
My Star is a Loser

friends to lovers
enimies to lovers

Kira is the so called Queen of Miller University as she got it all, the fame, the looks, the brain, and the influence. She was so loved and chased by other popular guys, especially Cy who was entitled as the King of the campus. But behind Kira's life in the present, there was a hidden past she was carefully keeping, it was exactly the opposite as what she have now. The fame, and good reputation doesn't exist on her past as she was just a mere girl who was bullied, left out, rejected, and a total LOSER.

Kira once met someone, someone who gave her a helping hand for the very first time, someone who listened to her stories without any judgment. Unfortunately, that someone left her out of nowhere, he just disappeared unannounced without letting Kira confess her hidden feelings. Kira temporarily forgot about that guy but it all turned around and came back when he met someone on Miller U which is Eiji, who was known as a cold, and emotionless LOSER. Kira had her only eyes on Eiji for an unexplainable reason despite of having someone popular chasing her, specifically Cy who was the fantasy of all girls on Miller U. As time goes on, doubts and curiosity crawled up inside her. Eiji resembles the guy who left Kira in the past, and it made Kira think if that caused her to develop her feelings for Eiji. Eiji doesn't have any idea about Kira's feelings for him. Kira have so many queries inside her mind, and it was all related to Eiji, which is also keeping something from her, from everyone.

A romance between secretive people. What secret would we found out first? From whom?

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Have you ever been bullied? If not, then you’re lucky. If yes, then you probably felt like you are unworthy, useless, and like a non-existent being that is finding its way just to feel like you belong. If yes, then we’re probably much the same, a wind that can only be seen when they felt like it. When they wanted to have someone to play on. "Please stop." That was the only word I could utter while shedding warm tears, but they just won't put an end to it, not until they have reached their satisfaction for bullying me. There’s nothing I can do, nothing I can say to help myself out of this mess. Don't pity me, It's also my fault for not telling anyone about this. I'm just scared, but not because I am threatened, but because I am more scared of making things worse than this. I already looked like a fool, a loser. That’s quite enough for a feeble being like me. "It's not enough, go get another bucket," says someone from outside the cubicle I am currently bursting into tears in, soaked from head to toe, while shivering due to coldness. "If you don't open this door, you will get soaked not just by water. OPEN IT!" They're loudly slamming the door, laughing their asses out loud while calling my name. "Loser, I will count to five. If you wouldn't open this door, then we'll surely make you even more uglier than ever" It's been half an hour since I got here, they wouldn't stop bugging me. "1" Out of all the pranks they pulled on me, this was the worst of them all. Yes, I get bullied every time but I just can't get used to it and I don't want to. I'm still hoping for a change. That’s all I can hope for, a change, but I think what I need is a damn miracle. "2" "3" "4" "Hey, what are you doing?" says someone who's voice is not from those mean girls obviously. It's a boy, judging from the voice. A manly cold voice, low tone, but gentle. "We're not done yet, Loser!" One of those bullies said then I heard one last loud slam of the door. I stood up and looked at myself. Damn, did they pour a drum full of water on me? I looked like I just fell into the pool. I'm not sure whether they've already left or not, but I can't hear their voices anymore. But wait, I think someone is still outside, I can hear steps echoing throughout the bathroom. And I'm right, someone is knocking gently on the door right now. "It's alright, they're gone" says someone with an angelic voice. On the spur of the moment, I felt secured and protected for a second. I didn't think twice and opened the door slowly, and as I opened it, a boy who was standing still, gazing at me with plain cold eyes, was outside the door. Damn, he's handsome. Not only was his voice angelic, but also his face. I quickly looked down and glued my eyes on the floor out of embarrassment. No one was spitting a word, only silence was echoing throughout, but my mind wasn't. Now that I realized it, how come this handsome boy is here, on the girls bathroom, and is standing still in front of me right now? I slowly lifted my head and looked at him, his eyes were still on me who was hesitating to move. Our eyes met but it was just for a second, I quickly turned my sight anywhere else. "Thank you-" I wasn't able to finish what I'm saying when he suddenly held my arm and gently pulled me outside the cubicle. He lifted up my head by touching my chin, and handed me a plain white shirt with initials KI embroidered on its sleeve. Without saying anything, he let go of my arm gently then he turned around and left me hanging in there, stunned and amused by what he just did. It all just happened way too fast. I'm still loading while holding the shirt that he gave me. Did someone just offered their own clothes to me? I can't believe it, and no one would. It felt strange that an urge to share this awkward experience is flowing on my mind right now. But whom can I share it with? No one. But that doesn't matter right now. He just helped me out of that situation and all of a sudden, something weird was occuring inside me. A strange feeling that I just recognized, Is this what they call butterflies on the stomach? Was that right? *BADUMP *BADUMP *BADUMP Wait a minute, my heart suddenly starts beating like it would jump out at any moment. I touched my chest and I felt like there were big drums playing from inside. Geez, my heart surely knows how to overreact. Sadly, I didn't even get to ask for his name. But who am I to do that? ... ... ... "I promise… Shee" I suddenly heard those words followed by another familiar voice calling my name. "Kira" says someone with a familiar voice. I can't be mistaken, it's my mom. "Kira, wake up you'll be late for school" says mom who keeps on shaking my body. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was just dreaming just now. Damn, my eyes got watery and my heart was pounding so hard. "What was I dreaming?" I suddenly whispered to myself when I realized that I can't remember what I was dreaming about. But it doesn't matter, I'm getting late for school. My name is Kirashee Yoshi, but everyone calls me by the nickname Kira and some call me by the title Queen, I am half Filipino and half Japanese. People know me as the pretty, smart, rich, famous, and of course, the one and only Queen of the Campus. I'm not bragging, it's just the truth, just see for yourself how everyone looks and acts towards me. My mom was about to open the door but then I asked something, "Mom, did you just call me Shee, I told you I don't want to be called that" says me who's already sulking at this moment. "You're imagining things, come on, just take a shower already" Mom said while leaving my room. I quickly stood up while wiping my eyes, took a fast bath, went downstairs, picked a toast from the table, and sprintedly left for school.

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