Chapter 16:Giant Dawn tusk Boar

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Everyone on the street heard that a beast horde was coming and the normal people started panicking, even the hunters panicked as they were the ones who would be the first to be in the front lines with the guards. "T-this is pretty bad right..?" "Y-yeah, how are we supposed to defend against this..." "This is too sudden we didn't even have time to prepare for a beast horde..." "All of you, stop being a chicken, we are hunters we should hunt them like what we do... and besides do you want to see your fellow people dying..? we have a family to protect get it together young hunters!" Aldway Blackmane was the leader of all the hunters and the veteran hunters believe in him since they were rookies in hunting, they've been together for more than five years and they trust their lives to Aldway Blackmane. When he made his speech he made them calm down and stabilize their emotions. "Ahem, Aldway Blackmane is right, panic is the cause of chaos and if you want that then you'll see your head flying in a battle field. Don't be scared hunters although the King of the Western Forest is unknown to us... we still have Terran and Zira!" The elder tried his best to boost the morale of the hunters, but he was not confident enough if Terran and Zira can defend the Grannar village... This might be the last day I stand on this hometown of mine... haiz it's alright for me because I already lived a long life. The elder looked at the young hunters the veteran hunters who have their own family and couldn't helo but be guilty, he thought it was his fault for not leading the village to prosperity... If only I had the talent to lead people... then maybe I could have saved a hundred lives of people here... The elder looked at Terran and Zira, Nyx their son is still so young, and the thought of lossing a family member at such a young age... is very sad and cruel for him. "This... what is this beast horde mama..?" "Hmmm... it is a very dangerous event where lower ranked beast is controlled and being commanded by a higher ranked beast, for example is an f class beast made a den but an E or D class beast made their way there... there is a big possibility that they are gonna get in a pact together and follow the higher ranked beast." "Yeah, that's basically it son but... what's more dangerous about this stuff is that, they mentioned about the King of the West Forest... which we don't know about and for the people to call it a King there must be a reason..." Terran didn't know what kind of Kingly beast lived at the West Forest and was also quite intimidated. "Hmmm... so mama you should start making pieces of weapons out of the spike I made earlier..." Although Nyx was also unsure if this King of the West Forest is strong or not he is sure that he can deal with a mortals afair. "Huh..? what are you on Nyx..? how am I supposed to make weapons with this... If even I can make it... or to be precise shape it into a weapon it still will be a blunt piece of metal..." Zira was quite confused by Nyx's words, he is still a child and don't understand how made a proper weapon. This was Zira's and Terran's words, but... "Isn't father a mage..? he can just chant a spell to it to sharpen it or use his earth element to further shape it... right papa, mama..?" The both of them were shocked! Zira really forgotten that Terran was still a mage but what made her forget is that Terran was a bruiser which fight a closer range than the usual and only thought of his spells that he used on a fight and neglected the fact that he was an orthodox mage! "T-that's right son... but how did you come up with this idea... even I forgotten about it..." "Y-yeah, even me I was only thinking of your spells as a bruiser and not as a mage..." Nyx coughed and thought to himself... I shouldn't have said that now I'm pretty suspicious to them, they might've know that I'm not an ordinary kid... and I don't want that maybe they'll... no no, no let's be positive and think for the future. "Uhm... it's because I read all of papa's books..." Nyx was holding his head as if he was guilty, but to his surprised Terran's face showed more surprised than him. "N-Nyx, how did you even read that..? only mages at the novice level can read through a book of spells and a Mage's books or records..." "HAHAHAHA, see I told you Zira that Nyx is special he can even already read a Mage's book, well let's talk about that later and focus on the current situation." "Well... is this alright..? if a noble or a mage with a higher rank came and saw Nyx's talent then..." Zira looked at Terran with a sorrowful and a pitiful look, Terran's heart shuddered in fear... what is he losses his son... what if his wife was forcefully taken from him what if he dies and leave the both of them, just the thought of it makes Terran terrified of the fact that he is weak. "Honey, how would that possibly happen, we are at the Grannar Village who noble or a mage would come to a mining village... there should just be merchants here and besides we also hold a tittle that the King has given us." "Uhum... but just the thought of it makes me sad Terran..! pls... protect us always honey..." Zira was in Terran's arms, she was holding Terran's shirt strongly as if she didn't want him to move. "Uhm... shouldn't we help them papa, mama..?" I get it that they are worried about me... but I'm strong enough to go against the world in my past life... so this time I'm gonna create a fake "me" with my blood essence the split my soul and put my memories and wait till that copy of my gains ego the same with mine and I can introduce it to my family as my "teacher" and made them believe a higher being is teaching me... hahaha that's a fool proof plan to be honest. "Uhm... How should I shape this as a sword... because my sword is based on the east... you might not like it..." "We don't dare say that ma'am..!" "Y-yeah, I also want to try how sharp a sword designed from the east cuts..." "Hahaha, me too I also want to know" "Yes, if you really create us a sword... then please you can design it however you want" "Hm... young man you are quite good, swords from the east are actually design to cut through enemies but... it is also very hard to make because of it's curve" "elder, do you know about this sword..?" "Yes, it should be called a "katana" right Zira..?" "K-katanna..?" "Katanna..?" The young hunters were very curious of this now and the more the elder said the more they expect the sword to be very good at cutting through the enemies. Nyx was very surprised to hear this familiar word he heard at animes, manga, and novels... a japanese sword Katana..! is it possible that I'm not the only one who was sent here..? But I should watch how Zira cuts the titanium. Zira now summoned the sword Mitsuki, which everyone other than their family know was in awe and saw how beautiful it was for a sword, a shiny thin blade with a hint of a blueish color and the hilt was designed that they were not familiar with, nut for some reason they liked it the moment they saw the blade, the hunter who was listening to the sideline and the elder who was familiar with this sword, Terran and Nyx, Nyx saw this sword mitsuki but he didn't know it was also a Katana and just thought it was a coincidence and someone just forged a curved blade. Zira focused and soon a silvery blueish glow enveloped Zira, but the mysterious glow concentrated to the blade Mitsuki, at first it was only faint but soon the strange energy started fluttering and the wind started to blow from the blade, "energy blade" *whizz* *whiz* *whiz* *whiz* When Zira said the word "Energy blade" the veteran hunter Aldway Blackmane and the young hunter named Darby reacted to it. "What energy blade..?" "W-what, and energy blade..? how is that possible..!" The elder was also surprised he only thought that Zira only used body enhancement magic as a swordsman but to his surprise her mastery of the sword has already reached to this level! "Uhum... this must be the reason they were sent here, but Zira shouldn't we prepare for the beast horde now..?" "Y-yeah... shouldn't you save your energy..?" "Don't worry elder, Zira can still fight after using energy blade a few times, so rest assured my wife is pretty strong after all" Terran explained to them and said why they were given the tittle guardian of the Grannar Village. "So yeah, we killed an S class beast with a dragon bloodline to booth at that!" "T-that doesn't seem too believable..." *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* Soon a sound of metal falling to the rocky road echoed in the street and the young hunters saw it, Zira was cutting the hard piece of silvery metal that even Darby's sword was shattered to bits, as if Zira was cutting a piece of wood to bits! "E-energy blade... it really is an energy blade shouldn't... shouldn't only a Knight General can do that..?" "T-that's right... then are you actually knights..?" At this time the hunters, to be precise the young hunters were shaking in fear they knew the punishment of being rude to a higher rank officer could even lead to death to all the family members, they couldn't help but ask Terran in fear as they were rude earlier. "huh? ah oh, no we were adventurers but we had much experiences and made acquaintance, so it's normal for us to learn a thing or two, so don't worry we are also just normal people like you"
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