Chapter 16.5:Giant Dawn tusk Boar's Nest

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After a while Terran, Zira and the hunters made it to the border of the Grannar Village and Nyx saw the pitiful fence made of wood, but the hunters are fairing find with the beast horde while my mom Zira are leading them... they are actually quite good... or is the weapon just too good..? hahaha either way the beast seems to be only composed of low level goblins and most of the rest are wild boars with different sizes at some even has tusk the size of a dagger... it might look dangerous but it is actually quite... fragile after all the hunters are cutting them down like a slab of meats... haha~ Nyx had a confused look at his face while thinking if his metal element was just too op for this world. Meanwhile Darby was having a hard time to believe that he could s*******r wild board like chickens running towards him, but what made him more surprised was that, that a D rank a black skinned bark boar who had a reputation of it's tough hide as tough as a trees bark wich made it hard for them to cut in a single hit and even possible of breaking their swords. One it is also classified by it's color, brown the common brown skin bark boar was normal it's hide was not as thick as the black skinned ones... it should be ranked at, brown, green, red, and the blacked skinned bark boar... "But to my surprise this sword... no this Katanna, is really made to cut down enemies because of the curve shape which makes the point contact of the blade in a small surface which makes it easier to cut not like the normal blade wich has a thicker blade and a straight design which can only trust your enemies or s***h them but not cut them through... this is simply... amazing!" Aldway blackmane also had the same exact thoughts as Darby but it wasn't just because of it's design. "It was also probably because it was enchanted with toughness and sharpen by Terran... but toughness only makes an object a little bit tougher and not more... and sharpness just refine the blade and make it sharper without a blacksmith sharpening and polishing the blade... but it could also be..." Aldway Blackmane looked at Nyx who was on the top of the wooden gate and observe with Terran and Nyx. "That kid... the one named Nyx is pretty talented... well..." "Orah..!" Blackmane observe Zira fighting the hordes of beast, and to their surprise it was like a sickle mowing down grass wave after wave the body of wild boars and magical beast piled up, Zira was cutting down the black skinned bark boar like some pork chop in the market, they simple stood no chance of course this boosted the hunters morale. "If I remember correctly they just cut the silver metal spike to pieces while the mage named Terran enchanted it with basic spells... Flashback: *Clang**clang**clang**clang* Phew... this silvery metal is really hard... even with my energy blade it took me to cut it, to three whole minutes... just what is this metal anyway... Zira looked at Nyx but disregarded the fact that the silvery metal they thought it was just a smooth fragile silver metal. Darby looked at the smooth thin cuts of metal on ground, they aren't really looking looking a a sword though... The other hunters also thought of this, and Blackmane was the first one to question the elder. "Elder... just what is Zira doing..? "Hoho, young man just wait... because I also don't know what they are doing to that silver metal..." *w-what..?!* All the hunters were left speechless by the elders reply, they thought it was absurd to use this kind of thin metal to fight. But soon Terran walked closer to Zira and patter her shoulder. "Good work honey~" "Phew, it was very hard to cut... it's your turn to enchant this pieces of metal honey..." "Yeah, just rest well there honey" Nyx was very curious how Terran will upgrade this pieces of Titanium metal using magic, so he focused his mana at his eyes to enhance his own vision above the normal human can see. "Hmmm... let's see how my father Terran does this "enchanting" does to the titanium..." The elder was quite curious as well and walked towards Zira while the hunters slowly followed the elder and listen carefully, as this may decide the outcome of their own battle and lives, they can only trust their swords to cut the enemies. "Ahem, not to be rude to you Zira but... what is Terran going to do with those unrefined pieces of metal..." "I get your concern elder, but... don't worry Terran is one of the best Mage's I know in the past and in this time, so just trust him." Nyx saw that the elder was quite uneasy and understand, because who would want to bet their lives on a piece of junk metal that can barely be seen as a sword... but if worst comes to worst I'll use the Mysthc revolving body technique and grow my body to at least a teenage body... and activate my ember eye's to burn those beast, so nothing to be worried about except... when I use the ember eye's it uses so much soul power that'll it'll drain me till I pass out but that's all good if it's to save this people's life which my family trust and guard. "Hmmm... should I enchant it sharpening and hardening..? well hardening can really harden a material because it comprises it to the user's limit to compress a certain things like swords... hmmm... and maybe if I adjust it I can continue shaping this crude shape of metal, well whatever let's try it" "Terran honey are you ready... we might be late to fight those beast horde..." Terran had a disdainful look when he heard his wife's ranting, what the, she's more of a man than I am... wanting to fight as soon as possible... haiz I'm just gonna finish this fast, in order to save much more people... Back to the present... Blackmane saw just how strong Zira really were, he saw the gap of their own strength Zira was mowing down the horde of wild boars who has two times of her size, in a moment he saw the beast running towards Zira but as soon as he blink for a moment he saw guts, eye balls, limbs and heads fly through the air. "W-wha-t~? what just happened... the black skinned bark boar where is it~?!" Blackmane panicked for a moment but Darby came to his side shouting "Captain... Captain! Captain! Captain Aldway..!" "D-Darby~..?" "The boars... they are being slaughtered by ma'am Zira captain..!" "Darby stop spouting nonsense... if you have time to joke around then focus on fighting..!" "W-what..? no captain look at the ground were Zira had walked to... you'll see a pile of corpses of the magical beast..." "What nonsense are you-" Aldway Blackmane's eye's as he saw the corpses piled up the dusty ground, he looked at his teammates and saw their determination fighting for their survival while he was still dumbfounded by this unbelievable sight before his very own eye's, he saw how mentally weak he was. Zira was paving a road full of corpses the archer's on the gate started to shoot as their morale was boosted by the sight they were seeing, a woman at that was fighting bravely while the lot of them just watched and terrified by the news of a beast horde was coming to the Grannar village. "Archer's, hold your positions and aim at the weaker wild beast and do not hinder the brave warrior fighter at the front..!" The captain of the guards recovered much faster than the rests... that proves his above the rest of the normal guards. Nyx was observing how this people are gonna manage this battle, but he saw that her mom Zira can turn the tables around alone, then how about his father Terran if he joined in then this battle is already decided. "papa why don't you join the fight..?" "huh? oh 'cuz I'm here to protect you son!" Terran squated down bump his and Nyx's head showing his fatherly love. "Um..." "Oh sorry Nyx that might've hurt your head..." "N-no... I-I" "What is it Nyx..?" "I wanna try fighting..." "What..? hahaha you are too eager son, maybe next time when your older" "Ahem, young man you have the courage of lion, you want to fight... Cam Kendrick, you can just call me Kenny, that's my nickname" "Oh... hello Mr. Kenny... My name's Terran Strom just call me Terran, and this naughty boy is Nyx son and..." "I see that your boy is very alike to her mother..." "Hahaha, so you know Zira..?" "Of course all swordsman at ky age would know such a young talent... but sadly she is stuck at our small kingdom..." "Yeah..." "Ahem, captain don't be so rude... My name's Eadwig Hunter, I'm the vice captain of this ragtag Guards at the Grannar village, let me apologize for the rudeness of our captain earlier please my crude apology sir Terran..." "Captain we the scout teported that they may have found a nest monsters with a leader that could possibly be at B class or class A monster" 9D8ZPG24-free 20 coins code
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