
The Curse of Mystic Valley


Kinsley, has no idea that her life is about to change she just married her high school sweetheart and took a job half way across country, when he husband decides that he will not be going with her , her and her best friend and his girlfriend join her on her new adventure, when she gets there she finds out that her life has been a life and that everyone in her family has been hiding the truth from her, The truth is that her and her twin Brother are the descendants of the Queen of Witches and the Last Luna of the Blue Moon Pack, She alone is the only one that can save her bloodline and break the curse on her family.

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Prelude October 31, 1709, Baton Rouge, Louisiana My mother comes from the Blood Raven Coven it is an old coven that came to the new world from England and settled in Virginia, so they were not hunted like the witches in Salem they went unnoticed because the coven decided it wise to split up and, move around to various places in the new world. My mother was twelve when her family moved her from England and they settled in Settled in Virginia, when she was fifteen her oldest sister meet a solider that was being moved to Louisiana and since they had married, she packed her things and moved with him. Her parents were not happy about it because Valentina was the next supposed to become the Next high Priestess of the Coven. She told my grandmother the current High Priestess that would like to start her own coven when she gets there and will be the High Priestess there and if she needed to train the younger witches that they can send them to her in Louisiana and she will do it and she would take them in for a year to train them and help them control the magic that they are learning but when my mother Ariana when she becomes of age and let her become High Priestess. My grandmother was reluctant to give my mother the Coven, but she my the blessing of the goddess Hecate prove to be a very powerful witch when she got her powers, my mother didn’t not go to New Orleans to study under Valentina she study under the elders of the Coven and when she turned 17 and got her powers the trained her how to be a powerful witch and when she turned 18 she was crowned High Priestess. She meet my father when she turned 21 when she was invited by his father to attend a ball that they were having since my mother comes from a rich and prominent  family she could not turn the invite down and when my father walked into the room and smelt his mate, my mother familiar noticed it and told her that he mate is here my mother shoved her familiar away and told her she was crazy her familiar is a wolf, she is white with a pink aura cloud and her name is Sommer, my father his wolf is big and black, and his wolf name is River and he was the next Alpha for the Purple Moon Pack in Crystal City. My grandparent was mad about the pairing, but my grandmother got a vision for Hecate saying this pairing must happen because it will bring balance and restore peace when the time is right. My brother and I were born 2 years later, I am the oldest by 2 minutes were born on the winter solstice December 24,1691, during no other than the witching hour was born at 3:33 am and Nico was born at 3:35 am. We both received our wolves at an early age, Nico is a black wolf, my wolf is solid white and my familiar is a fox who is a kitsune she is white with nine tails. My magic is immensely powerful, I have a lot of people that are after me before of my rare abilities as a hybrid. So right before I turned eighteen, I was sent to train with my aunt because she is the only one that can really help me with certain abilities and since I help me control it and use it the right way. Being here away from my pack back home is keeping me and my family safe now. One day, I was in town getting herbs and things that I needed to finish the potion I was working on, I had been staying with my aunt for almost 4 months now I came here right after my 18th birthday hoping that maybe one of the local packs might be able to bring luck in finding my mate. My twin brother Nico just took over as Alpha of our pack he had a huge ceremony he was upset that I didn’t attend but He knows that I must catch up on my training as we witch. Since he is a male and my father is not a witch, he carries the trait, but he doesn’t not have any witch magic in him. When, this handsome young man comes riding into town looking for my aunt Valentina plantation and her coven the Purple Raven Coven, I was just leaving the market when the local law man asked me if I wouldn’t mind showing this young gentleman to my aunt’s plantation, I hadn’t even looked up at him yet when I did, and he mumbles softly under his breathe Mate and my familiar comes forward and tell me that he is our mate. I looked at him and told him I would show him to my aunts, and he got off his horse and offered to walk with me I agreed, and we made our way to my aunts not trying to make a scene in front of the human law man. One week later We are being chased by hunters that were hired to find me, I told Connor that we needed to go to the bayou or back to my aunts Planation in New Orleans, He hasn’t been able to control his shifting abilities since I wasn’t able to use to proper spell on the wolf moonstone. Tonight, being the full moon and he broke his moonstone necklace he couldn’t control his shift and he started to shift in the middle of the city of Baton Rouge while he was talking with a vampire. They are used to seeing Voodoo and witches we just don’t practice outside our covens because it is forbidden, I am Cora Starling- Mikelson from Crystal City, Virginia, and this is my mate Connor Salvatore of Mystic Valley, Louisiana, he is the next Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. We were headed to his pack when we stopped in New Orleans to stopped by his military unit to let them know that he will be on leave for a few weeks. We were headed there when suddenly we were approached by a vampire  named  Damon they were talking I guess they knew each other when a group of men come out of a salon in the quarter and start chasing us Connor , myself and the Vampire start running we followed Connor when we finally got to a place where we were able to stop running and hide for a bit we waited until it was clear to finish heading to the pack.  Damon told us that he would go and gather our belongs and bring them to Connor pack shortly. I have never dealt with vampires, so I was not sure what was going on. When we finally made our way out of Baton Rouge we started to go to the Bayou, and we came to a small town called Mystic Valley it was incredibly beautiful they had houses and a small clinic, and they had stores and they had a mixture of white creoles and black slaves. The pack house was in the middle and was on a plantation with slave quarters and a cotton and tobacco field around it. Connor’s plantation was a lot bigger than my auntie or even the one I came from. I fell in love with the place. 

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