
The Billionaire's Mole

contract marriage

Lucerne Williams lives a simple life, with her aunt and younger brother. Within a twinkle, her once peaceful life becomes chaotic; filled with emotional twists and turns, the moment she draws the attention of her billionaire boss; Liam Windsor.

Liam Windsor is a handsome but absolutely bossy CEO. He is the new guy in town; every lady's spec. He has only one agenda for Lucerne Williams; to make her his bride for a while to satisfy his parents wish.

Can the two find purpose together in a contractual marriage union? When their greatest opposition arises, will they overcome the high tides of pressures from the oppositions and remain intertwined in an eventual love interest?

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Chapter 1
Lucerne Williams woke up with a striking pain in her heart. Her heart was sullen and she was sad. The day was a memory of her loss; the day she and Lucas lost their parents. She gazed at the picture of her parents that was mounted by Aunt Louise, high up on her wall, and wondered why she could not remember even a single memory of them. They looked so young and lovely; full of so much life. A gentle streak of tears rolled down her cheeks, and she quickly wiped it, raising her shoulders gently as she tried to shrug off the mundane thoughts of them. "They are dead… dead and long gone", she muttered as she put her feet down and slid them into her moccasins. “Lucy! Are you awake?” She heard her Aunt Louise' thick voice call out her name from the corridors. It could only mean one thing, dawn was upon her. “Yes, Aunt Louise, I am…I was just coming down for breakfast” Lucerne hurriedly responded as she rushingly put her unkempt hair in place and quickly washed her face in her bathroom before her huge Aunty walked into her bedroom. "Good morning Aunty Louise", she greeted with a weak smile. Aunty Louise was a beautiful woman who had an intimidating height. She was all dressed for work and her hair was tied high up in a bun. Her disappointment at Lucerne's tardiness was etched on her broad face. "You are late, Lucerne Williams!" she yelled in her commanding voice. "Why in God's name are you still in your Pyjamas"? Lucerne's eyes fell as she fiddled with her buttons. Even though she was in her twenties and she was almost fending for herself, she could not help but still feel like a child around her Aunty Louise. Her nature was too commanding but also too sweet. "Get up and get ready. You have a few minutes. I have made breakfast… but I think you're gonna have to take it to work". Lucerne nodded obediently and echoed "Yes Aunty. Be right there in a jiffy". Aunty Louise turned and stepped out of her room, leaving the door half open. She showered quickly and put on her slick skirt and white lace blouse. It was a Thursday morning, she could let her hair fall casually. She put on her boots and smacked her lips after putting on her red matte lipstick. Then she quickly glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled at the reflection staring back at her. "You're so hot, baby girl," she whispered and blew herself a kiss before running out of her room, and down to the stairs. "Lucerne_____"! Came her Aunt's echoed screams, "Get your thin self down here right this minute". Lucerne almost burst into laughter. Aunty Louise was a handful. Aunty Louise's eyes brightened with smiles as she stared at Lucerne. "How do I look"? Lucerne asked, feeling elated. "You look very beautiful dear", she said warmly. "Thank you Aunty", Lucerne whispered and planted a kiss on her robust cheek. "Your food is over there on the cooker. The other package is for Lucas. You would have to go and visit him at the hospital today. The heart condition is getting worse. The doctor said at this point all we need is a new heart". Aunty Louise's face was gloomy. Lucerne's eyes glistened with tears. She brushed them off so that they would not ruin her makeup. "I will find a way to sort this out, Aunty. But is a heart available yet"? "The doctor said something about contacting the organ donation center yesterday. You would have to confirm those details today". Lucerne nodded gently. Her heart was heavy with worrisome thoughts. She could not bear the loss of her only sibling. They were intertwined and had been through a lot together. Her brother had a congenital heart disease and because he couldn’t afford to get a new heart, he constantly had surgery to put a shunt that would make the heart work for a little while, thereby buying more time till he gets a heart transplant. She gathered the food packages and bid her Aunty farewell and ran off the door, into the streets. "Don't forget to speak directly with the doctor", Aunty Louise yelled as she ran after her. "Sure thing Ma'am", Lucerne replied loudly before flagging down a taxi. "Badminton Hospital", she said and got into the cab. The cab ride was quiet with her thoughts dangling from what work would be like to what her brother's fate would eventually be. She was unsettled. In a short while, they arrived at the hospital. She paid the cab man his fare and thanked him for his services, then she rushed with her packages into the hospital. The hospital was already bustling with patients who needed medical care seated in the waiting room. She walked up to the nurse at the reception. "Good morning Ma'am. Please, I am here to visit Lucas Williams ". "Are you family "? The nurse with a slightly quirky smile, asked. "Yes please… I am his only sibling". "Can I get your name?" She asked again, while her gaze was fixated on the laptop in front of her. "Lucerne Williams". "Over there, room 20", she said pointing towards the hallway. Lucerne thanked her and walked down the hallway to locate her brother, Lucas. She found him. He was lying down staring up at the ceiling. His room was an ICU, you could tell by the room's many pieces of electronic equipment that surrounded him. Her heartbeat stopped for one second as fear gripped her. It was as though she pictured her brother dying. She quickly regained composure and shook off the thoughts whispering "We must get through this", before stepping into the room. The moment Lucas saw her, his eyes brightened with laughter and he smiled weakly. He tried to sit up to get a better view of her. "Darn girl…you look so hot", he exclaimed with a lot of energy. Lucerne's heart was warmed up by his voice. She loved her brother very deeply and could not afford to let him die. "Thank you baby boy", she replied and walked over to his bed to plant a kiss on his forehead. "Did Aunty Louise pick this outfit up for you"? Lucerne looked at him with a mock grown and gently nudged his shoulder. "So, I am not capable of picking out my outfit"? Lucas rolled his eyes and smiled. "You know the answer_______", he replied with a sarcastic expression. The both of them laughed heartily. "Aren't you going to work today"? "I am. I just had to come and drop off Aunt Louise's package for you and speak directly with the doctor about your heart transplant". Lucas' face fell and his gloominess was etched on his face. "I know you don't wanna hear that now, but we just have to talk about it, hon. You're going to be alright, eventually", Lucerne spoke reassuringly. She could sense his fear. "I will be …this is why I do not want you to spend so much right now". "I am not spending anything, just yet. I want to take a loan". "I will not let you do that, Lucerne! Taking a loan is not the best option". "So, what would you have me do? Let you die"? Lucas cleared his throat and cast a long doleful glance at her before leaning back into his bed. He turned his face to the other end of the room and said, "I am going to die anyway. It is too late now ".

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