It’s Mine!

1999 Words

After clearing nearly half of the quest objective, Maria took Alexa with her into the mine. The interior of the mine was pretty spacious and dark but thankfully there were glowing ores on the ceiling of the mine which served as illumination. Maria fearlessly strutted into the cave with Alexa in tow. She had her Greed's Shackles at the ready and there was a [Fire] ready in her hands. Her magic-related skills had all experienced a level up due to absorbing Greed's Essence of Life so she was now able to delay the full activation of her spell and keep it at the ready like this. The timer to the completion of the absorption was still over 30 hours but she couldn't wait to see how much of her skills and stats would change due to it. Partial assimilation already leveled up all of her skills b

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