
All The Lies

contract marriage
enimies to lovers

Z loves his brother more than anything in this world. She was looking forward to seeing him once again in their family's project. All she was expecting was a good time with him, but she didn't know that she had hooked up with his friend. Everything became awkward. The time had come to finish their project when his brother went missing and became wanted by shark loans. She didn't know that her brother was having a hard time. Z finds a way to help his brother, she asks his brother's friend, whom she hooks up with, to make a deal. "Help me find my brother and I'll do what you ask me to".

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The morning was long, and I couldn't keep myself from excitement because my older brother, Kevin, is going home tomorrow. We haven't seen each other for 3 years now. Kevin always has this alibi about his job, business meeting, and company problems during the holidays.We don't have any choice but to give him an extention for ditching our family time. Kevin is an engineer but decided to run his own firm. He has two accomplices, Mikel and Victoria. They were Kevin's friends back in college and are now his colleagues. I'm also excited to meet them because Kevin will accompany them to our firm. We will have a new project and my mom, who is the CEO of the company, wants to build an orphanage home. I couldn't agree more with her plan because I was also looking into building a hospital for cancer patients. My door opens and Beatriz enters, holding two cups of coffee in her arms. Her brown eyes match her short skirt paired with a white polo shirt. She walks differently. She's smiling and giggling while looking at the floor. Her gesture reminds me of something way back when we were in college. "You look happy. Is it something about our job?" I ask teasingly. I raise one eyebrow. Beatriz has two reasons to be happy. It's either about our job or her love life. She had a long-time boyfriend, Morgan, who I think is a psychopath because whenever me and the two of them go out, he looks at me weirdly. But I didn't hear from them anymore. I don't have plans to. I hate that guy. "Oh my god!" Beatriz can't hide her excitement and shakes my two shoulders. "Aw!", I complained, pulling my black long sleeve back. I look at her suspiciously. What's wrong with this woman? I know now what she's thinking. It's her love life again. But she never reacted this way before to Morgan. She's just always complaining about him and how stubborn and strict he is, but she doesn't act this way. It's like feeling love again. "Sorry," she said apogetically, and walked beside me. She suddenly hugged me on the side. I'm sitting on my chair, so she bends a little to giggle again. What in the world, Beatriz? What happened to you? She got diarrhea last week and didn't go to work, and now she's acting weird. I'm having second thoughts on advertising her to my doctor. "Why don't you tell me so I don't call my psychiatrist?" "Okay, okay." She put her hand up in surrender. She walked again on the front like a turtle and had the audacity to sit on my table. She removed my name "Architect Zia" from the side before looking at me. Before she could land my name on the table, I snatched it from her hand. She didn't even care and just laughed. This woman is the only known creature who carelessly bothers humans. She didn't know how hard it was to put "architect" in front of your name. "So..." she said, touching and squeezing my cheeks. "Don't touch me, please," I whirl her hands lightly. She removed it immediately and rolled her eyes at me. I retaliate by sticking out my tongue a little. I felt a little board, so I rested my back on my chair and pretended that I was interested in her love life. "Did you know that Morgan and I are over?" She said it like she couldn't believe it and as if I cared. If that's the case, then it's good. No, it's better. Morgan is just an asshole, and he is clearly just into Bea because she sustains him and his family. As I remember, they met at a racing car event. We are also there to watch our friend, Mark, who is also going to race. Bea quickly announced that they were dating after only a few days. I expected this because Morgan was famous back then for being good-looking but not my type, and for being fit to women's standards. cool, handsome ass guy in an awesome car and has the title of "King of the Racing Tract." But it's just disappointing that he couldn't find a job until now. He just turned to no one when we grew up. Only Bea didn't leave him, but Morgan isn't the same as before. He's cold now and sensitive. "How did Morgan react?" I curiously ask. Morgan won't let Beatriz break with him just like that. He's a very possesive person, and you can't understand him. He had an adaptable attitude. Beatriz avoided my gaze and stared down. I can feel that she's not okay despite what she said a while ago. It's hard to end a relationship when both of you almost end up doing all the things together. I think he's fine. He's drunk. He just broke one bottle of beer and walked away. " She kept her gaze low. "Well. If you're sure about it, then I'm with you, "I smiled and held her hand. She lifts her arm and wipes something on her face before facing me again. She smiled thinly. Bea is turning her head left and right. She's looking for something. When she was about to reach for the tissue beside me, her neck got exposed and I could see a lot of hickeys looking like they had been bitten by a starving insect. Geezz... that fast, Beatriz. I reached for her neck to touch, but she quickly noticed and dodged. "What is that, Beatriz Vera?" "Nothing." She then got off the table and fixed her polo shirt. Her body even hugged her curves. What I like about Bea is that her body is slim and still curvy. Our bodies are way too different. I am tall but have a chubby body and a petite face. My insecurities are always eating me up whenever we hang out because eyes are always on me. I always tend to hide my face and wear big clothes to avoid being the center of attention. I don't know what they are talking about me, but I am sure they're judging me. I stood up and rested my butt on the edge of the table and gazed at Beatriz with my brows closed. She avoided it. I knew it. She was lying. "Tell me or" "I have a one-night stand!" she said, then closed her mouth. Did what? Oh my god. I never knew one-night stands existed until this day, and my friend just did it. She even said before that she'd never f**k strangers. But look at this asshole who eats her words. Okay, I'm done. I raised my two hands in defeat. I can't believe she did it. We promise to each other that we'll never use our bodies in careless acts. But guess what, she broke it. We promise to each other that we will just f**k someone if it's our boyfriend, but I only have two boyfriends every decade. One in high school and one in college. But now I don't have one and I don't have any plans. It's been a long time since I had s*x. The first wasn't great at all. The second is that he only lasts a few minutes.They were great guys, but they got jealous every second. I hate being guarded. Come on. It's just s*x. I wasn't expecting it either. We're both drunk, "she explained. Alcohol is the most dangerous thing you'll ever encounter. I tasted it and my throat burned like hell. My mom doesn't allow me to drink, but Bea forces me to drink it when we're at the party. I just found out in the morning that I almost ripped off my clothes. Thank God my brother was there and she didn't let me bring any shameless memories from college. Bea pouted her lips while looking at me. She knew she'd done something wrong. But we're adults now, so.. It's normal, I guess. -- The meeting ended earlier than I expected. Mom also instructed me on the design and materials that we will be using.The boards have already agreed and the foundation has already been told. They signed the agreement and took a few photos before it ended. My mom also instructed me about Kevin's friends to make sure they're comfortable when they are here. I couldn't help but frown. I am planning a vacation for me and Kevin only. Now, I need to add two people again. My mom, Elizabeth Wilson, is the CEO of Xcaret Manufacturing. We create materials for construction and also manage the construction site with Bea. My dad, however, is in the house taking care of the plants because he has arthritis already. It's hard for him to run any businesses because he easily gets tired. My phone rings in the middle of our conversation with Mom. I quickly reach for it and see who's giving me a quick break. I didn't expect it would be Kevin. Mom didn't wait for me and left. Pick me up at 9:00. I can't wait to see you, baby:) My mood quickly changes from getting annoyed. I also can't wait to see my older brother again. I'm going to clear my schedule for him tomorrow. We need a lot of talking. Beatriz calls me after I sign the last documents. She said it was critical, so I exited the building and drove to her apartment. It was already dark when I left the company. I didn't even realize the sun was setting. The street lights are the only thing that gives brightness to the street. Beatriz lives in the Adamson Hotel. It's the tallest and most famous hotel in the city. She used to live in my house, but Morgan wants them to live together, so she buys her own apartment and lives like a prisoner. It just makes me relieved that Morgan is gone. When I reached to knock on her room, she didn't even wait for me to make some noise. She just pulls me inside effortlessly. "Ouch... What's wrong with you? ", I exclaimed, standing on my feet. I trip a little, so my whole body slams onto the floor. She's literally crazy. Why would she do that? Can't she wait? My knees hurt and they're red. Beatriz stood in front of me, dazzling in her white backless crop top and cute yellow skirt. She paired it with her white heels. She helps me stand. I'm sorry.I'm avoiding someone. I need you to come with me, pretty please! ", she held my arms again and begged like a kid who wants to buy toys in the store. "No," I say, snatching my hand back."I need to go home. I'm tired already." I'm serious. I'm really tired and sleepy. Besides, I just wear a black coat, paired with my boring black long-sleeved shirt and pencil skirt. "Please. I need to see him again. " Morgan? " I asked curiously. If she's going to get back at him, I'm seriously done. I'm not going to tolerate her behavior. Her expression changed. "No, Asshole. "My one night stand". I thought it was just a one-night stand. Why should bother seeing him again? Don't tell me- "Ow. I thought," "Your thought is wrong, so cut the s**t off. Are you going to join me? " "That's not even a choice." "Exactly. because you don't have a choice, miss". Bea pushed me inside her room as she walked behind me.I tried to run back, but it's too late. Her room is cozy and warm. It's cleaner now than before. She brought new lamps and bedsheets. The last time I visited here, it was filled with bottles of beer littered everywhere. "I'll just guard you there, okay?" "Okay, you'll guard me, Ms. Guard." The black satin dress perfectly hugged my body as soon as I wore it. It fits perfectly, but I'm not comfortable. My cleavage is exposed and my ass is almost visible. I don't wear anything below, just my underwear. Bea doesn't have any black shorts, so I need to endure this vulgar feeling. I'm not that worried, I just don't want to walk uncomfortably. I turn my gaze to her room and hope to find anything to wear for my feet. I only see black boots, so I don't have any choice but to use them. It added to my height a little. I don't think it'll suit the dress, but I don't care. I'm just going there to eat. Opening every cabinet that I've seen, I finally find her make-up. I add a little red lipstick, a small foundation, and just peach eyeshadow. It's only light, but I don't care if I look dull. I don't have plans to flirt with someone today. My priority is Bea. She shouldn't end up in someone's bed again. Not today. The door creaks and there is Bea, covering her mouth and going to my spot. "Gosh, You look hot. I would f**k you if you're not my friend". I made a disgusting face and turned away from her to see myself in the mirror. "Definitely". She walks towards me and slightly fixes my dress. "You look gorgeous and hot as f**k". I slightly pulled the edge of the dress, hoping it'd cover my legs, but it is shorter than my patients. What if my underwear is seen? I paired it with my bra a while ago, but the texture is thick. My anxiety could never "Don't you have any dresses? I felt uncomfortable, "I said, turning to see if my underwear would peek out. "Are you out of your liver? You look absolutely fire. I would trade my one kidney for that body. "She walks beside me and fixes the side of the dress. You are so pretty, but lack confidence. If I were you, I'd date every f*****g celebrity". "Because you're a flirt." True,But so are you, "she said. Defending her ego "I learned it from you." "About that, just shut up and try to bounce that big ass". She slapped my butt before picking her bag off the table. I frown in annoyance and pick up my coat. We leave after she's put some make-up on. We got into a fight about whose car we were using, but I just ended up being defeated. I think it is better that we use her car. She'll never escape from me, and we'll get home together. No one's going to end up in someone's bed tonight.

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