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THALIA POV I wake up and I see I am in some sort of field. I don’t remember getting here. The last thing that I remember was fighting Tony Alanzo and his rogues in a parking lot but that is it. That is where it ends because my mind is a bit foggy. I try to contact Alexa but she is not responding at all. It is like she has disappeared. I get up and take a look around. Then I realize that it is not a field but a park. The grass is green and there are trees and flowers growing everywhere. The plant that is growing the most there is lilies. White lilies to be exact. My favorite flowers are white lilies. I  take a walk around to try and see if I can find anyone but it is no use. “Ugh! It is no use. I am all alone in this place!” I say to myself as I go sit on one of the park benches. There is a play area there but there are no kids there. “You are not alone my child!” I hear a woman’s voice from behind me. I turn around to see who is talking to me and I see a woman dressed in a white dress, she also has white sandals on. She has long black curly hair and she has a flower crown on her head. “I have never seen you before. Who are you?” I ask the woman. “My name is Selene. I am the Moon Goddess.” She tells me as she walks closer to me. “May I join you?” She asks me and I nod my head in shock. I am meeting the Moon Goddess! “Where are we?” I ask her “We are in a realm between life and death. Before you ask me let me tell you this, no you are not dead and your wolf is not gone!” Selene tells me. “Then why am I here?” I ask her. “You are here because you and your wolf need to rest. You drained a lot of your power healing your mother in your last battle.” Selene says. Then I remember my mother was hurt during our battle with Alanzo. “Oh no! Mom! I have to get back there. I have to make sure that mom is okay!” I shout as I get up but Selene grabs my arm. “Your mother is fine Thalia. She has woken up and is being taken care of by her mate Alpha Jake. Your friends are fine too. I am here to tell you that with time you will get more powers other than the ones that you already have. You must train to master those powers.” Selene says as I sit back down. I am relieved that mom is alright. “Your mother is alive because you saved her. You didn’t hesitate to put yourself in danger to save others. That is why I have chosen you to be the next Lunar wolf.” Selene says. “Why me?” I ask her as I do not think that I am worthy of being the Lunar wolf. “Because you are smart. And beautiful. You put others in front of yourself because you have a heart of gold and those are qualities that I look for when I choose someone to be the Lunar wolf.” Selene says. “You have a great destiny in front of you. When you leave this place, you will meet your mate. I must ask you to tell him to prepare the kingdom for battle. He will have to make alliances with the other kingdoms of the supernatural world. It will not be an easy task but it has to be accomplished. I must warn you though your mate is stubborn as hell. I hope you can tame him!” Selene says as she chuckles. “The way you are talking about my mate, you make it seem like he is a super important person?”  I ask her with a smile on my face “He is. And sexy too! You will find out soon enough!” Selene says as she looks me in the eyes. “You don’t recognize this place. This is the park inside the Crescent moon pack. You were supposed to grow up here but that all changed because of one deranged wolf with an obsession for power and for your mother as well.” Selene tells me. I take a look around and I wish I could remember it. I wish I could remember Dad. “Yeah, I know all about that wolf. Tony Alanzo. The one I am going to kill to avenge my father’s death!” I say as I ball my fists in anger. Selene grabs my shoulder then she says “Relax my child, that will happen in due time. Right now I have to tell you something that you also have to tell your mate when the time comes. Tony and Demetrius are working with someone else!” Selene tells me as she gets up. “Your wolf will wake up soon and then you will go back to your body but first I have someone who wants to meet you.” She tells me “Wait here he will come to join you.” She tells me as she walks away. I sit there and wait for what seemed like forever before I see a figure out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head to see a man standing there. But not just any man. He looks like my father. I run into his arms and I start crying. “Dad, is it really you?” I ask him. “Hello, my little bambino!” Dad says as he holds me in his arms. “I have been waiting patiently to meet you! “Dad not you too! Uncle Ale calls me that and he knows I hate that name!” I tell him as I give him an even bigger hug. This is what I have missed my whole life. My dad! “You know I was the one that gave you that name!” Dad says as I look at him shocked. “Really? I thought Uncle Ale made that name up?” I ask Dad. “No, he didn’t! I did. Now let us take a walk. I want to show you the places that you and I have spent time on.” Dad says as he takes my hand leading me to the little play area. “I had this little park set up just for you. I use to put you on the swing there and swing you back and forth. You had the cutest laugh when you were a baby. Your mom would always shout at me because she thought that it was not safe for you.” Dad says as he kisses my forehead “Dad I wish that you were there when I was growing up. I miss you now more than ever!” I tell him as I give him a tight hug. “I promise you I will avenge your death dead. Tony Alanzo is a dead man!” I tell my dad. “I know you will sweetheart, but you have to promise me something okay?” I look up at him. “Promise me you will not give into your hatred for others. To have hate in your heart is a bad thing! You being the Lunar wolf and all, that hatred will affect you badly. You will become something you are not supposed to be! Promise me that!” Dad asks me and I nod my head. “I promise you dad!” “I am so proud of you and the woman that you have become! Your mate will have a handful with you!” Dad says. “I am not a handful!” I tell dad as I glare at him. Then suddenly I feel like I am being pulled away from my dad. Suddenly the wind is picking up.  “Dad, what is going on?” I ask dad as I grab his hands. “Your wolf. She is waking up. I have to tell you something to tell your mom and your uncle Ale! Tell them to give in! Tell your mother that I will always love her!” Dad tells me as he holds onto my hands.  Give in? “Give in? Give in to what?” I ask Dad. “They will know what I mean. And in time you will too! I love you, my little bambino!” Dad says as he lets go of my hands. “I love you too Dad as I am being pulled through a void. Then I wake up just to see my mother’s face in front of me. “Sweetheart you are awake! We were so worried about you!” Mom says as she gives me a hug. “Oh, mom you will not believe who I just met!” I say as I give my mom a hug back. Mom then looks at me confused. I sit up and I see Uncle Ale and Alpha  Jake standing around the bed. “We are glad you are awake little bambino!” Uncle Ale says as he sits down on the edge of the bed. “Who did you meet Thalia?” Mom asks me. “I just met Selene the Moon Goddess and Dad!” I tell them and they look at me in shock. ------------- Meanwhile back in the realm between life and death. Selene joins Carlos where he is standing in the park. She asks him if he is happy now that he has met his daughter again. “Yes, I am. I think I am ready to cross over now.” Carlos tells her as he turns around to face her.. “Do you think that Thea will tell Thalia about their ancestors?” Carlos asks Selene. “Not yet. Thalia and her friends will find out the truth on their own.  And then Thea and the other parents will tell the girls everything.” Selene answers. “Come on it is time to go.” Selene says as she holds out her hands towards Carlos. Carlos takes Selene’s hands and he disappears leaving Selene alone. 
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