Delilah Faylinn

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"Beep, Beep, Beep”.  (Doctor) All right ma’am, we need you to push and give it everything you have!  (Mother) I can’t do it! It’s too much and I’m so tired!      Suddenly the entire hospital begins to shake violently causing the lights to flicker on and off until the room goes pitch black.  (Faylinns) What is going on, is it an earthquake!  (Nurse) do not panic! the backup generator will turn on shortly!  (Doctor) You have to push ma’am! I can see the baby crowning!  (Mother) Something is not right! I am terrified!  (Doctor) No need to worry, everything is going to be fine! together on three, one, two, three!      As the infant emerged crying, the lights came back on, the quaking stopped, and the room fell silent.  (Doctor) She is beautiful here have a look.      The doctor proceeded to hand the infant to the nurse who then cleaned her up, swaddled her and handed her to her mother.  (Mother) She is the most beautiful child I have ever seen!      The Faylinns decided to name her Delilah as they greatly admired her presence but the moment was short lived.  (Faylinns) What is that on her forearm?  (Father) That is not our birthmark.  (Mother) That should not matter she is a beautiful child. (Faylinns) Her birthmark is supposed to be Faylinn! Are you not a fortune teller?  (Mother) Yes, but what does that have to do with her? She is still your child!  (Faylinns) She is no Faylinn!  (Father) What do we do?! (Mother) What do you mean what do we do?!  (Faylinns) No one can know about this!  (Mother) How are you going to do that?! (Faylinns) We will declare the marriage a sham and go our separate ways.  (Mother) You cannot do that she is just a child! She is your daughter say something!  (Father) I must do as my family commands of me. I have no control over this!  (Mother) What are you saying? Stand up to them!  (Father) If I go against their wishes they will disinherit me.  (Mother) You coward! What do I tell our daughter?  (Father) Tell the child what you wish seeing as how we will never see each other again.  (Mother) I do not believe what I am hearing!  (Faylinns) You should consider yourself lucky to have lived in luxury for the short time that you have. You will return to your family home and we will provide you accommodations for your pain and suffering as long as you agree to keep this quiet!     The Faylinns were terrified of Delilah because they did not know what she was and how she could be more powerful than they were, so in an attempt to conceal her identity and protect their family name and status they casted her and her mother out, but not before forcing the mother to change their last names and nullified them from the last Faylinn heir. Traditionally magical families only marry once to keep the lines pure but they figured nullifying this marriage would not count and would marry him off to another family again to generate another Faylinn heir, by which they succeeded to do after a short while. Delilah’s mother felt as though she had no choice but to accept their terms especially now that she had a child to care for being as powerful as the Faylinns were, they could make her life miserable if they wanted to. They sent her away with an allowance enough to live comfortably and she moved back into her family home in which she would share with her mother, father, sister and brother. She did not have to work and she made sure Delilah was well taken care of. Nonetheless, Delilah’s family raised her none the wiser and they treated her as a royal and gave her everything her heart desired because they knew she deserved so much more.      At a very young age Delilah showed promise in her powers as it became obvious that her powers were and beyond Faylinn. She was capable of making flowers grow and bloom, and then in an instant something would switch on in her allowing her to wilt the same flower until it died and turned to dust. Delilah’s powers delighted her family and because her family was pretty much at the bottom of the barrel on the magical scale no one even noticed Delilah’s capabilities outside of her beauty. Her family taught her to hide her powers and birthmark outside of the home because they knew certain powers would give away the fact that she was a Faylinn and her other powers people if misunderstood would strike fear and attract the wrong kind of attention especially from the High Counsel. They knew if the High Counsel found out about her before she could master her gifts they would more than likely take her away in fear of how powerful she could become and the threat she could generate.       Delilah’s mother did explain to her what had happened to their family because of her birth, so she understood that she was a Faylinn and in turn grew to despise them for what they had done. Knowing this made her bitter because she knew what kind of life she was entitled to but her family taught her to appreciate the life she did have because it would not always be this way once she was ready and able to change it. In school, Delilah was popular because she was beautiful and smart. Everyone was naturally attracted to her and gravitated to her. Delilah had more friends than she knew what to do with, but none knew who she really was. Even with all the friends in the world, Delilah always felt alone because she could not be herself. Everywhere around her Delilah saw all the magic that others could do, and after hiding her powers for so long everyone assumed she had no magic. Delilah grew up as normal as her family could afford. She received the best grades in school, went to parties with her friends, celebrated birthdays and lived as a normal child should.      Most of Delilah’s childhood was a blur and before she knew it she was entering her final year of school. She was already a shoe in for “prom queen” as she won it every year that she was in high school even as a freshman. She won every election without her even putting her name in the running, by the time she reached her senior year of school her name was on every committee, team and council. Anything that needed attention or funding her name was placed on it just because everyone knew her. Every morning Delilah wakes to find her family at her beckoning call although she never treated them as less than they were she appreciated them immensely and they were grateful that she was not spoiled and that she never behaved as if she were entitled even with everything that she knew about her life.  (Mother) Rise and shine Delilah, for today is a new day and you should make the most of it.  (Delilah) Morning mother, you know that you do not have to make up my bed for me anymore I can do it myself. I have been able to do it since I was five.  (Mother) You say this every morning to me so today will not be any different. I will continue to answer that I do it because I love you more than anything and it is my pleasure to do this for you.  (Aunt) Delilah let’s go your breakfast is ready and I want you to eat before you head to school!  (Delilah) You do not have to make me breakfast every morning! (Aunt) Now I won’t have any back talk young lady you get down here and get something to eat! (Delilah) Sighs…  (Mother) What is the matter Delilah? You have begun to have this look about you like you have the world on your shoulders.  (Delilah) Nothing mother... sometimes I just do not feel like myself and then I begin to dwell on not knowing who I am actually supposed to be and then I think about everyone who doesn’t really know me.  (Mother) Well you have certainly said a mouthful there but I can tell you who you are.  (Delilah) And who is that?  (Mother) You are my child and the light of my life. Great things are coming your way just wait and see!     Even though Delilah was a tortured soul, knowing who she could have been versus her circumstances now she could not help but to smile. Her mother always knew how to make her feel better and how to make the world not feel so bleak. Delilah kissed her mother on the cheek and got herself dressed to prepare for school. She had made it just in time to the breakfast table before her aunt would call out for her again.  (Grandfather) Good morning precious did you sleep well?!  (Delilah) As well as can be expected what’s in the paper today?!  (Grandfather) Ah! It’s the same ole, same ole nothing worth talking about.  (Aunt) Well I have eggs, bacon, and french toast today what will you have?  (Delilah) I am not really hungry today,  can I just have some toast?!  (Aunt) I knew you would want that so I made all wheat toast, regular toast, and honey wheat toast just take your pick!  (Delilah) You sure know how to spoil a girl auntie.  (Aunt) Why of course! You are my favorite niece don’t you know?!  (Delilah) I am your only niece!  (Aunt) Still my favorite!  (Uncle) Get a move on Delilah or you are going to be late for school!  (Delilah) I am sure anyone would care, they would probably give me an award!  (Uncle) Well we care so let’s go!      Every day one of her family members gave her a ride to school and everyday her friends would wait for her at the same curb where they would drop her off. After Delilah would get out of the car she and her friends would walk the rest of the way to school. They would chat about everything and nothing at the same time. All of which Delilah could truly care less about. It’s hard to be a girl knowing you are destined for something greater but have to go through life just waiting for it to happen or for the opportunity to present itself. For Delilah life was just a routine that she could not wait to break out of to finally find her defining moment.  (Friend) So what are we doing today after school?  (Friend) You already know the answer to that we are going to O’Neill’s ice cream parlor as we do every day right Delilah?  (Delilah) Is it alright if I skip it today I am not really in the mood for ice cream today.  (Friend) What’s the matter Delilah are you trying to watch your figure for your prom dress?  (Delilah) No I am not I just have some extra studying to do for finals.  (Friend) Why do you even bother to study you get straight “A’s”!  (Delilah) I get those “A’s” by studying.  (Friend) Well I guess we can go without you then!  (Delilah) that is fine with me.  (Friend) I do not want to go there without Delilah it does not seem right.  (Friend) You just don’t think the boys will talk to us without her there!  (Friend) Oh come with us Delilah it won’t be the same without you!  (Delilah) I think I will pass for today guys let’s just get to class.  (Friend) Have it your way princess Delilah!  (Delilah) That’s not funny.      Delilah thought to herself why she ever considered these girls her friends, they came with the popularity. None of them knew who she truly was and she tolerated them because popular people had popular friends. Delilah maintained a life of not making herself stand out beyond what she could control and this popularity was a machine that just took shape from her childhood and it literally became a vehicle that drove itself without any of her help. She added nothing and took nothing away from it. While Delilah sat in her classes she was on autopilot. She gained nothing from her teachers as she was self- taught and because she was a top performer in her classes her teachers asked nothing of her she did not even have to be in class if she did not want to be. None of her so-called friends had the intelligence to be in any of her classes so she would spend most of this time to herself in the library researching, schooling herself or doing homework that would not be due for weeks. This was probably her most favorite part of her daily regimen. She was free to learn whatever she wanted and as much as she wanted including magic. Delilah spent most of her days here except for lunch that is where she would have to play her part in the rules of popularity. Today however she had let time slip away from her and would be late to lunch.  (Friend) Where is Delilah? She should be here already she normally gets out of class earlier than we do.  (Friend) I can bet you anything she is in the library again, she is always in there.  (Friend) doing what?  (Friend) Who knows reading I guess.  (Friend) Will someone go and get her? She will miss lunch.     One of delilah’s friends went off to find Delilah in the library only to find her practicing a little bit of magic when she thought no one was looking. It took her friend by surprise as she like everyone else thought she had no magic at all being that by this age everyone was practicing any time they had the chance and wide out in the open. Whoever had magic was widely known by now as well as everyone who had no magic and Delilah was always declared to be on the latter side of the spectrum. (Friend) Delilah I had no idea you had magic did you just find out?  (Delilah) You have seen nothing here you do not know what you are talking about.  (Friend) Um I am pretty sure I know what I just saw and that was definitely magic, although it is none that I have seen here. Whatever you just did looks pretty advanced.  (Delilah) I have already told you that you have haven’t seen anything your mind was playing tricks on you.  (Friend) Alright, alright if you say so! You do not have to be so dark about it although I do not know why you would want to keep it a secret. Having magic is a great thing especially what you were doing that was pretty cool. Just wait until I tell the others they are going to be so psyched!      In that very moment something switched on in Delilah and she replied very darkly, “you will tell no one…”  Before her friend could react Delilah had wiped her memory of everything she had seen and the conversation they had thereafter. Delilah had taken her mind back to the point where she came to get her for lunch completely none the wiser. Her friend stood frozen for a moment and then shook her head as she came back to reality.  (Friend) Whew that was weird. I feel like I forgot something. I guess if it was important it will come back later. I know I came here for something what was it Delilah?  (Delilah) You came to get me to take me to lunch.  (Friend) oh yeah that’s right! let’s go!      Delilah found that every once in a while she had to do things like this to keep her magic a secret. As her family explained to her it was better that everyone thought she had no magic at all to protect herself from speculation. If anyone found out she was at least part Faylinn people would begin to ask questions because all Faylinn lived differently and did not live amongst commoners. Too much unwanted attention was dangerous and being that she was almost of legal age the High Counsel would have no problem taking her away if the Faylinn family did not claim her. Delilah and her friend met up with the others for lunch and continued on as if nothing had happened. Delilah knew the truth and it was becoming harder and harder to hide. Once again they picked up their normal conversations of who was cute and who was not and who was cooler than whom. Delilah just found herself wishing that the day would hurry up and come to an end because she had had just about enough of this monotonous situation.       After the final school bell rang she was all too happy to say good bye to her friends and to head home. Her aunt picked her up this time and brought her home where her family was waiting to hear about her day as they usually did. She was really the highlight of their otherwise abysmal life. As soon as she walked through the door she admitted that she had to mind wipe again.  (Mother) Who was it this time?  (Delilah) A friend of mine although she really is not a friend she is more like an annoying puppet. (Grandmother) Here we go again!  (Mother) You have to be more careful Delilah we have warned you at least a dozen times. (Delilah) I know but I am really good at it! No one saw me do it.  (Uncle) Where did it happen this time?  (Delilah) In the school library she caught me doing charm spells.  (Aunt) Correct me if I am wrong but are there not other people who go to the library?  (Delilah) There were some but no one saw me I promise! (Mother) I find that hard to believe.  (Grandfather) If no one truly saw her she is getting stronger.  (Mother) Father please, you are not helping!  (Delilah) Look, I get it okay! What I did was wrong you do not have to go through this whole spiel about it.  (Mother) You know we are only trying to protect you right?  (Delilah) Yes I know mother.  (Mother) Go on upstairs and get cleaned up for dinner we are having one of your favorites! We love you!  (Delilah) I love you all too.  When Delilah was upstairs and out of earshot her family  began talking amongst themselves about her. (Grandmother) She is only going to continue to get stronger and soon she will not be able to hide it anymore. (Grandfather) Why should she have to hide all of her friends are magical? (Mother) You know full well why she has to hide she is special! She is not like everyone else!  (Uncle) How do we know that we are not keeping her from her destiny by sheltering her the way we do.  (Mother) She has to come into her own on her own time and the same goes for her powers. We are not strong enough to protect her if she comes out too early. She has to master her powers so that she can protect herself.  (Aunt) Her safety has to be our greatest concern so we will continue as we have done until she is ready.   (Mother) We can agree to disagree but we must all agree to keep her safe for as long as we can.      The family nodded in agreement being that they would not be able to bare it if anything terrible were to happen to their beautiful Delilah. She was above all innocent in the matter. She did not ask for this life and she certainly was not living the one that she was entitled to. A word to the wise though, nothing lasts forever. The same could be said for Delilah because little did she know that her senior year in high school was going to change her life forever
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