Chapter 35: Good news or bad news part two

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*fwoosh* as i started to heal the man who had suffered quite an injury, for him to even had an internal i jury from that seemingly fast paced punch that was delivered from an old man, i was even shocked when i saw a mere mortal can do such techniques i only thought only back on earth were martial arts were honed and mastered for thousands of years, even in the ten thousand immortal worlds there are only a handful of secret martial arts techniques and only i had the opportunity to cultivate and studu the essence of the martiao arts i saw in the movies, anime, manga or even in the novels. "phew... it's done, old man i'm sure your here for me..?" i already knew this old man only did that to make me come out, either way the injury wasn't too bad it could heal if the man just let his body rest for a couple of weeks but still it would make me feel bad not to help this man. "i..." as i heard and saw the old man was hesitant and is slowly uttering some words, i already feel that something was about to happen. "ahem... now that this guy is healed i want to talk to you sister maria..." "ahem, before you two yalk privately... young man are you the mysterious saint the people are talking about..?" this young man has the ability to heal this man and is even very calm when he just saw me punched this man, for his young age that is impossibl if he is not the "saint". "uhh..? saint? what's that..?" this old man i actually just wanna act the saint and let him believe a master is behind me, and now this old man is saying i'm the saint this is quite troublesome. "don't even bother to hide it young man, from the very moment i saw you i saw your overflowing mana... except for the church's saint then who might you be..?" this young man is quite smart trying to pretend the saint to make me believe his just an ordinary kid and that the "saint" is an unknown person, but that won't work on me this mana it should at least be at the level of an advance mage. "then... what if i am, what are you going to do old man?" i should get ready if a brawl breaks out, it's best to escape with sister maria first and let her take the children to somewhere safe and i'll stall this old man. as nyx hardened his bodily muscles to ready for a fight he circulated his mana and clenched his fist but didn't let the old man know he was getting ready for a fight, but still the old man managed to see through nyx with his eyes being covered by some kind of energy and in the eyes of the old man he can faintly see the mana flowing out of nyx's body and is strenthening his muscles and is flowing in a very calm and refined pace that nyx looked like a veteran fighter in the old man's eyes. I don't know who this old man was, his name was Helbert or whatever but I certainly don't know if he is an enemy or not, and judging from his mana flow it seems to be on the ready to be used in a fight as well, this might be hard as this old man even made this guy had injury with a light punch I'm sure he can do more if he goes all out. "Young man..! you shouldn't trust the church lightly! you are young and very talented, you shouldn't let your fate be decided by others... such as the damn pope..!" When I looked at the old man he walked at a very fast pace but I was dumbfounded when he suddenly feel down and kneeled to me pleading to not trust some church things, I was caught off guard and made a stupid face. "W-what church are you talking about old man..? I'm not a part of the church... haha" This old man made my heart skipped a bit for a moment he was fast, very fast that if I don't use blood manipulation I can't keep up with his movements. "Nonsense..! such a young talent can only come from a church... and even had a high level spell at that, I'm sure that was at least s 5th circle or 7th circle healing spell... you may not have remembered me but you healed my lost foot... and because of that I once again gained my lost pride and thought I at least need to protect you if I can't even protect my granddaughter..." This kid's future is bright... but with being tied to the church his future achievements will be very gloomy. "Ahem... sir Helbert, it seems you have misunderstood but Nyx is a son of a honourable 7th circle mage... and a Grand Master level swordsman, her mother is Zira and his father is called Terran the honourable mage his mother was the one who killed the Giant Dawn Tusk Boar..." It seems sir Helbert didn't know Nyx's family background and made a misunderstanding and the church being a dangerous place is right, the higher your rank in the church the more possibility that one will be either assassinated or be a pupet that the pope and the high ranking noble and king will use at their disposal. "This... is this true young man..?" I looked this old guy again and saw his face was full of shock and embarrassment. This old guy has a white beard but it shaped like the one's on the anime that a general would usually have but his hair on his head was mixed with blacked and white hair, with his sharp eyes and a scar on his face that looked like a daggers wound. "Yep... and I'm not in some kind of a cult group such as the church..." Blurgh church eh... they use such a sacred name back on earth to use as an excuse to exploit the peoples weaknesses pituih!
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