Chapter Seven: Roles

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Kylie’s P.O.V. We laid there. On the ground staring up at the stars. The dragon within me wanted to come out so bad when I was training with my mate, my dragon side wanted to meet his wolf side. I sighed, “Can I tell you why I’m so much stronger, faster, and more magically capable than the average elf?” Elves typically couldn’t compete with the speed of a werewolf but I’m a hybrid, dragon shifters were just as fast as werewolves.  He turned his head to look at me. “Yeah.” He gave me a lot of butterflies even when he didn't say many words. I wanted to be closer with him, even if it meant telling a secret I didn’t want to. “I’m a princess... we’ll sort of? It’s complicated, I was born out of wedlock but my dad was king and now my oldest sibling is Queen.” I know I didn’t tell him the right secret but this was easier. “I didn’t grow up in a castle or anything well not until I was twelve.”   “A princess huh? I guess being Luna won’t be too hard for you huh?” He stared back up at the sky.  I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought, my face was red. “Yah, it won’t, I want to be the Luna of a strong pack who accepts other species, that doesn’t just fear but respects us too.” I know it’s what Carissa would want, it’s what she’d do, it’s what she did, she untied dragon shifters and elves. I want to unite the species of this town. He didn’t say anything, I think as a wolf he thought differently than I did. Maybe they all thrived off being feared, off having power over others. Then he spoke but changed the subject. “Let’s head to bed.” We went back to the pack dormitory and to my room, a few people saw us come in together but no one saw us go into my room together.  We got on my bed and he sighed. “Kylie, you told me your secret, it’s only fair that I tell you mine, everyone knows but I’ve purposely didn’t tell you, I didn’t want you thinking I was weak…” I put my hand on his hand to show him he could trust me. “I’m a hybrid.” I was shocked at his word because we both were hybrids, he just didn’t know. “I’m half human.” He sounded ashamed to be half human. As a hybrid myself I knew how it felt for other people to feel ashamed for me because of one of my sides. My mother always made sure I wasn’t ashamed of either of my sides and I never have been, not truly. I held his hand tighter. “So what? That's not a weakness.” He gave me a half smile after I said that. “I’m guessing your mother is human? She seemed different, do people respect her as Luna?”  He laughed. “Not exactly but they respect her as a kind person, so they treat her well and come to her a lot even though she's human. That’s why I know they’ll warm up to you.” He sighed of relief. "I'm glad there's no more secrets between us." "Yeah." I lied. We talked a little more then fell asleep in each other's arms, even in my sleep I felt guilt. Morning When I woke up Isaac was still there, he woke up as I did and sat up fast, “What time is it?? f**k I need to set up the test, I gotta go Kylie, be there in two hours.” I shook my head and jumped out of the bed when he did. “I’ll help.” He didn't argue with me, we quickly left and went to a large room that was their training room. We started moving things around and setting things up. “So who decides everyone’s role?” He pointed at himself. “I decide since I’m acting as the alpha of the student pack house, with the help of my beta, delta and gamma, who I picked right before the new semester started, on a trial basis.” He pointed to the entrance as three people walked in, they all look familiar but Bay was the only one I personally knew. “Yep, I’m already accepting my life as an Omega.” My mate shook his head in disbelief.  I walked over where the 12 freshmen were and waited with them, of course they stared at me and whispered. We all walked over to the chairs and took a seat. In front of us stood the four in charge. Isaac started talking. “Hello new pack members, you already know what all this is about, roles in this pack house. First I want to introduce my Beta, Bay.” He gestured to her, I just never understood why he and Bay were so close. “Ron as my Delta and John as my Gamma.” He introduced, There are roles for warriors, healers, fighters and you could possibly replace Shane as Omega if you’re that worthless.” I hated hearing those words come on my mates mouth but I knew werewolf packs had this hierarchy long before I even came. “If you impress me you might be my Beta, Delta, or Gamma next quarter.” They had us doing different trials to see who was best at what, first we were given situations and were all asked to supply an answer, mine was pretty good since the last couple years I got a princesses education so we went over all kinds of scenarios. Then we raced, I came in second. Last we sparred, I couldn’t use much magic indoors cause lack of nature and I didn't want to use air because of my lack of control  so I did average sparring. We also listed any additional skills, my only one was magic so I showed a bit of elemental magic with fire and air. After they were done going over notes and discussing the results they came out and told us our roles. A few warriors and a few fighters, I ended up being one of the only two healers, the fact that I got a role at all annoyed Bay and no one replaced Shane as omega. Everyone without a role left and those of us with roles stayed for Isaac to explain our them. He explained fighters trained with the Delta and Warriors trained with the Gamma while Healers were a bit different. We would shadow one actual healer among the adults once a week and for the rest of the time tend to any wounds in the student pack house, for most instruction we receive it from the beta, Bay, fun for me. Isaac tried not to make too much eye contact with me as he spoke to us, I could tell how relieved he was with how good I did. Bay on the other hand stared right into my eye the entire time, and well… think about it. For a werewolf that was a challenge.
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