dark Secret, A Luna's Power, An Alpha's Favor, A Beta's Half-Blood, A Spiritual's Mark, A Queen's Dark Prison, An Alpha King's Revenge, and An Alpha's Love And Fire

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Chapter 1: Awake
Note: This series is a darker werewolf series not following the usual "plot" of fated mates. Be aware of described violence, abuse, loss of mate, and death. -Logan- My daughter had invited me to join her and everyone else for a meal. She had also invited her brothers, and we quickly arrived at the castle. Kai and his father had come along as well, but as we met up with the others and chatted briefly, I spotted an opportunity to slip away and visit an old acquaintance who I knew was struggling. Even her daughter seemed preoccupied, so I hoped for some time alone with her. Perhaps I could offer a bit of assistance or simply remind her why she should keep fighting. I understood the pain Lauren must be experiencing. I had lost two mates myself—a true mate and one I had chosen to bind with. It wasn’t easy. When I reached the underground hospital, a series of unexpected events unfolded. First, a cat dashed past me, nearly causing me to stumble as she darted between my legs. I glanced after her, watching as she paused and then turned to me with what seemed like a reproachful meow before scampering away. Shaking my head, I continued down the hallway until I found Lauren, looking bewildered. She was up?! I couldn’t believe it. I stood frozen, observing her. I had expected to find her writhing and screaming in a hospital bed, but here she was, standing and seemingly aware of her surroundings. As I moved closer, I was struck by a scent—not the sterile hospital aroma, but something sweeter, more alluring. It made my head spin, and I inhaled deeply, catching the scent of lilacs. My wolf stirred within me, and I focused on Lauren with renewed intensity. “Lauren?” I called out. She turned, and the moment our eyes met, hers widened, and my wolf howled inside my head. Mate! At first, I struggled to wrap my head around it. I had already experienced one true mate who had turned her back on me. I had also been bound to another for many years, only to tragically lose her in a car accident. Now, here was a new connection—a second chance, or perhaps almost a third? I wasn’t sure, but it frightened me deeply. It seemed to scare Lauren even more. “Oh f*ck…” I heard her whisper. I offered a slight smile. 'Yeah, that about sums it up', I wanted to say, but we continued to gaze at each other, Lauren pulling her robe closer around her. “Logan… right?” she ventured. I nodded. “Yes,” I confirmed. “W-What are you doing here?” she whispered, glancing at the ground. She was likely accustomed to not being allowed to openly stare at her mate. I imagined Connor had taught her many things about being a good and submissive partner. “My daughter invited me,” I explained. “We’re all dining with the king and the rest.” “I see… Do… Do you know where mine is?” she asked. “With the others,” I replied. “Oh…” “Shall I fetch her for you? Or perhaps a doctor?” I offered. Lauren shook her head quickly. “No, let them enjoy their dinner. I’m sure I’ve caused enough trouble already.” “I’m sure that’s not true,” I reassured her. “You’ve been fighting.” “I haven’t been myself…” she whispered. “I must have been difficult to deal with.” “No one blames you for that,” I said. She didn’t react much to my words, just looking around as if unsure of what to do with herself. I wasn’t sure what to do either. What should I say? What could I say to make this situation better? It probably wasn’t what she expected upon waking up. “I’ll get the doctor,” I offered. “No!” she quickly protested. “You should be checked over,” I insisted. “I’m fine.” I knew she wasn’t. She appeared pale and tired, but she was determined not to spoil the happy moment for others. I sighed inwardly. “Lauren, I really think—” “I don’t need you to decide anything for me,” she interrupted. I looked at her, surprised, and she seemed to realize her abruptness, lowering her gaze in shame. “I’m sorry,” she said. “No, you’re right. I don’t have any right to tell you what to do. I was only suggesting that it would be best if a doctor took a look at you,” I said. Again, she didn’t seem to fully react to what I was saying, almost as if she didn’t believe me when I said I didn't mind her outburst. But she had made it clear that I shouldn’t make decisions for her. “I don’t want to trouble them," she said. “You’re a patient. I’m sure it’s no trouble.” “Could we… Could we not just wait?” she asked. “I’m sure they’ll be back soon, and… and I think I need a moment to just… think.” I nodded slightly. “Okay then,” I agreed. “We can wait.” She smiled, grateful, but then suddenly looked at me, a hint of confusion in her expression. "Shouldn’t you go join the others?” she asked. “I think someone should stay with you until the king’s brother or your daughter arrives,” I replied. “You don’t owe me anything, Logan,” she said. “I understand our situation, but that doesn’t mean—” “Let’s not bring that up now,” I interjected. “I’m just making sure you’re okay.” She nodded slowly. “I’m okay,” she assured me. I smiled faintly. “That’s good to hear.” The silence lingered between us, neither of us knowing how to navigate the situation. While I longed to discuss our bond and what the future held, now wasn’t the time. “How long have I been like this?” she asked. “A few months,” I informed her. “Months?!” I nodded, sensing her worry. “I... I can’t believe it…” she whispered. “It’s going to be okay,” I reassured her. “You’re awake now.” She looked at me, seeking comfort, and offered a small smile. That smile... I’d always known Lauren was beautiful, but now I saw her in a new light. She was not just pretty. She was breathtaking. Her daughter had inherited her beauty, but Lauren was on another level. Words couldn’t do her justice. A strong desire surged within me to claim her before anyone else had the chance. Lunas had a way of captivating me. I could see Lauren gazing at me with intrigue and perhaps a hint of shock. She likely sensed the need in my eyes and felt the shift in energy, her scent growing sweeter, driving me wild. “Lauren…” I growled lowly. I started to approach her when another voice called out. “Mom!” Angela rushed past me, breaking the moment. She ran to her mother, and they embraced, tears of joy streaming down their faces. I shook off the enchantment Lauren had cast over me and smiled at them. “I’ll get the doctor,” I announced. Lauren looked at me, reluctant for me to leave, but I turned and walked away, giving them a moment alone.

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